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    关 键  词:
    高中英语 Unit 短语重点句型ppt课件_2022新牛津译林版高中英语选择性必修第二册 短语 重点 句型 ppt 课件 _2022 牛津 译林版 选择性 必修 第二 下载 _选择性必修第二册_牛津译林版(2020)_英语_高中

    1、十分受全世界人们欢迎enjoy great popularity among people across the world每四年every four years成千上万训练有素、天赋过人的运动员thousands of highly trained and talented athletes聚集gather together本着友谊、团结和公平竞争的精神in the spirit of friendship,solidarity and fair play准备互相较量be ready to test their abilities against each other希望成为举世公认的顶尖选

    2、手in the hope of being recognized as the best of the best一件非凡的体育赛事an extraordinary sporting event被允许参加be allowed to participate允许做某事allow doing sth.角逐诸如拳击、赛跑和跳远等项目 compete in such events as boxing,running and the long jump灭绝die out在公元393年前后around the year 393使奥运会重获生机bring the Olympics back to life帮助不

    3、同种族的人们help people of different origins和平地生活在一起live side by side in peace来自不同背景的人from different backgrounds共同努力帮助实现顾拜旦的梦想make joint efforts to realize Coubertins dream在原先奥运口号“更快、更高、更强”的激励下motivated by the original Olympic motto”Faster,Higher,Stronger”致力于取得卓越的体育成绩devote/commit/dedicate oneself to achi

    4、eving sporting excellence推进人类成就之极限push the boundaries of human achievement引起关注关注come to public attention赢得轻量级金牌win the light heavyweight gold medal在过程中展现了优秀的天赋和品格demonstrate great talent and personality接着又成为世界重量级拳击冠军proceed to become the world heavyweight champion将名字改为我们耳熟能详的阿里change the name to the

    5、 one we all know在开幕式点燃奥运火炬light the flame at the opening ceremony被公认为有史以来最伟大的拳击手之一be recognized as one of the greatest boxers of all time另一位值得称赞的运动员another sportsperson that should be applauded一个非凡的勤奋与执着的榜样a remarkable example of hard work and devotion导致优异的体育成就 lead to/result in/contribute to sporti

    6、ng excellence赢得奥运金牌win an Olympic gold medal似乎这还不足够as if/though that were not enough重返奥运会return to the Olympics生孩子;诞生;产生give birth to她一贯良好表现的秘诀the secret of her consistent good performance号召全世界共享奥运精神call on the whole world to join in the Olympic spirit为人类共建美好未来build a better future for humankind以“同一

    7、个世界同一个梦想”为口号with the slogan of“One World,One Dream”在奖牌榜位列第一rank first in the medal table着实令人瞩目 truly remarkable中国体育不了阻挡的上升势头the unstoppable upward trend for Chinese sport成为亚洲赢得男子110米跨栏金牌第一人become the first to win the gold medal in the mens 110-meter hurdles在决赛中艰苦作战取得了胜利win a hard-fought victory中国有一个

    8、历史性时刻another historic moment for China成功举办2022年冬季奥运会successfully host the 2022 Winter Olympics在赢得选举后after winning the election为世人带来喜悦和激动bring joy and excitement to people across the world庆祝它的到来celebrate its advent进取的决心its will to ascend奥运会的青年版the youth version of the Olympic Games年龄在15到18岁之间的年轻运动员yo

    9、ung athletes aged between 15 and 18角逐各种体育项目compete in a wide range of sports大多数运动the majority of sports与相同be identical to给有天赋的青少年一个与来自不同背景的同行运动员联系的机会give teenagers a chance to connect with fellow athletes fromdiverse backgrounds在不同文化之间架起桥梁build bridges between different cultures以混合小组为特征的比赛competitio

    10、ns featuring(characterized by)mixed teams混合游泳接力赛mixed swimming relays男女运动员male and female athletes不同的国籍different nationalities荣幸地举办第二节夏季青奥会have the honor of hosting the second Summer Youth Olympic games另一大成功之处another great success位居奖牌榜榜首top the medal table为竭力取得体育优异成就的运动员喝彩try hard to achieve sportin

    11、g excellence值得称赞 deserve applause/to be applauded/applauding在竞技领域之外beyond the field of play官方的非体育角色official non-sporting roles为做好准备be ready for继续参加奥运会proceed to participate in the Olympic Games在我胸口快速跳动beat rapidly in my chest找一个阴凉的地方来歇息我疲倦的身体find a shady place to rest my tired body听见自己呼吸沉重hear mysel

    12、f breathing heavily回归正常return to normal反思所取得的成绩reflect on/upon what has/had been achieved业余爱好者的城市半程马拉松a city half-marathon for amateurs为慈善筹集资金raise money for charity鼓励我参加encourage me to take part尽管我缺乏跑步锻炼despite my lack of running exercise为了怒伤害我的膝盖和脚踝in order not to hurt my knees or ankles逐渐增加距离grad

    13、ually increase the distance确保让我的身体有足够时间休息和恢复make sure to allow my body enough time to rest and recover坚持到终点get through to the end放松地自信地跑比赛run my race relaxed and confident考验我的极限test my limits为自己感到自豪feel proud of oneself在桌旁就坐take ones place at the table看起来像一列士兵列队接受检阅look like an army of soldiers stan

    14、ding in line for inspection退后一步take a step back满一地看着这个场面look at the scene with satisfaction拥有强健的体质跑那么远have a strong constitution to run that far做准备make preparations耐心等待wait patiently消息传来Word spread that.将水倒进杯子里pour water into the cups弯腰拾起塑料瓶bend over to pick up a plastic bottle开始清理start cleaning up浑

    15、身汗湿be wet with sweat758次出场make 758 appearances打进49球score 49 goals赢得许多荣誉earn many honors运动奖项athletic awards被誉为be known as 顶尖选手之一one of the leading players中场控球能力the ability to control the midfield决心与坚强的意志力决心与坚强的意志力determination and strong willpower通常通常more often than not沉浸在辉煌时刻沉浸在辉煌时刻be lost/absorbed/

    16、immersed in the glory of the moment感到愤愤不平和挫败感感到愤愤不平和挫败感be left with bitter taste and a feeling of failure位居第二位居第二come/rank second敬重获胜者honor winners成为名人become celebrities不管你是第一还是最后一名whether you come first or last面对两个对手face two opponents同行竞争者fellow competitors赢得谦卑win with humility输得光彩lose with grace有尊

    17、严地with dignity为表彰这样的运动员精神in praise of such acts of sportsmanship为他的滑雪橇赛创造了辉煌时刻produce an excellent time for his downhill run不能竞争be unable to compete毫不犹豫without hesitation继续创纪录go on to achieve a record time帮助同行竞争者的非凡的、无私的决定the remarkable,unselfish desicion to help a fellow competitor为我们所有人树立榜样set an

    18、example to us all使语言更丰富多彩并具有表现力make language more colourful and expressive日常生活不可分割的一部分an inseparable part of day-to-day life进入每一种语言find their way into every language看一看take/have a look at被认为来自足球be thought/considered to have come from football将球踢进或用头顶入对方球门kick or head the ball into the opposing teams

    19、 goal固定在地面上的两大门柱two goalposts fixed to the ground每次你有机会进球时every time you have the chance to score不公平地改变规则或要求unfairly change the rules or requirements即将实现他的年终销售目标be about to reach his annual sales target抱怨改变规则的公司complain about the company moving the goalposts意外将球踢进或用头顶进自己的球网accidentally kick or head

    20、the ball into ones own net发生在某人身上happen to sb.无意地伤害他们自己的利益unintentionally harm their own interests据说进了乌龙球be said to have scored an own goal做出一个事与愿违的决定make a decision which backfires terribly可能做过某事might have done sth.棒球场的某个地方somewhere in the ballpark由于这一原因for this reason另一个常见的棒球习语another common baseb

    21、all expression对.做出回应respond to顾名思义as it suggests做出三次击球的不成功尝试make three unsuccessful attempts to hit the ball谈论人们失败的情况talk about the situation where people fail在浪费三个机会之后after wasting three chances击打对手腰部下面hit the opponent below the waist做出不公正和刻薄的评论make an unfair and cruel remark将之描述为不公正describe it as

    22、below the belt独自地on ones own意味承认失败mean admitting defeat设法成功做某事make it成为中国女排主教练become head coach of the Chinese womens volleyball team指导中国女排赢得金牌coach the Chinese womens volleyball team to win the gold medal熬夜准备接下来的比赛stay up late preparing for the next games对对其他选手表示尊重其他选手表示尊重show respect to other play

    23、ers佳句背诵佳句背诵1.It was a Frenchman,Pierre de Coubertin,who brought the Olympics back to life.2.By the time he died in 2016,Ali had been recognized as one of the greatest boxers of all time.3.As if/though that were not enough,she returned to the Olympics and won a silver medal in 2016,just two years aft

    24、er giving birth to her first child.4.With the Olympic Games,each generation celebrates its advent,its joy of living,its faith in the future,its ambition and its will to ascend.5.More often than not,winning has the victor walking on air,lost in the glory of the moment,while the loser is left with a bitter taste and a feeling of failure.

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    本文标题:Unit 2 短语重点句型(ppt课件)-2022新牛津译林版《高中英语》选择性必修第二册.pptx
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