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    关 键  词:
    Unit Welcome to the unitReadingppt课件 _2020版新牛津译林版高中英语必修第三册 Readingppt 课件 2020 牛津 译林版 高中英语 必修 第三 下载 _必修 第三册_牛津译林版(2020)_英语_高中

    1、单词课堂版本:新译林版本:新译林 单元:必修三单元:必修三 Unit 4(Welcome to the unit Reading)本单元词汇梳理1.deadly:dead(adj 死的)+-ly 词块:deadly diseases,deadly enemies2.survival:构词法:survive(v 幸存)survival 词族:survive,survival,survivor 3.broad:反义词:narrow 词块:a broad street/smile,a broad range of,in broad daylight 派生词:broaden,broadly4.inte

    2、nd:in-(make 使)+tend(to stretch 伸展)使(想法)伸展 计划/打算 英语释义:plan to do sth(intend比plan更正式)词块:intend to do/doing sth 派生词:intention,intended(词块 be intended for)5.refer:re-(back 回)+-fer(carry 带)将带回到 使联系 词块:refer to(一词多义,基本义“使联系”)派生词:reference(reference books)6.experiment:ex-(out of 出)+peri(to try/test 尝试)+-me

    3、nt 实验 词块:do/carry out/perform/conduct an experiment 名词动词化:experiment with 派生词:experimental7.trial:try(v 试用)+-al(名词后缀)词块:a(free)trial period,trial and error,on trial8.limited:(limit v 限制)+-ed(分词形容词)词族:limit,limited,limiting,limitation9.household:house(n 房屋)+hold(n 握住)住在房子里的所有人 一家人;家庭 词块:a household n

    4、ame10.container:contain(v 包含、容纳)+-er(名词后缀)11.postpone:同义词:put off 词块:postpone doing sth,postpone sth to/until12.sufficient:正式用语(比 enough更正式)13.data:词块:collect/gather data,data bank,big data14.pay off:一词多义,基本义“付清”15.error:比mistake正式 词块:make an error,in error16.wisdom:wise(adj 有智慧的)+-dom(表示状况或状态)17.be

    5、neficial:bene-(good 好的)+fic(to do 做)+-ial(形容词后缀)做好事的 有益的 词块:be beneficial to18.conduct:con-(together 共同)+-duct(to lead 引导)引导游客一起参观 带领 conduct 是正式用语(比carry out/do更正式)词块:conduct an experiment/an interview/a survey 派生词:conductor 19.illustrate:辨析 illustrate,describe:illustrate 即通过示例、图画等来说明、解释;describe 即

    6、通过细节来描述、形容某人或某物。派生词:illustration intend英语释义英语释义 refer to英语释义一词多义conduct一词多义一词多义英语释义英语释义正式与非正正式与非正式用语式用语重难点词精讲limit&limited一词多义一词多义 error&mistake辨析义辨析义pay off一词多义一词多义词族词族broad一词多义一词多义trial熟词生义熟词生义抽象名词抽象名词词根词缀词根词缀broad broadband宽带宽带 宽阔的;广阔的宽阔的;广阔的 反反 narrow:a broad street a broad smile He was tall,wit

    7、h broad shoulders and a beard.2013 全国 广泛的广泛的 反反 narrow:Students here study a broad range of subjects.概括性的;粗略的:概括性的;粗略的:She showed us the broad outline of a new project.【词块词块】in broad daylight 在光天化日之下在光天化日之下broad adj基本义基本义 be going to do sth will do sth be about to do sth plan to do sth mean to do st

    8、h打算做某事intend to do sthintendintend vt打算;想要打算;想要 to plan or mean to do sth:I intend no harm.intend doing/to do sth:He intends studying/to study abroad next year.intend sb/sth to do sth:I intend you to come with me.intend+that 从句从句:We intend that/It is intended that production will start next month.日常

    9、英语中更常用plan to do sthin-(make 使)+tend(to stretch 伸展)使(想法)伸展 计划/打算intended adj(为)打算的:The book is intended for children.His visit is intended to strengthen ties between the two countries.intention n C&U 意图;目的:I have no intention of changing my plan.This program was set up with the intention of providin

    10、g help for homeless people.词汇拓展同义词aim/purpose阅读理解中随处可见的refer toWhat does the underlined word “stumble”in paragraph 2 refer to?(2019 全国卷I 阅读B篇)What does the word“headwinds”in paragraph 2 refer to?(2018 浙江 阅读B篇)What does the underlined word“that”in paragraph 3 refer to?(2017全国卷II 阅读D篇)What does the un

    11、derlined word“it”in Paragraph 2 refer to?(2016 全国卷II 阅读C篇)refer to 指的是词源:re-(back)+fer(carry),即为“将带回到”。When one thing refers to another,one meaning carries back to the other theres some kind of relation.因此,refer to的基本义是“使联系”。refer to 谈到;提到 (mention):The scientist referred to global warming at least

    12、three times in his speech.查阅;参考:While giving the English speech,one is not allowed to refer to the notes.refer v 指的是 to describe or be connected to sb/sth:The word business also refers to an organization that provides goods and services.2013 全国The UK is also often referred to as Britain or Great Bri

    13、tain.人教新必修-4 把提交给;把委托给:My colleague said that as the situation was unusual he would refer the matter to his editor.使联系(to relate)refer to在演讲、说话时联系到某人、某物为获取信息联系某物描述人或事物的联系和专业人士等联系查阅;参考指的是把提交给;把委托给谈到;提到refer to语义网络图trial词源解读:词源解读:trial来自try,基本义为“试验”。trial R2 n C&U 试用;试验:试用;试验:a(free)trial period New c

    14、ars have several severe trials before they are put on the market.审判;审讯:审判;审讯:In a trial,a judge must decide which eyewitnesses to believe and which not to believe.on trial 在试用中;在受审:在试用中;在受审:The clerk was employed on trial.Hes on trial for theft.trial and error 反复试验;不断摸索:反复试验;不断摸索:Children learn tech

    15、nical skills by/through trial and error.【限量版限量版 limited edition】“限量版限量版”一直是时尚圈一直是时尚圈的热门词。一些大牌化妆的热门词。一些大牌化妆品每年都会推出诸如限量品每年都会推出诸如限量版口红、限量版彩妆盒一版口红、限量版彩妆盒一类的产品;高档皮具也会类的产品;高档皮具也会有有“限量版限量版”的包包,手的包包,手机、汽车甚至唱片公司也机、汽车甚至唱片公司也常常有各式各样的常常有各式各样的“限量限量版版”。名词名词 Climit 界限;边界:界限;边界:in the 限度;限制:限度;限制:a Even below the d

    16、rinking limit,driving will be affected.2011 福建基本义基本义 极限极限:The limits of a persons intelligence are fixed at birth,but whether he reaches these limits will depend on his environment.2012 安徽The EU has set strict limits on levels of pollution.【重要搭配重要搭配】在某种范围内;适度地在某种范围内;适度地:Im willing to help,within lim

    17、its.vt 限制;限定:限制;限定:I believe teaching should not be limited to the classroom.I limit myself to two cups of coffee a day.limit 名词动化名词动化 limit 语义网络语义网络界限;边界限;边界界limit基本义基本义地区或地方的地区或地方的“界限界限”“”“边界边界”数量上的数量上的“界界限限”“”“边界边界”状态上的状态上的“界界限限”“”“边界边界”界限;界限;边界边界 限度;限度;限制限制极限极限限制;限定限制;限定nv【limit 词族词族】limitlimita

    18、tionlimitinglimitlesslimitedlimiting adj 限制性的:限制性的:Lack of cash is a limiting factor.现在分词形容词表示主动含义,注意与limited的区别limited adj 有限的;不多的有限的;不多的:ABC Company Limited/ABC Co.,Ltd.This dictionary uses a limited number of words,around 2,000,in its definitions.The amount of money we have is limited.过去分词形容词表示被动

    19、含义limitation n U&C 限制;局限:限制;局限:the limitation of nuclear weapons limitless adj 无限无限(制制)的:的:limitless possibilities limit+-ationlimit+-less根据所给提示,完成句子。团队合作获得了成功。Teamwork _.paid offsucceededpay offpay off 还清(欠债等):Once weve paid off the debts,well owe money to no one.取得成功;得到好结果:He studied hard before t

    20、he examination,and it paid off.He made an A.付清工资后解雇;遣散:Over 1,000 workers will be paid off if this factory closes.用于pay off sth 或 pay sth off结构。通常接account,debt,loan等作宾语。用于sth pay off 结构。通常用effort,hard work,persistence等作主语。用于 pay sb off 结构。付清付清(基本义)(基本义)还清(欠债等)还清(欠债等)付清工资付清工资后后解雇;解雇;遣散遣散“付清”工资后解雇某人“付

    21、清付清”债务等债务等pay off 的语义网络图取得成功;得到取得成功;得到好结果好结果“付清付清”努力取努力取得结果得结果error根据所给汉语,完成句子。When you _(犯错误)at study,learn from it and try again./make an error make a mistakeerror较为正式error n C&U 错误;差错;谬误(formal)a mistake:make an error Carelessness often leads to errors.in error 弄错了的/地;错误地:Im afraid he is in error

    22、 in saying that.error 与 mistake 意义相近,但较为正式。There must be an error in our calculations.The letter was sent to you in error.mistake 在日常英语中用得最为广泛,指用词或数字上的错误、口误、笔误,也可指决定错误,强调“误”。Im not blaming you we all make mistakes.I picked up your bag by mistake._(做)(做)an experimentdo/conduct 正式用语正式用语根据所给汉语,在空白处填入根据

    23、所给汉语,在空白处填入1个适当的单词。个适当的单词。conduct同根词:同根词:educate e-(out)+ducere(to lead)lead out(引导出来 启发)product pro-向前+duct 引导 向前引导conduct 词源解读词源解读con-(together 共同)+-duct(to lead 引导)引导游客一起参观 带领conduct v vt 正式用语正式用语 引导;带领引导;带领 to lead or guide sbthrough or around a place:The guide conducted us around the West Lake.

    24、vt&vi 指挥(军队、乐队等):指挥(军队、乐队等):My friend went home,leaving me to conduct the band.vt 正式用语正式用语 实施;管理;进行实施;管理;进行 to organize or do a particular activity:conduct an experiment/an interview/a survey So far we have conducted a variety of activities on English learning.2010 湖南书面表达 vt 正式用语正式用语 举止;表现:举止;表现:Mak

    25、e sure you conduct yourself as a good neighbor should.2018 浙江conduct n U 正式用语正式用语 行为;举止行为;举止 (behaviour):Confucius suggested a principle for the conduct oflife:“Do not do to others what you would not wantothers to do to you.”2010 江西改 经营方式;管理方式;组织方式:经营方式;管理方式;组织方式:His conduct of the business was very

    26、 successful.【词汇拓展词汇拓展】conductor n C(合唱团、管弦乐队等的)指挥(合唱团、管弦乐队等的)指挥(BrE)(公共汽车公共汽车)售票员;售票员;(AmE)列车长列车长文化拓展文化拓展孔子(Confucius,公元前551年公元前479年),子姓,孔氏,名丘,字仲尼,春秋末期鲁国陬邑(今山东曲阜)人,中国古代思想家、教育家,儒家学派创始人。孔子开创了私人讲学之风,倡导仁义礼智信。有弟子三千,其中贤人七十二。他曾带领部分弟子周游列国十三年,晚年修订诗书礼乐易春秋六经。去世后,其弟子及再传弟子把孔子及其弟子的言行语录和思想记录下来,整理编成论语。该书被奉为儒家经典。孔子名

    27、言:孔子名言:己所不欲,勿施于人。Do not do to others what you would not want others to do to you.学而时习之,不亦说乎?Is it not pleasant to learn with a constant perseverance and application?三人行,必有我师焉。When I walk along with two others,they may serve me as my teachers.conduct 语义网络图语义网络图“带领带领”人游览人游览“带领带领”人的行为人的行为“带领带领”军队、乐军队、乐

    28、队队“带领带领”某项活动某项活动引导;带领引导;带领 指挥(军队、指挥(军队、乐队等)乐队等)实施;管理;实施;管理;进行进行 举止;表现举止;表现带领带领conduct(基本义)(基本义)经营方式;经营方式;管理方式;管理方式;组织方式组织方式行为;举止行为;举止 nv“带领带领”热流热流 /电流电流传导(热、电)传导(热、电)Informal/Neutral(中性的)(中性的)Formal打算做某事打算做某事plan to do sth_ to do sth犯错误犯错误make a mistakemake a(n)_有充足的时间有充足的时间have enough time have _ t

    29、ime 做调查做调查do a survey_ a survey正式用语与非正式用语正式用语与非正式用语intenderrorsufficientconduct本单元的词根词缀本单元的词根词缀说出下列单词的词根词缀的汉语释义。说出下列单词的词根词缀的汉语释义。1.The guide conducted us around the palace and told us many things about its history.conduct:con-(together 共同)+duct(to lead 引导)游客一起参观 _2.The scientist referred to global w

    30、arming at least three times in his speech.refer:re-(back 回)+fer(to carry 带)将带回到 _3.Observe carefully if any change occurs when doing experiments in the lab.(2014 北京)experiment:ex-(out of 出)+peri(to try/test 尝试)+-ment(名词后缀)不断的_ _引导引导带领带领提到提到尝试尝试实验实验4.In fact,music education is beneficial and importan

    31、t for all students.(2009 北京)beneficial:bene-(good 好的)+fic(to do 做)+-ial(形容词后缀)_好事的 _5.Doing a part-time job is my dream and I intend to work as a salesman because I can earn money by myself.(2013 山东改)intend:in-(make 使)+tend(to stretch 伸展)使(想法)_ _做做有益的有益的伸展伸展计划计划 /打算打算英语单词构词法的核心部分在于词根,词根决定单词的意思。词根可以单

    32、独构成单词,也可以通过添加前缀或后缀构成新词。了解词根意思,掌握构词规律,有助于准确、高效记忆词汇。抽象名词抽象名词比起中文来,英文不但富于抽象名词,也喜欢用抽象名词。余光中品质抽象名词和行为抽象名词品质抽象名词和行为抽象名词adjwisefree shortresponsible poor n1._2._3._4._5._wisdomfreedomshortageresponsibilitypoverty由形容词派生而来的抽象名词叫作由形容词派生而来的抽象名词叫作品质抽象名词品质抽象名词,由动词派生而来的抽象名词叫作由动词派生而来的抽象名词叫作行为抽象名词行为抽象名词。说出下列单词的名词形式

    33、。说出下列单词的名词形式。vdisappear survive fail n 6._ 7._ 8._vapply deliver arrangen 10._ 11._12._disappearancesurvivalfailurearrangementapplicationdelivery写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义,体会英汉表达差异。写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义,体会英汉表达差异。1.With your words of wisdom,I suddenly felt unlimited freedom to dream.My whole world opened up._ 2.If

    34、cancers are spotted early theres a high chance of survival._ 3.Therell never be a shortage of people who consider themselves uniquely qualified(有资格的)to be president of the country._品质抽象名词翻译成汉语时,可以通过形容词的释义来帮助理解,常译成汉语的形容词形容词。行为抽象名词翻译成汉语时,可以通过动词的释义来帮助理解,常译成汉语的动词动词。至理名言;梦想无边界至理名言;梦想无边界存活率高存活率高缺乏缺乏根据所给汉语

    35、,用根据所给汉语,用所提示的所提示的抽象名词的词块完成下列句子,体会英汉表达抽象名词的词块完成下列句子,体会英汉表达差异。差异。1.Some experts fear that we may witness(见证)_(该物种灭绝)within the next 30 years.(disappearance)2.Please _(安排)a hotel for me and I will give you my detailed travel information as soon as I can.(arrangement)3.Paris had suffered a sudden _(心脏衰

    36、竭).(failure)4.The company offers _(免费送货)to your home.(delivery)英语喜欢用名词,而汉语喜欢用动词和形容词,这是英语和汉语之间一个很重要的差异。因此,输出表达时,除了用动词,也可以使用抽象名词的词块表示动词的含义,使得表达方式更为丰富。the disappearance of this speciesmake arrangements forheart failurefree delivery本单元金句汇总本单元金句汇总1.Students here study a broad range of subjects.2.He inten

    37、ds studying/to study abroad next year.3.This program was set up with the intention of providing help for homeless people.4.While giving the English speech,one is not allowed to refer to the notes.5.He studied hard before the examination,and it paid off.He made an A.6.So far we have conducted a varie

    38、ty of activities on English learning.2010 湖南书面表达 随堂检随堂检测测broad写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。1.We went along a broad passage._2.The show aims to reach the broadest possible audience._3.Shay struggled over to the teams bench and put on a team shirt with a broad smile.(2011 江苏)_4.As a particular fo

    39、rm of problem solving,these creative acts are based on the broad knowledge gained in the past._宽阔的宽阔的尽可能广泛的尽可能广泛的满面笑容满面笑容丰富的丰富的intend一、在空白处填入括号内单词的正确形式。1.We intend _(go)to Australia next year.2.I didnt intend her _(see)the painting until it was finished.3.She had a firm _(intend)within herself to be

    40、 the best swimmer.二、根据所给提示,将下列句子译成英语。这本字典专为高中生量身打造。(intended)_going/to goto seeThe dictionary is intended for senior high school students.intention用所给单词用所给单词或词块或词块的正确形式替换画线部分,使句意保持不变。的正确形式替换画线部分,使句意保持不变。1.In his speech,he referred to a recent trip to Canada._2.When you meet with a new word,you can r

    41、efer to a dictionary._3.The term“multitasking”referred to a computers ability to carry out several tasks at one time._mentionedlook it up inmeantmean,look it up in,mentionrefer totrial写出下列句子中写出下列句子中画线部分画线部分的汉语释义。的汉语释义。1.They succeeded in the experiment on the fifteenth trial._ 2.The case is now unde

    42、r trial._3.She agreed to employ me for a trial period._ 4.Trial and error is the source of our knowledge._5.The robots have been on trial for the past year._6.He was on trial for theft._试验试验审判审判 /审讯审讯试用期试用期反复试验反复试验 /不断摸索不断摸索试验中试验中审讯中审讯中limit一、一、根据汉语写出英语短语。根据汉语写出英语短语。1.时间限制 _ 2.速度限制 _ 3.达到极限 _ 4.在市区内

    43、 _ a time limita speed limitreach the limitwithin the city limits二、用所给单词的正确形式填空。二、用所给单词的正确形式填空。1.I dont think its fair to have them as pets when we have such a _(limit)knowledge of them.(2009 全国)2.Owing to the _(limit)of our knowledge,there must be mistakes and errors in the book.3.Scientists have k

    44、nown how to harness(利用)the _(limit)power of the sun.limitedlimitationlimitless三、根据所给汉语完成下列句子。三、根据所给汉语完成下列句子。1.Knowledge and learning are important if we want to be successful,but they may also _(限制我们的思维).(2011 湖北)2._(对有限制)the number of people we can hold in mind.(2011 福建)3.Ive been asked to _(把我的演讲控

    45、制在)ten minutes.4.He was born in a poor family,and _(受教育不多)in his childhood.(2012 浙江书面表达)limit our thinkingThere is a limit onlimit my speech tohad/received a limited educationpay off一、根据句意,选出pay off 的最佳释义。_ 1.Finally,that hard work paid off and now the water in the river is cleaner than ever.(2014 全

    46、国)_ 2.We decided to move there and tried to find a rental house that we could afford while also paying off a mortgage(抵押贷款)on our ruined house.还清(欠债等)取得成功;得到好结果二、根据所给提示,将下列句子译成英语。1.他们将在25年内还清债务。_2.辛勤的劳动没有白费。(2015 福建)_3.我希望现在付出的努力会得到好结果。(2011 山东)_They will pay off their debts within 25 years./Their d

    47、ebts will be paid off within 25 years.Hard work pays off.I hope that the great effort I am making will pay off.4.多亏了我最亲爱的老师,我所有的努力有了回报,最终我成了尖子 生。(top)(2014 山东)_5.这位运动员最后赢得奥运会金牌的时候,她多年的艰苦训练有了回报。(2012 安徽)_Thanks to my dearest teacher,all my efforts paid off and finally I became a top student.The athle

    48、tes years of hard training paid off when she finally won the Olympic gold medal.根据所给汉语,完成下列句子。1.I am willing to admit that I do _(犯错误).2.Its commendable(值得表扬的)that a teacher has the courage to _(承认他的错误)to students.3.He overlooked _(一个拼写错误)on the first page.4.The computer system was turned off _(错误地)

    49、.5.The accident was caused by _(错误判断)on the part of the pilot.errormake mistakes/errorsa spelling error/mistake admit his mistakes/errorsin error an error of judgement conduct写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。1.His conduct disagrees with his words._2.To conduct the study they chose 15 male dogs and 15 female ones aged between one and six years._3.He conducted himself far better than expected._4.The orchestra(管弦乐队)were all in position,waiting for the conductor._5.Iron,being a metal,readily conducts heat._行为行为进行进行指挥指挥表现表现传导传导谢谢观赏

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    本文标题:Unit 4 Welcome to the unit—Readingppt课件 -(2020版)新牛津译林版高中英语必修第三册.pptx
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