Unit 2 Lesson 3 Getting To The Top课件 -(2022)新北师大版《高中英语》选择性必修第一册.zip


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Lesson 3 P36-39新新北师大选择性必修北师大选择性必修Book 1 Unit 2 SUCCESSGetting to the topGetting to the topThe advantages?The disadvantages?1Pair Work.Discuss the questions.Use the phrases below to help you.1.Which athlete do you admire most?Why?2.What did they do to get to the top of the sport?to push oneself to the limitsto give up everything for the sportto live ones life to extremesto be willing to do the extra little bitto be totally focused on the sportto strive for greatness2Read the article quickly.Answer the questions.1.What is the article about?2.Is it from an encyclopaedia entry,an academic book or possibly a blog?3.Who do you think the writer is?The article tells a story of an athlete and the sacrifices she makes for her spot.I think it is from a blog.I think the writer is a triathlete.Fill in the blanks according to the passage.Paras.1-4 The _ the writer faces.Para.1:Her friends _ Para.2:Her _ to their worries Para.3:The _ she faces daily Para.4:The countless things she missessituations worries reactionsfears Paras.5-8 The reasons for her successPara.5:Born with enormous amounts of drive and determiationPara.6:Doing little extra thing in preparationPara.7:Totally committed to _Para.8:Willing to do what should be done as _sports athletes What is the text type of the passage?A.Narration(记叙文记叙文).B.Argumentative Essay(议论文议论文).C.Expository Writing(说明文说明文).D.News Report(新闻报道新闻报道).Whats the main idea of this passage?Being an Olympic athlete,the author misses much,faces _,but she thinks all of them worthwhile.many fears and sacrifices 3Read paragraphs 1-4.Complete the information in the table.Then describe the writers situation to your partner.The situation the writer facesThings she gives up as an Olympic athleteHer friends worries and her reactionsThe fears she faces on a daily basisBirthday parties,family holidays,nights outShe will lose her friends;She knew they were right.Whether she is pushing the limits too much;whether she is being selfish.4Answer the questions based on what you have read.1.Did her friend understand her?Why?No,he didnt,because he was afraid that when she reached the top she would have no friends.2.Did the writer get angry with her friend?Did she try to explain?Why?No,she didnt,because she knew what her friend said was right and she was pushing the limits too hard.She didnt try to explain because most people would not understand.3.Was she clear about why she had chosen to be an athlete?How do you know?Yes,she was.From the description of her sacrifice we could know she is a“go-getter”with an enormous amount of drive and determination to be the best.We can see that through her descrpitions such as“running a family holiday because of the endless search for a swimming pool to train in”,“almost missed my brothers wedding because I was busy hiring a car and driving through the no go area in order to do a group ride with the local triathletes.”5Read paragraphs 5-8.Identify the reasons why the writer was able to get to the top.Use a diagram to illustrate and talk about your analysis.Reasons:get ahead on class work rather than go out and playget the bus on her own at ten years oldgo to swim 100 lengths of the pool while other kids played pool gamesthe only girl in a rugby club of 250 boys6Read the article again.What do the phrases or sentence refer to in the article?a very good reason(line 3)on a day-to-day basis(line 12)The list is endless(line 19)an enormous amount of drive and determination(line 20)three or four outstanding years of winning stuff(line 37-38)Answers:“A very good reason”refers that“it takes a lot to be at the top”.“On a day-to-day basis”refers to every day.“The list is endless”refers to“countless birthday parties and nights out I have missed,ruining a family holiday in France because of the endless search for swimming pool to train in,almost missing my brothers wedding because I was too busy hiring a car in downtown Johannesburg and driving through the no-go araes in order to do a group ride with the local triathletes.”“An enormous amount of drive and determination”refers that“from a small girl,I would stay in at lunch time just to get ahead on class work rather than go out and play;I would get the bus on my own at ten years old and go to swim 100 lengths of the pool while other kids played pool games;I was the only girl in a rugby club of 250 boys.I have always lived my life to extremes.”“Three or four outstanding years of winning stuff”refers that“if your dream is to be the best and reach the winners platform,You had better be totally committed to your sport.”7Which statements do you think are true according to the article?Why?Identifying Real InformationSometimes,a task may contain questions with unreliable information or in accurate interpretation.It is important to know how to identify what information is accurate(true)and what is inaccurate(false).Read the text to get the general idea.Then read the questions/statements and identify important words.Find the relevant part of the text and identify the important words.Decide if the important words in the questions /statements and the text express the same idea.Skill Builder1.The writer is a professional triathlete.()2.Her first sport was rugby.3.At first,she was afraid to join the rugby club because it had 250 boys.Because the writer says“These are the fears I face as a professional athlete on a day-to-day basis.”And she also mentions swimming and riding.4.She missed many birthday parties,ruined family holidays and skipped nights out for the sport she devoted herself to.()5.What makes an Olympic champion stand out from other competitors is the special talent she or he has.Because the writer says“I miss birthday parties,ruin family holidays and skip nights out”and“missing my brothers wedding.in order to do a group ride with the local triathletes”.6.Although she knows that her way of life is unbalanced or unhealthy,she is determined to continue.()Because we can see from“It is certainly not a balanced way to live and it is certainly not normal but those words are generally not used for anyone who is striving for greatness.”8Group Work.Think and share.1.What are the three most important reasons why the writer was able to get to the top?The first important reason is that she was born with a enormous amount of drive and determination(in para 5).The second important reason is that she has always lived her life to extremes,whatever it is she is applying herself to(in para 6).The third reason is that as a professional athlete she is prepared to do that little extra in her preparation that sets her apart from her competitors(in para 8)2.Whats opinion about the writers attitude and commitment to the profession she has chosen?I think she will get to the top because she has so much commitment to the profession she has chosen and she is so determined to be the best.9Complete the summary using the correct form of the words and phrases below.enormousoutstandingextremecountlessintensitylengthselfishnormalboil down toapply myself It 1 _ this:I was born with an 2_ amount of drive and determination.In my attempt to strive for greatness,I made 3 _ sacrifice,living my life to 4 _ where every workout had a mental 5_ that seemes too much for most people.If you are not totally committed to your sport and want to lead a 6_ life,you can never be a(n)7 _ athlete,let alone an Olympic champion.You may think it is unhealthy or 8_ to go to these 9_,but that is the way I roll,no matter what Im 10_ to.boils down to enormouscountlessextremesintensitynormaloutstandingselfishlengthsapplying myself新北师大选择性必修新北师大选择性必修Book 1 Language points P36-37Unit 2 SUCCESS课文回顾:He was worried that I had no longer become fun to train with and that I was in danger of being left with only a world championship medal and no one to share it with.句意:他担心和我一起训练不再是一件愉悦的句意:他担心和我一起训练不再是一件愉悦的事情,担心我处于只剩下世界冠军的奖牌无人事情,担心我处于只剩下世界冠军的奖牌无人可以分享的危险境地。可以分享的危险境地。that引导宾语从句时,只起连接词的作用,不引导宾语从句时,只起连接词的作用,不充当句子成分,通常可以省略。但是连接两充当句子成分,通常可以省略。但是连接两个并列表示陈述意义的宾语从句时,前一个个并列表示陈述意义的宾语从句时,前一个that可以省略,第二个可以省略,第二个that通常不省略。通常不省略。例句:例句:1.The boy realized that he got lost in the forest and that he must solve the problem on his own.男孩意识到他在森林中迷路了,他必须自己解男孩意识到他在森林中迷路了,他必须自己解决这个问题。决这个问题。2.They told me that they couldnt make a decision and that they hoped for my advice.他们告诉我,他们无法做决定,希望我能提供他们告诉我,他们无法做决定,希望我能提供建议。建议。3.We know it necessary that we should practice spoken English every day.我们知道每天练习英我们知道每天练习英语口语是很有必要的。语口语是很有必要的。随堂练随堂练1._.他他已已经经明明确确表表示示,他他不不会会屈屈服服的的,他他一一定定能能克克服服困难。困难。2._?你知道他参军了吗?你知道他参军了吗?Do you know that he has joined the army He has made it clear that he will not give in and that he will overcome the difficulities Dont they know how hard it is to be at the top in sport?句意:他们不知道到达运动界的巅峰有多么艰句意:他们不知道到达运动界的巅峰有多么艰难吗?难吗?how hard it is to be at the top in sport 是一个是一个how引导的宾语从句,在宾语从句中,引导的宾语从句,在宾语从句中,it作形作形式主语,不定式式主语,不定式 to be at the top in sport是真是真正的主语。正的主语。1.it 用作形式主语,不定式作真正主语的句型:用作形式主语,不定式作真正主语的句型:It+be+形容词形容词+不定式不定式.It+be+名词名词+不定式不定式.It+动词动词+宾语宾语+不定式不定式.It+be+介词短语介词短语+不定式不定式.2.在在“It is/was+adj.+for/of sb.to do sth.”结结构中:若形容词侧重于评价人物的特性,特征,构中:若形容词侧重于评价人物的特性,特征,则构成不定式复合结构的介词应用则构成不定式复合结构的介词应用of,此时形容此时形容词常用词常用kind,nice,foolish,generous等,若形容等,若形容词侧重描写不定式动词的特征,特点,则构成词侧重描写不定式动词的特征,特点,则构成不定式复合结构的介词应用不定式复合结构的介词应用for。Note例句:例句:1.Its our duty to take good care of the old.照顾好老人是我们的责任。照顾好老人是我们的责任。2.Its stupid of you to write down everything the teacher says.你把老师所说的东西都记下来是很愚蠢的。你把老师所说的东西都记下来是很愚蠢的。随堂练随堂练1._.天黑以前赶到那里很困难。天黑以前赶到那里很困难。2._.处理这个问题是他的责任。处理这个问题是他的责任。3._.恢复系统不是一件容易的事情。恢复系统不是一件容易的事情。4._.他捐献了这么多真是太慷慨了。他捐献了这么多真是太慷慨了。Its difficult to get there before dark It was his duty to attend to this matter It takes a lot of effort to recover the system It is generous of him to contribute so much From a small girl,I would stay in at lunch time just to get ahead on class work rather than go out and play.句意:从还是一个小女孩起,为了在课堂作句意:从还是一个小女孩起,为了在课堂作业上领先,我在午餐时间就宁愿待在家里学业上领先,我在午餐时间就宁愿待在家里学习而不出去玩。习而不出去玩。would do.rather than do.表示表示“宁愿宁愿而不愿而不愿”。表示表示“宁愿宁愿而不愿而不愿”的其他句式:的其他句式:would rather do.than do.prefer to do.rather than do.prefer doing.to doing.例句:例句:1.Mother would go to work by bike rather than by bus.妈妈宁愿骑自行车上班也不愿意乘坐公共汽车。妈妈宁愿骑自行车上班也不愿意乘坐公共汽车。2.The little girl prefers to practice playing the piano rather than get sunburnt at the beach.那个小女孩宁愿练钢琴也不愿意在海边晒黑。那个小女孩宁愿练钢琴也不愿意在海边晒黑。3.I prefer swimming to playing football in summer.在夏天,我宁愿游泳而不愿意踢足球。在夏天,我宁愿游泳而不愿意踢足球。随堂练随堂练一句多译。一句多译。他宁愿把钱捐赠给穷人而不愿意自己过富裕的生活。他宁愿把钱捐赠给穷人而不愿意自己过富裕的生活。1.He would give away his money to the poor rather than live a rich life.2._3._4._He would rather give away his money to the poor than live a rich life.He prefers to give away his money to the poor rather than live a rich life.He prefers giving away his money to the poor to living a rich life.Call it unhealthy if you want,but that is the way I roll,no matter what it is Im applying myself to.句意:你若说这是一种病态也行,但这就是句意:你若说这是一种病态也行,但这就是我的做事风格,不管做什么我都会全力以赴。我的做事风格,不管做什么我都会全力以赴。apply oneself to 努力,专心致志于某事努力,专心致志于某事apply(to sb.)for sth.向某人申请得到向某人申请得到apply to 适用于适用于apply.to.把把运用到运用到上上例句:例句:1.She has applied for a passport.她已经申请了护照。她已经申请了护照。2.The rules of safe driving apply to everyone.安全驾驶的规章制度适用于每一个人。安全驾驶的规章制度适用于每一个人。3.In this way we can better apply theory to practice.这样我们就能更好地把理论运用到实践中去。这样我们就能更好地把理论运用到实践中去。随堂练随堂练1.If you apply yourself _ the job in hand,you will soon finish it.2.The nurse applied the ointment _ the wound.3.Six candidates have applied _ the position.4.He applied _ the banker _loan.totofortofor新北师大选择性必修新北师大选择性必修Book 1Book 1 Unit 2 SUCCESSGrammar P39Lead-inRead the dialogues and pay attention to the articles.Oh,where is the book I bought yesterday?It is on the table in the dining room.Playing chess is really interesting?I dont think so.I would rather play football.Complete the sentences with correct articles.1.Did you see _ I borrowed from the library yesterday?你看到我昨天从图书馆借的那本书了吗?你看到我昨天从图书馆借的那本书了吗?2._ he made for his absence.这是他为缺席找的一个借口。这是他为缺席找的一个借口。3.Most boys like _ after school.大多数男孩喜欢放学后踢足球。大多数男孩喜欢放学后踢足球。the bookThis is an excuseplaying footballSummaryArticles冠词冠词一一.定义定义冠词是加在名词前的一个辅助词,有限定名冠词是加在名词前的一个辅助词,有限定名词的含义。冠词分为不定冠词,定冠词和零词的含义。冠词分为不定冠词,定冠词和零冠词。冠词。二二.用法用法1.不定冠词的用法不定冠词的用法1)表示泛指。不定冠词表示泛指,既可指同类)表示泛指。不定冠词表示泛指,既可指同类中的任何一个,也可指同类中的某一个。中的任何一个,也可指同类中的某一个。例句:例句:I met an old man at the gate.2)表示数量表示数量“一一”。不定冠词可以表示数量。不定冠词可以表示数量“一一”,但其数的概念不如但其数的概念不如one强烈。强烈。例句:例句:Give me an apple.Give me one apple.3)表示表示“相同的相同的”。与。与the same同义,尤其与介词同义,尤其与介词of 一起使用。一起使用。例句:例句:The children are all of an age.4)表示表示“每一个每一个”。与。与every,each,per同义,尤其同义,尤其用于表示价格,速度,比率等。用于表示价格,速度,比率等。例句:例句:I visit my grandmother once a month.5)表示表示“某一某一”。例句:例句:A Mr Brown wishes to see you.6)用于固定词组或短语中用于固定词组或短语中例句:例句:In a word,everything is going well.As a result,his performance was beyond our expectation.7)用于某些抽象名词的具体化,表示具体的人或用于某些抽象名词的具体化,表示具体的人或事物。这样的名词有:事物。这样的名词有:surprise,pleasure,honour,success等。等。例句:例句:Its a pleasure for me to work with you.随堂练随堂练1.There is _“m”in the word“cream”.2.Its _ honour for me to give you an lecture here.3._ Mr Wang came to see you this morning.4.The man can run 20 kilometers _ hour.5.As _ result,some plants have been dead.ananAana2.定冠词的用法定冠词的用法1)特指某(些)人或特指某(些)人或某(些)事。某(些)事。例句:例句:The book on the desk were published last month.2)再次提到前面已经出现的人或事物,表示特指。再次提到前面已经出现的人或事物,表示特指。例句例句:Mother read a story before I went to bed,but I was not interested in the story.3)指谈话双方都知道的人或事物。指谈话双方都知道的人或事物。例句:例句:We went to the airport to see the manager off.4)某些形容词或分词前加定冠词某些形容词或分词前加定冠词the表示一类人。表示一类人。the homeless 无家可归的人无家可归的人the rich 富人富人the weak 弱者弱者the wounded 伤者伤者5)表示一些独一无二的东西的名词前要用定冠词。表示一些独一无二的东西的名词前要用定冠词。the earth/the moon/the sun/the sky/the universe/the world/the air6)表示江河,海洋,山脉,群岛,沙漠,海湾等表示江河,海洋,山脉,群岛,沙漠,海湾等专有名词前,要用专有名词专有名词前,要用专有名词the。the Yellow River/the Pacific/the Red Sea 随堂练随堂练1.Unexpectedly,Im face-to-face with the gorilla,who begins screaming at _ top of her lungs.2.During my last winter holiday,I went to _countryside with my father to visit my grandparents.3.I still remember how hard _ first day at school.4.The education of _ young is always a hot and serious topic.thethethethe3.零冠词的用法零冠词的用法1)可数名词复数表示泛指时,以及抽象名词和物可数名词复数表示泛指时,以及抽象名词和物质名词表示一般概念时。质名词表示一般概念时。例句:例句:Where theres smoke,theres fire.Apples are my favorite fruit.2)三餐,球类运动,节日,星期,月份和日期前三餐,球类运动,节日,星期,月份和日期前一般不用冠词。一般不用冠词。play football/play chess/New Years Day(the Spring Festival 除外除外)3)在学科,语言,称呼语,大部分疾病名称或表在学科,语言,称呼语,大部分疾病名称或表头衔的的名词前,不用冠词。头衔的的名词前,不用冠词。例句:例句:I think physics is more interesting than maths.Cancer is a terrible disease.4)在在as,though引导的倒装分句中,名词前不用引导的倒装分句中,名词前不用冠词。冠词。例句例句:Child though Tom is,you cant fool him.3)在学科,语言,称呼语,大部分疾病名称或表在学科,语言,称呼语,大部分疾病名称或表头衔的的名词前,不用冠词。头衔的的名词前,不用冠词。例句:例句:I think physics is more interesting than maths.Cancer is a terrible disease.4)在在as,though引导的倒装分句中,名词前不用引导的倒装分句中,名词前不用冠词。冠词。例句例句:Child though Tom is,you cant fool him.随堂练随堂练1.He _this morning.他今天早上没有吃早饭。他今天早上没有吃早饭。2.Mr.Peterson,_,made speech at the opening ceremony of the competition.彼彼德德森森先先生生,高高中中校校长长,在在比比赛赛开开幕式上发表了讲话。幕式上发表了讲话。3.Amazingly,_.令人惊奇的是,
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本文标题:Unit 2 Lesson 3 Getting To The Top课件 -(2022)新北师大版《高中英语》选择性必修第一册.zip


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