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人教版人教版 英语英语 七年级上册七年级上册Period 4 Section B (2a-2c)Unit7 How much are these socks?Many clothing stores offer discounts during the holidays.课文导入课文导入2a.How much do you think these things cost?Match each clothing item with a price.1.a skirt _2.a sweater _ 3.socks_ 4.trousers _ 5.shorts_6.shoes_a$3 c$30 e$22b$15 d$20 f$25 ceafbd课文呈现课文呈现2b.Read the ad and fill in the price tags.Mr.Cools Clothes Store Come and buy your clothes at our great sale!We sell all our clothes at very good prices.Do you like sweaters?We have green sweaters for only$15!Yellow sweaters are only$12!Do you need trousers?For boys,we have black trousers for only$22.And shorts are only$16!For girls,we have skirts in purple for only$20.How much are our jackets?Only$30!And we have black shoes for only$28.Socks are only$2 for three pairs!Come to Mr.Cools Clothes Store now!$15$12$22$16$20$30$28$2 clothes 指衣服,作主语时,谓语动词用复数;指衣服,作主语时,谓语动词用复数;clothes不能直接与数词连用,但可以用不能直接与数词连用,但可以用these,those,some等词修饰;表示等词修饰;表示“一套衣服一套衣服”用用a suit of clothes,谓语动词应和,谓语动词应和suit在单复数形式上保在单复数形式上保持一致。持一致。1知识点1 clothes/klz/n.衣服,服装衣服,服装知识讲解知识讲解eg:Those clothes are mine.那些衣服是我的。This suit of clothes is Jims.这套衣服是吉姆的。Those suits of clothes are on sale now.那些套衣服现在正在销售。clothes衣服指各种衣服,作主语时,谓语动词用复数clothing衣服为衣物总称,是集合名词,无复数形式,作主语时,谓语动词用单数 辨析辨析clothes与与clothing2eg:His clothing is always clean.他的衣服总是干净的。These clothes _ very cheap.Ais Bbe Care DamBeg:You can get this sweater at a great sale.你可以在大减价时买这件毛衣。知识点2 sale/seIl/n.特价销售,出售特价销售,出售sale是动词是动词sell的名词形式,意为的名词形式,意为“出售出售”。at a great sale相当于相当于on sale,意为,意为“减价减价出售出售”。1【重点重点】辨析辨析for sale与与 on sale2for sale表示“待售;供出售”on sale表示“出售、减价出售”eg:This house is for sale.此房待售。There are some nice apples on sale in that shop.那个商店有些优质苹果在出售。For girls 意为意为“对女孩来说对女孩来说”,这里的,这里的For表示对象,意表示对象,意为为“对对来说来说”;for only$20意为意为“只售只售20美元美元”,这里的这里的for表示物品的价格。表示物品的价格。eg:For students,study is the most important thing.对学生来说,学习是最重要的事。Hats in all colors are for¥25.各种颜色的帽子都卖25元。知识点3For girls,we have skirts in purple for only$20.对女孩子来说对女孩子来说,我们有紫色的裙子只售我们有紫色的裙子只售20美元。美元。知识点in的用法的用法知识点4in purple介词短语紫颜色的介词短语紫颜色的in介词in和后面表示颜色的词一起构成介词短语作后置定语,表示“.颜色的”,句中skirts in purple意为“紫色的裙子”,相当于purple skirts。Zhao Liying wears a sweater in red.=Zhao Liying wears a red sweater.赵丽颖穿着一件红色毛衣。知识讲解知识讲解inin 后接表示颜色的名词还可以表示“穿着.颜色的衣服”。The girl in black is Lily.穿黑衣服的女孩是丽丽。in 可以接表示衣服的名词,表示“穿着.”Lily is in a white dress.丽丽穿着一件白色的连衣裙。Welcome to our store.We have skirts _ all colors _$16 each.A.at;in B.in;for C.at;at D.in;inB2c.Imagine you work at Mr.Cools Clothes Store.Complete the conversation and practice it in a group.You:Hello,_I help you?Girl:Yes,please.I need a _.You:How about these purple _?Girl:Oh,I like this one.How _ is it?You:Its only _ dollars.Girl:Oh,good.Ill _ it.canskirtskirtsmuch20take课文呈现课文呈现You:And what do you need?Boy:Well,I need a pair of black _ for school.You:What about this pair?Theyre _ twentyeight _.Boy:Great.And do you have shorts,too?You:Yes,our shorts are only _dollars.Boy:OK.Ill take the _ and the _shoesonlydollars16shoesshortspair是可数名词,常与数词及是可数名词,常与数词及of连用,后接表示连用,后接表示成双成对物品的名词,如成双成对物品的名词,如shoes(鞋鞋),gloves(手套手套),glasses(眼镜眼镜),trousers(裤子裤子),socks(短袜短袜)等。等。eg:I want to buy a pair of new shoes.我想买一双新鞋子。There are two pairs of glasses on the desk.桌子上有两副眼镜。知识点5a pair of一对,一双一对,一双知识讲解知识讲解一、用方框内单词的适当形式填空一、用方框内单词的适当形式填空(每个词仅用一次每个词仅用一次)1We have sweaters for _ and girls.2How are you?Im _ well.Thank you.3The purple jacket is on _ today.4There are four big _ in the small town.5My _ are on the bed.saleclothesverystores clothes,store,very,sell,boyboys课堂练习课堂练习二、单项选择二、单项选择6This _ is small.Do you have a big one?Asocks Bshorts Ctrousers Dskirt7Linda_a new eraser_the store in the school.A.sells;of B.sells;from C.buys;from D.buys;toDC8The prices of the clothes at the shop are very _.Ahigh BexpensiveChigher Dmore expensive9I have a new bag_.Aat this color Ball color Call colors Din that colorAD10Pears from Dangshan are_ for¥2.5.Aon sell Bin saleCon sale Dfor sell11My father buys me a new watch_ a high(高的)price.Aon Bas Cfor DatCD12Premier Li(李总理)said we should speed up(加速)the Internet and lower(降低)the_.Amoney Bprice Cvalue Dservice13_girls,you can buy socks.They are only¥5 for two pairs.AOn BAt CIn DForBD14Please come_buy your clothes_ Huaxing Clothes Store.Ato;about Bat;for Cand;at Dto;for15They can _ some fruit _ us.Abuy;to Bbuy;atCsell;from Dsell;toCD 三、按要求完成下列句子三、按要求完成下列句子16.These trousers are 30 yuan(对画线部分提问)_ _ _these trousers?17.We have Tshirts,hats,trousers and so on(对画线部分提问)_ _you have?18.He buys his father a pair of socks.(改为同义句)He_ a pair of socks_his father.How much areWhat dobuysfor19.These shoes are¥100.(改为同义句)The _of these shoes _¥100.20.We have some black and blue hats.(改为同义句)We _ some hats_ black and blue.haveinpriceis 本节课主要学习了单词本节课主要学习了单词clothes,sale,for和和短语短语in purple,a pair of的用法的用法,学会了阅读学会了阅读英语文章并能按要求做题。英语文章并能按要求做题。课堂总结课堂总结一、根据句意及汉语提示完成句子一、根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。1.I want to go to the clothes _(商店)to buy a sweater.2.Lots of old books are on _(出售)in the school library.3.What does the old man want to _(买)?4._(所有的)the girls are in the classroom.5.Do you know the _(男孩)in a blue Tshirt?salebuyAllboystore课后练习课后练习二、用适当的介词填空。二、用适当的介词填空。6.They have some balls _ very good prices in their store.at7._ boys and girls,we have icecream and hamburgers.For8.I need a pair of shoes _ sports.for9.Come _ Ms.Smiths Clothes Store now!to10.We have skirts _ red for only 30 dollars.in三、单项选择。三、单项选择。11.Do you have Tshirts _ green _ girls?A.at;of B.for;in C.of;to D.in;forD12.Come and _ your clothes _ our great sale!A.buy;at B.to buy;atC.buy;in D.to buy;inA13.Whats the _ of the sweater?Its 20 dollars.A.price B.color C.number D.storeA14.Here _ some great socks _ very good prices.A.are;to B.are;at C.is;for D.is;atB15.Mary _ a schoolbag _ school.A.need;to B.need;inC.needs;to D.needs;forD四、根据汉语意思完成句子。四、根据汉语意思完成句子。16.现在就来酷先生服装店吧!_ _ Mr.Cools Clothes Store now!Come to17.我们卖的所有水果价格都很优惠。We _ all our fruit _ very good _.sell at prices18.我们有仅售15美元的绿色毛衣。We have _ _ _ only$15.green sweaters for19.对于男孩,我们有仅售22美元的黑色裤子。_ boys,we have _ _ _ only$22.For black trousers for20.袜子三双仅售2美元。Socks _ only$2 _ three_.are for pairs五、阅读还原,有一项多余。五、阅读还原,有一项多余。Come to Wilsons Sports!We sell all kinds of balls and other sports things.Do you play ball games?_21 A Mikasa volleyball is$5,and an Adidas soccer ball is only$6!A.We have some new DHS bats.B.Do you need some sports clothes?C.How much are our sports shoes?D.Do you like red soccer Tshirts?E.We have Jordan basketballs for only$8.F.Come and see for yourself at Wilsons Sports.E_22 We have sports clothes at a very good price only$12!_ 23 Well,only$11.A.We have some new DHS bats.B.Do you need some sports clothes?C.How much are our sports shoes?D.Do you like red soccer Tshirts?E.We have Jordan basketballs for only$8.F.Come and see for yourself at Wilsons Sports.BCDo you like pingpong?_24 Theyre also on sale for only$9!And thats not all.You cant believe it?_25A.We have some new DHS bats.B.Do you need some sports clothes?C.How much are our sports shoes?D.Do you like red soccer Tshirts?E.We have Jordan basketballs for only$8.F.Come and see for yourself at Wilsons Sports.AF再再 见见
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