牛津译林英语三年级上册第七单元《Unit 7 Would Fun&Cartoon》教案+课件(公开课).zip


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三上Unit 7 Would Fun&Cartoon教案三上Unit 7 Would Fun&Cartoon教案1教学目标 1.在教师的引导和训练下,学生能正确理解和朗读 Cartoon time 中的故事,能读懂其中趣味之处,并养成良好的阅读习惯。2.通过听、跟唱、改编等形式,学生能带有表情和动作唱和表演歌谣“For you and me”。3.能在创设的情境中熟练征询对方意见(食物)并作恰当回答。4.在教师的引导下,学生能试着对自己的学习做出较为真实和准确的评价。2学情分析 学生经过 storytime 的学习,以掌握部分食物单词和询问是否需要食物的方法。3重点难点 教学重点:1.正确理解朗读并表演 cartoon time 中的故事,2.能有感情地诵读歌谣“For you and me”。教学难点:培养学生良好的阅读习惯,提高学生灵活运用语言的能力。4教学过程 4.1 第一学时 4.1.1教学目标 1.在教师的引导和训练下,学生能正确理解和朗读 Cartoon time 中的故事,能读懂其中趣味之处,并养成良好的阅读习惯。2.通过听、跟唱、改编等形式,学生能带有表情和动作唱和表演歌谣“For you and me”。3.能在创设的情境中熟练征询对方意见(食物)并作恰当回答。4.在教师的引导下,学生能试着对自己的学习做出较为真实和准确的评价。4.1.2学时重点 1.正确理解朗读并表演 cartoon time 中的故事,2.能有感情地诵读歌谣“For you and me”。4.1.3学时难点 培养学生良好的阅读习惯,提高学生灵活运用语言的能力。4.1.4教学活动 活动 1【导入】唱歌揭题 1.Sing a“Good morning”song2.揭题:This class,well go on learning“Unit 7 Would you like a pie?”3.揭目标:Before class,lets look at the goals of the lesson1.I can read and act the story.我会朗读并表演这个故事。2.I can say the rhyme.我会说这首小诗。3.I can offer people food.我会为他人提供食物。4.I can use“No,thank you.”and“Yes,please.”我会使用“No,thank you”和“Yes,please.”来回答。TIPS:耐心倾听,热情回应!这节课结束的时候我们要为自己打分的哦!Ticking timeI can say the rhyme.I can read and act the story.I can offer people food.I can use“No,thank you.”and“Yes,please.”to answer.OK,are you ready?活动 2【讲授】warmup Step1 Warm up1.Free talkT:Good morning,boys and girlsS:Good morning,Miss Tan.T:Nice to see you./I can see many cards on your desk.Look,whats this?(那学生手中的食物卡)S:Its a/an T:Would you like?S:No,thank you?T:What about?S:Yes,please.(师请二位同学做示范.)T:Its your turn now.Please ask your friends.Ss:朋友接龙。2.Game timeT:Great.Now.lets play a copy game.How to play?Please look!(课件呈现游戏步骤)Are you ready?Go.Ss:传话。T:Lets check.What have you got?Ss:最后两位同学反馈。T:Are they right?Lets read the sentences together.(板书)3.Summary timeT:Good job!Now,lets sum up.How to offer people food?(课件中文提示)Ss:Would you like?T:What else?Ss:What about?T:Right.How to answer?Ss:Yes,please./No,thank you.T:Great.I think You can offer people food and aswer correctly.活动 3【活动】Presentation Step2 Presentation1.Rhyme timeT:Here is a rhyme about food.Please watch carefully and choose what food you can see in the cartoon.看小诗卡通,选择。T:What can you see?You may answer like this:I can see a/an (教句子 I can see a/an)S:I can see a/an(叫几位学生回答)T:Lets check the answer.(点课件显示答案)T:Who is the food for?Lets listen to the tape.You may read after it in low voice.Ss:Listen and read.Then answer:For you and me.T:You are great!Lets say together.Boys read the first part,girls read the second part.Then chant together.OK?(Tip:节奏清楚、动作到位.)T:You can say the rhyme very well.I have some interting food and drink.Please read according to the chinese pronunciation.Cola-jam-salad-pizza-puddingSs:Try to read.T:Now,lets make a new rhyme by using these new words.Cola,jam,I can see.Cola,jam,for you and me.A pizza,a pudding,I can see.A pizza,a pudding,for you and me.Cartoon timeT:The food for you and me is nice.And Sam and Bobby like them too.Look,what are they doing?They are having a picnic.Look,who is coming?Ss:Dog.(根据提示,学生会说出单词。)T:Look at them.Are they happy?Ss:Yes.1.Watch and judge.T:Lets watch and judge.Bobby would like an egg.Dog would like a cake.Dog would like a hot dog.OK,lets watch.Ss:(看完动画,判断。)2.Read and answerT:Maybe you are right.Please read the text on P47.Which picture tells you the answer.Ss:Read loudlyT:Check the answer.Would Dog like a hot dog?Ss:No.T:Why?Ss:(请几位同学说说)T:He is so afraid of the hot dog.Heres a funny story.Lets listen.Ss:ListenT:Are you clear?A hot dog isnt a roast dog.Its a kind of food.So we cant understand word by word.For example:green house means 温室。Green hand means 新手。Black tea means 红茶。Black sheep means 害群之马。3.Read and actT:You can understand the story now.Lets read.Look at the screen,read after Sam,Bobby and Dog.Heres a reading tip for you.Ss:Read together.T:Good.Lets read in roll.Im Sam.Half class are Bobby,and half class are dog.T:Now lets act.Pay attention!Tip:三人一组,挑选自己喜欢的角色。Ss:练习完毕后,请几组表演。T:出示提示:演员声音响亮,观众注意倾听。每一组表演完毕,就请孩子们评价活动 4【练习】Consolidation Step3 ConsolidationT:You did very well this class.Look,I have a snack bar here.Ill be the seller.Who will be a custumer?(请二位同学)Seller:Good morning.All:Good morning.Seller:Nice to meet you.All:Nice to meet you,too.Seller:Would you like a cake?SAM:Yes,please.Seller:Would you like a pie?BOBBY:Yes,please.Seller:Would you like a hot dog?Dog:No,thank you.Seller:What about an egg?Dog:Yes,please.Seller:Five yuan,please.All:Here you are.Seller:See you next time.All:See you.T:Can you understand?Here are the rules:1.四人小组合作,每人扮演一个角色。2.台上的演员注意表情、动作,台下的演员要注意倾听、积极回应哦!The sentences can be used:Good morning.Nice to meet you.Would you like?What about?Yes,please./No,thank you.yuan(元)Here you are.Goodbye./See you.T:Good job!Thank you!Everyone is great today.OK,now ticking time comes,tick for yourself,please!1.I can read and act the story.2.I can say the rhyme.3.I can offer people food.4.I can use“No,thank you.”and“Yes,please.”to answer.活动 5【测试】合作表演 1.四人小组合作,每人扮演一个角色。2.台上的演员注意表情、动作,台下的演员要注意倾听、积极回应哦!活动 6【作业】Homework Homework1.把小诗背诵给家长听,节奏清楚、语调优美。试着创编自己的小诗哦!2.和你的好朋友表演超市购物,可以买食物,还可以尝试着购买衣服哦!3.通过网络了解一下其他食物的英文表达以及有趣的食物由来吧!(如三明治、蛋筒冰激凌等。)T:OK,time s up,time to say goodbye.lets sing the good bye song together. Unit 7(Period 2)我会用”No,thank you.”和”Yes,please.”来回答。耐心倾听,热情回应!2.I can read and act the story.我会朗读并表演这个故事。1.I can say the rhyme.我会朗诵这首小诗。3.I can offer people food.我会为他人提供食物。4.I can use“No,thank you.”and“Yes,please.”I can read and act the story.I can say the rhyme.I can offer people food.I can use“No,thank you.”and“Yes,please.”o dgtohegeipgek egnaroac Spelling time拼连连eewsteulbpass连 关This is my sister.Thissistermyis.Happy train 连连 成句Yes,please.Yesplease,.Happy train 连连 成句What about a sweet?Whatsweetaabout?Happy train 连连 成句Nice to meet you.youNicemeet.to Happy train 连连 成句Would you like a hot dog?Wouldyouhotdog?likeapass连 关 Happy train 连连 成句步骤一:每组前两位同学记住纸条上句子。Copy不走样步骤二:听口令开始,快速地对后面同学说句子,最后同学起立示意传话结束。看哪一组最快哦?步骤三:每组最后两位同学说出你所听到的句子。既快又正确的小组,获胜!1.How to offer people food?怎连连 他人提供食物呢?2.How to answer?怎连 来回答呢?Yes,please.好的,太感谢了!No,thank you.不,谢谢你。(在动画中你能看到哪些食物呢?)What can you see in the cartoon?Watch and choose看动画选择()()()()()()What can you see in the cartoon?I can see a/an我能看见一个For you and meA cake,a pieI can see.A cake,a pieFor you and me.An egg,an ice creamI can see.An egg,an ice creamFor you and me.Who is the food for?这些食物是给谁的呢?是给你和我的Tip:请读出小诗的节奏感!同学们,请看以下饮料和食品的英语表达,它们的英文读音和中文名很像!试着根据中文来读一读吧!salad(色拉)cola(可乐)jam(酱)pizza(批萨)pudding(布丁)有趣的饮料和食品_,_I can see.For you and me.I can see.For you and me._,_,_,_Tip:让我们创编吧!cola(可乐)jam(酱)a pizza(批萨)a pudding(布丁)cola(可乐)jam(酱)a pizza(批萨)a pudding(布丁)Who is coming?谁来了的呢?dog1.Bobby would like an egg.2.Dog would like a cake.()()Watch&judge(观看动画判断)picnic野餐3.Dog would like a hot dog.()开心 Watch&judge(观看动画判断)1.Bobby would like an egg.2.Dog would like a cake.()()3.Dog would like a hot dog.()1.Bobby would like an egg.2.Dog would like a cake.()()3.Dog would like a hot dog.()Tip:哪一幅图告诉我们答案呢?请大声地自读P47课文!Would Dog like a hot dog?小狗想要一个热狗吗?A No.B Yes.Read and think(读后想)为什么狗不想吃热狗呢?Why?请畅所欲言,可以用中文表达!害怕 热狗的由来 德国人将香肠改良成用手就可以吃的方式,就是把香肠夹入面包中,这样既卫生又方便,所以很受欢迎。当时有一位漫画家,觉得面包中露出的香肠很像小狗的舌头。于是HOT DOG由此得名。Would Dog like a hot dog?小狗想要一个热狗吗?A No.B Yes.Read and think(读后想)A hot dog isnt a roast dog.热狗不是一只烤热的狗。它是一种食物。有些英文表达,我们不能把单词意思叠加来理解!green house绿色的房子温室green hand绿色的手新手black tea黑茶红茶black sheep黑色的绵羊害群之马Lets read!(让我们做优秀的读者,读出狗语气的变化哦!)开心 开心 疑惑 害怕 Tip:狗的情绪有什么变化呢?请仔细观察每幅图片上狗的面部表情吧!Tip:跟读模仿,注意语气表情。Tip:跟读模仿,注意语气表情。这是什么?Tip:跟读模仿,注意语气表情。Tip:跟读模仿,注意语气表情。Tip:跟读模仿,注意语气表情。Lets read.(请打开书本47页,自己读读看吧,注意指读!)开心 开心 疑惑 害怕 小朋友们,快来挑选自己喜欢的角色,以三人为一小组表演一下吧!Lets act.(让我们做出色的演员吧!)小朋友们,我们来表演吧!Tip:演员声音响亮,观众注意倾听。Dog Good morning.Nice to meet you.Would you like?What about?Yes,please./No,thank you.yuan(元)OK.Goodbye./See you.Rules:1.三人小组合作,一人扮演售货员,其余二人扮演顾客。2.讨论自己想要吃的食物。Snack Bar(小吃店)下面的句型也许你能用得上哦!I can read and act the story.I can say the rhyme.I can offer people food.I can use“No,thank you.”and“Yes,please.”1.把小诗背诵给家长听,节奏清楚、语调优美。试着创编自己的小诗哦!2.和你的好朋友表演超市购物,可以买食物,还可以尝试着购买衣服哦!3.通过网络了解一下更多食物的英文表达以及有趣的食物由来吧!(如三明治、蛋筒冰激凌等。)
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Unit 7 Would Fun&Cartoon 牛津译林英语三年级上册第七单元《Unit Would Fun&Cartoon》教案+课件(公开课) 牛津 林英 三年级 上册 第七 单元 unit fun
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