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    关 键  词:
    高考 翻译 高频 短语 汇编 下载 _二轮专题_高考专区_英语_高中

    1、高考翻译高频短语汇编A字母短语及例句1. be able to do 有能力做某事He didnt agree with me at first but I was able to persuade him.中文:起先他不同意我的意见,但我终于说服了他。2. be absorbed in 全神贯注于I was so absorbed in reading that I didnt hear my cell phone ringing.中文:我在全神贯注地看书,没有听到手机在响。3. be absent from class 缺课How many people are absent from l

    2、ecture today/todays lecture?中文:今天的报告有多少人缺席?4. gain/have access to 获得机会进入/可获得某物Now / Nowadays every child in the countryside has access to education.中文:每个农村的孩子现在都享有受教育的机会。5. accuse sb. of 指控They accused the company of failing to protect the interests of the public.中文:他们指控公司未能保护好公众的利益。6. take action 采

    3、取行动If you really want to solve this problem, you have to take immediate action to deal with it before it gets worse.中文:如果你真的想解决问题,你必须在情况变得更糟之前,立即采取行动处理它。7. adapt to the city life 适应城市生活It is said that many children from the countryside havent adapted themselves to the city life.中文:据说很多来自农村的孩子还没有适应城市

    4、生活。8. adopt a plan 采用一个计划He has adopted my proposal.中文:他采纳了我的建议。9. in advance 提前Whatever we do, full preparations should be made in advance.中文:无论做什么事,都应该事先做好充分的准备。10. cant afford to do 不能负担得起做某事More and more Chinese can afford to travel abroad.中文:越来越多的中国人能够出国旅行了。11. against ones will 违背意愿Since she b

    5、elieves she has done nothing wrong, why does she need to admit her mistakes in public against her mind?中文:她既然认为自己没有做错什么,那又何必要违心地当众认错呢? 12. come to ones aid 前来帮助某人Nobody came to their aid and they felt disappointed.中文:没有人来帮助他们,他们很失望。13. appeal to sb 吸引某人A film which appeals to the audience can arouse

    6、 their interest from the very beginning.中文:一部吸引观众的电影从一开头就能调起他们的兴趣。 14. approve of 赞同I dont approve of children competing in Chinas Got Talent, which will make them dream of becoming famous overnight中文:我不赞成儿童参加中国达人秀(Chinas Got Talent),因为这会使他们梦想一夜成名。15. with Christmas approaching/with the approach of

    7、Christmas 随着圣诞节的临近With the approach of the Spring Festival,/ many shops start to carry out their promoting plans.中文:随着春节的临近,许多商店开始实行它们的促销计划。16. assure sb. of 向某人保证They assure the customers of quality goods and the best service.中文:他们向顾客保证优质的产品和最佳的服务。17. attempt to do 试图做Astronauts attempted to plant

    8、tomatoes in space.中文:宇航员们曾尝试在太空种植西红柿。18. pay attention to 注意That is a problem all of us must pay special attention to.中文:那是一个我们每个人都必须特别关注的问题。19. be available to 对可获得Anything that interests people/people are interested in is available to them from the Internet.中文:人们可以从网上获得他们感兴趣的任何东西。 20. be aware of

    9、意识到Not until the driver saw the red light was he aware of the danger.中文:直到驾驶员看到红灯信号时,他才意识到危险。B字母短语及例句1. keep the balance 保持平衡Keeping a balance between work and relaxation helps to improve working efficiency.中文:保持工作与休闲的平衡有助于提高工作效率。2. be to do 想要If he is to win the gold medal at the next Olympics, he

    10、needs to improve his technique.中文:他若是想在下一届奥运会夺金的话,就要提高他的技术水平。 3. beforeHe hung up the phone in a hurry before I could remind him to keep the secret.中文:我还没来得及提醒他要保守这个秘密,他就匆匆挂了电话。It was many years before he realized that everyone, strong or weak, rich or poor, should be respected as long as he had mad

    11、e contribution(s) to the society.中文:很多年后他才明白,每个人,无论强弱贫富,只要他对社会做出了贡献,就应该得到尊重。 Long before children are able to speak or understand a language, they can communicate with adults through facial expressions and by making noises.Children can communicate with adults through facial expressions and by making

    12、 noises long before they are able to speak or understand a language.中文:在孩子们能够表达或理解一门语言之前的很长一段时间,他们靠面部表情和发出噪声和大人们交流。 4. hold the belief 相信She held a firm/strong belief that the education her son received would enable him to be a useful man.中文:她坚信儿子接受的教育将能使他成为有用的人。 5. A benefit B = B benefit from A A有

    13、利于B/B受利于AThe findings of the research will greatly benefit the agricultural development in this desert area.中文:这项研究成果将极大地有利于沙漠地区的农业发展。 6. be beneficial to 对有好处To learn more when one is young is beneficial to him. It is beneficial for a person/one to learn more when he is young.中文:一个人年轻时多学点是有好处的。 7.

    14、Beyond measure/description 不可估量/无法描述The beauty of the scenery is beyond description.中文:这美丽的风景是无法描述的。 8. be to blame 应该受到责备The purpose of our meeting today is to discuss how to solve the problem, not who (has) caused it, so please dont waste time arguing about who is to blame (any longer).中文:今天我们开会的目

    15、的是要讨论如何来解决问题,而不是谁造成了这个问题,所以请不要再浪费时间争论该责备谁了。9. break ones promise 食言In my opinion, those who often break their promises are not worth trusting.中文:依我之见,经常出尔反尔的人,不值得信任。10.break off 停止He was busy writing the story all the morning, only breaking off occasionally to have a cup of tea.中文:整个上午他都在忙于写那篇故事,只是偶

    16、尔停下来喝杯茶。11. be busy doing 忙于做He was busy reviewing his lessons and preparing for the exam the whole weekend, only taking a break at meal time.中文:整个周末他都在忙着复习备考,只在吃饭的时候才歇一歇。 12. Not that, but that 不是(因为)而是(因为)Not that I dont want to go, but that I have no time.中文:不是我不想去,而是我没空。 13. by the time 到时By the

    17、 time this railroad has been extended to the remote small city, the local economy is sure to develop/be developed very fast.中文:等这条铁路延伸至那座偏远的小城之后,当地的经济一定会得到迅猛的发展。C字母短语及例句1. call on sb. to do sth. 号召,要求To solve the traffic problems, the government called on us to go to work by bus or by subway every d

    18、ay.中文:为了解决交通问题,政府呼吁我们每天乘公车或地铁上班。(call on)2. call for sth. 要求,需要The letter calls / called for a further investigation of the case.中文:来信要求对这一案件进行进一步的调查。(call for)3. cant help doing 情不自禁做某事He keeps swimming in the river in such cold weather that I cant help but admire his courage and perseverance.中文:这么

    19、寒冷的天气里他还坚持在河里游泳,这使我不得不钦佩他的勇气和毅力。(cant help)4. be capable of doing sth.= have the capability to do sth.有做某事的能力I believe women are capable of doing all that men can do.中文:我相信妇女能够做任何男人能够做的工作。(capable) 5. care about sb./sth. 在乎What a company cares about is not the employees appearance, but their job per

    20、formance.中文:公司在意的不是员工的长相,而是他们的工作表现。(care)6. carry out the plan 实施计划Can you carry out this plan as soon as possible?中文:你能尽快实施这项计划吗?(carry out)7. in case+从句 万一Youd better take more clothes in case it gets cold.中文:你最好多带点衣服,以防天气变冷。(in case)8. in many cases 在许多情况下In some cases, it is necessary to perform

    21、 the operation (to operate).中文:在有些情况下,手术是必要的。(case)9. be sure/certain of 确信It is certain that young people will ( are to ) fail if they dont know (unless you know) what their ambitions / goals are and strive for / work hard for them.中文:年轻人如果不知道他们的人生目标,也不为之而努力奋斗,那注是定要失败的。(certain)10.sb. is cheered up

    22、 by the good news. 受到好消息的鼓舞The news that Change 1 Luner Probe had been successfully launched cheered Chinese people up.中文:嫦娥一号(Change 1 Luner Probe)成功发射的消息让中国人民欢欣鼓舞。(cheerup)11.In (Under) no circumstances (倒装句) 在任何情况下都不We have been told that under no circumstances may we use the telephone in the off

    23、ice for personal affairs.中文:我们被告知任何情况下都不可以用办公室的电话处理私事。(under no circumstances)12. claim to be/ to have 声称是/声称有The medicine was not so effective as it was claimed in the advertisement, for it was far from relieving his cough after he took it.中文:这种药品不如广告上说得那么有效,因为他服了药后,远没有缓解他的咳嗽。(claim)13. combine A w

    24、ith B 把A 、B结合起来Remember to combine learning with thinking.中文:记得要学与思相结合。(combine)14. come to understand 开始懂得They have come to realize that a friend in need is a friend indeed.中文:他们逐渐认识到患难朋友才是真朋友。 (come)15. When it comes to 当谈到时When it comes to computer, he is an expert but/while Im just a beginner.中文

    25、:谈到计算机,他是个专家,而我只是个初学者。(come to)16. comment on/ make comments on 评论Please comment/make comments on our plan as soon as possible.中文:请尽快对我们的计划作出评论。(comment)17. have a lot/nothing in common 有很多共同点/没有共同点They have been friends for years and have a lot in common.中文:他们已是多年的好友,有很多共同之处。(common)18. keep sb. co

    26、mpany 陪伴某人He feels it a pity that in order to finish the research he has no time to keep his daughter company.中文:他感到遗憾的是为了完成这个研究,他连陪女儿的时间都没有。(company)19. make a complaint about sth. to sb. 对某人抱怨某事He wrote (a letter) to the newspaper to make a complaint about the noise of /made by the factory.中文:他给报社

    27、写信投诉那家工厂的噪音。(complaint)20. be concerned about 关心The findings/result of researches and observations show(s)/indicate(s) that with the improvement/rising of living standard, people are increasingly/ more and more concerned about the life quality.中文:研究与观察的结果表明,随着生活水平的提高,人们越来越关心生活的质量。(concern)21. concen

    28、trate ones efforts /attention on集中某人的精力/注意力到上You should learn to concentrate your mind on reading a book.中文:你应该学会聚精会神地看书。(concentrate)22. come to/arrive at /reach/draw a conclusion得出结论As to/ As for the probable/ possible cause of the earthquake, scientists are still unable to come to/ draw a conclus

    29、ion.中文:关于这次地震可能的成因,科学家尚未得出结论。 (conclusion)23. feel confident of/about 对有信心He is confident of/ about the coming final/ terminal/ term exam/ examination.中文:他对即将到来的期末考试很有信心。 (confident)24. have/ lack confidence in 对某事有信心/对缺乏信心To the teachers joy, the students have full confidence in welcoming/meeting t

    30、he future challenge.中文:令老师高兴的是,学生们有充分的信心来迎接未来的挑战。(confidence)25. congratulate sb. on sth. 祝贺某人某事The moment I learned the news, I sent an email to my cousin, congratulating him on his winning the first prize in the English speech contest.中文:一得到消息,我就给我表弟发了封电子邮件,祝贺他在英语演讲比赛中获一等奖。(congratulate)26. be con

    31、scious of / that意识到People are conscious of the importance to communicate with each other. People are conscious of the importance of communicating with each other. 中文:人们意识到了相互沟通的重要性。(conscious)27. consider doing 考虑做A recent study/research shows that many college students are considering starting thei

    32、r own business after graduation because of the global financial/economic crisis.中文:最近一项研究显示,由于全球性的金融危机,很多大学生在考虑毕业后自己创业。 (consider)28. consume gas/water/power 耗油/水/电The scientist consumed much time and energy in writing this book.中文:这位科学家写这本书花费了大量的时间和精力。(consume)29. contribute to / make contributions

    33、 to 作出贡献You dont need/have to agree with everyone, but you must respect everyone who has contributed to the discussion.中文:你不一定要认同所有人的观点,但你必须尊重每一个对讨论做出贡献的人。(contribute)F字母短语及例句1. face/ be faced with 面临,面对To increase farmers income /the income of farmers is one of the main issues/problems we are facin

    34、g/ faced with now. 中文:增加农民的收入是我们现在面临的主要问题之一。 2. fail to do sth 未能做到某事He failed to grasp the main idea of the passage.中文:他没能抓住这篇文章的主旨大意。3. be familiar to 为所熟知The facts are familiar to every student./Every student is familiar with the facts.中文:这些事实是每个学生都熟悉的。 4. far from satisfactory 不尽人意What you did i

    35、s far from being satisfactory. /satisfactory.中文:你做得远不能让人满意。 5. be fascinated by 被所吸引The students of that school were fascinated by his creative ideas.中文:那所学校的学生都被他的创新思想吸引住了。 6. find fault with 挑毛病,挑剔,找茬,There is no doubt that the teacher finds fault with your homework/exercises /in order to/so as to

    36、/to help you/ make greater progress.中文:毫无疑问,老师挑你作业里的毛病是为了帮助你取得更大的进步。 7. in favour of 赞同, 支持 All the students are in favour of holding an evening party in the classroom.中文: 所有学生都赞成在教室里举办晚会。 8. be filled with 充满, 装满Our childhood is always filled with sweet memories.中文:我们的童年总是充满了甜蜜的回忆。9. finance n. 资金,

    37、财政 v. 供给经费Unless we can get more finance, well have to close the store.中文:除非我们能得到更多的资金, 我们将不得不关闭这家商店。10. find it +adj 发现/发觉做某事 Now those who often drive will find it more and more difficult to find a place to park their cars. 中文:现在常常开车的人会发现越来越难找地方停车。11. the first to do 第一个做的人Mr. Li is/was the first

    38、to find the house on fire.中文:李先生是第一个发现那间房屋着火的人。12. focus 焦点,中心The 2010 Expo, which is to be held in Shanghai, is the focus of the whole world, and as a Shanghai citizen, I will do my best to make it successful.中文:将在上海举行的2010年世博会受到全世界的关注,作为上海公民,我将为她的圆满成功尽自己最大的努力。13.those who 那些的人follow 跟随, 追求Those wh

    39、o follow the fashion at great cost should change their lifestyle as soon as possible.中文:为追求时尚而付出高昂代价的人应该尽早改变这种生活方式。 14. be fond of 喜欢Primary school students are all fond of watching cartoons.中文:小学生都喜欢看卡通片。 15. forecast 预料,预报It is almost impossible to forecast what will happen in the future.中文:几乎不可能预

    40、料今后会发生什么事。16. forget to do 忘记去做He forgot to close the door again yesterday.中文: 昨天他又忘了关门了。17. form 养成,形成As teachers, we should help students form a good habit of reading.中文: 作为教师,我们应该帮助学生形成良好的阅读习惯。 18. look forward to 期盼,期望 We are looking forward to receiving your proposals. 中文: 我们盼望着收到你的建议。 19. be f

    41、ree to 对免费We hope that all the museums in Shanghai will be open free to children and old people.中文:我们希望上海所有的博物馆能向儿童和老人免费开放。20. function n. 功能 v. 起作用The alarm system was not functioning when the paintings were stolen.中文:当这些画被偷时,警报系统不在工作。 21. furnish sth/sb with sth 用装备某人/某物, 配备 Last week, they bought

    42、 a second-hand apartment which was well furnished. 中文:上周,他们买了一套家具齐全的旧公寓。 22. further 进一步的,深一层的This car is too old for further use.中文:这辆汽车老得不能再用了。 G字母短语及例句1. get rid of 摆脱For the government of different countries,how to copperate efficently and get rid of the world financial crisis as soon as possibl

    43、e is still a problem.中文: 对于各国政府来说,如何能有效合作并尽快摆脱世界金融危机至今还是个难题。 2. gain 获得He was never satisfied with the knowledge (that) he gained from books and teachers.中文:他从不满足于从书本和老师身上所学到的知识。 3. give up 放弃Rising gas prices make John give up the idea of buying a car.中文:不断上涨的油价打消了约翰买车的念头。 4. do good to sb/sth 对某人或

    44、某物有好处Walking half an hour every day does good to our health.中文:每天步行半小时对健康有好处。 5. grade 成绩The better grades you get, the more choices youll have when choosing universities.中文:你的成绩越好,你在选大学的时候就有更多的选择。 6. grateful 感激的We are very/most grateful to our teacher for providing us with so many useful books中文:我

    45、们非常感谢老师为我们提供了这么多有用的书。 7. grow 生长In spring, beautiful wild flowers grow all over the hills.中文: 春天,山上开满了美丽的野花。 8. guarantee 确保,保证To guarantee that trips can begin/start on schedule, visitors are required to apply for the visa one month before departure / before they start / set off / set out.中文:为确保行程如期开始,要求游客出发前一个月申请签证。 H字母短语及例句1.get onto/ fall into/ develop/ cultiva

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