Unit 3 Lesson 3The Road To Destruction 课件-(2022)新北师大版《高中英语》选择性必修第一册.zip


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Lesson 3 P58-61新新北师大选择性必修北师大选择性必修Book 1 Unit 3 CONSERVATION1.Which way will you prefer to choose according to the pictures when you go out?2.What ways are environmentally friendly?Discuss 1How much time do you spend travelling to school every day?How do you feel when you get stuck in traffic jams?to feel anxiousto feel annoyedto feel stressed outto feel tired to feel angryto feel helplessSuggested Answers:I spend about twenty minutes travelling to school but sometimes there are traffic jams and it takes longer.I feel stressed out and sometimes I feel angry because I dont want to be late.2Below is a passage about car uses in Britain.Guess the answers to the questions before you read the passage.How many cars are there on the road?32 million/50 million/64 millionBy how much has the number of cars gone up in the last 20 years?10%/25%/40%How many people die every year in vehicle accidents?1,000/2,500/3,000How many deaths per year are caused by air pollution?10,000/20,000/30,0003Read Part 1 of the passage.Check your predictions in Activity 2.Fill in the blanks according to the passage.Part 1Paragraphs 1-2:_ from individuals.Paragraph 3:_ socially.Part 2Paragraph 1:_ people make for driving cars.Paragraphs 2-6:_ Jenny gave the author.Paragraph 7:The reason why the author has to _.Complains The real costs The excusesFive suggestions drive a car What is the text type of the passage?A.Narration(记叙文记叙文).B.Argumentative Essay(议论文议论文).C.Expository Writing(说明文说明文).D.News Report(新闻报道新闻报道).Whats the main idea of this passage?The traffic is going to be horrible and people often get stuck in traffic jam.So this passage gives _ on how to give up _.But its much easier to say what youre supposed to do than actually do it.advicedriving cars4Read Part 1 more carefully.Complete the notes in the diagram.Then think about any possible solutions to the problems.Skill BuilderTaking Notes(2)Taking notes when reading a text is very similiar to taking notes when listening(see Book 3,Unit 8)Read the text quickly to get the general idea of the text.Decide what kind of information you are looking for,e.g.names,places,dates,events,reasons,feelings or numbers.Remember:Dont try to write in full sentences;use abbreviations and symbols.Traffic problemsEffects:personalangryEffects:socialPossible solutions:stressed outtired traffic accidents,global warming and climate change,deaths and cancer by air pollution use your legsuse public transport.5Read Part 2 and complete the notes.Solutions/AdviceWalk/cycle moreUse public transportThink before you goShare carsTake action6Pair Work.Talk about the effects of traffic problems at the personal and social level,as well as the solutions proposed.Then discuss whether the solutions will help solve the problem.Give your reasons.Use the notes in Activity 4 and 5 to help you.Suggested Answers:Nobody likes being in traffic jam.The personal effects like getting angry or being stressed out can lead to more serious problems,like becoming sick or losing your job.Being on the road can also be dangerous as there are many accidents,and the amount of pollution that traffic causes can also give us health problems.Then,there are the environmental effects to our planet,such as global warming.The solutions could be to try to use the car less.We can cycle,walk or use public transport.We can also share our cars.These are simple solutions that we can all do.7Group Work.Think and share.1.What is the writers attitude towards cars?Find some evidence from the passage?Suggested Answers:The writer knows that cars have negative effects and she wants to help the environment(“We know that cars are bad for us”,“All quite simple,isnt it?Five easy ways to improve our environment”)but she thinks it will be difficult for her to give up her car(“Ive got to pick up my daughter from school.The traffic is going to be horrible,but what can I do?”)2.How do you understand the title“The Road to Destruction”?Suggested Answers:The road to destruction refers to the fact that the cars on the road will eventually lead to the destruction of our planet.新北师大选择性必修新北师大选择性必修Book 1 Language points P58-59Unit 3 CONSERVATIONHow often do we arrive at work or school,stressed out,tired and angry?句意:多少次我们到达学校或者工作地点的时句意:多少次我们到达学校或者工作地点的时候,焦虑,疲惫而又愤怒?候,焦虑,疲惫而又愤怒?stressed out,tired and angry为形容词短语作为形容词短语作伴随状语,表示主语的状态。形容词短语作伴随状语,表示主语的状态。形容词短语作状语,可以表示时间,方式,伴随,原因,状语,可以表示时间,方式,伴随,原因,让步,结果或状态等。让步,结果或状态等。例句:例句:1.Exhausted,I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.精疲力尽地,我溜上了床,并且很快入睡了。精疲力尽地,我溜上了床,并且很快入睡了。2.Afraid of being scolded,little Tom went to his own room directly the moment he got home.害怕受责备,小汤姆一到家就直接去了自己房间。害怕受责备,小汤姆一到家就直接去了自己房间。3.My uncle returned from war,safe and sound.我叔叔安然无恙地从战争中归来。我叔叔安然无恙地从战争中归来。随堂练随堂练1.Crusoe stared at the footprint,_.克鲁索盯着脚印看,充满了恐惧。克鲁索盯着脚印看,充满了恐惧。2._,I was unsettled for the first few days.由于很担心这次旅行,开始那几天,我很焦虑。由于很担心这次旅行,开始那几天,我很焦虑。3._,Tony stood up and accepted the prize.托尼既吃惊又高兴,站起来接受了奖励。托尼既吃惊又高兴,站起来接受了奖励。full of horrorWorried about the journeySupprised and happyBefore you get into your car,think about whether you really need to make that journey.句意:当你坐进车里之前,考虑一下你是否句意:当你坐进车里之前,考虑一下你是否真的需要跑那段路程。真的需要跑那段路程。此处此处 whether 引导宾语从句,除此之外,引导宾语从句,除此之外,whether 还可引导主语从句,表语从句,同还可引导主语从句,表语从句,同位语从句,意为位语从句,意为“是否是否”;还可以引导让步状;还可以引导让步状语从句,意为语从句,意为“无论是无论是还是还是”;还可;还可以接不定式短语,在句子中作主语,宾语或以接不定式短语,在句子中作主语,宾语或表语。表语。例句:例句:1.Data about the moons composition could help China decide whether its plans for a future lunar base are practical.关于月球的构造数据,能够帮助中国决定在未关于月球的构造数据,能够帮助中国决定在未来建设月球基地的计划是否可行。来建设月球基地的计划是否可行。2.Whether it will do us harm or good remains to be seen.它对我们有益还是有害还需要拭目以它对我们有益还是有害还需要拭目以待。待。3.I was wondering whether to stay here for another week.我想知道是否还要在这儿再待一我想知道是否还要在这儿再待一个星期。个星期。随堂练随堂练汉译英。汉译英。1.我不知道你是否能来参加我们的聚会。我不知道你是否能来参加我们的聚会。2.关关于于我我们们是是否否应应该该请请位位专专家家这这个个问问题题,家家庭庭医生做了回答。医生做了回答。3.他不知道是否应该拒绝她的帮助。他不知道是否应该拒绝她的帮助。I dont know whether you can come to our party.The question whether we should call in a specialist was answered by the family doctor.He didnt know whether to refuse her help.Do whichever of these things that suit you.句意:做你适合做的任何事情。句意:做你适合做的任何事情。suit vt.适合适合 n.套装套装suitable adj.合适的合适的be suitable for 适合于适合于be suited to/for 适合,适宜于适合,适宜于例句:例句:1.He really doesnt know what profession would suit him.他确实不知道什么职业适合他。他确实不知道什么职业适合他。2.Teenagers usually like wearing sports suits.青少年通常喜欢穿运动装。青少年通常喜欢穿运动装。3.I dont think Im suitable for the post.我认为我不适合这个职位。我认为我不适合这个职位。随堂练随堂练选词填空选词填空(fit,suit,match)1.Its a small house but it _ our needs.2.These shoes dont _ me.Have you got a larger size.3.The carpets should _ the curtains.4.You cant _ him in his knowledge of wild plants.suitsfitmatchmatchto feel anxious(P58)感到焦虑的感到焦虑的1.anxious adj.焦虑的,不安的焦虑的,不安的be anxious for sth.渴望得到渴望得到be anxious(for sb.)to do sth.急于(让某人)做某事急于(让某人)做某事be anxious that+(should+)动词原形动词原形急于急于/渴望渴望be anxious about/for 为为焦虑焦虑/担心担心2.anxiously adv.焦急地焦急地3.anxiety n.焦急,忧虑;令人着急的事焦急,忧虑;令人着急的事例句:例句:1.He was so anxious as to overlook the traffic signals.他非常焦虑,竟然没注意交通信号。他非常焦虑,竟然没注意交通信号。2.Jack still cant help being anxious about/for his job interview.杰克仍会情不自禁地担心他的杰克仍会情不自禁地担心他的工作面试。工作面试。3.Being addicted to computer games may cause serious anxiety.沉溺于电脑游戏可能会导致严重的焦虑。沉溺于电脑游戏可能会导致严重的焦虑。4.She was waiting for the bus to come anxiously.她焦急地等着公共汽车到来。她焦急地等着公共汽车到来。随堂练随堂练语法填空。语法填空。1.I was anxious for everything _(settle).2.He was very anxious that the meeting on the following day _(be)a success.用用anxious的适当形式填空。的适当形式填空。1.Theres tension and _ from the beginning as Nick and Amy battle for your trust.2.Waiting for the results of college admission is an _ time for most students.to be settled(should)beanxietyanxious新北师大选择性必修新北师大选择性必修Book 1Book 1 Unit 3 CONSERVATIONGrammar P61Lead-inRead the dialogues and pay attention to the collocations.Its harmful to be addicated to computer games.Yes.Poor eyesight is also related to it.We should make every effort to prevent global warming.Great!I totally agree with you.Complete the sentences with correct collocations.1.He _ an old friend in the street the other day.他前几天在街上遇到了一个老朋友。他前几天在街上遇到了一个老朋友。2.I didnt _ what she really wanted to do.我没弄明白她到底想干嘛。我没弄明白她到底想干嘛。3.Hearing the funny story,the whole class _ laughter.听到这个有趣的故事,全班哄堂大笑。听到这个有趣的故事,全班哄堂大笑。came acrossfigure outburst intoSummaryCollocations词语搭配词语搭配一一.动词动词+介词介词“动词动词+介词介词”构成的短语相当于一个及物动构成的短语相当于一个及物动词,后面跟宾语。常用的这类动词短语有词,后面跟宾语。常用的这类动词短语有account for,burst into,feel like,come across,set about,insist on 等。等。例句:例句:1.Its impolite to laugh at the disabled.嘲笑残疾人是不礼貌的。嘲笑残疾人是不礼貌的。2.We usually set about reading aloud immediately we enter the classroom in the morning every day.我们通常每天早上一进教室就大声读书。我们通常每天早上一进教室就大声读书。3.I dont feel like going out for a walk after supper.我不想晚饭后出去散步。我不想晚饭后出去散步。二二.动词动词+副词副词1.相当于及物动词,常用的这类短语动词有相当于及物动词,常用的这类短语动词有put out,carry out,add up,take over 等。等。例句例句:We should carry out the plan as soon as possible.我们应该尽快实施这个计划。我们应该尽快实施这个计划。The moment the fire broke out,they put it out.火灾一发生,他们就把它扑灭了。火灾一发生,他们就把它扑灭了。2.相当于不及物动词,常用的这类短语动词相当于不及物动词,常用的这类短语动词有有 break out,move off,die away,watch out 等。等。例句:例句:It was reported that a big fire broke out in that factory last night.据报道,昨晚那家工厂爆发了一场火灾。据报道,昨晚那家工厂爆发了一场火灾。Seeing that we had noticed him,he moved off quickly.看到我们已经注意到他,他很快走掉了。看到我们已经注意到他,他很快走掉了。三三.动词动词+副词副词+介词介词常用的这类短语动词有常用的这类短语动词有come up to,date back to,get away with,look down on,run out of 等。等。例句例句:The water is coming up to the bank.水涨到与河岸相平了。水涨到与河岸相平了。For such a serious offence he was lucky to get away with a fine.他犯了那么严重的过失,却侥幸只交罚款了事。他犯了那么严重的过失,却侥幸只交罚款了事。四四.动词动词+名词名词+介词介词常用的这类短语动词有常用的这类短语动词有take charge of,catch sight of,keep pace with,make use of,take interest in 等。等。例句:例句:I caught sight of her hurrying away so I didnt try to speak to her.我看见她匆忙离开,所以我没有跟她讲话。我看见她匆忙离开,所以我没有跟她讲话。Though young,he takes charge of a large company.尽管很年轻,他管理了一家大公司。尽管很年轻,他管理了一家大公司。随堂练随堂练Fill in the blanks with proper words.A terrible epidemic situation broke _ in Wuhan in December 2019.Since then,the Chinese government has taken immediate and proper _ to deal _ the problem.At the same time,all the Chinese people actively fight _ the epidemic.We dont go _ unless it is necessary.When we have to go out,we all wear masks to prevent ourselves _ being infected.In addition,we outmeasureswithagainstoutfromall keep good habits,including getting _ early to exercise,drinking more water,washing hands frequently and so on.We do believe that all our effort will pay _.upoff8Look at the Word Builder.Match the words(1-8)with the endings(a-h)to form common collocations.Then use the collocations to complete the summary.1.make2.get stuck3.be4.protect5.do6.pick7.cause8.sharea.addicated tob.a lot of harmc.carsd.in a traffic jame.up sbf.the environmentg.excusesh.global warmingMany people often 1._ when they go to work.How annoyed and stressful they often feel!But the problem is that the number of cars is still going up.Traffic pollution has been found to 2._ and climate change to a large degree.Too many cars 3._ to the environment and our health.Some advice has been given for people to help 4._,for example,using public transport or 5._,doing our shopping in the shop just around the corner instead of driving to the other side of town.However,people 6._using cars.They 7._ for using their cars,“I need to 8._ my daughter.What can I do?”get stuck in a traffic jamcause global warmingdo a lot of harmprotect the environmentsharing carsare addicated tomake excusespick up9Make a poster based on what you have learnt to encourage people in your neighbourhood to use their vehicles wisely.Search for facts and data to make your poster convincing.Then share your work in groups.Thank you!
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高中英语 Unit Lesson The Road To Destruction 课件 _(2022)新北师大版《高中英语》选择性必修第一册 北师大 选择性 必修 一册
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