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人教版人教版 英语英语 七年级上册七年级上册Period 2 Section A (Grammar Focus-3c)Unit4 Wheres my schoolbag?同学们,上一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗?现在大同学们,上一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗?现在大家来检验一下,点击下面的音频开始听写吧!家来检验一下,点击下面的音频开始听写吧!词汇听写词汇听写Wheres Sally?Shes on/in/under the box.oninunder课文导入课文导入Grammar FocusWheres the map?Its in your grandparents room.Where are my books?Theyre on the sofa.Wheres his pencil box?Its in his schoolbag.Wheres your ruler?Its under the chair.Where are their keys?Theyre on the table.WheresWhere is课文呈现课文呈现3a.Look at the pictures and complete the conversations.A:Where _ the keys?B:Theyre _ the _.A:Wheres the _?_ it on your desk?B:No,its _ the chair.A:Where _ the pencils?B:I dont know._ they in the _?A:Yes,they are.areontablebookIsunderareAreschoolbag温馨提示:此符号表示“考点精讲点拨”链接。3b.Ask and answer questions about the things on the right.3c.Student A,look at the picture on page 19.Student B,look at the picture on the right.Ask and answer questions to find the differences.A:Wheres the schoolbag?Is it under the table?B:No,it isnt.Its on the table.I dont know.【句句法法分分析析】I dont know.常常用用来来表表示示对对他他人人的的询问或提出的问题不清楚或不知道。询问或提出的问题不清楚或不知道。e.g.Wheres my hat?我的帽子在哪里?Sorry,I dont know.对不起,我不知道。考点1日日常常交交际际中中,通通常常在在其其前前面面加加“SorrySorry”././“I Im sorry.m sorry.”表示礼貌。表示礼貌。考点精讲考点精讲【重点重点&易错易错】由由dont 构成的否定句构成的否定句英英语语中中含含有有行行为为动动词词的的句句子子变变否否定定句句时时常常借借助助dont 或或doesnt。主主语语是是第第三三人人称称单单数数时时用用doesnt;主主语语是是其其他人称时用他人称时用dont,助动词后的行为动词要用原形。,助动词后的行为动词要用原形。e.g.He doesnt know my name.他不知道我的名字。考点2 中考在中考在线1:We come here at 10:00.(改为否定句)We _ _ here at 10:00.点点拨:用用语法判定法来解法判定法来解题。英。英语中含有行中含有行为动词的句子的句子变否定句否定句时常借助常借助dont 或或doesnt。主。主语We 为第一人称,故用第一人称,故用dont。dont come(重点重点)know/n/v.知道;了解;知道;了解;know 作作实义动词,后常接名,后常接名词或代或代词作作宾语。e.g.I know the answer to the question.我知道这个问题的答案。拓拓展展:know 还可用作不及物动词。know about 意为“知道;了解”。考点3 同音词同音词know know no no中考在中考在线2:Excuse me,where is the Moonlight Hotel?_.Im a stranger(陌生人)myself(我自己).上海改编A.Sorry,I dont know B.No,I dont think soC.It doesnt matter D.Thank you all the sameA返回返回 where 引引导的特殊疑的特殊疑问句句where 为疑疑问副副词,询问“什么地方什么地方”,意,意为“在哪里;到哪里在哪里;到哪里”。由。由where 引引导的的问句属句属于特殊疑于特殊疑问句,回答句,回答时要具体作答,不能用要具体作答,不能用yes 或或no 直接回答。直接回答。单元语法单元语法特殊疑问句不能用特殊疑问句不能用yesyes或或nono回答!回答!where引导的特殊疑问句单数结构 Where+is+主语(单数)?答语It/He/She is(I am)+介词短语.e.g.Where is your mother?你妈妈在哪里?She is in her room.她在她的房间里。where引导的特殊疑问句复数结构Where+are+主语(复数)?答语They/We are+介词短语.e.g.Where are your brothers?你的兄弟们在哪里?Theyre in the school library.他们在学校图书馆里。where引导的特殊疑问句注意事项:where后面的系动词be与主语的单复数保持一致。where is可以缩略为wheres。where引导的特殊疑问句,也可直接用介词短语回答。询问物品所在的位置用物品所在的位置用where,询问单数物品的数物品的位置用位置用“Where is?”,回答用回答用“It is in/on/under”;询问复数物品的位置用复数物品的位置用“Where are?”,回答用,回答用“They are in/on/under”。e.g.Where are your books?你的书在哪里?They are in my bag.它们在我的包里。考点1 询问地点、位置、方向用地点、位置、方向用where 提提问,在回答在回答时应使使用表达方位的介用表达方位的介词(短短语)in,on,under,near(在在附近附近),next to(紧挨着挨着),behind(在在 后面后面),in front of(在在 前面前面),beside(在在 旁旁边),between and(在在和和之之间)等。等。e.g.Where do you live?你住在什么地方?I live in Beijing.我住在北京。考点2中中考考在在线1:His grandparents live in Shanghai.(对画线部分提问)重庆A_ _ his grandparents live?点点拨:对地点地点进行提行提问要用要用where。句中有。句中有实义动词live,要借助于助,要借助于助动词do 进行提行提问。Where do方位介方位介词in,on,under表示方位的介表示方位的介词in,on,under 通常与名通常与名词组成介成介词短短语,指明物品所在的具体方位,其,指明物品所在的具体方位,其结构构为:方位介:方位介词定定冠冠词the/不定冠不定冠词a,an/形容形容词性物主代性物主代词名名词。【重点重点&易易错】on“在在上上”,表示物品与物体,表示物品与物体表面有直接的接触。表面有直接的接触。e.g.The cup is on the table.杯子在桌子上。拓展:拓展:在具体某一天,如节日、星期几或具体某一天的上午、下午、晚上也用on。考点1 中考在中考在线2:Teachers Day is _ September 10.成都A.in B.on C.at点点拨:词义辨析法。辨析法。in 表示表示时间,用在一年四季、,用在一年四季、月份前,以及早上、下午、晚上前;月份前,以及早上、下午、晚上前;at 表示表示时间,用于具体的用于具体的时间点前;点前;on 表示表示时间,用于具体某一,用于具体某一天前。句意天前。句意为“教教师节在九月十号在九月十号”。September10 为具体的日期,所以前面用介具体的日期,所以前面用介词on。B【重点重点&易易错】in 表示表示“在在里里”,强调在某一个范在某一个范围之内。之内。e.g.in the room 在房间里 in the box 在盒子里拓展:拓展:in 还有“用某种语言”之意;还可表示时间,用在一年四季、月份前,以及早上、下午、晚上前。e.g.Please say it in Chinese.请用汉语把它说出来。I go to school in the morning.我早上去上学。考点2中中考考在在线3:We planted some flowers _ the garden yesterday.北京A.on B.to C.in D.ofCunder 表示表示“在在下下”。e.g.My shoes are under the bed.我的鞋在床下面。考点3中考在中考在线4:My book isnt on the desk.Look!Its _ the desk.A.on B.of C.for D.under点点拨:用用词义辨析法来解辨析法来解题。on 意意为“在在上上”;of 表示所属关系;表示所属关系;for 意意为“为了;了;给”;under 意意为“在在下下”。分析句意可知。分析句意可知书在在书桌下面。桌下面。D一、根据一、根据汉语提示完成句子提示完成句子1.Some books are _ _ _(在沙发上).2.Your ID card is _ _ _(在书柜里).3.A ruler is _ _ _(在椅子下面).4.Two jackets are _ _ _(在杰克的床上).on the sofain the bookcaseunder the chairon Jacks bed课堂练习课堂练习二、二、单项选择5.Jacks iPhone 8 Plus is _ his ID card.A.in B.on C.of D.atB6._ the keys?Theyre in the bookcase.A.Wheres B.Where doC.Where are D.What isC7.Wheres my pen,Mom?_.A.Yes,it is B.Its in your schoolbagC.Its black D.Its yoursB8._ on the table?Yes,it is.A.Is it B.Wheres C.Whats D.Are theyA9.He wrote his phone number _ a piece of paper.武汉A.on B.for C.in D.fromA三、根据三、根据汉语意思完成句子意思完成句子10.我的书包在哪里?_ _ my schoolbag?Where is11.地图不在他祖父母的房间里。The map _ in his _ room.isnt grandparents12.我不知道他来自哪里。I _ _ where he is from.dont know13.你的钥匙在沙发上吗?_ your keys _ the _?Are on sofa14.棒球在椅子下面。The baseball _ is the _.under chair四、按要求完成句子四、按要求完成句子15.The quilt is on the bed.(对画线部分提问)_ _ the quilt?Where is16.Are the oranges on the table?(作肯定回答)Yes,_ _.they are17._ _ the jackets?(补全问句)Theyre on the bed.Where are 本本节课主主要要学学习了了本本单元元的的重重点点语法法知知识:where引引导的特殊疑的特殊疑问句和方位介句和方位介词in,on,under的用法。的用法。课堂总结课堂总结一、用一、用in,on,under,of 或或for 填空。填空。1.Where are my pens,Helen?Are they _ your pencil box?2.My computer is _ my desk.3.Bobs baseball is _ the chair.4.This is a set _ keys.5.Thanks _ your watch.I can know the time.inonunder/onoffor课后练习课后练习二、单项选择。二、单项选择。6.Are your keys on _ chair?Yes,they are.A.an B.these C.the D./CD7.Is the computer game on the table?Sorry,I _ know.A.isnt B.am not C.are not D.dontB8.A map of China is _ the wall of our classroom.A.in B.on C.under D.withC9.Where _ the keys?_on the sofa.A.are;Its B.is;ItsC.are;Theyre D.is;TheyreD10.Where are my books?Theyre _ the chair,_ the box.A.on;on B.in;underC.in;in D.under;in三、看图,完成对话,每空一词。三、看图,完成对话,每空一词。11.Where _ the watch?Its _ the _.is under chair12.Where _ the _?They are _ the _.are books in schoolbag13.Is the _ under the bed?_,its _the _.hatNo on desk14.Are the _ _ the _?Yes,they are.books on sofa四、按要求完成句子。四、按要求完成句子。15.My books are in the bookcase.(对画线部分提问)_ _ _ books?Where are your16.Her notebooks are on the table.(改为一般疑问句)_ her notebooks _ _ _?Are on the table17.Where are those girls?(用in the library 回答)_in the library.Theyre18.The cat is under the chair.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)_ _ _ under the chair?_,_ _.Is the cat Yes it is19.An English book is on the desk.(对画线部分提问)_ _ on the desk?What is再再 见见
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英语 Unit Section (Grammar Focus-3c)(ppt课件+音频)_2022新人教新目标版七年级上册《英语》 grammar focus ppt 课件 音频 _2022 新人 新目标
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