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    关 键  词:
    人教版 选修 第三 单元 单词 讲解 课件

    1、1.annual adj.(通常作定语)每年的,年度的,一年一次的你的年薪是多少?Whats your annual salary?产量将提高4到5个百分点。The annual output is to be increased by 4 to 5 percent.n.c 年刊,年鉴,年报2.witness 1).vt.当场见到,目击;为别人签署文件时作证 vi.witness to(doing)sth.作证 我们正在见证本世纪最重要的科学进展。We are witnessing the most important scientific development of the century

    2、.司机作证说他看见了这个人进入那座建筑物。The driver witnessed to having seen the man enter the building.2.witness 2).n.c目击者,证人,见证者 a witness to sth.的目击者;u or c(usually sing)证词,证明,证据 bear witness(to)证明,作证他们是这起事故的目击者。They were witnesses to the accident.这座庙宇证明了这个城市以前的辉煌。The temple bears witness to the citys former greatne

    3、ss.3.On the afternoon I arrived at the station,as I was sorting out my accommodation,I heard a huge noise coming from the bay.在我到达捕鲸场的那个下午,正当我准在我到达捕鲸场的那个下午,正当我准备膳宿时,我听到一声巨响从海湾传来。备膳宿时,我听到一声巨响从海湾传来。1)as 强调主从句中谓语动词所表示强调主从句中谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生。的动作同时发生。从句表示从句表示“随时间随时间推移推移”连词能用连词能用as,不用不用when 或或while。As the da

    4、y went on,the weather got worse.日子一天天过去,天气越变越坏。日子一天天过去,天气越变越坏。as,when和和while 2)when 可表示瞬间、时间段,主从句可表示瞬间、时间段,主从句动作同时发生,也可以先后发生。当从动作同时发生,也可以先后发生。当从句的动作发生于主句动作之前,只能用句的动作发生于主句动作之前,只能用when 引导这个从句,不可用引导这个从句,不可用as 或或 while。When you have finished your work,you may have a rest.3)as,when 引导短暂性动作的动词。引导短暂性动作的动词。

    5、Just as/Just when/When I stopped my car,a man came up to me.4)while 用于同时进行的两个延续性用于同时进行的两个延续性动作相伴发生,常对同类动作进行对比。动作相伴发生,常对同类动作进行对比。4.yell vt./vi.大叫,呼喊 n.c 叫声,喊声 yell(out)(at sb./sth.);yell(out)(in/with sth.)号叫,喊叫,叫喊 yell(at sb.)(about/for sth.);yell(out)sth.(at sb./sth.)叫喊着说(某事)l Dont yell _ me.l He ye

    6、lled _ orders to everyone.l She yelled _ him _ his constant drunkenness.l She yelled _ _ her naughty child.atoutatabout/forout at5.“Come on,Clancy1)意为赶快意为赶快/加油加油/加把劲加把劲,表示劝说,不耐烦,催促表示劝说,不耐烦,催促 -Now,where is my purse?-_!Well be late for the picnic.A Take your time B Dont worry C Come on D Take it easy

    7、 2)开始开始 The rain has just come on.C come about 发生发生 come across 偶然遇见偶然遇见 come forth 出来,涌现出来,涌现 come out 出版出版/(花)开(花)开 come through(电话)接通(电话)接通 come up 走近走近/上升上升 come to 总计总计 come up with 赶上赶上/提出提出6.ahead of 在前面,早于,领先 ahead of time 提前,提早伦敦的时间比纽约时间早5个小时。The time in London is five hours ahead of the ti

    8、me in New York.如果你来的话可以提前告诉我吗?Can you tell me ahead of time if you are coming?7.even though 即使,引导的从句多表示事实 even if 即使,所引导的从句表示极端的情况,往往是把握不大或假设的事eg.Even if he is poor,she loves him.=He may be poor,yet she loves him.Even though he is poor,she loves him.=He is poor,yet she loves him.I wouldnt lose coura

    9、ge _ I should fail ten times.even if8.flee vt./vi.flee(from sb./sth.)逃跑,逃避,避开,(尤指遇到危险、威胁等时)逃离 vi.迅速消散,消失警铃响起时,顾客纷纷从银行逃走。The customers fled from the bank when the alarm sounded.战争期间成千上万的人逃离了这个国家。During the war thousands of people fled the country.一切希望都破灭了。All hope had fled.9.He let it go and the harp

    10、oon hit the spot.Being badly wounded,the whale soon died.辨析:辨析:wound,injury,hurt,harm与与damage wound 是战斗中刀枪的创伤、伤口是战斗中刀枪的创伤、伤口;injury 是平时的大小创伤和伤害是平时的大小创伤和伤害hurt 是指精神上的伤害和肉体的伤痛。是指精神上的伤害和肉体的伤痛。harm 指使有生命或者无生命的东西不再完整、美指使有生命或者无生命的东西不再完整、美 丽,丽,或者具有原来的价值。或者具有原来的价值。damage“车辆、船只、房屋车辆、船只、房屋”等的损坏等的损坏。Use the ab

    11、ove words to fill the following blanks:1.His brother was _ in that battle.2.He got serious _ to the legs at work.3.He got his finger _.4.The _ to his feelings is more serious than the hurt in his body.5.Smoking a lot of cigarettes can _ and even kill over a long period of time.6.The bus was badly _

    12、when it hit the wall.This storm did great _ to the crops.injuriesinjuredhurtharmdamagedharm/damagewounded10.drag vt./vi.拖,拉,扯,拽 drag sb.down(to sth.)使某人社会地位、行为标准等下降 drag sb.into doing sth.硬拉某人参加某活动 drag sth.up 提起(不愿回忆或谈论的事)drag sth.out 使某事不必要地拖延 l She had to be dragged _ seeing the denist.l Im afrai

    13、d the children will all be dragged _ to his level.l They dragged the meeting _ endlessly.intodownout11.depth n.c/u 深,深度(从上至下的距离,从表面向内部的距离);(指颜色、黑暗等)浓度,强度;u(指感情等)诚挚,真诚,强烈 in depth 完全地;彻底地 (be/get)out of ones depth 在深得不能站立的水中;不能理解这个湖有多深?Whats the depth of the lake?他们一谈起经济学,我就一窍不通了。When they start talk

    14、ing about economics,Im out of my depth.depth:n.the depth(s)of the ocean 海洋深处海洋深处 the jungle 丛林深处丛林深处 the country 穷乡僻壤穷乡僻壤 the winter 隆冬隆冬 ones heart 心灵深处心灵深处 despair 绝望的深渊绝望的深渊12.in the meantime=meanwhile 在此期间,与此同时医生很快就到了,在此期间,设法放松自己。The doctor will be here soon;in the meantime,try to relax yourself

    15、.我已经5年没见到她了,这段期间她结婚了。I havent seen her for 5 years,and in the meantime,she has got married.13.From Jamess face,I could see he was terrified of being abandoned by us.从詹姆斯的脸上我能看出他非常恐慌,生怕被我们遗弃。从詹姆斯的脸上我能看出他非常恐慌,生怕被我们遗弃。此处此处abandonabandon的意思是的意思是“放弃,抛弃放弃,抛弃”,相关短语有:,相关短语有:1 1)背弃祖国)背弃祖国/朋友朋友abandon ones co

    16、untry/friend2 2)抛弃家庭)抛弃家庭abandon ones family 3)革除陋习)革除陋习 abandon a bad habit4)4)放弃职位放弃职位/希望希望/计划计划/主意主意Abandon ones post/hope/plan/idea14.abandon vt.遗弃,抛弃,离弃,舍弃 abandon oneself to sth.完全屈从于(某种情感或冲动)他们丢下了土地,遭侵略军占领。They abandoned their lands to the invaders.恶劣的天气迫使他们放弃了搜寻工作。The bad weather forced them

    17、 to abandon their search.他陷入绝望中。He abandoned himself to despair.abandonment n.u 遗弃,放弃,抛弃,舍弃 abandon n.u 放任,纵情 abandoned adj.(通常作定语)(指人或行为)放荡的,堕落的l The _ behavior of the boy in the school makes his father very angry.l Her _ of the idea upset him.l They were so excited that they jumped and shouted wit

    18、h _.abandonedabandonmentabandon15.help out 帮助(摆脱困境或危难)他失业时,他妈妈给了他一些钱帮了他一把。His mother helped him out with some money when he lost his job.孩子们在店里帮爸爸的忙。The children help out in their fathers shop.l help oneself to l help sb.with sth.l cant help to do sth.l cant help doing sth.自用(食物等)帮助某人做某事不能帮助做某事情不自禁/

    19、忍不住做某事16.relationship n.relationship between A and B/relationship of A to/with B 关系,关联 relationship between A and B/relationship of A to B 血缘关系,姻亲关系 relationship between A and B/relationship of A with B 感情的关系这个作者与编辑的工作关系很融洽。The author had a good working relationship with his editor.17.rent 1).vt.租借或

    20、租用,出租给某人 vi.rent at/for sth.以一定租金出租 你把这台电视机租给他可以吗?Will you rent him the television?这座建筑物以每年3000美金的租金出租。The building rents at$3000 a year.2).n.c/u 租金,租赁费 for rent 供租用的,招租的伦敦的办公室租金是非常昂贵的。Official rents are very high in London.6 be about to 6 be about to 表示即将发生的动作,意为表示即将发生的动作,意为“正要,正要,即将即将”,不也具体的表将来时间的副词或副词性短语连,不也具体的表将来时间的副词或副词性短语连用,但可以与用,但可以与asas或或whenwhen引导的时间状语连用。引导的时间状语连用。I was just about _ road _ a ship came to us.A.traveling on;while B.to travel on;while C.traveling by;when D.to travel when by;D

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