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    关 键  词:
    10 翻译 文体 意识 课件

    1、2022-8-15第10课翻译中文体意识第第10课翻译中文体意识课翻译中文体意识第10课翻译中文体意识 “Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source-language message,first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.”-Eugene.A.Nida第10课翻译中文体意识第10课翻译中文体意识 II.classification第10课翻译中文体意识o

    2、(一一)按正式程度分按正式程度分(according to the degree of formality):othe frozen style 庄严体,正式程度最高,往往形成程式,如法律文书套语othe formal style 正式体,用于正式、严肃的场合othe consultative style 商谈体,也称通用体、一般体,这是日常工作、生活中一般交往时使用的语体,既非正式,也不随意othe casual style 随意体,熟人之间不拘礼节的非正式语体othe intimate style 亲密体,用于关系亲密的家庭成员及朋友之间第10课翻译中文体意识o五种文体中前两种是正式文体,

    3、英语词典里的文体标记为fml.(formal)。o后两种是非正式文体,标记infml.(informal),具口语特点。o中间的一种又可称为中性语体(neutral),词典里不注文体标记。中性语体作为书面语使用时,往往反映当代英语的通用文风(the language style of general communication),应用范围最广。第10课翻译中文体意识o(二二)按体裁分按体裁分(according to the types of writing)o description 描写体 o narration 叙事体o exposition 说明体 o argumentation论说体

    4、第10课翻译中文体意识o(三三)按题材和实际用途分按题材和实际用途分 o(according to the topics or functions of writing):o汉译英比较常见的有以下几种类型的文章:o 国情介绍(介绍中国文化、名胜等);o 文学作品(散文、小说、诗歌等);o 新闻特写、评论、政论文类;o 科技及科普文章;o 商贸类;o 法律及文献类第10课翻译中文体意识o在英语专业八级考试中,按教学大纲对汉译英的要求,文体种类主要是报刊上的文章,题材包括日常生活记叙和一般的政治、经济、文化方面的短文,此外还有比较浅易的文学作品。考试大纲中提到的文体种类是:报刊杂志上的论述文和国情

    5、介绍,以及一般文学作品的节录。o以英译汉而论,教学大纲中规定“能翻译相当于英美报刊上有一定难度的文章,题材包括:日常生活记叙;一般政治、经济、文化方面的论述;科普材料;文学原著。”考试大纲要求“能运用英译汉的理论和技巧,翻译英美国家报刊杂志上的有关政治、经济、历史、文化等方面的论述文章以及文学原著的节录。”第10课翻译中文体意识o1)Will you please honor me by coming to my humble home for a simple meal this FRIDAY evening?We will be very pleased if you can come a

    6、t 6 oclock.o2)Frank,wed like you and your wife to come over for dinner this Friday evening.Six-thirty at our place.Can you make it第10课翻译中文体意识oFood is digested as it passes along the long tube which begins at the mouth and ends at the anus.The process of digestion begins in the mouth where the food i

    7、s crushed by the teeth and made wet by the juices in the mouth.After it is swallowed,it passes down the gullet,a tube having muscles and going to the stomach.oFood is digested as it passes along the alimentary canal.The process of digestion begins in the mouth where the food is chewed and moistened

    8、by the saliva.After being swallowed,it passes down the gullet,a muscular tube leading to the stomach.第10课翻译中文体意识祝贺信o小刚:o今天得悉你以优异的成绩毕业于南京大学,我可以想象,你的父母现在是怎样地引以为荣。他们一直殷切地希望你获得辉煌的成就。我听说你不久要到美国去继续深造,预祝你在学习和研究工作上取得更大的成就。o祝好o 小云o 第10课翻译中文体意识o译文oDear Xiao Gang:oI learned that you were graduated with great h

    9、onors from Nanjing University today.I can well imagine how proud of your parents are now,who have been anxiously hoping to witness your brilliant success.As I understand,you will continue studies in the United States soon.I wish you greater success in your studies and research work.oWith best wishes

    10、.o Yours,o Xiao Yun第10课翻译中文体意识申请信o亲爱的先生:o我于2006年6月毕业于南京大学机械工程系,久慕贵校研究生院机械工程系之大名,现拟申请贵校2007年春季入学许可及奖学金,如蒙惠寄有关简章和申请表,则不胜感谢。o收到贵校的复信后,我会立即寄去所有证明材料。急盼早复。o 黄鹏第10课翻译中文体意识o译文oDear Sir,oHaving graduated from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Nanjing University in June,2006,I am deeply interested i

    11、n your graduate school in the Department of Mechanical Engineering.I would now like to apply for admission and a tuition scholarship at your university for the spring semester of 2007.I would appreciate your sending me catalog and application forms.oAs soon as I receive your letter,I shall forward y

    12、ou all my supporting documents.I am looking forward to your response at your earliest convenience.oRespectfully yours,o Huang Peng第10课翻译中文体意识III.How to tell?How to translate?第10课翻译中文体意识1.fml.与与infml.的识别和运用的识别和运用 o词典中的文体标记很多,如lit.(literary),colloq.(colloquial),sl.(slang),derog.(derogatory),poet.(poet


    14、)的状态上。就文章正式程度而言,日常所见的大部分偏于中性,特别是翻译测试所用的原文,一般都尽量避免过于正式或过于口语化,因此,要特别注意避免中性文体的文章中使用文体色彩过于强烈的词汇。o强调中性文体并不是说具有fml.和infml.特点的词语就一概不用了,有时同一篇文章各个部分会有不同文体色彩,如语言与文化,全文基本上是中性文体,但对话部分就要用口语体来译,使它听起来确实像口语。第10课翻译中文体意识3.重视功能对等重视功能对等 汉英翻译中在面对体现不同实用特点的文章时,需要掌握一个基本的原则,这就是功能对等(functional equivalence)。具体到一些词语或句子的译法,按照功能

    15、对等的原则,就是看在同样的情况下,为表达同样的意思、达到同样的效果,目的语中是怎么说的。第10课翻译中文体意识o1 家父已经仙逝家父已经仙逝/驾鹤乘祥。驾鹤乘祥。o2 我敬爱的父亲去世了。我敬爱的父亲去世了。o3 我父亲已经死了。我父亲已经死了。o4 我家的老头子上西天了。我家的老头子上西天了。第10课翻译中文体意识oMy beloved father has joined the heavenly choir.oMy dear father has passed away.oMy father has died.oMy old man has kicked the bucket.第10课翻译

    16、中文体意识o1 You are old enough to be more reasonable.Youre old enough,dear Miss Miller,to be talked about.o翻译:你的年纪已经足够达到该通情翻译:你的年纪已经足够达到该通情达理了,密勒小姐,你已经到被人议达理了,密勒小姐,你已经到被人议论的年岁了。论的年岁了。第10课翻译中文体意识o亲爱的密勒小姐,你年纪不小了,亲爱的密勒小姐,你年纪不小了,该懂点事了。你是个大姑娘了,会该懂点事了。你是个大姑娘了,会有人讲闲话的,你懂吗?有人讲闲话的,你懂吗?第10课翻译中文体意识oYou should swit

    17、ch off the machine if you are not going to use it in a long time.o译1:如果长时间内不用的话,应把机器关掉。o译2:长期不用,应切断电源。第10课翻译中文体意识o路滑,小心跌倒!o译1:The road is slippery,fall down carefully!o译2:The path is so slippery that you should be careful not to fall down.o译3:Slippery/Wet path!第10课翻译中文体意识o(原文)月光如流水一般,静静地泻在这一片叶子和花上。薄

    18、薄的青雾浮起在荷塘里。叶子和花仿佛在牛乳中洗过一样;又象笼着轻纱的梦。o译文1:Moonlight was flowing quietly like a stream down to the leaves and flowers.A light mist over-spread the lotus pond.Leaf and flower seemed washed in milk.(英语世界1985年第5期)第10课翻译中文体意识o译文2:The moon sheds her liquid light silently over the leaves and flowers,which,in

    19、 the floating transparency of a bluish haze from the pond,look as if they had just been bathed in milk,or like a dream wrapped in a gauzy hood.(中国翻译1992年第5期)第10课翻译中文体意识o练习:oAs we are in the market for color TV sets,we should be pleased if you would send us your best quotations for Panda Brand color

    20、TV sets of 19 and 21 inches.o我方欲购彩色电视,请报19和21英寸熊猫牌彩色电视。第10课翻译中文体意识oUpon receipt of your catalogue,well make enquiry for the items which are of interest to us.o一俟收到你方目录,我方即询购感兴趣的商品。第10课翻译中文体意识o为了实现这个目标,我们将坚持以科学发展观统领经济社会发展全局。我们将坚持以人为本,从最广大人民的根本利益出发,不断满足人民群众日益增长的物质文化需求,努力促进人的全面发展。oTo realize this goal,

    21、we will adopt a scientific approach to commanding the economic and social development.We will adhere to the principle of putting the people first,always taking into consideration the fundamental interests of the broad masses,and endeavoring to satisfy their growing material and cultural needs so as

    22、to achieve the comprehensive development of man.第10课翻译中文体意识张培基:o“对于我们并非专门从事文学翻译的初学者来说,在表达方面只要做到两点就够了。第一,能区别口语与书面语,该文的时候文,该白的时候白,翻译对话像对话,翻译叙述像叙述;第二,能根据不同的文体使用不同的语言,翻译新闻像新闻,翻译文件像文件,翻译故事像故事,翻译诗歌像诗歌。如果在正确理解原文的基础上,能使译文做到这两点,这就很不错了。”第10课翻译中文体意识o王佐良:一切照原作,雅俗如之,深浅如之,口气如之,文体如之。第10课翻译中文体意识第10课翻译中文体意识第10课翻译中文体


    24、家就能有人自诩翻译哪一个作家就能还出这个作家的面目或风格,我看还出这个作家的面目或风格,我看这只是英雄欺人语;这只是英雄欺人语;.教外国文教外国文学的人最喜欢谈风格,但是,对于学的人最喜欢谈风格,但是,对于一个搞实际翻译的人来说,风格却一个搞实际翻译的人来说,风格却是一个最难谈得清楚的东西。是一个最难谈得清楚的东西。第10课翻译中文体意识3 Why can stylistics be applied to translation?oIt lies in that both of them have the same aim,that is,how to fulfill social commu

    25、nication with effective linguistic methods.They both put emphasis on the social standard of communicative function;they dont ignore the timeliness and individuality of writing style as well.第10课翻译中文体意识4 Lexical Level of Stylistic DevicesoInteraction of Dictionary and Contextual Meanings;oInteraction

    26、 of Primary and Derivative Meanings;oInteraction of Logical and Emotive Meanings;oIntensification of a Certain Feature of a Thing or Phenomenon 第10课翻译中文体意识薄命女偏逢薄命郎薄命女偏逢薄命郎葫芦僧乱判糊涂案葫芦僧乱判糊涂案oThe Bottle-gourd girl meets anunfortunate young manoAnd the Bottle-gourd monk settles aprotracted lawsuit第10课翻译中

    27、文体意识oAn Ill-fated Girl Meets an Ill-fated ManoA Confounded Monk Ends A Confounded CaseoA Dream of Red Mansions第10课翻译中文体意识怨情怨情美人卷帘珠,美人卷帘珠,深坐颦娥眉。深坐颦娥眉。但见帘珠湿,但见帘珠湿,不知心狠谁。不知心狠谁。第10课翻译中文体意识A Heart BleedingoThe blinds drawn up,she sinks back into her seat,her brows still knit.oTear stains tell of a heart

    28、bleeding for one heartless.But who?o翁显良:古诗英译第10课翻译中文体意识Waiting in VainoA lady fair uprolls the screen,oWith eyebrows knit she waits in vain.oWet stains of tears can still be seen,oWho,heartless,has caused the pain?o 许渊冲:许渊冲:唐诗三百首唐诗三百首第10课翻译中文体意识o一个年纪还小的小王,这时一个年纪还小的小王,这时插嘴说:插嘴说:你老伴多大岁你老伴多大岁数?数?o老孙头说:

    29、老孙头说:四十九四十九。o小王笑笑说:小王笑笑说:那用不着忙,那用不着忙,还会生的。八十八,还能结还会生的。八十八,还能结瓜呀。瓜呀。o (周立波(周立波暴风骤雨暴风骤雨)第10课翻译中文体意识o“How old is your wife?”chimed a young man whom everybody called Little Wang.o “Forty nine!”o“Then there is no hurry,”Wang pursued with a grin,“She will yet bless you with a offspring.Eighty-eight,not to

    30、o late!”o(许孟雄 译)第10课翻译中文体意识o京华烟云里的一封书信oMy dear parents:oI have enlisted.What would be the good of a family if there were no country?If every son dear to his parents refuses to go to war,how can China fight Japan?Please do not worry.I shall not come back till we have driven the dwarfs back into the s

    31、ea.o Your son,o ATUNG第10课翻译中文体意识o父母大人尊前父母大人尊前,o敬禀者敬禀者,儿已从军儿已从军.o 念及国之不存念及国之不存,何以家为何以家为?若若为人子者皆念父母儿女之私情为人子者皆念父母儿女之私情,中国中国将来如何与日本作战将来如何与日本作战?不驱倭寇于东不驱倭寇于东海海,誓不归来誓不归来.o 儿儿 阿通阿通.第10课翻译中文体意识5 Syntactical Level of Stylistic Devices oCompositional Patterns of Syntactical Arrangement;oParticular Ways of Comb

    32、ining Parts of the Utterance;oPeculiar Use of Colloquial Constructions;oTransferred Use of Structural Meaning 第10课翻译中文体意识o2 July 4,2002oDear Sirs,oWe have received your letter of July 1.In the special circumstances you mentioned and because of the promptness with which you have always settled with u

    33、s in the past,we are willing to grant the extension and look forward to receiving your cheque in full settlement by August 31.o Your faithfully.第10课翻译中文体意识o先生:先生:o七月一日函悉。七月一日函悉。o由于您谈及的特殊情况,以及您方过去由于您谈及的特殊情况,以及您方过去一向能迅速与我方结账,我们同意延期一向能迅速与我方结账,我们同意延期付款,谨希望在付款,谨希望在8月月31日之前受到您方日之前受到您方全部欠款的支票。全部欠款的支票。o 您忠实

    34、的您忠实的 ()()o年月日年月日第10课翻译中文体意识o。法律条文:世界版权公约第二条第二款:o Unpublished works of nationals of each Contracting State shall enjoy in each other Contracting State the same protection as that other State accords to unpublished works of its own nationals,as well as the Protection specially granted by this Convent

    35、ion.第10课翻译中文体意识译文:任何成员国国民未出版的作品,译文:任何成员国国民未出版的作品,在其他各成员国中均享有后者给予其国在其他各成员国中均享有后者给予其国民之未出版的作品同等的保护,并享有民之未出版的作品同等的保护,并享有本公约所专门授予的保护本公约所专门授予的保护。第10课翻译中文体意识o:Insurance shall be covered by the Seller against All Risks for 110%of the invoice value.o译文译文1、卖方将以发票金额、卖方将以发票金额110%投保投保一切险。一切险。o译文译文2、卖方应该以发票金额、卖方

    36、应该以发票金额110%投投保一切险。保一切险。o译文译文3、卖方须以发票金额、卖方须以发票金额110%投保投保一切险。一切险。第10课翻译中文体意识o英国散文作家亨特英国散文作家亨特(Leigh Hunt 1784-1859)的的A Few Thoughts on Sleep的最后一小段:的最后一小段:oSleep is most graceful in an infant;soundest,in one who has been tired in the open air;completest,to the seaman after a hard voyage;most welcome,to the mind haunted with one idea;most touching to look at,in the parent that has wept;lightest,in the playful child;proudest,in the bride adored.2022-8-15第10课翻译中文体意识

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