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    高中英语 Unit1 Lesson 语言运用 ppt课件_2022新北师大版2019高中英语必修第一册 语言 运用 ppt 课件 _2022 北师大 2019 必修 一册 下载 _必修 第一册_北师大版(2019)_英语_高中

    1、Period 4Lesson 2&Lesson 3语言运用Unit 1Life Choices1.Learn the following important languages points:stress,suffer,reduce,typical,graduate,inspire,apply,responsible,contribution,intend,in other words,give up,现在分词(短语)作状语,部分否定2.Do some exercises to strengthen these important language points.1stressn.压力;忧虑;

    2、紧张;强调;重音vt.强调;重读(_adj.焦虑的;紧张的_adj.充满压力的;紧张的)under stress_ lay/place stress on._stress the importance of._在压力之下,承受压力强调强调的重要性stressed stressful(1)She felt very _ when she heard the news that her husband had lost his job.听到她丈夫失业的消息,她感到压力很大。(2)It was a very _ time for all of us when facing so many chall

    3、enging problems.面对那么多具有挑战性的问题,对我们所有人来说都是一个压力极大的时刻。stressed stressful(3)Things can easily go wrong when people are _.当人们处在压力之下时,事情很容易出错。(4)The expert _ protecting the environment.专家着重强调了保护环境的重要性。under stresslaid/placed great stress on/stressed the importance ofsuffervi.&vt.遭受(痛苦)(_n.痛苦;苦难_n.患病者;受难者)s

    4、uffer from_注意:suffer的宾语一般是loss(损失),pain(疼痛),punishment(惩罚),defeat(失败)等。suffer from的宾语一般是a bad back(背疼),headache(头疼),toothache(牙疼),cold(感冒)等。2(身体或精神上)遭受(痛苦)sufferingsufferer(1)Though he has _,the boss has confidence in the future.尽管遭受了巨大的损失,但这个老板对未来仍充满信心。(2)Before the doctor came,Mr Green had been _.

    5、医生到来之前格林先生正遭受头疼的折磨。(3)It is hard to imagine the pain and _ these poor people went through during the war.很难想象这些可怜的人们在战争中所经历的痛苦。suffered such a heavy losssuffering fromheadache sufferings reducevt.减少;降低;缩小(_n.减少;缩小;降低)_(从)减少到_减少了be reduced to(doing)._3reductionreduce(from.)to.reduce by沦落为;陷入某种状态(1)Th

    6、e company has done a lot at cost _ in the past 5 months.在过去的5个月里,这家公司在降低成本方面做了很多努力。(2)The number of restaurants in our town has been _ since the outbreak of the COVID-19.自从新冠肺炎爆发以来,我们镇子上的餐馆数量从40个减少到了25个。reduction reduced from 40to 25(3)Costs have been _ 20%over the past year due to the governments e

    7、fforts.由于政府的努力,在过去的一年里成本已经降低了20%。(4)They _ for a living in the streets because of the failure of their business.由于生意失败,他们沦落到了以沿街乞讨为生的地步。reduced bywere reduced to beggingin other words换句话说_总之,简言之_与谈一谈_与吵架_遵守诺言_失信,食言_有消息说4in a/one wordhave a word with.have words with.keep ones wordbreak/eat ones wordW

    8、ord came that.(1)I live in the countryside;_,its not convenient for me to go downtown.我住在乡下;换句话说,对我来说去市中心不方便。(2)_,there is no doubt that there is no life on the moon.总之,毫无疑问月球上没有生命。(3)I think its high time that you _ him.我认为到了你该和他谈一谈的时候了。in other wordsIn a/one wordhad/should have a word with(4)He al

    9、ways _,so you can turn to him for help.他总是遵守诺言,所以你可以向他求助。(5)He has _ so many times that I cannot trust him any more.他已食言那么多次,所以我不再相信他。(6)_ a range of voluntary activities would be organized in our school to help the elderly people.有消息说我们学校将组织一系列的志愿者活动来帮助老年人。keeps his word broken/eaten his wordWord c

    10、ame thattypicaladj.平常的,一贯的;典型的(_adv.典型地;有代表性地;通常)5be typical of_It is typical _ sb.to do sth.某人一向做某事;做某事是某人的特点。是特有的;是典型的;是的特点oftypically(1)Before coming here,you should know warm and wet climate _ the native city.在来这里之前,你应该知道温暖潮湿的气候是这座当地城市的特点。(2)_ think about helping those who are in trouble.想着帮助那些处

    11、于困难中的人是她的特点。is typical ofIt is typical of her to graduatevi.毕业n.毕业生(_n.毕业)6_从毕业_毕业于(专业)graduationgraduate from.graduate in.(1)There is no doubt that _ now have some difficulty finding suitable jobs.毫无疑问,现在毕业生很难找到合适的工作。(2)They organized a range of activities to celebrate their _ in the apartment.他们在公

    12、寓里组织了一系列的活动来庆祝他们的毕业。graduates graduationgraduatedfrom college graduated in(3)She has been seeking for a suitable job since she _.自从大学毕业以来她一直在寻找一份合适的工作。(4)He was a graduate who _ law from Peking University last year.他是去年毕业于北京大学法律专业的一名毕业生。inspirevt.鼓励;激励(_adj.受影响的 _adj.鼓舞人心的 _n.灵感;鼓舞)7_鼓励/激励某人做某事inspi

    13、re sb.with sth._be inspired by_inspiredinspire sb.to do sth.用激励某人inspiringinspiration受鼓舞(1)The professor told us an _ story,which _ us to take up challenges bravely when in trouble.The hero in the story would serve as an _ to motivate us to get ahead.教授给我们讲了一个激励人心的故事,故事激励我们在面临困难的时候勇敢接受挑战。故事中的主人公将作为一

    14、种鼓舞,激励我们去获得成功。inspiring inspiredinspiration(2)They inspire and move the whole country _ their selflessness and courage.他们用他们的无私和勇气鼓舞且感动了整个国家。(3)_ my good friend,I intended to study abroad.因为受到好友的鼓舞,我打算出国深造。with Inspired byapplyvi.申请;请求;对适用vt.应用;涂,敷;使专注于_n.申请(书);应用_n.申请人8apply to(doing)sth._apply(to

    15、sb.)for sth._apply A to B_apply oneself to(doing)sth._适用于(做)某事(向某人)申请某物把A应用于B致力于(做)某事application applicant(1)Your previous lifestyle doesnt _ the senior secondary school.你原来的生活方式不适用于高中。(2)After graduating from college,I plan to _ in the local company.大学毕业后,我计划在当地的公司申请一份工作。apply toapply for a job(3)A

    16、s the saying goes,“Practice makes perfect”,so you should _.正如谚语所说:“熟能生巧”,因此你应该把理论应用于实践。(4)She has been _ her goal since she came to this school.自从来到这所学校,她就一直致力于实现自己的目标。apply theory to practiceapplying herself to achievinggive up 放弃9_分发;赠送;泄露_发出(气味、光、热等)_(食物、燃料、力气等)用光;筋疲力尽_(向)屈服,投降;让步give awaygive of

    17、fgive outgive in(to)(1)He was under great stress,so he decided to _ this job.他压力很大,因此他决定放弃这份工作。(2)I will never _ your secrets _ again.Please trust me.我绝不会再次泄露你的秘密。请相信我。(3)The flowers _ a sweet smell,making passers-by pleased.这些花散发出一股芳香,让路人很愉悦。give up give awaygave off(4)All kinds of food arrived at

    18、the charity center before their food _.在他们的食物用完之前,各种各样的食物到达了慈善中心。(5)Although we are suffering from various challenges,well never _the difficulties.尽管我们遭受着各种挑战,但我们绝不会向困难屈服的。gave outgive in toresponsibleadj.负责的;有责任心的(_adv.明事理地;可信赖地;认真负责地_n.责任;义务 _adj.不负责任的)10_对某事负责任It is ones responsibility to do sth.

    19、_ _责任感 take responsibility for_be responsible for sth.做某事是某人的责任a sense of responsibility为负责responsiblyresponsibilityirresponsible(1)Nobody except you should _ your future since you are no longer a teen boy.除了你没人应该为你的未来负责,因为你已经不再是十几岁的孩子了。(2)_ the rules are carried out smoothly.他们有责任确保制度的顺利进行。be respo

    20、nsible for/take responsibilityforIt is their responsibility to ensure(3)You can rely on him when you are in trouble because he is a leader _.当你遇到困难时可以信赖他,因为他是一个很有责任感的领导。with a strong sense of responsibilitycontributionn.贡献(_vt.&vi.捐赠;捐助;增加,增进;撰稿)11_为做贡献contribute to(doing)._ contribute.to._make cont

    21、ributions/a contribution to.导致;有助于为撰稿;向捐赠contribute(1)We should _ to our society,which is our responsibility.我们应该为我们的社会做贡献,这是我们的责任。(2)A large population and too many private cars _ heavy traffic jam in the city.大量的人口和过多的私家车导致城市严重的交通阻塞。make contributions/a contribution contribute to contribute tocont

    22、ributed an article to(3)If you would like to _ something _ the charity,please contact me.如果你想往慈善机构捐献东西,请联系我。(4)He _ China Daily last month,which was beyond our expectations.出乎我们的预料,上个月他向中国日报投了一篇文章。intendvt.计划,打算,想要(_n.用意,目的,意图)12_打算/计划做某事 _打算让某人做某事 be intended for_ be intended to do sth._with an/the

    23、 intention of_intend to do/doing sth.intend sb.to do sth.专门为准备/打算intention专为做某事而设计的;旨在做某事抱有的目的;打算(1)I _ a part-time job,through which I could broaden my horizons.我打算做一份兼职,通过这份工作我能开阔视野。(2)The man _ an editor in the future.这个男人打算让他的儿子将来做一名编辑。(3)The school being built at present _ the disabled children

    24、.目前正在修建的这所学校是专门为残疾儿童使用的。intended to take up intends his son to beis intended for(4)The schedule _ the students habit of getting up late.这个时间表的目的是为了改掉学生们起床晚的习惯。(5)The program was set up _ helping those in need.这个项目成立的目的是为了帮助那些需要帮助的人们。is intended to removewith an/the intention of现在分词(短语)作状语13现在分词(短语)作

    25、状语,表明分词的动作与主语是_。现在分词(短语)作状语时还可以表示时间、伴随、条件、原因、结果等。表结果或伴随状语时相当于并列句;表时间、条件、原因状语时相当于一个状语从句。主动关系(1)His mother sat in the armchair,_.(表伴随)他的母亲坐在扶手椅上,跟以前的邻居愉快地聊着天。(2)_,they immediately got very dynamic.(表时间)听到这个振奋人心的消息,他们立马变得活力四射。(3)_,I cant contact her.(表原因)因为不知道她的地址和电话号码,我无法联系到她。chatting with her formern

    26、eighbour happilyHearing the inspiring newsNot knowing her address and telephone number(4)The cup dropped to the ground,_.(表结果)杯子掉到地上摔成了碎片。(5)_,you will pass the final exam.(表条件)努力学习,你一定会通过期末考试。breaking into piecesWorking hard部分否定14部分否定,表示_。英语中的all,both,each,every,everybody,everything,completely,whol

    27、e,entirely等具有总括意义的代词、形容词或副词与_连用时,无论not位置如何,均构成部分否定,表示“并非都”的意思。若表示_,可用none,no one,nobody,nothing,neither,never等词表示。“并非都”否定词not完全否定(1)_ the young man starred in.不是每个人都喜欢这个年轻人主演的那部电影。(2)_ good at communicating with others.他的两个儿子并非都擅长与人交流。(3)I agree with most of what you said,but _.我同意你所说的大部分内容,但不是所有内容。

    28、Not everyone likes the filmBoth of his sons are not I dont agree witheverything(4)_.发光的未必都是金子。(5)_ of us failed the exam,which made all of us confident.我们中没有一个人考试不及格,这让我们自信满满。(6)_ of the two volunteers took the reward,because they thought it was what they should do.两个志愿者都没有接受奖励,因为他们认为这是他们应该做的。All that glitters is not goldNone Neither

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    本文标题:Unit1 Lesson 2 & Lesson 3 语言运用 (ppt课件)-2022新北师大版(2019)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx
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