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Lets sing a song.Should auld acquaintance be forgot,And never brought to mind?Should auld acquaintance be forgot And days of auld lang syne?For auld lang syne,my dear,For auld lang syne,Well take a cup of kindness yet,For auld lang syne.And heres a hand,my trusty friend,And gies a hand to thine;Well take a cup of kindness yet,For auld lang syne.For auld lang syne,my dear,For auld lang syne.Lets sing a song.Lets sing a song.What is the song about?Lets sing a song.What is the song about?Do you think friendship is important to us?Lets sing a song.Now lets read an essay adapted from“Of Friendship”written by Francis Bacon about the importance of friendship.What is the song about?Do you think friendship is important to us?Lets sing a song.Now lets read an essay adapted from“Of Friendship”written by Francis Bacon about the importance of friendship.What is the song about?Do you think friendship is important to us?Francis Bacon(1561-1626)弗朗西斯弗朗西斯培根培根A great English writer,scientist and philosopher伟大的英国作家、科学家、伟大的英国作家、科学家、哲学家哲学家About the authorFrancis Bacon(1561-1626)弗朗西斯培根A great English writer,scientist and philosopher伟大的英国作家、科学家、哲学家About the authorSome books are to be tasted,others to be swallowed,and some few to be chewed and digested.Reading makes a full man;conference a ready man;and writing an exact man.Famous sayings of BaconSome books are to be tasted,others to be swallowed,and some few to be chewed and digested.一些书可以浅尝辄止,一些书可以狼吞虎咽,而有些书则需要一些书可以浅尝辄止,一些书可以狼吞虎咽,而有些书则需要细嚼慢咽,好好消化。细嚼慢咽,好好消化。Reading makes a full man;conference a ready man;and writing an exact man.Famous sayings of BaconSome books are to be tasted,others to be swallowed,and some few to be chewed and digested.一些书可以浅尝辄止,一些书可以狼吞虎咽,而有些书则需要一些书可以浅尝辄止,一些书可以狼吞虎咽,而有些书则需要细嚼慢咽,好好消化。细嚼慢咽,好好消化。Reading makes a full man;conference a ready man;and writing an exact man.读书使人充实,讨论使人机敏,写作使人严谨。读书使人充实,讨论使人机敏,写作使人严谨。Famous sayings of BaconRead the essayThis essay is about the _.Whats the theme of this essay?A.The importance/benefits of friendship.B.Bacons best friend.C.Bacons life story.D.The disadvantages of friendship.This essay is about the _.Whats the theme of this essay?A.The importance/benefits of friendship.B.Bacons best friend.C.Bacons life story.D.The disadvantages of friendship.Para.1 More often than not,close friendships will help smooth out the sometimes rocky road that we are all meant to travel.Para.1 More often than not,close friendships will help smooth out the sometimes rocky road that we are all meant to travel.Para.2 There are many benefits of friendship that we can enjoy.Para.1 More often than not,close friendships will help smooth out the sometimes rocky road that we are all meant to travel.Para.2 There are many benefits of friendship that we can enjoy.Para.3 The first fruit of friendship is the peace that comes from sharing with friends our joy,sadness,success and failure.Para.1 More often than not,close friendships will help smooth out the sometimes rocky road that we are all meant to travel.Para.2 There are many benefits of friendship that we can enjoy.Para.3 The first fruit of friendship is the peace that comes from sharing with friends our joy,sadness,success and failure.Para.4 The second fruit of friendship is the better understanding and judgement that may be achieved through conversations with well-meaning and wise friends.Para.1 More often than not,close friendships will help smooth out the sometimes rocky road that we are all meant to travel.Para.2 There are many benefits of friendship that we can enjoy.Para.3 The first fruit of friendship is the peace that comes from sharing with friends our joy,sadness,success and failure.Para.4 The second fruit of friendship is the better understanding and judgement that may be achieved through conversations with well-meaning and wise friends.Para.5 The third fruit of friendship is the help that a friend may offer in many different ways.Sometimes a friend is even known as our“second self”.Para.1 More often than not,close friendships will help smooth out the sometimes rocky road that we are all meant to travel.Para.2 There are many benefits of friendship that we can enjoy.Para.3 The first fruit of friendship is the peace that comes from sharing with friends our joy,sadness,success and failure.Para.4 The second fruit of friendship is the better understanding and judgement that may be achieved through conversations with well-meaning and wise friends.Para.5 The third fruit of friendship is the help that a friend may offer in many different ways.Sometimes a friend is even known as our“second self”.Para.6 Friends should be carefully chosen and relationships carefully developed.Para 1Para 2Para 3Para 4Para 5Para 6Reading for structure Para 1Para 2Para 3Para 4Para 5Para 6Reading for structure Para 1Para 2 Para 3 Para 4 Para 5Para 6Para 1Para 2Para 3Para 4Para 5Para 6Reading for structure Para 1Para 2 Para 3 Para 4 Para 5Para 6 structure of the essayPart 1:(para._)the _ of friendshipPart 3:(para._)advice on _Part 2:(paras._)three _of friendship structure of the essayPart 1:(para._)the _ of friendshipPart 3:(para._)advice on _Part 2:(paras._)three _of friendshipimportance1 structure of the essayPart 1:(para._)the _ of friendshipPart 3:(para._)advice on _Part 2:(paras._)three _of friendshipimportance“fruits”12-5 structure of the essayPart 1:(para._)the _ of friendshipPart 3:(para._)advice on _Part 2:(paras._)three _of friendshipimportance“fruits”making friends12-56Reread Para.2-5 againComplete the mind map to show the argumentation.“Fruits”of friendshipFruit 1:(1)Fruit 2:(2)Fruit 3:Help us achieve the goals we set for ourselves.With true friends,we feel free to(3)_ our feelings.Sharing makes happiness(4)_ and a(5)_ become halved.Our friends are(6)_ able to offer advice on our important decisions.Preparing to talk with a friend makes our thoughts(7)_ and our understandings more(8)_.So many things in life that can only be(9)_ with the help of friends.Friends have different(10)_.Friends can help us during life and,perhaps,even(11)_.Reread Para.2-5 againComplete the mind map to show the argumentation.“Fruits”of friendshipFruit 1:(1)Fruit 2:(2)Fruit 3:Help us achieve the goals we set for ourselves.With true friends,we feel free to(3)_ our feelings.Sharing makes happiness(4)_ and a(5)_ become halved.Our friends are(6)_ able to offer advice on our important decisions.Preparing to talk with a friend makes our thoughts(7)_ and our understandings more(8)_.So many things in life that can only be(9)_ with the help of friends.Friends have different(10)_.Friends can help us during life and,perhaps,even(11)_.Comfort the heartReread Para.2-5 againComplete the mind map to show the argumentation.“Fruits”of friendshipFruit 1:(1)Fruit 2:(2)Fruit 3:Help us achieve the goals we set for ourselves.With true friends,we feel free to(3)_ our feelings.Sharing makes happiness(4)_ and a(5)_ become halved.Our friends are(6)_ able to offer advice on our important decisions.Preparing to talk with a friend makes our thoughts(7)_ and our understandings more(8)_.So many things in life that can only be(9)_ with the help of friends.Friends have different(10)_.Friends can help us during life and,perhaps,even(11)_.Comfort the heartAdvice the headReread Para.2-5 againComplete the mind map to show the argumentation.“Fruits”of friendshipFruit 1:(1)Fruit 2:(2)Fruit 3:Help us achieve the goals we set for ourselves.With true friends,we feel free to(3)_ our feelings.Sharing makes happiness(4)_ and a(5)_ become halved.Our friends are(6)_ able to offer advice on our important decisions.Preparing to talk with a friend makes our thoughts(7)_ and our understandings more(8)_.So many things in life that can only be(9)_ with the help of friends.Friends have different(10)_.Friends can help us during life and,perhaps,even(11)_.Comfort the heartAdvice the headshareReread Para.2-5 againComplete the mind map to show the argumentation.“Fruits”of friendshipFruit 1:(1)Fruit 2:(2)Fruit 3:Help us achieve the goals we set for ourselves.With true friends,we feel free to(3)_ our feelings.Sharing makes happiness(4)_ and a(5)_ become halved.Our friends are(6)_ able to offer advice on our important decisions.Preparing to talk with a friend makes our thoughts(7)_ and our understandings more(8)_.So many things in life that can only be(9)_ with the help of friends.Friends have different(10)_.Friends can help us during life and,perhaps,even(11)_.Comfort the heartAdvice the headsharetake on great meaningsReread Para.2-5 againComplete the mind map to show the argumentation.“Fruits”of friendshipFruit 1:(1)Fruit 2:(2)Fruit 3:Help us achieve the goals we set for ourselves.With true friends,we feel free to(3)_ our feelings.Sharing makes happiness(4)_ and a(5)_ become halved.Our friends are(6)_ able to offer advice on our important decisions.Preparing to talk with a friend makes our thoughts(7)_ and our understandings more(8)_.So many things in life that can only be(9)_ with the help of friends.Friends have different(10)_.Friends can help us during life and,perhaps,even(11)_.Comfort the heartAdvice the headsharetake on great meaningstroubleReread Para.2-5 againComplete the mind map to show the argumentation.“Fruits”of friendshipFruit 1:(1)Fruit 2:(2)Fruit 3:Help us achieve the goals we set for ourselves.With true friends,we feel free to(3)_ our feelings.Sharing makes happiness(4)_ and a(5)_ become halved.Our friends are(6)_ able to offer advice on our important decisions.Preparing to talk with a friend makes our thoughts(7)_ and our understandings more(8)_.So many things in life that can only be(9)_ with the help of friends.Friends have different(10)_.Friends can help us during life and,perhaps,even(11)_.Comfort the heartAdvice the headsharetake on great meaningstroublebetterReread Para.2-5 againComplete the mind map to show the argumentation.“Fruits”of friendshipFruit 1:(1)Fruit 2:(2)Fruit 3:Help us achieve the goals we set for ourselves.With true friends,we feel free to(3)_ our feelings.Sharing makes happiness(4)_ and a(5)_ become halved.Our friends are(6)_ able to offer advice on our important decisions.Preparing to talk with a friend makes our thoughts(7)_ and our understandings more(8)_.So many things in life that can only be(9)_ with the help of friends.Friends have different(10)_.Friends can help us during life and,perhaps,even(11)_.Comfort the heartAdvice the headsharetake on great meaningstroubleclevererbetterReread Para.2-5 againComplete the mind map to show the argumentation.“Fruits”of friendshipFruit 1:(1)Fruit 2:(2)Fruit 3:Help us achieve the goals we set for ourselves.With true friends,we feel free to(3)_ our feelings.Sharing makes happiness(4)_ and a(5)_ become halved.Our friends are(6)_ able to offer advice on our important decisions.Preparing to talk with a friend makes our thoughts(7)_ and our understandings more(8)_.So many things in life that can only be(9)_ with the help of friends.Friends have different(10)_.Friends can help us during life and,perhaps,even(11)_.Comfort the heartAdvice the headsharetake on great meaningstroubleclevererthoroughbetterReread Para.2-5 againComplete the mind map to show the argumentation.“Fruits”of friendshipFruit 1:(1)Fruit 2:(2)Fruit 3:Help us achieve the goals we set for ourselves.With true friends,we feel free to(3)_ our feelings.Sharing makes happiness(4)_ and a(5)_ become halved.Our friends are(6)_ able to offer advice on our important decisions.Preparing to talk with a friend makes our thoughts(7)_ and our understandings more(8)_.So many things in life that can only be(9)_ with the help of friends.Friends have different(10)_.Friends can help us during life and,perhaps,even(11)_.Comfort the heartAdvice the headsharetake on great meaningstroubleclevererthoroughachievedbetterReread Para.2-5 againComplete the mind map to show the argumentation.“Fruits”of friendshipFruit 1:(1)Fruit 2:(2)Fruit 3:Help us achieve the goals we set for ourselves.With true friends,we feel free to(3)_ our feelings.Sharing makes happiness(4)_ and a(5)_ become halved.Our friends are(6)_ able to offer advice on our important decisions.Preparing to talk with a friend makes our thoughts(7)_ and our understandings more(8)_.So many things in life that can only be(9)_ with the help of friends.Friends have different(10)_.Friends can help us during life and,perhaps,even(11)_.Comfort the heartAdvice the headsharetake on great meaningstroubleclevererthoroughachievedideas and skillsbetterReread Para.2-5 againComplete the mind map to show the argumentation.“Fruits”of friendshipFruit 1:(1)Fruit 2:(2)Fruit 3:Help us achieve the goals we set for ourselves.With true friends,we feel free to(3)_ our feelings.Sharing makes happiness(4)_ and a(5)_ become halved.Our friends are(6)_ able to offer advice on our important decisions.Preparing to talk with a friend makes our thoughts(7)_ and our understandings more(8)_.So many things in life that can only be(9)_ with the help of friends.Friends have different(10)_.Friends can help us during life and,perhaps,even(11)_.Comfort the heartAdvice the headsharetake on great meaningstroubleclevererthoroughachievedideas and skillsafter deathbetterAppreciating the sentences In this essay,many sentences are rich in In this essay,many sentences are rich in philosophicalphilosophical significance.Below are some of them.significance.Below are some of them.How to comprehend and appreciate these sentences?Explain How to comprehend and appreciate these sentences?Explain them by giving specific examples.them by giving specific examples.1.More often than not,close friendships will More often than not,close friendships will smooth outsmooth out the the sometimes sometimes rocky roadrocky road that we are all meant to travel.that we are all meant to travel.(page 39,lines 5-6)The writer compares“the _ journey”to“a rocky road”,which means in our life there can be some challenges and _ ahead.If we have close friends _ we can turn to,they can help us solve these _ and support us to go forward _.For example,when we have trouble in _ with parents and dont know how to communicate with them,we can share our _ with our close friends and ask them _advice.1.More often than not,close friendships will More often than not,close friendships will smooth outsmooth out the the sometimes sometimes rocky roadrocky road that we are all meant to travel.that we are all meant to travel.(page 39,lines 5-6)The writer compares“the _ journey”to“a rocky road”,which means in our life there can be some challenges and _ ahead.If we have close friends _ we can turn to,they can help us solve these _ and support us to go forward _.For example,when we have trouble in _ with parents and dont know how to communicate with them,we can share our _ with our close friends and ask them _advice.life1.More often than not,close friendships will More often than not,close friendships will smooth outsmooth out the the sometimes sometimes rocky roadrocky road that we are all meant to travel.that we are all meant to travel
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