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    关 键  词:
    城市轨道 交通 专业 英语 课件


    2、lid vld adj.正当的,有充分根据的,符合逻辑的。Do you have valid reasons for your absence?你的缺席有正当理由吗?2.alter :lt(r)vt.&vi.改变,更改 As times alter,mens affections change时过境迁。3.One way ticket:单程票4.integral:adj 完整的,整体的,整数的;n 整数 integral number 整数.5.queue up.排队等候 queue up at the box office.在售票处排队6.forbidden:adj.不允许的,被禁止的;禁用

    3、的7.purchase p:ts:n,v.购买cash purchase现购,现金购买;live on ones purchase自谋生计,自找活路purchase and sale买卖;He gave his sonsome money for the purchase of his school books他给他儿子一些钱买课本。The new couple spent some money for the purchase of the furniture necessary for their new house这对新婚夫妇花费了一些钱购买新房子里必需的家具.返回返回It is for

    4、bidden to take excessively long object(longer than 1.8 meters),cumbersome objects(bike,washing machine,TV set,monitor of desktop computer,refrigerator,compound acoustic equipment,etc),animals or objects by the trainthat do harm to the cleanness at public places,the moving in the train or the safety

    5、of the passengers(like glass product or fragile glass product)严禁携带超长(1.8米以上)、易碎(如玻璃及易碎玻璃制品等)、笨重(如自行车、洗衣机、电视机、台式电脑显示器、电冰箱等)、妨碍公共卫生、车内通行和容易污损地铁设备和站、车环境的物品及动物进站乘车。返回返回返回返回1 guideline aidlain:n指导方针,准则We laid out the economic guidelines and followed it.我们制定了经济方针并且遵循它。2 shared d:共享的,共用的A trouble shared is

    6、 a trouble halved.两人分担,困难减半。3 absolutely bslju:tliadv.完全地,绝对地Lucy is absolutely devoted to her cats.露西全身心地爱着她的猫。Were absolutely obedient to the superior.我们绝对服从上级。4 provide prvaidvt.&vi.提供;供给;供应.vt.规定The law provides that valuable ancient buildings should be preserved by the government.法律规定有价值的古代建筑必须

    7、由政府来保管。5 principal prinspladj.最重要的;主要.n.负责人,校长.He is the principal of this school.他是该学校的校长。返回返回1.Mind the gap between train and platform when passenger get on the train.2.Try to stand in the middle of vehicle after get on the train,try not to occupy the position near the door.1.上车时应注意车身和站台之间的缝隙。2.上车

    8、后尽量站在列车中间,尽量不要站在车门位置。返回返回1.The higher the figure,the greater regard the market has for the company.这个数字越大,市场就越看好该公司。2.The bigger the share,the greater the profits and risks the partner will have.份额越大,有关合伙人的利润也就越大。返回返回 1.get ready 准备好2.first train 首班车3.last train 末班车4.interchange nt:tend n.交换、互换5.ter

    9、minus t:mns n.终点、终点站6.belongings bi:liz n.财物、随身物品7.departs dip:t vi.离开、出发、开出8.upcoming pkm adj.即将到来的、即将出现的9.announcement:nansmnt n.通告、预告10.guidebook aidbuk n.旅行指南11.calculate klkjuleit vt.计算、估计I calculated that the trip would take two days.我估计这段路程要走两天时间。12.instruction instrkn n.命令、指示 返回返回1.The last

    10、train for station departs at number:number hours.The train to station has departed.The train arriving at the platform towards station will not carry passengers.句中for station,to station,towards station 功能相同,均译为开往【车站】的列车。2.When you get out from the platform,you can see the sign of Exit instruction ove

    11、rhead at either end of the platform and choose one exit according to the information concerning the exit and its surrounding buildings as shown on the sign.句中get out 意思是“出来、出去”。at either end of the platform 站台的任一端,即站台各端。concerning the exit and its surrounding buildings as shown on the sign 做定语修饰the

    12、information,its代替the exit。返回返回1.Please board immediately!2.Have a nice day.3.Welcome to take this line on your next trip 4.Your attention please!5.Please wait the next train.返回返回 1.full-time fltam adj.全部时间的、专任的2.console knsul n.操纵台、控制台、控制面板3.Human Machine Information(HMI)人机操作界面4.malfunction mlfkn n.

    13、故障、障碍Results have been delayed owing to a malfunction in the computer.由于电脑发生故障,计算结果推迟了。5.Train Operation Display(TOD)6.display displei vt.陈列、展览、显示7.Pressure gauge 压力表8.cylinder silind n.汽缸、泵体9.brake cylinder.制动缸10.Vehicle station 车载电台11.broadcast br:dk:st n.广播、播音12.High Speed Circuit Breaker(HSCB)高速

    14、断路器13.button btn n.按钮返回返回1.HMI1.HMI can provide the information of train equipment and malfunctionsmalfunctions of vehicles.2.TOD2.TOD displaydisplay some parameters of train operation.3.Pressure gauge3.Pressure gauge displays the pressure value between brake air cylindercylinder and brake cylinder.

    15、返回返回1.HMI(人机操作界面)可以提供车载设备及列车的故障信息。2.TOD显示列车运行的一些参数。3.压力表显示制动气缸与制动缸之间的压力值。1.Can driverless metro be achieved?(Yes,of course.)2.What should a TO pay attention to before work?(Sure the train is a good operating system,driver physical condition is healthy.)返回返回 1 lbs.(=pounds)磅。a pound of carrots 一磅胡萝卜。

    16、These cost ten pence a pound./这些东西10便士一磅。It weighs nearly 27 kilos,about 65 pounds.它重近27千克,约65磅。2.concerted:kEn5s:tId adj共同的;一致的;商定的。a concerted effort/共同努力。to take concerted action/采取一致行动。Concerted action leads to victory./步调一致才能得胜利。We have now learned to make a concerted effort./我们已经学会要同心协力。3.curr

    17、ent:5kQrEnt adj.流行的,通用的;现代的,此刻的,当前的。公认的;流传中的。overcome current difficulties/克服当前的困难。current English/现代通行英语,日常英语。current events/时事。current fashions/现代服装式样。current money/通用的货币。下一页下一页iks5pEuz5insidEnti5lju:mineit5indikeitE5pC:slin,-leinpCInt5pCzEtiv;返回1.Here,in this deep level tube station,the current r

    18、ails are of lighter section than the running rails,which have been upgraded to flat bottom rail.in this deep level tube station,状语修饰整个句子,which have been upgraded to flat bottom rail是定语从句,修饰the running rails。2.The only two ways out of the problem is either to push the train onto the nearest current r

    19、ails or to make use of long cables which can be used to connect a socket on the train to shoes at the other ends of the leads which are then placed on the rails.The only two ways 是主语,out of the problem介词短语作定语,修饰主语。Either or是特殊句式,which can be used to connect a socket on the train to shoes at the othe

    20、r ends of the leads which are then placed on the rails是定语从句修饰cables,which are then placed on the rails也是定语从句修饰the leads。返回Either or是特殊句式1.When the girl is happy,she either sings or dances.那个女孩高兴时,不是唱就是跳.2.Either you or I am going there tomorrow.明天要么你去那里,要么我去那里.3.Are either you or I going there tomor

    21、row?明天是你还是我去那里?4.Either you or he has to stay at home.不是你就是他要呆在家里。返回1.betide:bi:taid vi.(事故等)发生,(祸)起。vt.多用于诅咒语(灾难等)降临于;预示,预兆。Whatever may betide,maintain your courage.无论发生什么事,都不要惊慌失措。Woe betide you if you betray us.如果你背叛我们,你会得到报应。e in:流行;时髦;上市。到达;抵达。到达;抵达。到达;抵达。When did the short skirt first come in

    22、?/短裙是什么时候开始流行的?进入(比赛)/(在比赛中)获得名次。come in third/得第三名。Has the train come in yet?/火车到站了吗?3.description:dis5kripFEn n.叙述;描写;说明。货名;品名说明书。作图;绘图。种类。a vivid description/生动的描写。a person of that description/那类人。He gave a description of what he had seen/他描述了他所见到的一切。He is not very good at description/他不善于描写。下一页下

    23、一页返回1.The power losses can be reduced by locating shoes along the train and connecting them together by a cable known as a bus-line.The power losses是主语,属于被动语态。known as a bus-line修饰cable,是被动语态作定语。Locating和connecting都属于介词后面跟动名词短语。2.It is an embarrassing nuisance only solved by being pushed onto the th

    24、ird rail by another train or by obtaining special long leads with a plug at one end for the train and shoes,at the other end for the third rail.该句子的主题结构是It is an embarrassing nuisance,而solved by being pushed onto the third rail by another train or by obtaining special long leads with a plug at one e

    25、nd for the train and shoes,at the other end for the third rail 是定语,说明两种解决的方法,修饰an embarrassing nuisance。返回返回 In spite of this,there can be problems.WoeWoe betidebetide the driver who stops his train with all the shoes off juice or gapped.Yes,it happens more often than you think and yes,before you ask,its happened to me.尽管如此,仍然有一些问题,悲哀发生在这样的司机身上:他把列车所有的接触靴停在了断口处或者列车所有的接触靴都失去了电流,是的,它发生的次数比想象的要多,在你问之前,它就在我身上发生过。返回返回

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