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类型2018-2019合肥一、六中等五校高二英语上册期末联考试卷(含答案) - 副本.pdf

  • 上传人(卖家):随风2020
  • 文档编号:358047
  • 上传时间:2020-03-11
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    关 键  词:
    2018-2019合肥一、六中等五校高二英语上册期末联考试卷含答案 副本 2018 2019 合肥 中等 五校高二 英语 上册 期末 联考 试卷 答案 下载 _考试试卷_英语_高中

    1、合肥六中 、淮北中、 滁州中学、阜阳中、 合肥中 2 0 18 2 0 19学年第 学期高二期末考试 本 试卷第 1卷和第 II卷两部分 卷和答题卡 并交回 注意事项 1答题前 ,考生务必用o5毫米黑色签字笔将 自己的姓名 座号考生和区县和科类填写在答题卡和 试 卷规定的 位置上 2第i 卷每 小题选出答案后 ,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑 如需改动用橡皮擦干 净后 再选选涂 其他答案标号 3第玎卷必须用 0 5毫米黑色签字笔作答,答案必须写作答题卡各题 目指定区域内相应 的位置如需改 动 ,先 划掉 原来的答案 ,然后再写上新的答案不能使用涂改液胶带纸修正带不按以上要求作答的

    2、答案无效 第I卷 第 部分 听力(共两节 ,满分3 0分) 做题时 ,先将答案标在试卷上 录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡 上 第节(共5 小题每小题l5织 满分7 5分) 听下面5段对话 每段对话后有个小题从题中所给的A BC三个选项中选出最佳选项 ,并标在 试卷的相应位置 听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下 小题每段对话仅读 遍 。 1Wnat does the wom an pr obabl y w ant t o do? AWrite a pape rBGet s ome sl eepCAt tend a cl ass 2W hen

    3、wi l l the m an see his parents? AAt 1100 BAt 10:00 CAt9:00 3Why didn t t he m an see the w oman at br eak fast tim e? AS he d idn t g o to the dining hal l BSh 引 向 ished he r br eak f a st ear y CSh e w ent for a long w al k 4W hat does t he w oman think of the new art m useum? At has no at t r act

    4、ion for herBIt l ooks at tractive out si deCIt i s nic e inside 5W hat di d th e wom an do with the r eport? AS he m ad e suggesti ons on IL B She asked t he m an to rewri te it C She got s om eone el s e to read it 第二节(共 15小题 每小题15织满分22 5分l 英语试题 分值150分时长12 0分钟 命题人刘巍审题人谢宇萌 共12页满分150分考试限定用时120分钟,考试结束

    5、后,将本试 听下面5段对话成独白河段对情成独1育儿个小腿, 从閥中i给的 八 I(个选项 选 项并标在试卷的相应位置 听巴伐利l或独 I前, 你将有 r r l川阗険各个小麗 , 訶小题弓秒钟 各小题将给出5秒钟的作符时间, 每段xll i 成独 I 泫阿瑜 听第6段材割 回答第67题, 中选出最佳 中:听完后 , 6W here ar e th c speakers? AIn a c ass r oom On the srcu (In l t tl n 7When d i d the Brook l yn Bri ge st art to bc bu t? AIn 1869 Bn 1883

    6、CIn 18118 听下面 段对话,回答第8和第9两个小题, 8What i s Michael doing? AW atch ing T vBpreparing dinner (:Doing hl # hom ew ork 9Wnat i s the wo nan s ad vice? ARecord i ng the pr ogr am13Asking Jan e for Irulp Chking a shower now 听下面段对话 ,回答第10至第12三个小题。 10W nere does the convers ation take place? AIn a r estaurant

    7、 BIn a car COn a plane 11 What wi l l the ma n have? ABean s alad and beerBBean saad and water CBaked chi cken and cof l ee 12Wny does n t t he m an have a d iet soda? AIt is expensiveBIt is unhe althy Ct is not avai labl e 听下面段对话,回答第13至第 16四个小题 13W hat is the relationshi p bet w een Stefan a nd the

    8、 man? AWorkmatesBFor m er s choolmates CTeacher and student 14Where did Stefan a nd the ma n go f ir st? AA r estaur antBThe riverside CA shopping mal l 15Wnat w as by the hver in the pa st? AFactories BGardens 16W hat do w e know about the r oad bri dge? AIt is n t b usy at al l BIt started about 7

    9、 years ago 听下面段独白,回答第 17至第20四个小题 17W hen wi ll the s wim classes begi n? AOn May lst BOn Apri l 30th 18How m any swim cla s s es ar e bei ng of ered? A10 B15 19Wny must s om e student s com e to the swim skil l sh ow? CA sports center CIt will bc f ini shed soon COn A pri l 29th C 20 AThey h a v e n

    10、o Level 3 cert ificate BThey want to pa ss t he skil l level te st qui ck l y CT hey have ne ver at tended Com m uni t y Poo cl a s se s 20 W ho will rate the student s sk il le vel ? AThe speaker BThe instr uctors cT he l oc a community 第上部分阅读理解(共两节, 满分40分) 第节(共15小题 每小题2h 满分30分) 阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的 A 、

    11、B 、C和D 四个选项 选 选项并题卡 A Washington, D CB icycle Tours Cherry B l os som B i ke Tour i n washington, DC D urati on : 3 hours Thi s sm al l g r ou p bi ke tour i s a fantastic way to see t he w orldfamous cher ry tr ees with beautiful nowers of Was h i ngt onD cYour gui d e wi ll pr ovi de a h istory le

    12、sson about t hc tr ees a nd the famous m onuments where they b l oss om R eser ve your sp ot before availab i l it y and the cherry b oss om s d is ap pear! W ashi ngt on capi ta M onuments B icycc Tour D urati on 3 hours (4 mi l es) Joi n a gui ded bik e tour and vi ew s ome of the most popul ar m

    13、onuments in wash ington, DcExp ore the mo nu ment s and m em orials on the N ational Mal l as your gui de shar es uni que f acts and history at e a ch stopGui ded t our i ncludes b i k ehelmetcooki es and bot tled w ater Capi tal Ci t y B i k e Tour i n Wash ington, DC Durati on 3 hours MOr n i n g

    14、or Af t e r n o o n , t h is b i ke tour i s the perfect tour for D cnewcomers and locals look ing to experience Wash i ngton , D Ci n a healthy way with minim um ef ortK nowledgeab le gui des wi ll entertai n you with the m ost i nteresti ng stori es about presidents, Congre s s , m em orials, and

    15、parksComfortable b i kes and a sm ooth tour route (路线) make cycl i ng betw een the si tes fun a nd relaxing W ashington Capital Sites at N i ght B icycle Tour Durati on 3 hour s (7 mi les) Join a s m al l group bi k e tour for an evening of explor ation in the heart of Wash ington, DCGet up clos e t

    16、o the m onuments and m emorials as you b i ke the si tes of Capitol Hi l l a nd the National Mal lFrequent stops ar e m ade f or phot o tak ing as your gui de of krs uni que f acts and historyTour incudes b ikehelmet , and b ottled w aterA l l ri der s ar e equi pped wi th reflective ve sts and safe

    17、t y l i ght s 2 1W Uich tour do you need to book in advance? AC heny Blos som Bi ke Tour in Washington, DC BWashington Capital Monuments Bicycle Tour CCapital C ity Bi ke Tour in Wash ington, DC DWash ington Capi tal S ites at Ni gh t Bicycle Tour 2 2Wnat wi l l you do on the Capita l Cit y Bi ke To

    18、ur? AMeet famous peopl e BGo to a national park CVisit w el lknow n museum s DEnj oy inter esting stories 23W hich of the f ol lowing doe s the bi cycle tour at ni ght pr ovi de? A C i ty maps BCa merasCSafet y l igh tsDMeals B Electr oni c devi ce s (设备) c a n see m li ke a “ th ird part y “ in s o

    19、m e rel ationsh i ps b e c a us e s om e partners spend more time on t hem tha n wi th each other Wt r e n Amand a Gao, a 2 e a rol d white col l a r worker in Bei j ing , w e nt to a hotpot resta urant with he r boyf iiend on Fr iday night several week s ago, she e xpected that they w oul d have a

    20、good ti m e to therTo her disappoi ntment h o w e v e i t did not tum out that way laterAs soon a s they we re led to thei r se ats and she began to h h b d M m sel f in Ms mobile phone ele ct roni cs have b e en s abotagi ng (破坏) th eir r omanti c relationsh i ps A stud y, Pub lished in the j ourna

    21、l psychology of popular Media culture in A pri l 20 17, questi oned nearl y 2oo c ol lege aged adul ts who w e r e i n commit ted r elationshi p s to r eport on thei r and their partner s smart phone depe nd encyThe re sul ts sho w e d pe opl e who wer e m or e dependent on th eir phones w er e le s

    22、 s s ur e about thei r relationshi ps and people who c onsider ed th eir partner s excessi vel y (过度地) dependent on their devices were less satisf ied i n their rel ationshi p Lin Yuan , a r el ationsh i p advi s e r in Beijing , noted that a s more and more e ectr onics co Tle out and spice up p eo

    23、ple s l ives , t hey ar e at the sam e ti m e becoming a th ird part y i n relationsh i p sespecial y f or young people Lin said she knew of som e p eople who suggest that el ectronic s shoul d be kept out of bedrooms, wh i ch she consider ed chall enging and hard to be put i nto practice for most c

    24、ouplesShe recomm ended that if peopl e ar e feeli ng neglected in their rel ationsh i p, they need to r espectful y et their part ners know their f eelin; w ACh eerf ul BNe rvous CSalisnct DU pret 29What made th e author begin to doubt about t he de ntst AT e Itu ghi ng assistant otthe dentist 13The

    25、 denti st s b eing as busy as til e other d entists CT hc sur r oundi ngs ofthe dentist s of f ice DThe denti st s a gr eei nB to treat hcr at very sh ort notice 30Wh y di d the author stddcnly s ni l e7 ABecaus e th e dentist c ame at la st BBecause sh e saw a picture on the cei i ng CBec ause she

    26、c ould r e a x in thc chai n DBecaus e the a s si stant kept comforting hcr 31What did the author most probab l y eam fr om her expe ri ence? AStrike whi e the iron is hot BHave a good word for one s f riend CPut ones elf i n othes shoes DA friend in need is a friend indeed D Running i s ofte n tiri

    27、ng and a lot of hard w orkbut nothi ng be ats the feeling you get after fi nish ing a long workout around the tr ack But while its l ong been bel ieved that endorphins (脑内n1F) chemicals in the body that cause hap pi nessar e behind the s o cal l ed “ runner s hi gh, a study s ug gested that ther e m

    28、 ay be more to th is phenom enon tha n we previ ousl y knew According to a r ecent stud y pub l i shed by a gr oup of scientists from sever al Germa n univer sities , a gr oup of chemicals cal led endocannab inoids(内 源性大麻素) m ay actual l y be responsi b e for th i s fami lia r gr eat kel ing To te s

    29、t this the ory the s cientists t u r n e d to mice Both mic e and hum ans r eleas e h i gh l evels of endorphins and endocannabinoi ds after exerci s e, along with m a ny other chemicalsAfter exer cising on r unning wheels , the mice s eem ed hap p y and r el a xed and d isplayed no si gns of anxi e

    30、ty But after being given a dr ug to block their endorphi ns they changed However , wh e n their endoc a nnab inoids w ere b locked with a difkr ent dr ug , t heir runner s h i gh sympt oms s eem ed to fade “ The longheld noti gn of e ndorph i ns being responsib le for the r unner s h i gh i s falseE

    31、ndorph ins a r e effective pai n r el ieve r s , b ut onl y wh en it com e s to the pain in your bod y and m us cl es you feel after working ou Patrick Luca s Austin w r ote on s cience b log Li f ehacker Simi la r stud i es a r e yet to be c a r ried out on hum a ns , but is alread y w el k nown th

    32、at e xercise i s a hi gNy eie ctive w ay to get ri d of stres s or a nxiet y The UK s National He alth Ser vic e depr es sion “ Being depres s ed c a n leave you feel ing low in energ y , wH ch mi gh t put you of F bei ng m or e activeRegular exer cis e c a n boost your mood i f you have depres sion

    33、, and is espe ciall y usef ul for peopl e with mi ld to moderate (中等的) depression, “ it wrote on its website It seem s l ike nothi ng can be at that feeling w e get after a good workout , even i f w e don t f ul l y und e r sta nd where it cones f r omAt least i f we re feeling dow n, w e know that

    34、al l we have to do i s put on our r unni ng shoes e ven pres c ri bes (开药方) e xercis e to patients who a re s uf eri ng fr om A Worki ng ou t i s a hi ghly efl ective w ay t o treat depr es si on B Th e run ner s hi gh coul d b e ca trsed b y endocannabinoi ds c End orphi ns may c on tri but e to on

    35、e s h i gh spirits after running D T h e l evel of en dor phins and end o c an nab inoids could act ones mood 3 3 T h e sci en ti sts ga ve mice dr ugs i n thei r experiment to A fi nd wh at reduces t he r unne rs hi gh symptom s B s e e the sp ecifi c s ympto m s o f th e r un nes hi gh C ident i f

    36、 y what is resp onsibl e for the runners h i gh D t es t what i nfluences th e level of end ocannab inoids releas ed 3 4 The un derl i ned word“noti on “ in par agraph 7 has the cl osest m eaning to A ef fect B goal C quest ion Dbelief 3 5 Accordi ng to the uK s National Heath ser vi ce, r egular wo

    37、rkouts- A are the best w ay to treat depressi on B can hel p ease depression sym pt oms C onl y work for thos e with s eri ous depr ession D can hel p peopl e completel y r ecover f rom depr es sion 第二节 (共5小题每小题2妣满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项 选项中有两项为多余选项 Pl anning befor e buyi ng s ometh ing i

    38、s a good i deaFor exa mple you a re goi ng to buy a pet dog, y ou sti ll have to consi der a f ew th ings and plan them w el l before you welcom e it in the house 36 Yo u w ill also have to ai n it w el l s o that i t does not misbehave i n ont of peopleYou shoul d real ize that i t is a b i g resp

    39、onsi bil ity 37 Think about whether your pocket can manage the purchas e , as w el l as d i f r e n t items for keepi ng the dogIf s om ethi ng goes wr ong with the health ofyour pet , you wi l l h ave to spend s ome extr a money on i t The next thi ng you need to consi der is your home, 38 You wil

    40、als o have to consi der the fam il y m embersIf your living place is alr eady too cr owded with people, get ting a dog as an ad ditional member of the hous e will not be a good ide a 39 Make s ur e nobod y i s al ler gi c (过敏的) to the fur of the dogAls o m ake s ure that you ca n easi l y f i nd tim

    41、e to train the dogEns ur e that your fami l y i s welcoming to th is idea O When you are bringing th is be st friend into your house you m ust m ake sur e everythi ng is ri ght f or it You shoul d make l ife e a sie r for it , as w el l a s others who ar e li ving in your hous e ALooking af ter your

    42、 dog doe s n t onl y m ean t aking it for a w al k or pl aying with it BA dog is sup posed to be m a n s b e st fend CBefore you think about get ti ng a dog , t h ink about the af f ordab ilit y (经济承受力) DThe training shoul d start as soon as the dog i s in your care EOnce the dog has t eamed how to

    43、si you may teach him to shake hands F You will also have to th i nk about any he alth probl em s related to your f ami l y GA small aparbne nt will not be f i t to house a l a rge dog 第三部分语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第节完形填空(共20小题每小题1 5 织满分30 分) 阅读下面的短文,从短文后各题所给的A 、B、C和D 四个选项中 ,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 , 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑 It w

    44、 as Thank sgiving and I w as vol unteeri ng wi th my par ent s at a 42 for the needyW e stood beh ind the cou nter 43 out hot f ood to wh oever cam e i nM ost of ouf di ner s l ooked like they had been having 44 tim es thei r clothe s wer e o ld and d i rty 45 short, t hey looked needy ! Thena man c

    45、am e inwho l ooked a nyth i ng 46 needyH e w as wel dressed ; he w ore a/an 47 suit1 wondered wh at he w as d oing ther e an d my j aw dropp ed in am azem ent when hc 48 the line for foodT he closer he came t o my servi ce station the more I 4 9 W hat w as th is man doi ng? I wanted to know Surel y

    46、he The n my 51 qui etly took m e t o o ne si de Sh e s a id , You 52 that the ne eds of t he pe ople who come her e m ust be pur ely 53 hunge inad equat e s helter, cl othing, et cAnd thi s genteman doe sn t s eem t o have any of those pr o b l ems 54 what i f he need s e moti onal help7 W hat i f h

    47、e needs 55 or just to be among ot her About a w eek l ater , the shel ter 57 a large d onation fr om an anonym ous (匿名的) r son ca ni help but 58 if it came from t hat man thpr s 59 and tfy to s end k indnes s and b l essings their Nowwhen eve r I meet someone I r emembe r m y m othe rs 59 and try to

    48、 s end k indnes s and b e w ay , reg ardl es s of how they l ook Need s aren t al w ays 60 But k indnes s al w ays makes a d i ference Ble Cdealt Dstayed 4 1Acaught Br el ief Crestaurant D peace 4 2 Ashelter Cbuying Dbringing D Bhanding c p ainful Dunorget taoi e 44A hard Bhappy 4 5 AAt BO f CIn DFo

    49、r 46 Aor Band 47Acheap Bol d 48Aattended Bjumped 49A doubted Bbel ieved 50Al ine 5 1 Amother 52 Acons imied 53Aemotional 54 AYet 55Arel ease 56Astuck 们人 ve 58 Aa sk 59 Ales son Bda nger Bff iend Bcons ulted 8 p hysical BAnd Bcomplaint Bhit Bs ent Bw onder B words Cneed Ccol league Cass umed Cmental CSo Ccomfo Ctouched Cbor r ow ed cans w er cr eas on Cavai ab le Dfact Dfather Ddeci ded Dnatur al DOr Dapolog y Ddefea

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    本文标题:2018-2019合肥一、六中等五校高二英语上册期末联考试卷(含答案) - 副本.pdf

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