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    关 键  词:
    高中英语 高考 复习 后续 词句 分类 汇总 大类 下载 _历年真题_高考专区_英语_高中

    1、高考英语读后续写词句分类汇总一、天气类【相关词汇】81.温暖的 warm2.炎热的 hot3.多雨的 rainy4.多云的 cloudy5.下雪多的 snowy6.有雾的 foggy7.潮湿的 damp8.寒冷的 cold9.凉爽的 cool10.晴朗的 clear11.有暴风雨的 stormy12.风大的 windy13.糟糕的 awful14.霜冻的 frosty15.阳光灿烂的 sunny16.晴朗的 pleasant17.温和的 mild18.变化无常的 changeable【相关短语】1.凉爽清新的风 cool, refreshing breeze2.四面受风 exposed to

    2、the four winds of heaven3.一阵风 a gust of wind4.轻柔却寒冷的风 the soft and cold wind5.多雨的季节 a rainy season6.暴风雨之夜 a stormy night7.连绵不断的雨 continuous/constant rains8.在茫茫大雨中 in the blinding rain9.狂风暴雨 fierce/heavy/violent storms10.及时雨,好雨 a timely/seasonable rain11.深埋在雪中 be buried in snow12.难以忍受的热 unbearably ho

    3、t13.落日 the setting/declining sun14.冉冉升起的太阳 the rising sun15.在春天温暖的阳光里 in the warm spring sunshine16.放晴了 clear up17.沐日光浴 bathe/bask in the sunshine18.在盛夏灼热的阳光下 under the blazing/scorching/burning sun of midsummer19.电闪雷鸣 the thundering clouds【高分句子】1.天转晴了。It seems to be clearing up.2.天空乌云密布。The sky is

    4、covered with dark clouds.3.天空飘过几片白云。Every now and then clouds floated across the sky.4.温暖的阳光洒在小树身上。Warm sunshine poured over the little bush.5.天气晴朗,吹来阵阵清风。The day was bright, with a fresh breeze blowing.6.夜幕降临。The night settled in.7.天气忽冷忽热。The weather is cold one minute and hot the next.8.一场暴雪侵袭了整个城

    5、市。A snowstorm blanketed the entire city.9.太阳开始缓缓升起,给山坡上了一层金纱。The sun began to rise in the sky, bathing the mountain in golden light.10.北风寒冷刺骨,沉闷得可怕。The north wind was bitter and deadly dull.二、场景类【相关词汇】1.多石的 stony2.岩石覆盖的 rocky3.咆哮的 roaring4.狭窄的 narrow5.给人深刻印象的 impressive6.长满青草的 grassy7.金色的 golden8.冰冻

    6、的 frozen9.平坦的 flat10.干燥的 dry11.吸引人的 attractive12.令人愉快的 enjoyable13.激动人心的 exciting14.难忘的 memorable15.美好的 lovely16.古老的 historic17.多山的 mountainous18.遥远的 remote19.浪漫的 romantic20.荒凉的 wild21.美妙的 wonderful【相关短语】1.位置优越的城市 a favorably situated city2.水下面的暗礁 a hidden rock beneath the surface of the water3.一个偏僻

    7、的小村子 a small village off the map4.离海滨仅咫尺之遥 within a stones throw of the beach5.位于.最北端 be situated at the northern extreme of .6.在群山环抱的村庄里 in a village among the hills7.朝南的房间 room facing south8.人烟稀少的农村地区 the thinly populated rural area9.位于太平洋沿岸某处 be located somewhere on the Pacific coast10.鸟鸣 the son

    8、gs of birds11.娇嫩的花 the fragile flowers12.杨柳的低垂枝条 the drooping branches of the weeping willow【高分句子】1.美丽的景色无法形容。The beautiful scenery is beyond description.2.枫叶上染上了秋天的红色。The maple leaves are colored with autumn red.3.这些小农场和村庄点缀着薄雾笼罩着的群山。Mist-covered mountains were dotted with small farms and villages.

    9、4.一条条小河宛如蓝色的绸带缠绕着一望无际的绿色田野。Rivers wound around the vast green field just like blue color ribbons.5.这朵玫瑰就像是在风中摇摆,在阳光下跳舞的天使。The rose looks like an angel, swaying in the wind and dancing in the sun.6.那儿处处是碧绿的芳草,绿草中铺着洁白笔直的石路。The grounds were covered with dark green grass through which stretched a straig

    10、ht white stone path.7.美丽的景色令人大饱眼福。The beautiful scenery is a feast for your eyes.8.这些花现在正盛开。玫瑰散发出一股香味。The flowers are now in full bloom. The rose gives out a sweet smell.9.当我们到达山顶时,我们看到了一片壮丽的海景。When we reached the top of the hill, a magnificent view of the sea greeted us.三、社会环境类【高分句子】1.绕着小镇漫步的时候,我感觉

    11、时间像是在倒流。Walking around the town was a little like stepping back time.2.南京,这座古老而又年轻的历史文化名城,是多么的可爱!Nanjing, an old yet energetic city with a rich and celebrated past, appears like how lovely she is.3.教室里很安静,连一根针掉在地上的声音都听得见。It was so quiet in the classroom that the sound of a needle in the ground could

    12、 be heard.4.那圣诞树的光影、午夜的大众音乐,还有甜美的微笑,都让我在圣诞节收到礼物时充满了幸福感。The lights of Christmas trees, midnight mass music and sweet smiles all made the gifts I received at Christmas shine with happiness.5.每年成千上万的游客带着孤独星球最新中国版旅游指南涌向中国。他们来是为了观赏长城的壮丽景色,但常常是那些胡同给他们留下最深的印象,因为透过难得一见的胡同,游客能看到中国的过去。Every year thousands of

    13、tourists flock to China with the latest edition of Chinas “Lonely Planet” guidebook in their hands. They come to see the grand sights of the Great Wall but often it is the hutongs that leave the strongest impression, as they offer travelers a rare view into Chinas past.四、恐惧类【相关词汇】1.害怕地 in panic2.恐惧地

    14、 in terror3.感到害怕 fear creeps over sb.4.从心底感到害怕 a flood of fear wells up in sb.5.惊慌失措 be seized with panic6.充满了愤怒 be seized by anger7.吓得半死 be half dead with fear 8.很有可能引发一阵挫败感 be extremely likely to raise a storm of frustration【高分句子】1.他转向我,眼里充满了恐惧。He turned to me, with his eyes full of horror.2.她吓得睁大

    15、了眼睛。Her eyes were wide with horror.3.我吓得魂不附体。It made me jump out of my skin.4.一阵恐惧向我袭来。A wave of panic flooded/swept over me.5.一想到要变老,我就害怕。The thought of growing old fills me with dread.6.他充满了怒火。He was breathing fire and rage.7.他因害怕而感到恶心,但一想到结果,他还是继续下去。He was sick with fear, but the thought of the r

    16、esult urged him on.8.突如其来的记忆使她惊慌失措。The unexpected and sudden memory threw her into a panic.五、动作类【相关短语】1.全身颤抖 tremble from head to toe2.因害怕/恐惧而发抖 tremble with fear/terror3.因为害怕而哽咽 choke with fear4.脸色变白 face turns pale5.心跳得厉害 heart beat violently6.深吸一口气 take a deep breath7.有点惊讶 come as something of a

    17、surprise8.吓得透不过气来 be choked by fear【高分句子】1.他浑身发抖,感到坐立不安。She shook all over, feeling like sitting on pins and needles.2.我双膝发抖地走上楼梯。I walked up the stairs with my knees trembling.3.他愤怒地看了我一眼。He gave me a look of burning anger.4.恐惧喷薄而出,将我紧紧包围,我已经寸步难行了。A burst of horror held me totally in its power, and

    18、 I was unable to move an inch.5.恐怖和死亡袭来,她的心脏跳动地非常快,撞击着她的肋骨。She was struck dead with horror. Her heart was beating painfully fast and hitting against her ribs.6.难过但不惧怕,我决定要改变这一切。Heartbroken but fearless, I decided to turn everything around.7.她吓得胸口发紧,她的手颤抖着把杯子送到唇边。Her chest tightened with fear. Her ha

    19、nds trembled as she lifted the glass to her lips.8.她睁大的眼睛里充满了恐惧。Her eyes were wide with horror.9.当她惊恐地转过身来,后背一阵寒意。A cold went up her back as she turned around in fear.10.看到这可怕的景象,我感觉我的血液都凝固起来。I felt that the blood in my body cooled because of the terrible sight.11.当看到那只凶恶的狼时,我嗓子发紧,膝盖发软。At the sight

    20、of the fierce wolf, I felt so scared that my throat tightened and my knees felt weak.12.当看到那只凶恶的狼时,我吓呆了,不敢动弹。At the sight of the fierce wolf, I froze with terror, too scared to move an inch.13.当看到那只凶恶的狼时,我被深深地恐惧感所控制,手心出汗。At the sight of the fierce wolf, I was seized by a strong sense of horror and m

    21、y palms were sweating.六、愤怒类【相关短语】1.感到愤怒的 feel furious/irritated/annoyed/ mad/cross2.感到愤怒的 be seized by anger/feel a surge of anger(rage/fury)3.感到恶心的 feel disgusted/sickened4.感到泄气的 feel discouraged5.充满怨恨的眼神 a resentful look6.脸气地通红 flush with anger7.怒气冲天 anger boils/sweeps over sb.8.对某人大发脾气 rage at sb

    22、.9.怒火万丈 flame high 10.勃然大怒 fly into a rage11.脸因为生气而扭曲 face twists with rage12.引起某人的不快 arouse ones displeasure 13.对某人的行为感到不满 be displeased at ones conduct14.愁眉苦脸 have a worried look 15.气地说不出话 be speechless with anger16.眼睛冒火 eyes burning17.不断地抱怨 complain constantly18.怒气冲冲地跑出房间 run out of the room in a

    23、 burst of anger 19.愤怒地跺脚 stamp ones foot in anger20.怒视某人 glare at sb.21.直视某人的眼睛 look sb. straight in the eye22.失去控制 lose control23.充满愤怒 cloud with anger24.严厉训斥某人 give sb. a sharp scolding25.触犯某人的话 offend remarks of sb.26.清醒一下头脑 clear ones head27.因愤怒而颤抖 tremble with anger 28.愤怒地看了某人一眼 give sb. a look

    24、 of burning anger 29.气得满脸通红 flame with anger【高分句子】1.我被愤怒覆盖。I was seized by anger.2.他怒火中烧。He was burning with anger.3.她因为发怒脸涨得通红。Her face was red with anger.4.他愤怒地看了我一眼。He gave me a look of burning anger. /He glared at me with burning eyes.5.他听到这话勃然大怒。He burst into anger at the word.6.我感到愤怒朝我袭来。I fel

    25、t a wave of anger swept over me.7.我受够了他。I have had enough of him.8.如果我再迟到,我父母会大发雷霆的。If I am late again, my parents will hit the roof.9.他的眼中闪过一道怒火。There was a flash of anger in his eyes.10.她能感觉到愤怒在她心中酝酿。She could feel the anger growing, bubbling up inside her.11.她的回答如火上浇油,于是他的愤怒就像火山一样爆发了。Her reply fu

    26、eled his anger and he erupted like a volcano.12.他双手抱头,十分生气,转身朝门口走去。He held his head in his hands, greatly annoyed. He turned and headed for the door.13.乔治抱着双臂默默地站着,看上去很生气。George stood there silently with his arms folded, looking angry.14.他用灼热的目光怒视着我,几乎控制不住怒火。He glared at me with burning eyes and cou

    27、ld hardly control his rage.15.他因怒火而感到双颊发红。He felt his cheeks burning with anger.16.他气得声音发抖。His voice trembled with anger.17.Sheldon感到非常气愤,冲出房间;狠狠摔门。(so.that.)Sheldon felt so angry that he stormed out of the room, slamming the door furiously behind him.18.Sheldon充满愤怒,说不出话来。(非谓语动词)Filled with anger/fu

    28、ry, Sheldon was unable to utter a single word.19.Sheldon怒火中烧,朝我挥舞拳头。(非谓语动词)Boiling with rage, Sheldon shook his fist at me.20.Sam一动不动地站在那里,眼睛里闪烁着怒火。Sam stood rooted to the spot, his eyes blazing with anger.21.他怒火冲天。He was breathing fire and fury.22.他几乎控制不住自己的愤怒。He could hardly/scarcely contain his r

    29、age.七、悲伤类【相关短语】1.难过的 depressed2.沮丧的 discouraged3.心情不好 in low spirits4.强烈的失落感 a strong of loss5.陷入绝望 fall into despair6.使某人悲痛 make ones heart bleed7.怀着沉重的心情 with a heavy heart8.沮丧的 with a sinking heart9.忧郁的 with a sorrow heart10.惊慌失措 be seized with panic11.感到一阵悲伤 a flash of grief came upon sb.12.情绪低落

    30、 be down in spirits13.心里悲伤 be sad at heart 14.意志消沉 a broken spirit 15.痛心 break ones heart16.让他很伤感 put him into a sentimental mood17.沉浸在悲伤无法自拔 be immersed in sorrow / be overcome with sorrow18.减轻某人的痛苦/烦恼 ease sb. of his pain/trouble19.很可能引发一阵挫败感 be extremely likely to raise a storm of frustration 20.

    31、眼泪滚下脸颊 tears roll down ones cheeks21.流下.的泪水 shed tears of.22.泪水模糊了视线 tears blur ones eyes/vision23.大哭 weep ones eyes out24.突然大哭 burst into tears/burst out crying25.快要哭了 close to tears / on the verge of tears26.抑制泪水 hold back ones tears27.擦去泪水 wipe the tears from ones eyes28.悲痛欲绝 cry ones heart out29

    32、.抽泣 choke with sobs30.眼含泪水 tears spring to ones eyes31.眼睛湿润 eyes are wet32.垂头丧气 lose ones spirits 33.抱着枕头痛哭 cry into ones pillow34.低垂着头 head drooping35.把头埋在手里 hide ones face in ones hands36.心沉下去 heart sinks37.伤心而死 die of a broken heart【高分句子】1.我强烈的失落感。I feel a strong sense of loss.2.她带着沉重的/沮丧的/心碎的心情看

    33、着他走了。With a heavy/sinking/broken heart, she watched him go.3.看到发生的事,我感到惊慌失措。Seeing what has happened, I am seized with panic.4.我漂浮在悲伤的海洋里。I feel like I am floating in an ocean of sadness.5.一阵痛楚袭上他的心头。A wave of pain ran over him.6.一走进屋,Steve的心就沉下去了。Steves heart sank when he stepped into the room.7.他静

    34、静地站着,眼泪顺着脸颊流下来。He stood silently, tears rolling down his cheeks.8.看到信的结尾,她再也抑制不住内心的悲伤,潸然泪下。Seeing the end of this, she couldnt contain her sorrow and tears rolled down her cheeks.9.我不知道他为什么会垂头丧气。I dont know why he loses his spirit.10.我强忍住泪水。I tried to fight back tears.11.她突然哭了起来,跑出了房间。She burst into

    35、 tears and ran out of the room.12.她抽泣着,用她的双手捂住脸。She sobbed, hiding her face in her hands.13.我内心所有的沮丧和压力都消失了。(定语从句)All the frustration and stress that had been building up inside of me disappeared.14.虽然我们感到不满意,我们没有必要感到沮丧。(倒装句)Unsatisfied as we may be, we neednt be frustrated anyway.15.听到这个消息,她陷入极度的悲伤

    36、之中。(非谓语动词)Hearing the news, she was totally overwhelmed by grief.16.在回家的路上,爸爸紧紧地拉着我,眉头紧皱。(非谓语动词)On our way back home, my father, holding my hand tight, worn a big frown.17.当他认真倾听时,一股悲伤涌上他的心头。(无灵主语)A surge of sadness welled up in him as he listened attentively.18.他皱起了眉头。(无灵主语)A frown now stood on his

    37、 face.19.听到这个消息,他绝望地把悲伤淹没在酒里。(倒装句)Hearing the news, so desperate was he that he drowned sadness in wine.20.带着失望和沮丧,这个可怜的人回到了他的家。(形容词作状语)Disappointed and frustrated, the poor man made his way back to his family.21.最后一句话像子弹一样射穿我的心脏。(比喻)The last word went through my heart like a bullet.22.因为一场事故,Tony的世

    38、界陷入一片黑暗和绝望之中。As a result of an accident, Tony was suddenly thrown into a world of darkness and sank into hopelessness.23.妻子的病令他茶饭不思。His wifes disease took away his appetite.24.他的脸上蒙上了一层愁云。The news cast a cloud of sadness over his face.25.在忧伤的日子里,你会觉得自己在悲伤的海里沉沉浮浮。On blue days you feel like you are floating in an ocean of sadness.26.听到他没获奖的消息,他的心都沉下来了。His heart sank when he heard the news that he failed to win a prize.27.他悲伤的故事再次触动了她的心。His sad story touched her heart once again.

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