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    关 键  词:
    高中英语 Unit Lesson 3-Reading Club 单词课件 _2022新北师大版高中英语选择性必修第一册 Reading 单词 课件 2022 北师大 选择性 必修 一册 下载 _选择性必修 第一册_北师大版(2019)_英语_高中

    1、单单词词课课堂堂A word is a microcosm of human consciousness.Vygotsky版本:版本:新北师新北师单元:选择性必修单元:选择性必修一一 Unit 3(LESSON 3 READING CLUB 2)本单元词汇梳理本单元词汇梳理1.destruction构词法:destroy destruction2.stuck是stick 的过去分词形容词词块:be/get stuck in3.jam词块:traffic jam4.annoyedannoy+-ed(分词形容词)英语释义:slightly angry词族:annoy,annoyed,annoyin

    2、g 5.roadworksroad+works6.anger派生词:angry词块:in anger7.decade 词源同 ten8.gas美式英语,英式英语是petrol9.relatere-(back,向后、往回)+-lat(bring,carry 拿、带)+-e,词源义和基本义是“带回 (carry back)”词块:relate to,be related to词族:relate,related,relation,relationship,unrelated10.regular 一词多义:基本义“规则的、有规律的”词块:regular customers/visitors/reade

    3、rs,regular exercise派生词:regularly 11.suit词源:词源义是“跟随的一群人”,后指配备给随从的统一的制服,最终演变成现在的套装、西服。名词动词化:适合派生词:suited,suitable12.organic organ(器官)+-ic13.involve in-(进入,使)+-volve(卷入),词源义和基本义是“使卷入”词块:involve doing sth,involve sb/oneself in(doing)sth14.institute in-+stitute(to establish 建立)建立 建立科学、教育等方面的组织 学院、(研究)院/所

    4、派生词:institution15.billion 词源:来自法语,由 bi-(two 两个)+million 构成,本义是 million million(万亿)。后来也许是因为“万亿”这个单位太大,billion 在法语中的含义从“万亿”变成了“十亿”,美国人也采用了法国人的做法。随着美国文化影响力日益增大,越来越多的英国人也开始用 billion 来表示“十亿”而非“万亿”。词块:billions of 16.opponent op-(against 相对、反对)+-pon-(to put 放)+-ent(名词后缀)相对着放的 对手、反对者17.cruel 词块:its cruel to

    5、 do sth派生词:cruelly,cruelty 18.instance 词块:for instance=for example 19.claim 词块:claim to be/do sth,claim+(that)从句,make a claim/claims 20.chemical同源词:chemistry,chemist21.sum 词块:a large/small sum of,sum up派生词:summary,summarise mitteecommit(委托)+-ee(名词后缀,动作的接受者)委员会23.Confucius拓展 Confucianism(孔子学说、儒教)24.m

    6、emorial构词法:memory memorial25.scenic构词法:scene scenic26.historic词族:history,historical,historic,historian27.thunderstorm合成词 thunder(雷)+storm(暴风雨)28.typhoon 音译词29.agricultural构词法:agriculture agricultural词块:agricultural crops30.Atlantic拓展 Pacific,Oceania,Indian,Arctic 重重难难点点词词精精讲讲stick&stuck一词多义一词多义invol

    7、ve英语释义英语释义relate搭配义搭配义分词形容词分词形容词suit辨析义辨析义隐喻隐喻regular®ularlyorgan词族词族一词多义一词多义英语释义英语释义一词多义一词多义英语释义英语释义claim一词多义一词多义搭配义搭配义sum话题词汇话题词汇stuck stuck 来自 stick 过去分词形式,是个分词形容词,学 stuck 前要先学 stick。看图猜词看图猜词sticker 贴贴纸纸glue stick 胶棒胶棒lipstick 唇膏唇膏chopstick 筷子筷子walking stick 拐杖拐杖stick (stuck,stuck)v vt&vi(被被)刺

    8、入;刺入;(被被)戳进:戳进:The nurse stuck the needle into my arm.I found a nail sticking in the tyre.vt&vi 粘粘(住住);贴;贴(住住):stick a stamp on an envelope This food can stick to your teeth.sticky adj 黏的;黏性的黏的;黏性的 sticker n C 贴纸贴纸 vt&vi 伸出:伸出:Peter stuck his head behind the door.基本义基本义 vt 非正式用语非正式用语 放置:放置:Stick you

    9、r bags down there.vi&vt 阻塞;卡住:阻塞;卡住:The key has stuck in the lock.重要搭配重要搭配stick to 坚持;遵守坚持;遵守(keep to):The surest way to success is sticking to your goal.Once he made a promise,he would stick to it(=he did as he had promised).n C 枝条;树枝:枝条;树枝:gather sticks to make a fire 棍;棒;棍棍;棒;棍/条状物:条状物:a walking

    10、stick stick 语义网络图语义网络图(被被)刺入;刺入;(被被)戳进戳进粘粘(住住);贴贴(住住)伸出伸出刺刺(入入)(基本义基本义)stick v用尖锐的物体用尖锐的物体刺入刺入另另一物体一物体将邮票、食物等将邮票、食物等刺刺到到另一物体表面上另一物体表面上将身体部位将身体部位刺入刺入另一另一空间空间迅速或随手迅速或随手刺入刺入物品物品被被刺入刺入后不能动后不能动放置放置阻塞;阻塞;卡住卡住stuck adj 不用于名词前不用于名词前 卡住的;无法移动的:卡住的;无法移动的:The cats stuck in the tree.2012 江苏 陷陷(入入);困;困(于于):His p

    11、ositive attitude inspired many people who were stuck in illness.北师大新必修 6They got stuck in a traffic jam.(被被)难住的:难住的:He was stuck on this question.分词形容词分词形容词Ao Bing can relate to Ne Zha,because they have similar experiences.relaterelate v 常与常与to连用连用 vt&vi(使使)互有互有关联关联(connect):The report seeks to rela

    12、te the rise in crime to an increase in unemployment.vt 正式用语正式用语 叙述;讲:叙述;讲:He related how the accident happened.Luo Guanzhong relates the story of the three kingdoms in thisbook.vi 理解;认同:理解;认同:I love technology and try to keep up with it so I can relate to my students.词源解读词源解读relate 由 re-(back 回)和词根-

    13、lat(bring,carry 拿、带)+-e 构成。词源义和基本义是“带回(carried back)”。带回带回基本义基本义relaterelate 语义网络图语义网络图将一事物将一事物带回带回到到另一事物另一事物带回带回到某种情感到某种情感带回带回到某个话题到某个话题(使使)互有关联互有关联 叙述;讲叙述;讲理解;认同理解;认同词汇拓展词汇拓展 related adj 相关的;有关系的:相关的;有关系的:water-related diseases(be)related to 与与有关:有关:The“new four great inventions”are all related to

    14、 Chinas high-tech innovation.中国的新四大发明:高铁、扫码支付、共享单车和网购。同族词:同族词:relate,related,relation,relationship,unrelatedIn this film,the director relates Ne Zhas fate(命运)to Ao Bings.(In this film,their fates are closely related.)Ne Zha and Ao Bing become friends because they can relate to each other.The film re

    15、lates how Ne Zha changes his fate in this film.There are many characters in the film,and I like Ne Zha best.Most people refer to him as a demon,but he says“Im the master of my own fate!Im the one who decides,if Im an immortal or demon!”Another character I am fond of is Ao Bing,who is Ne Zhas friend.

    16、Ao Bing can relate to Ne Zha because they have similar experiences.From this film,I think people should treat each other without prejudice(成见)and if others misunderstand you,be yourself,and do the right thing.同理心同理心 empathy勇敢的心勇敢的心 a brave heartregularregular 源自单词 rule(规则;规律)它的基本义是“规则的;有规律的”regular

    17、or irregular?规则的;有规律的;定期的规则的;有规律的;定期的 反反 irregular having the same amount of space or time between each thing or part:The sides of the building arent regular,so the building has an unusual shape.2014 湖北 The equipment is checked on a regular basis.只用于名词前只用于名词前 经常的;频繁的经常的;频繁的 happening or doing sth ve

    18、ry often;frequent:regular customers/readers regular adj 只用于名词前只用于名词前 正常的;惯常的;普通的:正常的;惯常的;普通的:a regular school/class Our regular opening hours are 10 a.m.to 7 p.m.持久的;稳定的持久的;稳定的 lasting or happening over a long period:Maybe a regular job wont be as dull as I feared.2014 天津 语法语法 规则的:规则的:regular verbs

    19、and irregular verbsregularly adv 有规律地;定期地;经常:有规律地;定期地;经常:We meet regularly,once a month.Two thirds of the worlds population regularly eat rice.regular 语义网络图语义网络图regular(有)规律的(有)规律的(基本义)(基本义)事件发生的频率很事件发生的频率很高,其间高,其间“有有”着着内在的内在的“规律规律”事件通常情况下的事件通常情况下的发生发生“有规律有规律”事件事件“有规律有规律”得得 持续很长一段时间持续很长一段时间经常的;经常的;频

    20、繁的频繁的正常的;正常的;惯常的;惯常的;普通的普通的持久持久的;的;稳定的稳定的时间或空间间隔时间或空间间隔“有规律有规律”规则的;规则的;有规律的;有规律的;定期的定期的regularly有规律地;有规律地;定期地定期地经常经常suitbusiness suitswimming suitn C(一套)衣服(一套)衣服:a business/swimming suitvt(服装、颜色等)适合;对(某人)方便;中(服装、颜色等)适合;对(某人)方便;中的意:的意:I found an evening dress that suited me perfectly.If we meet at 9

    21、a.m.,would that suit you?There is Chinese food to suit everyones taste,with traditional dishes from all over China.人教新必修 3suit.to 使使适合:适合:A good teacher suits his lesson to the age of his pupils.suited adj不用于名词前,与不用于名词前,与 for/to连用适合的:连用适合的:be best suited to/forsuit 词源义是“跟随的一群人”,后指配备给随从的统一的制服,最后演变成现在

    22、的套装、西服。suit名词动词化名词动词化suit,fit,match 辨析辨析三者都可用作动词,有“适合适合”之意。suit 主要指服装款式、颜色或花样等适合,也可指合乎需要、口味、主要指服装款式、颜色或花样等适合,也可指合乎需要、口味、性格、条件、身份等。性格、条件、身份等。Red and black are colours that suit me very well.The seven oclock train will suit us very well.Very spicy food doesnt suit my stomach.fit 多指大小、形状等合适,引申为多指大小、形状等

    23、合适,引申为“一致一致”“”“吻合吻合”。Her coat fits(her)exactly.All the facts certainly fit your theory.match 多指大小、色调、形状、性质等相匹配、协调。多指大小、色调、形状、性质等相匹配、协调。The curtains and the carpets match perfectly.Do you think these two colours match?衣服穿在身上漂亮用suit,穿在身上不大不小用fit,协调、匹配用match本杰明富兰克林(Benjamin Franklin,1706 1790),美国政治家,美国

    24、独立战争时期的重要领导人之一。同时他也是一位物理学家,发明了避雷针,最早提出电荷守恒定律。26 这是一句教育名言,有这是一句教育名言,有人说它出自本杰明人说它出自本杰明 富兰克林富兰克林,更多的人认为它是一句荀,更多的人认为它是一句荀子经典语录的英文版。你能子经典语录的英文版。你能把这个句子翻译成中文吗?把这个句子翻译成中文吗?荀子荀子involve不闻不如闻之,闻不闻不如闻之,闻之不如见之,见之之不如见之,见之不如知之,知之不不如知之,知之不如行之;学至于行如行之;学至于行之而止之而止矣。行之,矣。行之,明也。明也。荀子荀子儒效儒效involve vt 包含;需要包含;需要 to make

    25、sth necessary in an activity or situation:involve(doing)sth:A crosstalk performance involves talking,imitating,singing and telling jokes.The work of an elephant trainer involves love and devotion.2010 上海改 涉及;影响涉及;影响 to affect or be related to sb/sth:If your goal involves other people,put yourself in

    26、 their positions.2009 上海 How many vehicles were involved in the crash?侧重某事物成为其必要的组成部分侧重某事物成为其必要的组成部分侧重某人侧重某人/物受到影响物受到影响involve 由前缀由前缀 in-+词根词根 volve 组成,组成,in-意为意为“进入进入”“”“使使”,volve 意为意为“卷入卷入”。involve 的词源义和基本义是的词源义和基本义是“使卷入使卷入”。involve词源解读词源解读 使参加使参加 to make sb take part in sth:involve sb/oneself(in

    27、sth):Students should involve themselves actively/deeply/heavily in community activities where they can gain experience for growth.2014 福建词汇拓展词汇拓展involved adj 参与的;投入的:参与的;投入的:be/get involved(in/with):Whatever you do,dont be a bystander.Get involved.2016 四川Children can get a lot out of being involved in volunteer work.Fathers are encouraged to be more involved with their children.involvement n U 参与参与(participation)involve 语义网络图语义网络图包含包含需要需要“使卷入使卷入”因而包含因而包含涉及;影响涉及;影响“使使(人人)卷入卷入”某项活动某项活动使参加使参加“使卷入使卷入”因而是必要组成因而是必要组成部分部分“使卷入使卷入”因而与之有关联因而与之有关联使卷入使卷入基本义基本义involve谢谢谢谢观观赏赏

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    本文标题:Unit 3 Lesson 3-Reading Club 2 单词课件 1 -(2022)新北师大版《高中英语》选择性必修第一册.pptx
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