北京版 六年级上册 《英语》教案(全册一套打包).rar


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      • unit 8 revision lesson 27 _北京版 六年级上册 《英语》.docx--点击预览
      • unit 8 revision lesson 28 _北京版 六年级上册 《英语》.docx--点击预览
      • unit five when did the ancient olympic games begin lesson 15 教案_北京版 六年级上册 《英语》.docx--点击预览
      • unit five when did the ancient olympic games begin lesson 16 教案_北京版 六年级上册 《英语》.docx--点击预览
      • unit five when did the ancient olympic games begin lesson 17 教案_北京版 六年级上册 《英语》.docx--点击预览
      • unit five when did the ancient olympic games begin lesson 18 教案_北京版 六年级上册 《英语》.docx--点击预览
      • unit four revision lesson 13 教案_北京版 六年级上册 《英语》.docx--点击预览
      • unit one what did you do this summer lesson 1 教案_北京版 六年级上册 《英语》.docx--点击预览
      • unit one what did you do this summer lesson 2 教案_北京版 六年级上册 《英语》.doc--点击预览
      • unit one what did you do this summer lesson 3 教案_北京版 六年级上册 《英语》.docx--点击预览
      • unit seven what are the twelve animels lesson 23 教案_北京版 六年级上册 《英语》.docx--点击预览
      • unit seven what are the twelve animels lesson 24 教案_北京版 六年级上册 《英语》.docx--点击预览
      • unit seven what are the twelve animels lesson 25 教案_北京版 六年级上册 《英语》.docx--点击预览
      • unit seven what are the twelve animels lesson 26 教案_北京版 六年级上册 《英语》.docx--点击预览
      • unit six what is he wearing lesson 19 教案_北京版 六年级上册 《英语》.docx--点击预览
      • unit six what is he wearing lesson 20 教案_北京版 六年级上册 《英语》.docx--点击预览
      • unit six what is he wearing lesson 21 教案_北京版 六年级上册 《英语》.docx--点击预览
      • unit six what is he wearing lesson 22 教案_北京版 六年级上册 《英语》.docx--点击预览
      • unit three how did you go to hangzhou lesson 10 教案_北京版 六年级上册 《英语》.docx--点击预览
      • unit three how did you go to hangzhou lesson 11 教案_北京版 六年级上册 《英语》.docx--点击预览
      • unit three how did you go to hangzhou lesson 12 教案_北京版 六年级上册 《英语》.docx--点击预览
      • unit three how did you go to hangzhou lesson 9 教案_北京版 六年级上册 《英语》.docx--点击预览
      • unit two what happened to your neck lesson 7 教案_北京版 六年级上册 《英语》.docx--点击预览
      • unit two what happened to your neck lesson 5 教案_北京版 六年级上册 《英语》.docx--点击预览
      • unit two what happened to your neck lesson 6 教案_北京版 六年级上册 《英语》.docx--点击预览
      • Unit4RevisionLesson14_北京版 六年级上册 《英语》.docx--点击预览
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1/4Lesson27教学目标1复习第五单元所学交际用语和句型,要求能听懂、会说,能熟练应用。2复习所学词语,要求能听懂、会说,能正确书写及描述。3复习并进一步掌握 be 动词、人称代词、物主代词等的用法。4复习第五单元对话内容,要求能阅读语段,完成阅读理解及写作练习。教学重难点教学重点:1训练学生的看图表述能力。2培养学生会用语言来描述奥运会的相关历史。教学难点:语段难度大,在教学过程中要注重学生阅读技巧的训练和阅读策略的培养。教具准备单词图卡、教学课件教学过程 I Do you understand?1.Show the pictures and ask Ss to try to say something about them.E.g.Picture 1:The first three winners can get gold,silver,and bronze medals.Picture 2:Linglings size is Medium.2.Listen and tick,and try to write down the key words.3.Discuss in groups.4.Check the answers,and try to correct the sentences.II Can you talk?Picture 1:1.Make a model:When did the ancient Olympic Games begin?When did people hold the first modern Olympic Games?Could both men and women take part in the Olympic Games?Which country held the first Olympic Games?2/42.Elicit Ss to answer according to the key words.3.Make a dialogue in pairs.4.Pairs show.5.Elicit Ss to try to retell the dialogues.Picture 2:1.Ss try to ask some questions:How many medals did the Chinese Athletes win?2.Make a dialogue in pairs.3.Pairs show.4.Elicit Ss to try to retell the dialogues.III Can you write?1.Say it in groups.2.Finish the exercises by themselves.3.Check the answers.IV Can you do?1.指导学生阅读题目及表格T:Do you know some sports?Lets read out some sports.2请学生先看表横栏 4 项:Ball Games,Swimming,Track and Field,Others,然后用英语说说自己知道的各栏下的具体项目,如:Ball Games,volleyball,basketball,football/soccer,badminton.3请学生自主或小组合作上网或查阅其他工具书等说出并填写表内所有项目的英文单词。4请学生在小组内说一说自己填写的内容。Swimming:breaststroke,(蛙泳),freestyle(自由泳),backstroke(仰泳)Butterfly stroke (蝶泳)Track and field:hurdle race(跨栏),high jump,long jump,javelin(标枪)Other fencing(击剑),wrestling(摔跤),weight-lifting(举重),cycling(自行车)5.Practice in groups.6.Group show.V Can you read and write?3/41Read and try to answer:What is it about?Explain:the opening ceremony 2Ss try to say something about them.3Finish Task 1 by themselves.4Check the answers and underline the key sentences.5Write down something you know about the Beijing Olympics in pairs.6Share their ideas in class.板书设计板书设计 U8 Review L27Swimming:Ball games:Track and field:Others:学习效果评价评价内容:评价内容:1.学生是否理解听力内容。2.学生的口语表达能力。3.学生是否能够区分标点用法。4.学生是否能够抓住关键词,完成阅读任务。评价方式:评价方式:1.根据听力内容,判断对错。2.创编对话。3.改错。4.完成阅读任务。评价量规:评价量规:评价活动 评价方法 评价标准听力听力判断。一级:能理解所听内容,并能根据内容正确地完成相关练习。二级:能基本理解所听内容的大意,能根据内容较好地完成相关练习。口语表达创编对话。一级:能够依据情境,运用重点句型,创 4/4编对话,句型丰富,无错误。二级:能够依据情境,运用重点句型,创编对话,有较少错误。改错改出句子错误。一级:能够准确改错误。二级:能改正部分错误。阅读完成阅读练习。一级:能理解阅读内容,并能根据内容正确地完成相关练习。二级:能基本理解阅读内容的大意,能根据内容较好地完成相关练习。 1/3Lesson28教学目标1会用语言来表述某人的穿着即生肖品性。2掌握一些基本的表达方法。3提高学生的听力、看图表达能力以及捕捉关键信息的能力。教学重难点教学重点:复习所学词汇及交际用语,能正确运用。教学难点:1.语段难度大,在教学过程中要注重学生阅读技巧的训练和阅读策略的培养。2.语段的书写。教具准备单词图卡,教学课件教学过程(英文描述为主)I Do you understand?1.Show the pictures and ask Ss to try to say something about them.E.g.Who are they?Where are they?What are they doing?2.Listen and tick,and try to write down the key words.3.Discuss in groups.4.Check the answers,and try to correct the sentences.II Can you talk?Picture 1:1.Make a model:Teacher asks some questions:2.Elicit Ss to answer according to the key words.3.Make a dialogue in pairs.4.Pairs show.5.Elicit Ss to try to retell the dialogues.Picture 2:1.Ss try to ask some questions:2/32.Make a dialogue in pairs.3.Pairs show.4.Elicit Ss to try to retell the dialogues.III Can you write?1.明确题目要求,讨论要写的内容,强调格式。2.师生做示范,开阔学生思路。3.Say it in groups.4.Finish the exercises by themselves.5.Share their ideas.IV Can you do?1.Discuss in groups.2.Check the answers together.V Can you read and write?1Read and try to answer:What is it about?Explain:argument 2Ss try to say something about them.3Finish Task 1 by themselves.4Check the answers and underline the key sentences.5Find out the answers and talk about them in class.6Write down what they have discussed7Share their ideas.板书设计 U8 Revision L28Formal wear:Casual wear:Sportswear:学习效果评价设计评价内容:评价内容:1.学生是否理解听力内容。2.学生的口语表达能力。3.学生是否能够描述自己的喜欢的老师。3/34.学生是否能够抓住关键词,完成阅读任务。评价方式:评价方式:1根据听力内容,判断对错。2创编对话。3写作。3.完成阅读任务。评价量规:评价量规:评价活动 评价方法 评价标准听力听力判断一级:能理解所听内容,并能根据内容正确地完成相关练习。二级:能基本理解所听内容的大意,能根据内容较好地完成相关练习。口语表达创编对话。一级:能够依据情境,运用重点句型,创编对话,句型丰富,无错误。二级:能够依据情境,运用重点句型,创编对话,有较少错误。写作描写自己喜欢的老师。一级:根据提示,准确描述自己的旅行经历,无错误。二级:根据提示,基本能描述自己的旅行经历,有较少错误。阅读完成阅读练习。一级:能理解阅读内容,并能根据内容正确地完成相关练习。二级:能基本理解阅读内容的大意,能根据内容较好地完成相关练习。Lesson15教学目标1.了解古代奥林匹克运动会召开的时间,能听懂、会说“When did begin?”及其答语,并能在实际情景中运用。2.能听、说、读、写 PE、history、those、modern 等单词,认读 the ancient Olympic Games,the Qin Dynasty 及 the Tang Dynasty,会用 BCAD 就年代时间描述。3.能够正确理解课文对话,获取课文中的相关信息,能够正确朗读对话。4.能够了解古代奥林匹克运动会的相关知识。教学重难点教学重点:1学习询问某个事件或年代开始的时间,并能做出相应的回答:“When did begin?”“began in.”2了解古代奥林匹克运动会的相关历史、知识。教学难点:1.单词 ancient,modern 的读音,以及动词过去式的正确使用。2.对 ago,in 表示过去时间状语的理解与运用。教具准备教学挂图、单词图卡、教学课件教学过程 I Listen and say1Lead-in(1)Greeting and free talk:T:Lets begin our English class.(Try to understand“begin”)Do you have PE today?Do you like sports?Whats your favorite sport?Do you know the Olympic Games?Can you say something about the Olympic Games?Do you know the ancient Olympic Games?(古代奥林匹克运动会)2Learn the dialogue(1)Question Time:Show the picture and ask some questions:(认识图中人物/观察对话情景/看图预测人物话语)Who are they?Where are they?What are they talking about?(2)Listen and write down the key words:When did the ancient Olympic Games begin?Explain:BC means before Christ 公元前 AD 公元后Which country held the first Olympics?Introduce:Olympia,Greece(3)Read and fill in the form:Ancient Olympics Modern OlympicsExplain and try to understand:be different from,take part in,all over the country(4)Read the dialogue and fill in the blanks.When did the ancient Olympic Games begin?I know.They began in 776 BC ,about 3000 years ago.I learned about them in PE class .OK.I thought they had a history of about 100 years.Those are the modern Olympic Games.And there are more events in the modern Games than in the ancient Olympics.(5)Listen and repeat.(6)Role play in groups.(7)Group show.II Listen,look and learn 1Free talk:Talk about the pictures.2Listen and understand:the Qin Dynasty/the Tang DynastyExplain:776 BC:seven hundred and seventy-six BC618AD:six hundred and eighteen AD3Pair work:III Listen and match1Look and say a phrase about each picture.2Listen twice and match.3Exchange book with your partner and check the answer.IV Lets do V Homework1朗读对话 3 遍,理解对话含义。2抄写文中的重点单词、短语、句子。3与同伴练习用功能句问答。板书设计板书设计U5 When did the ancient Olympic Games begin?L15beginbegan think thought can-could hold-held take part in all over the country the ancient Olympics the modern Olympic GamesWhen did the ancient Olympic Games begin?They began in 776 BCWhen did the Qin Dynasty begin?It began 221 BC评价内容:评价内容:1.学生是否理解对话内容。2.学生是否能够正确朗读对话,并体会故事中人物的思想感情。3.学生是否能够运用主要句型进行造句。4.学生的口语表达能力。评价方式:评价方式:1.回答问题;2.跟读对话并分角色朗读对话;3.根据对话内容,填写表格。4.运用重点句型造句。评价量规:评价量规:评价活动 评价方法 评价标准回答问题根据插图或文本回答问题。一级:能理解内容,能熟练、准确地回答问题;二级:对大概内容有所了解,能说出关键词。读对话1跟读一级:能够理解人物感情,用恰当的语气和2 在小组内分角色朗读对话语调读出对话;二级:能够比较准确地朗读对话。阅读阅读对话,填写表格。一级:能理解所读对话内容,并能根据内容熟练、正确地完成相关练习二级:能基本理解对话大意,能在规定的时间内借助对话完成练习。听力听力连线一级:能理解所听内容,并能根据内容正确地完成相关练习。二级:能基本理解所听内容的大意,能根据内容较好地完成相关练习。句型掌握造句一级:能够运用重点句型,正确造句。二级:能够根据图片模仿例句造句。Lesson16教学目标1了解现代奥林匹克运动会的起源,能听懂、会说“When did people hold the first modern Olympics?”及其答语“They held them in 1896 in Athens,”,并能在实际情景中交流不同届奥运会举办的城市和时间。2能听、说、读、写 stop、ago、holdtake part in 等词汇,认读 Athens、Greece、event、motto 等,并能在交流中运用。3能够正确理解课文对话,获取课文中的相关信息,能够正确朗读课文,表演对话。4能够了解现代奥林匹克运动会的发展历史和相关知识。教学重难点教学重点:1 学习询问某届奥运会召开的时间和举办的城市,并能做出相应的回答:“When did people hold the Olympics?”“They held them in in.”2了解现代奥林匹克运动会的相关历史、知识。教学难点:1运用“When did people hold the Olympics?”“They held them in in.”询问某届奥运会召开的时间和举办的城市,并做出相应的回答。2词汇 hold 及其过去式 held 的记忆和使用。教具准备教学挂图、单词图卡,教学课件教学过程(英文描述为主)I Listen and say1Lead-inTalk about the ancient Olympic Games,When did the ancient Olympic Games begin?Which country held the first Olympics?What are the differences from?T:But the ancient Olympic Games stopped in Greece a long,long time ago.Do you know more about it?Pay attention:stop-stopped2Learn the dialogue(1)Talk about the pictureHave the children observe the picture,and then ask some questions:Where are Yangyang and Mike?What are they talking about?(2)Listen and answerHave the children listen to the dialogue with a question:When and where did people hold the first modern Olympics?(3)Read and answerHave Ss read the dialogue and answer the following questions in groups:Could both men and women take part in the Games?Whats the motto of the modern Olympics?Explain:events,nations,motto(4)Listen and repeat:(5)Read in roles(6)Group show.II Listen,look and learn 1Show the pictures and listen to the phrases twice Explain:不同年代的表达方法:1896:eighteen ninety-six2008:two thousand and eight2012:two thousand and twelve2Listen and repeat.3Ask and answer in pairs.Have the children ask and answer in pairs with the above words or they can use other phrases to practice.4Have the children make a new dialogue in pairs.III Listen and write 1Have the children observe the pictures and talk about each picture with their partner.2Choose a child to describe what they can see in the pictures.3Play the tape twice and have them number the pictures.4Have them listen again and check the answer in class.IV Lets do1Show the form and explain:the host cities2Find out the host cities for these Olympic Games and tell the class.4Have the children do with their partner.5Check the answers together.V Homework1朗读对话 3 遍,理解对话含义。2抄写文中的重点单词、短语、句子。3与同伴练习用功能句问答。板书设计 U5 When did the ancient Olympic Games begin?L16stop-stopped hold held can-could When did people hold the first modern Olympics?They held them in 1896 in Athens.学习效果评价设计评价内容:评价内容:1.学生是否理解对话内容。2学生是否能够正确朗读对话,并体会故事中人物的思想感情。3学生是否能够运用主要句型进行造句。4学生的口语表达能力。评价方式:评价方式:1回答问题;2.跟读对话并分角色朗读对话;3.运用重点句型造句。4.听力填空。5.填表。评价量规:评价量规:评价活动 评价方法 评价标准回答问题根据插图或文本回答问题。一级:能理解内容,能熟练、准确地回答问题;二级:对大概内容有所了解,能说出关键词。读对话1跟读2 在小组内分角色朗读对话一级:能够理解人物感情,用恰当的语气和语调读出对话;二级:能够比较准确地朗读对话。听力听力填词一级:能理解所听内容,并能根据内容正确地完成相关练习。二级:能基本理解所听内容的大意,能根据内容较好地完成相关练习。句型掌握造句一级:能够运用重点句型,正确造句。二级:能够根据图片模仿例句造句。讨论活动讨论填表一级:能够灵活运用相关话题句型进行交际,并正确填写表格。二级:能够运用基本句型进行交际,并填写表格。Lesson17教学目标1能听懂、会说 How many did?及其答语并能在情景中运用。2能听、说、读、写 number、visitor、world 等单词,认读 medal、bronze、proud、won、bought 等单词,并能进行描述。3能够正确理解课文对话,获取课文中的相关信息,能够正确朗读课文,表演对话。4能够了解北京奥运会的相关知识,表达自己的自豪之情以及对祖国的热爱。教学重难点教学重点:1学习询问在过去做某件事的数量:“How many did?”并能做出相应的回答。2了解北京奥运会的相关历史、知识。教学难点:1 运用“How many did?”询问在过去做某件事的数量,并能做出相应的回答“They/I/.”。2词汇 win 及其过去式 won 的认读和使用;world 的发音。教具准备教学挂图、单词图卡,教学课件教学过程 Listen and say1Free talk:Talk about the first Ancient Olympics and the first Modern Olympics.2Learn the dialogue(1)认识图中人物,教师出示主题图,逐一指着图中细节获取信息:如北京奥运会的会徽、奖牌、奥运场馆、火炬传递圣火等,引导学生尝试用英文描述。Ask:Where are they?What are they talking about?学生猜测答案。(2)Listen and check.(3)Read and answer in groups:How many medals did Chinese athletes win?What did Yangyang see at that time?What did Yangyang think of the Beijing Olympics?Explain:host,a great success,gold medals,silver medals,bronze medals(4)Listen and repeat(5)Pair work:Read in roles.(6)Pair show:3Answer and think:What do you know about the Beijing Olympics?What do you think of it?II Listen,look,and learn1.Group show:Read or role play the dialogue.2.Read the verbs and their past form.Pay attention:winwon,buybought,borrow-borrowed3.Listen and try to read the phrases.4.Pair work:Practice the sentences.5.Pair show.6.Peer assessment.III Listen and match1.Look at the pictures quickly and think what you will hear.2.Listen twice and choose the correct answer.3.Check the answer.IV Lets do1Talk about the last two Olympics in groups.2Share their ideas.3Write a few sentences about them.4Check their writing.V Homework1朗读对话 3 遍,理解对话含义。2抄写文中的重点单词、短语、句子。3与同伴练习用功能句问答。板书设计 U5 When did the ancient Olympic Games begin?L17winwon buy-bought borrowborrowedHow many medals did the Chinese athletes win?They won 51 gold medals,21 silver medals and 28 bronze medals.学习效果评价设计评价内容:评价内容:1学生是否理解对话内容。2学生是否能够正确朗读对话,并体会故事中人物的思想感情。3学生是否能够运用主要句型进行造句。4学生的口语表达能力。评价方式:评价方式:1回答问题;2跟读对话并分角色朗读对话;3运用重点句型造句。4听力连线。5口语表达。评价量规:评价量规:评价活动 评价方法 评价标准回答问题根据插图或文本回答问题。一级:能理解内容,能熟练、准确地回答问题;二级:对大概内容有所了解,能说出关键词。读对话1跟读2 在小组内分角色朗读对话一级:能够理解人物感情,用恰当的语气和语调读出对话;二级:能够比较准确地朗读对话。听力听力连线一级:能理解所听内容,并能根据内容正确地完成相关练习。二级:能基本理解所听内容的大意,能根据内容较好地完成相关练习。句型掌握造句一级:能够运用重点句型,正确造句。二级:能够根据图片模仿例句造句。口语表达谈论最后两届奥运会一级:能够灵活运用相关话题句型进行表达。二级:能够运用基本句型进行表达。Lesson18教学目标1复习本单元所学的交际用语和句型,要求能听懂、会说、能熟练应用。2复习本单元所学单词,要求能听懂、会说、能拼读、能正确书写、会描述。3复习辅音连缀 bl、br、cl、cr 在单词中的读音,要求能读准。4培养学生自主学习的精神与自信心,树立“I can”的思想。教学重难点教学重点:1能够描述奥林匹克发展历史,奥运会起源、举办城市和时间,2008 年北京举办的奥运会及相关的知识等。2能够正确理解、运用、书写本单元单词。教学难点:综合运用所学描述奥运会。教具准备教学挂图、教学课件教学过程 I Now I can understand(Listen and circle)1Try to read the information.2Listen twice and circle.3Exchange books and check the answers.4Summary how to numbers,years II Now I can say1.Free talk:Review the dialogue of Lesson 15,16,172 Pair work:Make a dialogue.3 Show the dialogue in class.III Now I know the sound1.Ask Ss to read the words by themselves.2.Listen and check the sound3.Listen and repeat.4.Ask some students to read the words and practice the words together.5.Practice the sentences with the same procedure above.6.Find and say the words which has bl/br/cl/cr in it in groups as much as possible.Write them on the blackboard and read together.IV Now I can read1Read quickly and answer:Whats it about?2Read and underline the key words.3Share the key words in groups.4Try to retell the story with the key words in groups.5Group showV Now I can write1Read the“Word Bank”quickly.2Read the dialogue and answer:What are they talking about?3Write the words by themselves.4Pair work:Check the answer.板书设计U5 When did the ancient Olympic Games begin?L18bl blue black blackboardbr bright break bridgecl class clean climbcr cross crowd cry学习效果评价设计评价内容:评价内容:1学生是否理解听力材料。2学生是否能够就相关话题交谈。3学生是否能够读出相应的单词。4学生是否理解阅读材料。5学生是否能够正确选词补充对话。评价方式:评价方式:1听力选择;2口语交际;3朗读单词和句子。4阅读理解。5选词填空。评价量规:评价量规:评价活动 评价方法 评价标准听力听力选择一级:能理解所听内容,并能根据内容正确地完成相关练习。二级:能基本理解所听内容的大意,能根据内容较好地完成相关练习。互访活动就相关话题交际一级:能够灵活运用相关话题句型进行交际。二级:能够运用基本句型进行交际。语音朗读单词和句子一级:根据规律,熟练、正确朗读单词和句子。二级:能够正确读出书上的单词和句型。阅读回答问题一级:能理解内容,能熟练、准确地回答问题;二级:对大概内容有所了解,能说出关键词。选 词 完 成 文段选词填空一级:能根据对话内容,正确选词完成文段,能较好地理解文段内容。二级:能根据对话内容,正确选词完成文段,能基本理解文段大概内容。Lesson13教学目标1能在不同的情境中用 Whats the weather like?Its sunny.Lets go to the park.Its rainy.I can put my new raincoat.谈论天气以及适宜的活动、穿着的服装等。2 用 May I borrow your ruler,please?Here you are 的交际用语借物品及回复。3 用 What do you collect?I collect。谈论、介绍个人收藏的物品。4 用 When is Thanksgiving?Its in November.谈论中西方主要节假日以及所在日期和主要庆祝活动。教学重难点教学重点:能听懂、会说、正确认读、拼写有关天气、数字、文具、节日类的词汇。教学难点:用 Yangyang collects erasers.He has sixty.介绍他人手机的物品及数量用 Ninety minus thirty plus ten is seventy 描述加减法混合算式。教具准备教学挂图、录音机、单词图卡、教学课件教学过程 I.Do you understand1教师组织学生观察书上的 5 个天气符号,用 Its sunny.描述天气。教师指导学生将字母AE 按图片顺序标注在天气符号上方,便于核对答案。2教师指导学生认真听录音,根据所听顺序用阿拉伯数字给图片标出序号。3教师再次播放录音,组织学生检测所标序号是否正确,并跟读录音朗读句子。4教师指导学生用The first is Picture DIts windy today.Put on your coat,please.开展小组活动,进行朗读句子的联系II.Can you match 1教师组织学生观察图片,默读四句话,了解大致内容。2教师组织学生自主完成连线练习。3师生共同核对答案。4 小组合作朗读句子。III.Can you act 1教师请一位学生和自己进行示范。教师指着哈尔滨图片问学生Whats the weather like in Harbin?Ss:Its snowy in Harbin.然后将下雪的贴花贴在哈尔滨旁边。2请 3 组同学到黑板前,针对三亚、西安、台北这三个城市的天气情况进行匹配。3小组活动,对话交流。教师可以为每组准备一张练习单:呈现哈尔滨、三亚、西安、台北和北京的 5 幅图片和 5 个天气符号的图片和贴画。学生根据示范进行对话操练。IV.Can you readT:Which season is it?Whats the weather like in au
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