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    关 键  词:
    上海 中考 英语 冲刺 讲义 教师版 下载 _三轮冲刺_中考专区_英语_初中

    1、学科教师辅导讲义学员编号: 年 级: 年级 课 时 数:3 学员姓名: 辅导科目:英语 学科教师: 授课类型T 语法及短文选择训练T 听力及词汇训练授课日期及时段 教学内容Step1: 抽查考纲单词C1. centuryn世纪,百年2. certainly adv当然;是的;一定;无疑3. chance n机遇4. changev1.改变,变化;i. 2.更换;ii. 3.兑换(零钱)n. 1. 零钱;找头; 2. 变化5. changeable adj易变的;变化无常的6. character n. 性格 特性 特征 特点7. charge n主管,掌管8. charityn慈善9. cha

    2、t n. v. 闲谈 聊天10. cheap adj便宜的11. check n 检查;批改;支票v. 核对;检查12. chemical n.化学品;化学物质adj化学的13. chemistry n化学14. chiefadj.主要的,首要的n. 领导,头15. choice n选择16. choose(chose,chosen)v选择17. circle n圆圈v将圈起来18. citizen n公民;居民;市民19. city n城市20. class n(学校里德)班级;课;等级21. classmate n同班同学22. clean v.弄干净;打扫adj 清洁的;干净的23. c

    3、lear adj清晰的;明亮的;清楚的v. 清除;清扫;24. clearly adv清晰地;明亮地;清楚地25. clever adj聪明的26. climb v爬;攀登27. clinic n诊所,医务室28. clock n时钟29. closev关,关闭1. adj.亲密的;近,靠近2. adv近;靠近30. clubn俱乐部31. cold adj冷的;寒冷的n. 寒冷;感冒;伤风32. collectv收集;采集33. collection n收集34. college n学院35. colo(u)rn颜色v. 涂色36. comfortable adj舒服的37. common

    4、adj普通的,一般的;共有的38. communicate v交流;交际;传达(感情,信息等)39. community n. 社区40. company n公司41. comparev比较,对照42. competition n比赛,竞赛43. complainv.抱怨;投诉44. complete adj完成的,完整的,完全的v. 完成,结束45. completelyadv完全地;完整地46. concert n音乐会;演奏会47. conclusionn.结论;结束,结局48. conference n(正式得)会议;讨论会49. confidence n. 信心, 信任50. con

    5、fident adj. 自信的51. confusev使困惑;扰乱;分不清52. congratulation n祝贺53. connectv.连接;把联系起来54. consistv包含;组成;构成55. consider v 考虑56. contact n. 接触, 联系 v 与. 往来, 联系57. contest n竞赛58. continue v继续59. controlv& n控制60. convenient adj便利的;方便的61. cool adj凉的;凉爽的;酷62. copy n抄本;副本;一本(份,册)v. 1.抄写;复印; 2.(计算机用语)拷(备份) 3. 模仿63

    6、. correct adj正确的,对的,恰当的64. correctly adv. 正确地v. 改正;纠正65. cost(cost,cost)v值(多少钱);花费66. cough v& n咳嗽67. count v数68. country n国家;农村;乡下69. couplen夫妇;一对,一双,一副70. course n过程;经过;课程71. coverv覆盖;遮盖;掩盖n . 盖子;罩;封面72. crazyadj疯狂的73. createv.创造;造成74. cross n十字行的东西v. 穿越;穿过75. crowd n. 人群76. crowded adj拥挤的77. cryv

    7、喊叫;哭n. 叫喊;哭声78. culture n文化79. custom n习惯,习80. customer n顾客;主顾81. cut(cut,cut)v切;剪;削;割82. cyclev骑(自行)车D83. daily adj 每日的;日常的adv. 每天n. 日报84. damagen. & v破坏, 损害85. dangerous adj危险的86. dark n黑暗;暗处;深色adj.黑暗的; 暗淡的;深色的87. dead adj死的;无生命的88. deal(dealt,dealt)v对付;分配,分给;给予;经营,89. death n死亡90. debatev. & n.争论

    8、,辩论;讨论91. December n十二月92. decide v决定;下决心93. decision n决定;决心94. decorate v装饰95. deep adj深96. degree n程度;度数;学位97. delayv.& n.拖延,延误,延期98. delicious adj美味的,可口的99. deliver v投递(信件,邮包等);传送100. dentist n牙科医生101. deny v. 否认,否定102. dependv依靠,依赖;取决于103. describev描写,叙述104. deservev值得105. design v设计,策划106. desi

    9、re n. 愿望;欲望 v. 渴望;热切希望107. destroyv破坏,毁坏108. detailn.细节109. detective adj侦探的n. 侦探110. developv发展;开发,培养111. development n发展112. dictionary n词典,字典113. difference n区别114. different adj不同的;有差异的115. difficult adj困难的;费力的116. difficulty n困难117. dig(dug,dug)v挖;掘118. dirty adj脏的119. direction n. 方向,趋势, 用法说明1

    10、20. directly adv. 直接地121. director n. 导演122. disappear v消失123. disappointed adj. 失望的,沮丧的124. disaster n. 灾难,灾祸125. discover v发现;看出126. discussv讨论,议论127. discussionn讨论128. dishonest adj. 不诚实的,欺骗性的129. dislike v. 不喜欢, 厌恶130. distance n距离131. disturb v. 扰乱;打扰132. dividev1.分,划分;2. (算数用语)除133. doubleadj.

    11、两倍的;双倍的134. down prep沿着,沿而下adv向下135. downstairs adv到楼下;在楼下136. draw (drew,drawn) v1.绘画;绘制;2.拉,拖137. dream(dreamt, dreamt或dreamed, dreamed) n&v.梦;梦想138. dress n女服,连衣裙;(统指)服装;童装v. 穿衣;穿着139. drink(drank,drunk) v喝;饮n. 饮料;喝酒140. drive(drove,driven) v1.驾驶, 开(车);2.驱赶141. driver n司机,驾驶员142. drop n滴v. 掉下 ,落下

    12、;扔掉;放弃143. dry adj干的;干燥的144. during prep在的期间;在过程中E145. each adj&pron每人;每个;每件146. eager adj渴望的;热切的147. early adj早的adv. 早地148. earthquaken.地震149. easily adv容易地150. easy adj容易的;不费力的151. education n教育152. educational adj教育的153. effect n效果154. effort n. 精力, 努力155. eitheradj两方任一方的;二者之一的1. pron.二者之一;要么2. a

    13、dv(用于否定句或短语后)也(不)156. elder adj年龄较大的;前辈的157. enrich v. 使丰富158. else adv别的;其他的159. emptyadj空的160. enablev.使能够,使有能力161. encouragev.鼓励162. end n末尾;终点;结束v. 结束,终止163. enemy n敌人;敌军164. energyn.精力;能量165. engine n发动机,引擎166. engineer n工程师;技师167. England n英格兰168. English n英语;英国人adj.英国的;英国人的;英语的169. enjoy v欣赏;

    14、享受;喜欢170. enjoyable adj使人愉快的;使人欢乐的171. enough adj足够的;充分的adv足够地;充分地n. 足够;充分172. enterv进入;参加173. entrance n入口;入场174. environment n环境175. equal adj. 平等的1. v等于176. escapen. & v.逃跑;逃脱177. especially adv特别地;尤其178. Europe n欧洲179. eve n(节日的)前夜,前夕180. even adv1. 甚至;连(都);2.更181. event n事件;大事;比赛项目182. everadv曾

    15、经;无论何时183. every adj每一;每个的184. everyday adj每日的;日常的185. everything pron每件事;事事186. everywhere adv到处187. exactlyadv.确切地(表示赞同的回答);确实如此188. examinev.检查,细查;对进行考试189. exceptprep除之外190. exchange v交换;交流191. excited adj兴奋的192. exciting adj使人兴奋的Step2: 听力检测2017年二模-奉贤I. Listening comprehension (听力理解)(共30分)A. Lis

    16、ten and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)(6分) A B C D E F G H1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6._A. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question your hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案)(8分)7. A) Next Thursday. B) Last Thursday. C) Next Tuesday. D) Last Tuesday.8. A) By bus. B) By taxi. C)

    17、By bike. D) On foot.9. A) In a hospital. B) In a book store.C) In a supermarket. D) In a public library10. A) To see a film. B)To have sports.C) To do shopping. D) To post a letter.11. A) Shop assistant and customer. B) Mother and son. C) Doctor and patient. D) Boss and secretary.12. A) The Lantern

    18、Festival. B) The Mid-autumn festival.C) Thanksgiving Day. D) Christmas Day13. A) Because he wants to see a film. B) Because he will work late tonight.C) Because he wants to visit his classmates. D) Because he will watch a football match.l4. A) It will be given to Aunt Jane.B) It will be thrown away.

    19、C) It will be under Aunt Janes care.D) It will be taken to Australia.C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示)(6分)15. Kite flying is a popular activity in spring in China.I6. Kites shaped like swallows (燕子)mean long

    20、 life and peaches mean good luck.17. Many people visit the city of Weifang every April to take part in the International Kite Festival.18. The kite was invented by Chinese people over 200 years ago.19. People got the idea of inventing the lightning rod (避雷针)from a kite. 20. The passage mainly talks

    21、about how to fly kites safely in spring.D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences (听短文,完成下列句子。每空格限填一词)(10分)21.At the age of 5, Lang Lang won first place in a _ _.22. To_ _to his dream, when Lang Lang was 9, he and his father went to Beijing to study piano.23.But, _ _the praise he

    22、 had received at home, little Lang Lang experienced the hardest time in his life.24.Lang Lang gradually found his passion and again felt_ _about his piano playing.25.Now, 30-year-old Lang Lang is known_ _the world for his great performances.Keys: CFAGD BDDABCDC TFTFTF piano competition; get closer;

    23、instead of; new confidenceStep3: 语法专练II. Choose the best answer.(选择最恰当的答案):20%26. My friends are not interested in politics. Which of the following is correct for the underlined letter in the world?A. / B. / C./ D./27. Do you think computers will take place of teachers in the classroom in the future

    24、?A. an B.a C.the D./28. Students have ended their study trip in America and will go home Friday evening.A.on B.in C.at D./29. It was really dangerous for to look at the phone while she was driving.A.she B.hers C.her D.herself30. This pretty and hardworking actress is a good example for .A.others B.t

    25、he others C.the other D.other31. Marks friends tried to get rid his idea of selling his company, but failed.A.with B.of C.from D.for32. Joan opened the box and was surprised to find nothing inside at all.A.care B.careful C.cares D.carefully33. The machines in this new factory seem to be ones in this

    26、 area.A.modern B.more modern C.most modern D.the most modern34. I have kept this letter from my class teacher I graduated 10 years ago.A.since B.until C.after D.when35. Ken looked around the room and wasnt sure where his new painting.A.hang B.hanging C.hung D.to hang36. I thought I in my project rep

    27、ort, but the manager said he didnt see it at all.A.hand B.am handing C.have handed D.had handed37. Martin promised his daughter her from school earlier on her birthday.A.collect B.collecting C.to collect D.collected38. If it is clear tomorrow, I a bike to the underground station.A.ride B.will ride C

    28、.rode D.have ridden39. Jack told the librarian that the book as soon as he finished reading it.A.was returned B.would be returned C.has been returned D.will be returned40. Charles on his new model car from seven to eight yesterday evening.A.was working B.worked C.has worked D.had worked41. - of you

    29、attended the art lecture yesterday? - Quite a few.A. How often B.How much C.How long D.How many42. awful journey Rose had! She had never expected her holiday to end in that way.A.What B.What a C.What an D.How43. -Should I wear a suit for the concert tonight?-No, you . It is not as serious as the one

    30、 we went to last week.A.mustnt B.neednt C.cant D.wouldnt44. -Im afraid Ill fail the PE test again.- .Everything will be fine.A.Dont worry. B. All right. C.Im afraid so. D.Im sorry.45. -Did you enjoy the play last night? - .Someone kept talking behind us.A. Never mind. B. Neither did I. C. Not at all

    31、. D.Thats right.III. Complete the following passage with the words and phrases in the box. Each word or phrase can be used only once.(将下列单词或词组填入空格,每空格限填一词,每个单词或词组只能填一次) (共8分)A.control B.rules C.As a result D.In return E.strictDear Emma, I have a problem and I need your help. My parents are really 46

    32、 and never let me do anything! For example, when I go with my friends, my mom always asks, “Where are you going? Who are you going with?” Two months ago, I got an earring and my father was really angry. He made me take it out. My parents want to 47 everything I do. But Im 18 years old! I try to talk

    33、 to my mom and dad, but they didnt listen. They say, “ This is our house and these are our 48 .”Every time I hear this, Im very unhappy. 49 , we have a fight. Why is it so hard for them to understand me?JoshA.express B.surface C.attitude D.realize E.calmlyDear Josh, You asked, “Why is it so hard for

    34、 them to understand me?” Thats a good question. Youre growing up, but often, its hard for your parents to 50 this. To them, you are still a child and they want to protect you. Sometimes you find it hard to 51 your thoughts to your parents. Here my tip: Write your mother and father a letter. Explain

    35、your feelings 52 . In the letter, describe your friends and yourself. At the same time, tell your parents about your 53 towards life too. Then maybe they will understand you better. After your parents read the letter, try to talk to them. I hope this helps.EmmaIV. Complete the sentences with the giv

    36、en words in their proper form.(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。每空限填一词) (共8分)54. Peter has spent most of his summer holidays at various around the world.(beach)55. Before giving an answer, the students were asked to discuss among first.(they)56. Gorge started flying in his and quickly became an excellent pilot.(

    37、twenty)57. Though the concert was given by a new , it was a great success. (sing)58. All the people moved around so as not to wake up the sleeping baby.(quiet) 59. None of his friends thought he was doing the right thing to get (lucky)60. If you to go rock climbing this weekend, please let me know.(decision)61. We need more cases in the classroom to put the school bags in.(wood)V. Complete the following sentences as required(根据所给要求完成句子,62-67小题每空格限填一词 ) (共14分)62. Karen spent a long time looking at the displays.(改为否定句)Karen a long time looking at the displays.63. Jeff needs to walk about

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