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    • 四川省成都市七中2023届高三上学期10月阶段文科数学试卷及答案.pdf--点击预览
    • 四川省成都市七中2023届高三上学期10月阶段理科数学试卷及答案.pdf--点击预览
    • 四川省成都市七中2023届高三上学期10月阶段英语试卷及答案.pdf--点击预览
    • 四川省成都市七中2023届高三上学期10月阶段语文试卷及答案.pdf--点击预览
展开 四川省成都市七中2023届高三上学期10月阶段语文数学英语三科试卷及答案.zip四川省成都市七中2023届高三上学期10月阶段语文数学英语三科试卷及答案.zip
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1 成都七中高 2023 届高三上期 10 月阶段考试数学试卷(文科)成都七中高 2023 届高三上期 10 月阶段考试数学试卷(文科)考试时间:120 分钟 总分:150 分 一、选择题(每小题一、选择题(每小题 5分,共分,共 60 分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合要求把答案涂在答题卷上)分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合要求把答案涂在答题卷上)1若复数zi(32i)(i是虚数单位),则 z的虚部是()A3i B3 C3i D3 2某统计部门对四组数据进行统计分析后,获得如图所示的散点图 下面关于相关系数的比较,正确的是()Arrrr4213 Brrrr2413Crrrr2431Drrrr42313设全集UR,集合Mx x1,Nx x x20,则()=()Axx01Bx x2Cxx01 Dx x24如图,网格纸上小正方形的边长为 1,粗实线画出的是某个零件的三视图,则这个零件的体积等于()A6 B8 C10 D12 5.函数xf xxx()ee的图象大致为()ABCD3 14.中国的“五岳”是指在中国境内的五座名山:东岳泰山、西岳华山、南岳衡山、北岳恒山、中岳嵩山,坐落于东、西、南、北、中五个方位在甲决定从嵩山、泰山、华山、庐山、黄山这 5 座名山中,选择 2 座名山在 2022 年国庆期间前去旅游,则甲至少选中一座属于“五岳”的名山的概率为_(用数字作答)15.将函数yxsin(2)的图像向左平移12个单位后所得函数图像关于原点中心对称,则sin2_ 16.已知双曲线,abCabxy:1002222 的右顶点为A,若以点A为圆心,以 b为半径的圆与双曲线C的一条渐近线交于,MN 两点,点 O 为坐标原点,且 OMON5,则双曲线C的离心率为_ 三、解答题:本大题共、解答题:本大题共 6小题,共小题,共 70分 解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤 第1721 题为必考题,每个试题考生都必须作答。第 22,23 题为选考题,考生根据要求作答。(一)必考题:(共 60 分,每题 12 分)分 解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤 第1721 题为必考题,每个试题考生都必须作答。第 22,23 题为选考题,考生根据要求作答。(一)必考题:(共 60 分,每题 12 分)17已知等差数列an满足首项为1,且aa1837.(1)求数列an的通项公式;(2)设a abnnn11,求数列bn的前 n项和Tn.18如图,在四棱锥PABCD中,底面 ABCD为等腰梯形,ABCD/,ABAPBPADCD224,E 为 AP 的中点 (1)证明:DE/平面 PBC(2)求四棱锥EABCD外接球的表面积 19.某单位共有 10 名员工,他们某年的收入如下表:员工编号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 年薪(万元)4 4.5 6 5 6.5 7.5 8 8.5 9 51(1)求该单位员工当年年薪的平均值和中位数;(2)已知员工年薪收入与工作年限成正相关关系,某员工工作第一年至第四年的年薪分别为 4 万元、5.5 万元、6 万元、8.5 万元,预测该员工第六年的年薪为多少?附:线性回归方程ybxa 中系数计算公式分别为:xxbxxyyiiniiin121,aybx,其中x、y为样本均值.4 20已知点F是抛物线C xy:42与椭圆ababyx1(0)2222的公共焦点,椭圆上的点M到点F的最大距离为 3.(1)求椭圆的方程;(2)若过点Myy2(,)(0)300作C的两条切线,记切点分别为A B,,求MAB的面积.21.已知函数f xmxmxx mRx2()ln()2(1)当m2时,求函数在f(1,(1)处的切线方程;(2)设P xxmx22()152,令xF xP xf x2()()(2),若F x()有两极值点x x,12且xx12,求实数m的范围.(二)选考题(10 分):请考生在第22,23 题中任选一题作答。如果多做,则按所做的第一题计分。22.选修 4-4:坐标系与参数方程 (二)选考题(10 分):请考生在第22,23 题中任选一题作答。如果多做,则按所做的第一题计分。22.选修 4-4:坐标系与参数方程 在直角坐标系 xOy中,曲线 C 的参数方程为 yx2sin1 2cos,(为参数)以坐标原点为极点,x轴正半轴为极轴建立极坐标系,已知直线l的极坐标方程为4sin2 (1)求曲线 C 的普通方程与直线 l的直角坐标方程;(2)若直线 l过点M2,1且与直线 l平行,直线 l交曲线 C于 A,B 两点,求MAMB11的值 23.选修 4-5:不等式选讲 23.选修 4-5:不等式选讲 已知函数f xxx2323(1)解不等式f x8;(2)设函数fx的最小值为M,若正数a,b,c满足abcM236111,证明:abc239 1 文科参考答案 文科参考答案 一选择题 1-5:BCAAB6-10:BDBCA 11-12:DC二填空题 13.2114.10915.2316.315三解答题 17.解:(1)根据题意得,a11,且数列an是等差数列,设公差为d,则由aa1837,得adad261811,解得d2,3 分 所以 annn11221.6 分(2)由(1)可得nnnnbn(21)(21)2 21211111,所以nnTn232 352 21211111 11111nnn22121111.12 分 18.解:(1)证明;如图所示,设 BP 的中点为 F,连接 EF,CF E 为 AP 的中点,EFAB/,且EFAB21,EFCD/,且EFCD,四边形 CDEF 为平行四边形,CFDE/,CF平面 PBC,DE平面 PBC,DE/平面 PBC6 分(2)解:作CGAB,垂足为 G,作DHAB于点 H,垂足为 H,设 AB 的中点为 O,连接 EO,BE,CO,DO,ADBC2,ABCBAD,ADHBCG,DHCG/,且DHCG,四边形 DCGH 为平行四边形,DCHG2,BGOG1,OCBCOB2,同理可得OADOAD2,E 为 AP 的中点,BEAP,OEAB221,四棱锥EABCD外接球的球心为 O,半径为 2,四棱锥EABCD外接球的表面积为 441612 分 19.解:(1)平均值为10114+4.5+6+5+6.5+7.5+8+8.5+9+51 万元,中位数为 7 万元.4 分(2)设x y iii,(1,2,3,4)分别表示工作年限及相应年薪,则x2.5,y6,xxi2. xxyyiii1.5(2)(0.5)(0.5)0.5 0 1.5 2.5714 xxbxxyyiiiin51.4721,aybx6 1.4 2.52.5 由线性回归方程:yx1.42.5,x6时,y10.9 可预测该员工年后的年薪收入为 10.9 万元.12 分 3 当 m440即m04时,令F x()0,得xmxm42,412,则当 xmm2,44,时,F x()0,当 xmm4,4时,F x()0,故F x在m2,4和m4,上单调递增,在mm4,4上单调递减,满足条件.当m0时,xm421,舍去 xm42.则当xm4,时,F x()0,当 xm2,4时,F x()0,所以F x在m2,4上单调递减,在m4,上单调递增,不满足条件。综上所述:m04 12 分 22.解:(1)因为曲线 C 的参数方程为 yx2sin1 2cos,(为参数),所以曲线 C 的普通方程为xy1422 由4sin2,得44sincoscos sin2,即sincos2,因为xcos,ysin,所以直线 l 的直角坐标方程为xy205 分 (2)因为直线 l 的斜率为1,所以 l 的倾斜角为43,所以过点M2,1且与直线 l 平行的直线 l的方程可设为 ytxt212222(t 为参数)设点 A,B 对应的参数分别为t1,t2,将 ytxt212222代入xy1422,可得 tt221142222,整理得tt2 2202,则 0,tt2 212,t t21 2,所以 MAMBMA MBt tMAMBtt|2211|(2 2)4 21 212210 分 23.解:(1)当 x23时,f xxxx32234,由f x8可得 x2,则 x223;当x2233时,f xxx32236,由f x8可得显然成立,则x2233;当x23时,f xxxx23234,由f x8可得x2,则x223;综上:不等式f x8的解集为 xx22;5 分 4 (2)f xxxxx232323236,当且仅当xx23230 即x2233时取等,M6,则abc231111,又a,b,c均为正数,则 bcaccbaabcabcbabacbca223233323323231121 accbbaabacbc3222323332229,当且仅当cbbccaacbaab32233322,即 cba1233时等号成立,则abc239.10 分(法 2:柯西不等式)1 成都七中成都七中高高 20232023 届高三届高三上上期期 1 10 0 月月阶段阶段考试考试数学试卷(数学试卷(理科理科)考试时间:120 分钟 总分:150 分 一一、选择题(每小题选择题(每小题 5 分,共分,共 60 分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合要分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合要求把答案求把答案涂涂在答题卷上)在答题卷上)1若复数zi(32i)(i是虚数单位),则 z的虚部是()A3i B3 C3i D3 2某统计部门对四组数据进行统计分析后,获得如图所示的散点图 下面关于相关系数的比较,正确的是()Arrrr4213Brrrr2413Crrrr2431Drrrr42313设全集UR,集合Mx x1,Nx x x20,则 ()=()Axx01Bx x2Cxx01Dx x24如图,网格纸上小正方形的边长为 1,粗实线画出的是某个零件的三视图,则这个零件的体积等于()A6 B8 C10 D12 5函数xf xxxcosln在,上的图象大致为()AB3 二、填空题:本大题共二、填空题:本大题共 4 小题,每小题小题,每小题 5 分,共分,共 20 分把答案填在题中的横线上分把答案填在题中的横线上 13已知平面向量a,b,c满足 abc0,且abc1,则的值为_.14.哥德巴赫猜想是指“每个大于 2 的偶数都可以表示为两个素数的和”,例如1073,1613 3,在不超过 40 的素数中,随机选取两个数,其和等于 40 的概率为_.15已知双曲线,abCabxy:1002222的右顶点为A,若以点A为圆心,以b为半径的圆与双曲线C的一条渐近线交于,MN两点,点O为坐标原点,且,则 双曲线C的离心率为_ 16.辅助角公式是我国清代数学家李善兰发现的用来化简三角函数的一个公式,其内容为axbxabxsincossin22(其 中Raabb0,tan)已 知 函 数f xxmx msincos(0,0)的图像的两相邻零点之间的距离小于,x6为函数f x()的极大值点,且f33,则实数的最小值为_.三、解答题:本大题共、解答题:本大题共 6 小题,共小题,共 70 分 解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤 第1721 题为必考题,每个试题考生都必须作答。第 22,23 题为选考题,考生根据要求作答。(一)必考题:(共 60 分,每题 12 分)分 解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤 第1721 题为必考题,每个试题考生都必须作答。第 22,23 题为选考题,考生根据要求作答。(一)必考题:(共 60 分,每题 12 分)17已知等差数列an满足首项为 1,且aa1837.(1)求数列an的通项公式;(2)设a abnnn11,求数列bn的前 n项和Tn.18 如图,四棱锥PABCD中,PD平面 ABCD,底面 ABCD是正方形,PDAB2,E为 PC中点 (1)求证:DE平面 PCB;(2)求二面角EBDP的余弦值 4 19某单位共有 10 名员工,他们某年的收入如下表:员工编号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 年薪(万元)4 4.5 6 5 6.5 7.5 8 8.5 9 51(1)求该单位员工当年年薪的平均值和中位数;(2)从该单位中任取 2 人,此 2 人中年薪收入高于 7 万的人数记为,求的分布列和期望;(3)已知员工年薪收入与工作年限成正相关关系,某员工工作第一年至第四年的年薪分别为 4 万元,5.5万元,6 万元,8.5万元,预测该员工第五年的年薪为多少?附:线性回归方程ybxa 中系数计算公式分别为:xnxxxbaybxx ynxyxxyyiiiinniiiiiinn,1122211,其中x y,为样本均值.20已知点F是抛物线C xy:42与椭圆ababyx1(0)2222的公共焦点,椭圆上的点M到点F的最大距离为 3.(1)求椭圆的方程;(2)过点M作C的两条切线,记切点分别为A B,,求MAB面积的最大值.21.已知函数f xmxmxx mRx2()ln()2(1)当m2时,求函数在f(1,(1)处的切线方程;(2)设P xxmx22()152,令xF xP xf x2()()(2),若F x()0的两根为x x,12且xx12,求证:(1)21+(2)0.(二)选考题(10 分):请考生在第 22,23 题中任选一题作答。如果多做,则按所做的第一题计分。22.选修 4-4:坐标系与参数方程 (二)选考题(10 分):请考生在第 22,23 题中任选一题作答。如果多做,则按所做的第一题计分。22.选修 4-4:坐标系与参数方程 在直角坐标系 xOy 中,曲线 C 的参数方程为 yx2sin1 2cos,(为参数)以坐标原点为极点,x轴正半轴为极轴建立极坐标系,已知直线l的极坐标方程为4sin2 (1)求曲线 C 的普通方程与直线 l的直角坐标方程;(2)若直线 l过点M2,1且与直线 l平行,直线 l交曲线 C于 A,B 两点,求MAMB11的值 23.选修 4-5:不等式选讲 23.选修 4-5:不等式选讲 已知函数f xxx2323(1)解不等式f x8;(2)设函数f x的最小值为M,若正数a,b,c满足abcM236111,证明:abc239 1 成都七中成都七中高高 20232023 届高三届高三上上期期 1 10 0 月月阶段阶段考试考试数学试卷数学试卷 理科理科参考答案参考答案 一选择题 1-5:BCAAB 6-10:BDBCA 11-12:DA 二填空题 13.21 14.221 15.315 16.13 三解答题 17.解:(1)根据题意得,a11,数列an是等差数列,设公差为d,则由aa1837,得adad261811,解得d2,3 分 所以 annn11221.6 分 (2)由(1)可得nnnnbn(21)(21)2 21211111,所以nnTn232 352 21211111 11111nnn22121111.12 分 18.解:(1)证明:PD平面 ABCD,PDBC,又正方形 ABCD中,CDBC,PDCDD,BC平面 PCD,又DE平面 PCD,BCDE,PDCD,E是 PC的中点,DEPC,PCBCC,且PC面PCB,BC面PCB DE平面 PCB5 分(2)以点 D为坐标原点,分别以直线 DA,DC,DP为 x轴,y 轴,z 轴,建立如图所示的空间直角坐标系,6 分 由题意知:DPBE0,0,0,0,0,2,2,2,0,0,1,1,则DBDE2,2,0,0,1,1,设平面 BDE 的法向量为nx y z,,则n DEyzn DBxy000220,令z1,得到 yx1,1,n1,1,1 又QCA0,2,0,2,0,0,则 AC2,2,0,且 AC平面 PDB,平面 PDB 的一个法向量为,设二面角EBDP的平面角为,则,所以二面角EBDP的余弦值为3612 分 19.解:(1)平均值为 x1044.5656.57.588.5951111万元;中位数为276.57.5万元.3 分(2)年薪高于 7 万的有 5 人,低于或等于 7 万的有 5 人;取值为 0,1,2.3 由已知可得 y220,所以当 y20时,MAB面积的最大值为8 2.12 分 21.解:(1)若=2,则f xxxx2()2(ln1)2,xfxxxxxx()2 ln12ln1,则切线的斜率为 f11,又 f22(1)(2)13,所以曲线yf x在点f1,1处的切线方程是 yx213,即xy2250.4 分(2)解:函数()=(+2)+22 2,其定义域为2,,则()=+2+2=2+(4)+2(2),因为F x()0的两根为x x,12且xx12 当4 4 0即0 2,2=4 ,满足两根在(2,)所以1+2=0,12=4且x0,22,=12+4,6 分 因为xx012,所以 xx21,所以(1)=(2),=12+4=4 22,要证(1)+(2)21 2(2)21 0 (2)+2 0,mxxxxxxx22ln204ln202222222222,xxx22ln20222,令g xxxxx22ln2(02),则gxx22ln2ln2011,所以g x在0,2上单调递增,且g 02ln20,故g xg 00,即FxF xx2121,即:(1)21+(2)012 分 22.解(1)因为曲线 C 的参数方程为 yx2sin1 2cos,(为参数),所以曲线 C的普通方程为xy1422 由4sin2,得44sincoscos sin2,即sincos2,因为xcos,ysin,所以直线 l的直角坐标方程为xy205 分(2)因为直线 l的斜率为1,所以 l的倾斜角为43,所以过点M2,1且与直线 l平行的直线 l的方程可设为 ytxt212222(t为参数)设点 A,B对应的参数分别为t1,t2,将 ytxt212222代入xy1422,可得 tt221142222,整理得 tt2 2202,则 0,tt2 212,t t21 2,4 所以 MAMBMA MBt tMAMBtt|2211|(2 2)4 21 212210 分 23.解:(1)当 x23时,f xxxx3 2234,由f x8可得x2,则 x223;当x2233时,f xxx3 2236,由f x8可得显然成立,则x2233;当x23时,f xxxx23234,由f x8可得x2,则x223;综上:不等式f x8的解集为 xx22;5 分(2)f xxxxx232323236,当且仅当xx23230 即x2233时取等,M6,则abc231111,又a,b,c均为正数,则bcaccbaabcabcbabacbca223233323323231121 accbbaabacbc3222323332229,当且仅当cbbccaacbaab32233322,即 cba1233时等号成立,则abc239.10 分(法 2:柯西不等式)1 高高 2023 届届 10 月阶段检测卷月阶段检测卷 英英 语语 考试时间:120 分钟 满分:150 分 注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡和试卷指定位置上。2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。3.考试结束后,请将答题卡交回。第第一部分一部分 听力(共两节,满分听力(共两节,满分30 分)分)第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.Where does the conversation probably take place?A.At a zoo.B.In a library.C.In a drugstore.2.What will the man do next?A.Change some money.B.Take the food home.C.Sit and eat his meal.3.What does the woman suggest?A.Buying a computer.B.Hiring an assistant.C.Starting a business.4.What are the speakers talking about?A.The weather.B.The scenery.C.The traffic.5.When did the man see the film?A.On Wednesday.B.On Thursday.C.On Saturday.第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第 6、7 题。6.Who is the newcomer?A.David Cook.B.Joey Sanders.C.Liam Neeson.7.What is the newcomers position in the company?A.He is a film director.B.He is a program manager.C.He is a department head.听下面一段对话,回答第 8 至 10 题。8.What does the woman do?A.Shes a secretary.B.Shes a hotel maid.C.Shes a salesperson.9.What is the man going to do?A.Change the sheets.B.Have breakfast.C.Meet his friends.10.What does the man ask the woman to do at the end of the conversation?A.Take the plate away.B.Bring some towels.C.Turn on the light.听下面一段对话,回答第 11 至 13 题。11.Why does Jessica make the call?A.To look for her passport.B.To apply for a credit card.C.To ask for the manager.12.Where will Jessica go right after the phone call?3 The Museum of Marion-Arsinoe is located in Polis Chrysochous.The exhibits are from the ancient city of Marion,renamed Arsinoe in the 3rd century BC.Address:26 Makarios Avenue,Polis,Paphos.Opening hours:Tuesday,Wednesday&Friday(8 a.m.3 p.m.),Thursday(8 a.m.5 p.m.),Saturday(9 a.m.3 p.m.)Monday and Sunday closed.Entrance Fee:1.75;half price on national holidays.Maa-Palaeokastro Museum The small museum is located within the Maa-Palaeokastro site.Built in 1989,the museums unusual design is the work of architect Andrea Bruno.The museum houses a small collection of objects,mainly copies,as well as some educational information on the site.Open daily:8:30 a.m.5 p.m.(NovemberMarch),8:30 a.m.6 p.m.(AprilOctober).All year round.Entrance Fee:1.75 21.Which museum takes disabled visitors into consideration?A.Maa-Palaeokastro Museum.B.The Steni Museum of Village Life.C.Marion-Arsinoe Archaeological Museum.D.The Leventis Municipal Museum.22.What is on display in the Steni Museum of Village Life?A.Famous paintings.B.Things used in daily life.C.The education of the villagers.D.The story of the village leader.23.Which museum can you visit at 9:00 a.m.on Monday?A.The Leventis Municipal Museum.B.The Steni Museum of Village Life.C.Maa-Palaeokastro Museum.D.Marion-Arsinoe Archaeological Museum.B Napoleon,as a character in Tolstoys War and Peace,is more than once described as having“fat little hands”.Nor does he“sit well or firmly on the horse”.He is said to be“undersized”with“short legs”and a“round stomach”.The issue here is not the accuracy of Tolstoys descriptionit seems not that far off from historical accounts but his choice of facts:other things that could be said of the man are not said.We are meant to understand the difference of a warring commander in the body of a fat little Frenchman.Tolstoys Napoleon could be any man wandering in the streets and putting a little of powdered tobacco up his noseand that is the point.It is a way the novelist uses to show the moral nature of a character.And it turns out that,as Tolstoy has it,Napoleon is a crazy man.In a scene in Book Three of War and Peace,the wars having reached the critical year of 1812,Napoleon receives a representative from the Tsar(沙皇),who has come with peace terms.Napoleon is very angry:doesnt he have more army?He,not the Tsar,is the one to make the terms.He will destroy all of Europe if the Tsars army is stopped.“That is what you will have gained by engaging me in the war!”he shouts.And then,Tolstoy writes,Napoleon“walked silently several times up and down the room,his fat shoulders moving quickly.Still later,after reviewing his army amid cheering crowds,Napoleon invites the shaken Russian to dinner.“He raised his hand to the Russians face,”Tolstoy writes,and“taking him by the ear pulled it gently”To have ones ear pulled by the Emperor was considered the greatest honor and mark of favor at the French court.“Well,well,why dont you say anything?said he,as if it was ridiculous in his presence to respect anyone but himself,Napoleon.Tolstoy did his research,but the composition is his own.24.Tolstoys description of Napoleon in War and Peace is _.A.far from the historical facts B.based on the Russian history 4 C.based on his selection of facts D.not related to historical details 25.Napoleon was angry when receiving the Russian representative because _.A.the Tsars peace terms were hard to accept B.he didnt have any more army to fight with C.the Russians stopped his military movement D.he thought he should be the one to make the peace terms 26.What did Napoleon expect the Russian representative to do?A.To walk out of the room in anger.B.To show agreement with him.C.To say something about the Tsar.D.To express his admiration.27.Tolstoy intended to present Napoleon as a man who is _.A.crazy for power and respect B.fond of showing off his iron will C.determined in destroying all of Europe D.ill-mannered in dealing with foreign guests C Domestic horses now pull ploughs,race in the Kentucky Derby,and carry police.But early horses werent tame enough to perform these kinds of tasks.Scientists think the first interactions humans had with horses were far different from those today.Thousands of years ago,people killed the wild horses that lived around them for food.Over time,people began to catch the animals and raise them.This was the first step in domestication.As people began to tame and ride horses,they chose to keep those animals that had more desirable characteristics.For example,people may have chosen to keep horses that had a gentle personality so they could be ridden more easily.People who used horses to pull heavy loads would have chosen to keep stronger animals.Characteristics like strength are partly controlled by the animals genes.So as the domesticated horses reproduced,they passed the characteristics on to their young.Each new generation of houses would show more of these chosen characteristics.Modern day horse breeds come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes.This variety didnt exist in the horse population before domestication.The Shetland horse is one of the smallest breedstypically reaching only one meter tall.With short,strong legs,the animals were bred to pull coal out of mine shafts(矿井)with low ceilings.Huge horses like the Clydesdale came on the scene around 1700.People bred these heavy,tall horses to pull large vehicles used for carrying heavy loads.The domestication of horses has had gr
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