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Han Gan and His HorsesDeveloping ideasTick the words that you would use to describe horses.Add any more you can think of.calm cute fast wildbrave clever loyal strongMy name is“Horse”Try to find out the similarity among these parts of Chinese poems.春风得意马蹄疾,一日看尽长安花。春风得意马蹄疾,一日看尽长安花。唐唐 孟郊孟郊乱花渐欲迷人眼,浅草才能没马蹄。乱花渐欲迷人眼,浅草才能没马蹄。唐唐 白居易白居易相逢意气为君饮,系马高楼垂柳边。相逢意气为君饮,系马高楼垂柳边。唐唐 王维王维Horses and an artist in Tang DynastyThe common sense about horses.1.Share what you know about horses.In ancient times,horses were the main driving force for agricultural production,transportation and military activities.However,in some developing countries and regions,horses are still mainly used as an important source of transportation and labor.Besides,horses are mainly used in horse riding competitions.Read the passage and find out what it is about.a An introduction to the Metropolitan Museum of Art.b The story behind Night-Shining White.c The famous artist Han Gan.1 Describe the painting Night Shinging White.What a magnificant horse!Even after more than a thousand years have passed,we can still feel the power within its burning eyes,bared teeth and kicking hooves.多棒的多棒的马啊啊!即使在一千多年即使在一千多年过去后,去后,我我们仍然可以感仍然可以感觉到它燃到它燃烧的眼睛,的眼睛,露出的牙露出的牙齿和踢着的蹄子的力量。和踢着的蹄子的力量。进入翻入翻译页面面 In ancient China,no animal played a greater role than the horse.Ancient Chinese regarded them as “dragon horses.”Han Gan employed a so-called baihua technique to paint the Night-Shining White,which features monochrome(单色画单色画)painting with ink shading.In the painting,the horses head is the most admired feature.The pricked(竖起的竖起的)ears,wild rolling eye,flaring nostril(张开的鼻孔张开的鼻孔),the open mouth and the thick,bristle mane(鬃毛鬃毛)bring a fiery stallion(烈马烈马)to life.The artist also used curved lines to outline the horses rump(臀部臀部),muscular chest and its kicking hooves.Night-Shining White is among the most precise and most vivid depictions(描写描写)by a Chinese painter.2 Where is the painting kept now?It is kept in New Yorks Metropolitan Museum of Art,is regarded as one of the most significant horse paintings in the history of Chinese art.现收藏于收藏于纽约大都会大都会艺术博物博物馆,被被认为是中国是中国艺术史上最重要的史上最重要的马画之一。画之一。Watch a video and learn how was it sent there?What is your opinion of its experience.Watch a video and learn how was it sent there?What is your opinion of its experience.3 What is its artist,Han Gan famous for?Han Gan is known for_not only _,but_also_ his skill in capturing the physical features of the animal its inner spirit and strength韩干因他不干因他不仅善于捕捉善于捕捉动物的身体特征也能捕捉物的身体特征也能捕捉动物的内在精神和力量而著称。物的内在精神和力量而著称。4 what about Han Gans personal information and his life at early age?_ in the early Tang Dynasty,the young Han Gan _ in a local wine shop.初唐初唐时期,期,韩干出生在一个干出生在一个贫苦家庭,苦家庭,为了养家了养家糊口,他在当地的一家酒楼里打工。糊口,他在当地的一家酒楼里打工。Born into a poor familyhad to help support his family by working5 What made Han Gan a successful painter?His artistic talent was discovered by accident when he was sent to the poet Wang Weis house to collect payment for some wine.Wang decided to sponsor the young man to study painting and recommended him to a master.Due to Han s natural talent and years of hard work,he was eventually chosen to serve Emperor Xuanzong in the royal palace.It was his natural talent for drawing and years of hard work that made him a success Due to Han s natural talent and years of hard work,he was eventually chosen to serve Emperor Xuanzong in the royal palace.6 What did Han Gan do as a court painter?He frequently visited the royal stables and even moved in to live with the stable workers for quite some time in order to observe horses.What can you learn from Han Gans way of painting?In our study,we should pay attention to observation,personal experience,and more practice.7 Some comments on his work:Almost all the viewers:Su Shi:Sing high praise for his unique skill,saying that his horses“could gallop off the paper.”“The horses painted by Han Gan are real horses”.韩干马十四匹苏轼宋代二马并驱攒八蹄,二马宛颈鬃尾齐。一马任前双举后,一马却避长呜嘶。老髯奚官奇且顾,前身作马通马语。后有八匹饮且行,微流赴吻若有声。前者既济出林鹤,后者欲涉鹤俯啄。最后一匹马中龙,不嘶不动尾摇风。韩生画马真是马,苏子作诗如见画。世无伯乐亦无韩,此诗此画谁当看?What does Su Shis comment mean to you?The poet thought highly of Han Gans excellent skill in drawing horses because the horses were painted in avividand lively way.徐悲鸿徐悲鸿Do you know any other artists famous for painting horses?There are two paintings from Han Gan and Xu Beihong,can you pick out which one is painted by Han Gan and what are the differences between them?Make comparison These two pictures are quite different.It is easy to know that the second one is painted by Han Gan.In my opinion,Han Gan mainly focused on the physical features and inner spirit of the horses while Xus work showed us the strength,energy,power and vigor of the horses.The structure of the textNameoftheartist(HanGan)Nameofthepainting(Night-ShiningWhite)DescriptionofthepaintingTheartistandhismasterpiecePersonalinformationHowhebecameapainterWhathedidasacourtpainterThelifeoftheartistSuShiOtherviewersCommentsonhisworkThe horse is full of power with burning eyes,bared teeth and kicking hoovesBorn into a poor family in the early Tang Dynasty.When he was young,he worked in a wine shop.The poet Wang Wei discovered Hans artistic talent and sponsored him to study painting.Besides,years of hard work enabled him to serve Emperor Xuanzong.Practised drawing horses by spending much time observing horses.The poet thought the horses painted by Han Gan were real horses.They all sang high praises for Han Gans unique skill,saying his horses could gallop off the paper.Reading comprehension1What can we learn from Paragraph 1?AHan Gan was famous only for the horses drawn by him.BHan Gan had a unique skill to draw vivid horses.CThe horses Han Gan drew were always standing still.DHan Gan knew what the horses were thinking in their mind.2What was the most important for Han Gan to study painting?AEmperor Xuanzongs choice.BAll the horses Han Gan saw.CThe help from Wang Wei.DThe praises from people around him.3What made Han Gan a successful painter?AHis natural talent and years of hard work.BThe working experience in the palace.CBeing fond of watching and painting horses.DThe people who admired Hans paintings.4Why did Han Gan regard horses as his teachers?ABecause the Emperor asked him to do so.BBecause the Emperor was fond of horses.CBecause he learned a lot from watching horses.DBecause the horses were his best friends.Born into a poor family in the early Tang Dynasty,the young Han Gan had to support his family 1_ working in a local wine shop.When he was sent to the poet Wang Weis house 2_(collect)payment for some wine,Wang Wei found his talent for painting and decided to sponsor him.3_(eventual)Han Gan 4_(choose)to serve Emperor Xuanzong.At that time,the most common way to study horse painting was by copying the works of previous painters.5_,Han Gan ws different-he observed the animal 6_.He became a frequent visitor to the royal stables.The horses,7_ resting or on the move,offered him plenty of inspiration.Those 8_ saw Han Gan s horse paintings all sang high praises for his unique skill.Even Su Shi,9_ famous poet,expressed his 10_(admire)for Han Gan as a master of horse painting.byto collectEventuallywas chosenHoweveritselfwhetherwhotheadmiration直击高考直击高考Han Gan and His HorsesI.Leading in Tick the words that you would use to describe horses.Add any more you can think of.calm brave clever loyal strong cute fast wildTry to find out the similarity among these parts of Chinese poems.春风得意马蹄疾,一日看尽长安花。唐孟郊乱花渐欲迷人眼,浅草才能没马蹄。唐白居易相逢意气为君饮,系马高楼垂柳边。唐王维1.Share what you know about horses._2.Read the passage and find out what it is about.a An introduction to the Metropolitan Museum of Art.b The story behind Night-Shining White.c The famous artist Han Gan.Reading comprehension 1 Describe the painting Night Shinging White._2 Where is the painting kept now?_Watch a video and learn how was it sent there?What is your opinion of its experience._3.What is its artist,Han Gan famous for?_4.what about Han Gans personal information and his life at early age?_5.What made Han Gan a successful painter?_6.What did Han Gan do as a court painter?_What can you learn from Han Gans way of painting?_7.Some comments on his work:Almost all the viewers:_ Su Shi:_1.What does Su Shis comment mean to you?_Do you know any other artists famous for painting horses?_Make comparison with Han Gans horses._III Complete the diagram with information from the passage at page 46 in your books.1What can we learn from Paragraph 1?AHan Gan was famous only for the horses drawn by him.BHan Gan had a unique skill to draw vivid horses.CThe horses Han Gan drew were always standing still.DHan Gan knew what the horses were thinking in their mind.2What was the most important for Han Gan to study painting?AEmperor Xuanzongs choice.BAll the horses Han Gan saw.CThe help from Wang Wei.DThe praises from people around him.3What made Han Gan a successful painter?AHis natural talent and years of hard work.BThe working experience in the palace.CBeing fond of watching and painting horses.DThe people who admired Hans paintings.4Why did Han Gan regard horses as his teachers?ABecause the Emperor asked him to do so.BBecause the Emperor was fond of horses.CBecause he learned a lot from watching horses.DBecause the horses were his best friends.IV Fill in the blankets according to the text.Born into a poor family in the early Tang Dynasty,the young Han Gan had to support his family 1_ working in a local wine shop.When he was sent to the poet Wang Weis house 2_(collect)payment for some wine,Wang Wei found his talent for painting and decided to sponsor him.3_(eventual)Han Gan 4_(choose)to serve Emperor Xuanzong.At that time,the most common way to study horse painting was by copying the works of previous painters.5_,Han Gan ws different-he observed the animal 6_.He became a frequent visitor to the royal stables.The horses,7_ resting or on the move,offered him plenty of inspiration.Those 8_ saw Han Gan s horse paintings all sang high praises for his unique skill.Even Su Shi,9_ famous poet,expressed his 10_(admire)for Han Gan as a master of horse painting.
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