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    高中英语 Unit The universal language Extended reading ppt课件_2022新牛津译林版高中英语选择性必修第一册 ppt 课件 _2022 牛津 译林版 下载 _选择性必修第一册_牛津译林版(2020)_英语_高中

    1、牛津译林版高中英语选择性必修一课件Unit 2 The universal language Extended reading Beethoven:a remarkable life 制作者:桂东一中李宇平 内容分析内容分析 【What】本板块的语篇是一篇杂志本板块的语篇是一篇杂志文章。文章介绍了音乐家贝多芬的生文章。文章介绍了音乐家贝多芬的生平故事:贝多芬在孩提时代就展现出平故事:贝多芬在孩提时代就展现出过人的音乐天赋;少年时代崭露头角,过人的音乐天赋;少年时代崭露头角,受到当时音乐界许多重要人物的肯定;受到当时音乐界许多重要人物的肯定;到青年时代他却遭遇重大打击,逐渐到青年时代他却遭遇重大


    3、习本板块,要让大家明白一个人的成功仅有天赋让大家明白一个人的成功仅有天赋是不够的,后天的努力和坚强的意是不够的,后天的努力和坚强的意志往往会成为更关键的因素。志往往会成为更关键的因素。【How】本板块的语篇是一篇人本板块的语篇是一篇人物小传类型的文章,最大的特点是物小传类型的文章,最大的特点是采用了采用了闪回(倒叙)闪回(倒叙)的写作手法。的写作手法。文章文章开篇开篇就描写了贝多芬的高光时就描写了贝多芬的高光时刻刻 失聪许久,阔别舞台多年后,失聪许久,阔别舞台多年后,贝多芬带着自己苦心创作的贝多芬带着自己苦心创作的第九第九交响曲交响曲登台演出,并且获得巨大登台演出,并且获得巨大成功;成功;接下


    5、意志。面对挫折所展现出来的坚强意志。在结构上,在结构上,过渡句的使用过渡句的使用使得文章使得文章段与段之间内容的切换顺畅自然,段与段之间内容的切换顺畅自然,整体性强。整体性强。教学目标教学目标 By the end of this section,we will be able to:1.tell the story of Beethovens remarkable life;2.give a brief introduction to Beethovens Symphony No.9;3.find out the qualities of Beethoven as a great music

    6、ian;4.analyse what makes a great musician and explain the reasons;5.master the writing techniques of this article.教学过程教学过程(一)(一)理解理解1.Look at a portrait of Beethoven and talk about what we know about him and his music.(1)Who is Beethoven?(2)What is he most famous for?He is a great classical musician

    7、.He is most famous for his Symphony No.9.Read the magazine article about the great classical musician Ludwig van Beethoven.Beethoven:a remarkable life On 7 May 1824,a crowd of music lovers streamed into a theatre in Vienna to hear the first-ever(首次的首次的)performance of the great Ludwig van Beethovens

    8、Symphony No.9.stream鱼贯而行鱼贯而行;涌动涌动;蜂拥蜂拥 Refugees have been streaming into Travnik for months.几个月来不断几个月来不断有难民涌入特拉夫尼克。有难民涌入特拉夫尼克。The traffic streamed past him.车一辆一辆地从他身边疾驶而过。车一辆一辆地从他身边疾驶而过。People streamed past us.人们从我们身旁涌过。人们从我们身旁涌过。The crowd immediately recognized that they were listening to something

    9、 truly special,and they broke into enthusiastic cheers at the end of the symphony.Beethoven,who was almost completely deaf at this point in his life,was unaware of the audiences response until one of the singers turned him around to face the crowd.break into sth A.强行闯入;撬开(汽车等)强行闯入;撬开(汽车等)We had our

    10、car broken into last week.我们的车上周被撬了。我们的车上周被撬了。B.突然开始(笑、唱等)突然开始(笑、唱等)As the Presidents car drew up,the crowd broke into loud applause.总统的座车停下时,人群中爆发出热总统的座车停下时,人群中爆发出热烈的掌声。烈的掌声。C.突然开始(跑);开始快跑突然开始(跑);开始快跑 He broke into a run when he saw the police.他看见警察,撒腿就跑。他看见警察,撒腿就跑。D.(British English)找开(大面值钞票找开(大面值

    11、钞票买小额商品)买小额商品)I had to break into a 20 to pay the bus fare.我只好找开一张我只好找开一张20英镑的钞票买车票。英镑的钞票买车票。E.启用(应急备用品)启用(应急备用品)They had to break into the emergency food supplies.他们不得不动用应急食物。他们不得不动用应急食物。Before him,he saw a sea of(大量大量;茫茫茫一片茫一片)people all standing,clapping,and waving their hats and handkerchiefs to

    12、 express their appreciation of his masterwork.Symphony No.9 was Beethovens last major piece of music in a vast body of works written throughout his remarkable life.body of sth 大量;大批;大堆大量;大批;大堆 a vast body of evidence/information/research大量证据大量证据/信息信息/研究研究 large bodies of water(=lakes or seas)大片水域大片水

    13、域 There is a powerful body of opinion against the ruling.裁决引起一片哗然。裁决引起一片哗然。As a gifted child,Beethoven was pushed(鼓励;督促;逼迫鼓励;督促;逼迫)by his father to study music day and night.Not long after,he began to be appreciated for his piano performances.By the time he was a teenager,he had already enjoyed a re

    14、putation as a wonderful young musician.Many important figures in the music world,including the brilliant musician Mozart mts:t,started making predictions about Beethovens extraordinary future.However,life took a sharp turn.In his late twenties,Beethoven suffered one of the worst possible twists(意外转折

    15、意外转折;重大转机重大转机)for a musician:he started to lose his hearing.turn(异乎寻常或意外的)变化,转(异乎寻常或意外的)变化,转变变 a surprising turn of events意想不到的事态变化意想不到的事态变化 His health has taken a turn for the worse(=suddenly got worse).他的健康状况突然恶化。他的健康状况突然恶化。Events took a dramatic turn in the weeks that followed.在以后的几周里,事态急转直下。在以后的

    16、几周里,事态急转直下。The book is,by turns,funny and very sad.这部书时而妙趣横生,时这部书时而妙趣横生,时而悲悲戚戚。而悲悲戚戚。The loss of his hearing deeply(与与某些动词连用某些动词连用)深刻地,强烈地,深刻地,强烈地,深沉地深沉地depressed Beethoven.He was so upset that,at first,he wanted to keep it a secret.In a letter to his brothers,he wrote,“how could I possibly admit a

    17、weakness in the one sense which should be more perfect in me than in others,a sense which I once possessed in the greatest perfection”Even in his darkest moments,however,Beethoven never abandoned hope.Despite his hearing loss,he was determined to find a way to continue living a life full of music.He

    18、 used a variety of hearing aids to try to increase the amount of sound he could take in.When composing music at the piano,he would put one end of a pencil in his mouth and place the other end against(紧靠紧靠)the instrument so that he could feel the notes.despite|dspat|prep.A.即使;尽管即使;尽管,=in spite of Her

    19、 voice was shaking despite all her efforts to control it.尽管她竭尽尽管她竭尽全力控制自己,声音仍然在颤抖。全力控制自己,声音仍然在颤抖。Despite applying for hundreds of jobs,he is still out of work.尽管他申尽管他申请了数百个工作,但仍然在失业中。请了数百个工作,但仍然在失业中。She was good at physics despite the fact that she found it boring.尽管她尽管她认为物理枯燥无味,她却学得很好。认为物理枯燥无味,她却学得

    20、很好。B.despite yourself 尽管(自己)不尽管(自己)不愿意愿意,=in spite of He had to laugh despite himself.他不想笑,但还是忍不住笑了出来。他不想笑,但还是忍不住笑了出来。take sthin A.吸入,吞入(体内)吸入,吞入(体内)B.改小,改瘦(衣服)改小,改瘦(衣服)C.无被动态无被动态 包括;包含包括;包含 The tour takes in six European capitals.这次旅游包括六个欧洲国家的首都。这次旅游包括六个欧洲国家的首都。D.无被动态无被动态 去看,观看(电影等)去看,观看(电影等)I gene

    21、rally take in a show when Im in New York.我每次去纽约通常总会看一场演出。我每次去纽约通常总会看一场演出。E.注意到;看到注意到;看到 He took in every detail of her appearance.他仔仔细细打量了她一番。他仔仔细细打量了她一番。F.理解;领会;记住理解;领会;记住 Halfway through the chapter I realized I hadnt taken anything in.这一章我读到一半才意识到我根本这一章我读到一半才意识到我根本没有看懂。没有看懂。Although Beethoven was

    22、 able to continue composing music,it became increasingly difficult for him to perform in public.When Beethoven presented(上演;公演;上演;公演;推出推出)Symphony No.9 in Vienna in 1824,it was his first time on stage in over ten years.Since that day,Beethovens Symphony No.9 has become one of the most famous and tre

    23、asured pieces in the history of classical music.The first movement(乐章乐章)starts quietly,but all of a sudden the whole orchestra breaks into an energetic(充满活力的充满活力的)theme(乐曲乐曲的的)主题,主旋律主题,主旋律.You can soon feel the determinationa quality Beethoven understood well because of his hearing difficultiescours

    24、ing through the music.course(液体液体)快速地流动快速地流动;奔流奔流 The tears coursed down his cheeks.他泪如雨下。他泪如雨下。When youre sitting still,you need less blood coursing through your arteries.静坐时动脉血液流动较缓。静坐时动脉血液流动较缓。The next two movements are full of desperate lows(低声部低声部)and uplifting highs(高声部高声部)which perhaps reflec

    25、t both his suffering and his strong will to fight it.The music moves through technically difficult sections with ease,showing his genius as a composer.Finally,in the fourth movement,he connects all of the different variations(变奏;变奏曲变奏;变奏曲)into a joyful chorus.(他将他将一系列形态各异的变奏整合为一阕欢乐的合唱一系列形态各异的变奏整合为一阕

    26、欢乐的合唱)As Beethovens last great work,his Symphony No.9 was also a grand finale fn:li to his lifehe died less than three years after the concert in Vienna,aged 56.For his amazing achievements and for his determination even in his darkest days,Beethoven is regarded as one of the most remarkable musicia

    27、ns who ever lived.2.Read the article again and fill in the following mind map about its outline.Symphony No.9the loss of hearingIntroduction to Symphony No.9reputation and achievements 3.Read paragraph 1 and answer the following questions.(1)What happened on 7 May 1824 in Vienna?A crowd of music lov

    28、ers streamed into a theatre to listen to the first-ever performance of Beethovens Symphony No.9.(2)What was wrong with Beethoven at that time?He was almost completely deaf and was unaware of the audiences response.(3)How did the audience react to Beethovens performance?4.Read paragraph 2 and fill in

    29、 the following flow chart about Beethovens life journey.They all stood,clapped and waved their hats and handkerchiefs to express their appreciation of Beethovens masterpiece.studying music day and nightbeing appreciated for his piano performancesenjoying a reputation as a wonderful young musiciansuf

    30、fering the worst possible twist:gradual loss of hearing 5.Read paragraph 3 and answer the second question of part A on page 26.What was the biggest problem Beethoven faced in his life?How did he try to overcome this problem?Beethoven suffered from the loss of hearing,which could be the most terrible

    31、 thing to happen to a musician.To overcome this problem,he used a variety of hearing aids.He would put one end of a pencil in his mouth and place the other end against the instrument.In this way,he could feel the notes.6.Read paragraph 4 and complete the following tasks.(1)Complete the notes below.B

    32、eethovens Symphony No.9 About the first movement The first movement starts quietly,but(1)_ the whole orchestra breaks into an(2)_ theme.You can soon feel the(3)_ coursing through the music.all of a sudden/suddenlyenergetic determination About the second and third movements They are full of(4)_ and(5

    33、)_,reflecting his(6)_ and(7)_.The music moves through technically difficult sections(8)_,showing his genius as a composer.About the fourth movement All the different variations are connected into a final(9)_.desperate lows uplifting highs sufferingstrong will with ease joyful chorus (2)Finish questi

    34、on 3 in part A on page 26 based on the notes above.How can you briefly introduce Beethovens Symphony No.9 using the information in the article?Symphony No.9 is Beethovens last major piece of music and one of the most famous and treasured pieces in the history of classical music.Consisting of four mo

    35、vements,it begins quietly,and suddenly it becomes full of energy.What follows is a musical journey of lows and highs that show his technical skill as a composer.Finally,the variations from the first three movements are connected in the final fourth movement which ends with a joyful chorus.The piece

    36、shows Beethovens genius as a composer while reflecting both his suffering and his strong will.He composed and performed it when he was almost completely deaf.It was his amazing skill and determination even in times of great difficulties that allowed him to complete it.7.Read paragraph 5 and answer t

    37、he following question.What do you think of Beethoven and his Symphony No.9?Beethoven is one of the most remarkable musicians who ever lived and his Symphony No.9 was the grand finale to his life which has become one of the most famous and treasured pieces in the history of classical music.(二)(二)赏析赏析

    38、1.Find out Beethovens qualities as a musician by adding nouns to the following chart.determinationdesiretalentpassion酷爱酷爱persistence毅力;锲而不舍毅力;锲而不舍diligencecreativityintelligence 2.Discuss the question in part B on page 26 based on the chart above.What do you think makes a great musician?Make a list

    39、of the qualities and explain why they are important.Talent Having a talent for music can help a musician develop into a great musician.Creativity Imagination and artistic vision allow a great musician to create music that is unique.Determination Being a musician is not easy,and when things go wrong,

    40、he or she must be able to get through those darkest moments in order to achieve greatness.Passion To have a passion for music means that a great musician loves what he or she is doing,so it is not just a job or a career;instead,it is an important part of his or her life.3.Analyse the writing techniq

    41、ues of this article by answering the following questions.(1)What is the structure of the article?(question 1 of part A on page 26)The article begins by describing an event that highlights one of Beethovensgreatest achievements:the 1824 Vienna concert,where Beethoven gave hisfirst-ever performance of

    42、 Symphony No.9.The next two paragraphs flash back to(回忆;回想;回顾回忆;回想;回顾;闪回,倒叙闪回,倒叙)Beethovens early life as a child,and into his teenage years,when his career as a wonderful young musician began.The flashback also takes us to his late twenties,a time in which he started to lose his hearing.Paragraph f

    43、our moves on to开始做开始做(别的事别的事);换话题;换话题 introduce the movements of Symphony No.9.It also focuses on Beethovens qualities and genius as a composer with hearing difficulties.The article concludes with a summary of Beethovens determination and amazing achievements as a musician right up to his death less

    44、 than three years after the Vienna concert.Tip:Identifying flashback in a text In some texts,the events are not put(表述;表达表述;表达)exactly in time order;instead,an event that happened earlier is put in the middle of the main story,which is called flashback.You can tell you are reading a flashback when t

    45、he story goes back to the past with a change of scene.There is usually a transitional sentence indicating the change.(2)Can you find the transitional trnznl(过渡性的过渡性的)sentence that enables you to tell you are reading a flashback?And try to explain the function of it.The transitional sentence is the f

    46、irst sentence in paragraph 2:“Symphony No.9 was Beethovens last major piece of music in a vast body of works written throughout his remarkable life.”It serves as a link between the preceding prsid(前面的前面的)scene of the first-ever performance of Symphony No.9 and Beethovens life journey that is described in the following paragraphs.

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    本文标题:Unit 2 The universal language Extended reading (ppt课件)-2022新牛津译林版《高中英语》选择性必修第一册.pptx
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