牛津译林英语三年级上册第八单元《Unit 8 Happy Story time》教案+课件(公开课).zip


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三上Unit 8 Happy Story time教案三上Unit 8 Happy Story time教案1教学目标 1.能听得懂、会说、会读词汇:a doll,a ball,a robot,a car,a CD,发音准确。2.能听得懂、会说、会读句型:Happy New Year!Whats this/that?Its a This is for you./Thisis for you./Its for you.3.能在情境中运用所学词汇和句型进行交流。4.通过学习了解一定的节日礼仪和文化。5.能在学习过程中培养学生自我评价和自我检测的能力。2学情分析 学生已经能较熟练掌握 Whats this/that?Its a 并能进行简单的交流和表述。3重点难点 1.能在情境中运用所学词汇和句型进行交流。2.能在学习过程中培养学生自我评价和自我检测的能力。4教学过程 4.1 第一学时 4.1.1教学活动 活动 1【导入】Step1.Warmingup 1.Learning aims.T:Hello,boys and girls.S:Hello,Miss Yu.T:At first,lets see our learning aims!After this lesson,we can do these things.1.We can say“Happy New Year!”2.We are happy to give presents by saying“This is for you.”3.We know how to celebrate a holiday.After learning,we can do the paper“Ticking time”.If you can doit well,you can get 3 stars.Now are you ready for the class?活动 2【讲授】Step2.Presentationandpractice.教授 Happy New Year!(完成 Ticking time 第一项)T:Today Ive got another red thing.Whats this?(实物 card)S:Its a card.T:(PPT)Is that a card?S:No.Its a red packet.T:Yes,its a red packet.Look,here is a card.Here is a red packet.Yuess,what holiday is coming?(听一小段音乐)S:(引导)Oh,its New Year!T:Yes,New Year is coming.Now lets see!(放相关图片和背景歌曲渲染新年气氛)At New Year,we can say“Happy New Year!”跟读,(出示板书读)Happy New Year!Boys and girls!S:Happy New Year!Miss Yu.(贴板书)T:Look,its our first learning aim:We can say“Happy New Year!”(PPT 强调)Can you say“Happy New Year!”Now lets play a game:Freezing Game!You should say:Happy New Year!(对个人说)T:Here are some tips for you.Tips:用英语向他人表达节日问候,可以让我们感受到学习英语的乐趣和成就。T:To express the holiday greetings to others in English,we can feel happy and successful.(完成 Ticking time 第一项)T:Now its ticking time.1.I can say“Happy New Year!”If you can do it well,you can tick 3 stars!(完成 Ticking time 第一项,教师及时走入学生中关注打分情况,T:Good!Youve got 3 stars!)Put your paper in your book.T:OK.Today well learn:Unit 8 Happy New Year!(齐读-贴板书揭示课题)2.实物教授 CDT:At New Year,we can say“Happy New Year!”.What else can we do?We can get presents.Do you know presents?It means gifts.T:(教授 presents)Read after me!升降调跟读 present-presents.Look,this is a New Year present.Whats this?(举出实物 CD,点个人回答)Youre so clever!Happy New Year,XXX!This is for you.S1:Thank you.教授 a CD 跟读,齐读T:Pay attention to the capital letter C and capital letter D.(贴板书)3.红盒子教授 doll,This is for you.Thank you.T:Today Ive got some New Year presents.(出示三盒子)Look at my red box.Do you like it?S:Yes.T:Hello!Happy New Year,XXX!This is for you!Do you want to know whats in it?S1:(引导带上板书)Whats this?S:(引导其余学生说)Its a doll.T:This doll is for you.S:Thank you.T:Is it nice?S:Yes.T:Read after the tape.教授 doll 跟读单词升降调读-个人拼读,贴板书T:(动作)What can we say?教授 This is for you.T:Lets read.This is for you.“For”here means“给”.带读动作释义 for,贴板书Dont forget to say“Thank you”(贴板书)4.蓝盒子教授 car.This is for you.T:Now look at my blue box.Who likes it?(给个人)Happy New Year,XXX!This is for you.You can ask:(引导)Whats?S:Its a car.T:Yes,its a green toy car.Do you like it?This green toy car is for you.T:Read after the tape.教授 a car.跟读单词-出示单词升降调读-贴板书T:(做动作)We can say“This is for you”.We can also say(让学生说)“This car/toy car/green toy car is for you.”(出示板书贴)This is for you.”5.橙白盒子教 ball.T:This is another nice box.Who likes it?(给个人)Happy New Year,XXX!This is for you.You can ask:(引导)Whats?S:Its a ball.T:Yes,its a blue ball.Do you like it?This blue ball is for you.(引导齐说 This blue balltogether 1 2)T:Now read the word.教授 ball allball 跟读-升降调读6.猜图片 Whats that?复习 CD/doll/car/ball,给线索教授新单词 robot.T:Show me your fingers.Lets see the New Year presents!Whats that?S:Its a CD/doll/car/ball.T:Happy New Year,XXX!This is for you./Thisis for you./Its for you.(图片奖励)若给不一样的图片 T:Whats this?Thisis for you.T:Whats that?Its too small.Ill give you some clues.(PPT)1.It is a toy.2.It looks like a man.3.It can help us to do things.(做事情)Now lets listen to its voice.(播放机器人声音)Can you Yuess?S1:Robot.T:Yes.Youre so clever!This is for you.(给图片)T:Read the words.S:go,noro,hot notbot robot.Who can read it?个别学生 2-3 个自读(奖励图片:This is for you.Thisis for you.Its for you.),跟录音读,打招呼读(录:Hello,nice to meet you!),出示板书跟教师读,两人开车读(图片奖励)-集体拼读(贴板书)7.Pass and chant.T:(拿实物 robot)T:What is this?S1:Its a robot.T:Lets have a chant.Chant:This,this,whats this?Robot,robot,its a robot.For you,for you,its for you.This is for you.We can also say its for you.(带读,贴板书)Lets chant.Together 1,2!T:Now lets play a game:Pass and chant!实物示范-提醒-自己做(robot/doll/car/CD/yo-yo/chocolate/sweet)T:You are the first.1,2,go!(传到最后)Together“Its 1,2!”S:(引导学生)Its for you.T:Its for XXX./This is for you.Thisis for you.(实物奖励)8.Giving the presents.互赠礼物环节(完成 Ticking time 第二项)T:(教师示范)Happy New Year,XXX!This is for you.(送两人)We are happy to get presents.I still have some presents here.Who can help me to give the presents?How can you say?(做动作):Happy New Year,XXX!This is for you(出示 PPT)(请个人送)T:Here are some tips for you.Tips:互赠礼物是一种礼仪。让我们一起分享这份快乐吧!Its polite to give gifts to each other.Lets share the happiness!T:Look,its our second learning aim:We are happy to give presents by saying“This is for you.”(PPT 强调)Can you give presents?S:Yes.T:Now its your turn to give presents to your friends or the teachers here.You can say:Happy New Year!This is for you.Take out your presents,go,go,go!(放赠礼物音乐,教师走入学生群中)(完成 Ticking time 第二项)T:You are good boys and girls.Now its ticking time.2.I am happy to give presents by saying“This is for you.”.If you can do it well,you can tick 3 stars!(完成 Ticking time 第二项,教师及时走入学生中关注打分情况,T:Good!Youve got 3 stars!)Put your paper in your book.9.教授课文T:Now we are happy.We can give and get gifts at New Year.How about the children?Are they happy?S:Yes.T:Why?Oh,here comes Uncle John.Uncle John brings some presents for them.Lets say“hello”to him.Ss:Hello,Uncle John!T:What are the presents?Take our your exercise paper.Please listen and tick!Listen and tick!(5 选 3)T:Lets check the answers.A doll/CD/ball/car/robot,yes or no?Read and match!(自读课文,礼物都分别送给了谁?)T:We know Uncle John brings some presents for the children.Who are they?S:(引导)They are Helen,Mike and Tim.T:Who are the presents for?(礼物都给谁了?)Now open your books and turn to page 50.You can read and match now.Lets check the answers.S1:(引导)Theis forT:Yes,its for Tim/Helen/Mike.Enjoy the flash.(欣赏动画)T:Now lets enjoy the flash.I have a question for you.Is the present nice?OK,lets enjoy!出示图片T:Is the present nice?S:Yes.T:How do you know?Mike saysS:How nice!(出示板书,带读,贴板书)T:Here are some tips for you.Tips:在西方国家收到礼物时需要道谢并拆开礼物,然后对礼物表示赞扬。试着做个有礼貌的人!T:In foreign countries,when we accept a present,we should say“Thank you”and open the presents.Then please give praise to others.Try to be a polite man!T:What can we say?S1:How nice!/Its nice/great.(贴板书 Its)跟录音读每一幅图(重点语句 How nice!可读两遍)齐读分角色朗读T:Lets read after the tape!Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation!(注意模仿语音语调)Who wants to be Helen/Mike/Uncle John?(挑 2 两组朗读)T:This time,there are no words.Can you say?Who wants to be Helen/Mike/Uncle John?(对朗读不错的同学加以表扬 T:You have a good voice!/You are cool/great!活动 3【练习】Step3.Consodation(完成 Tickingtime 第三项)1.T:At New Year,we are happy.We can say“Happy New Year!”And we can give and get presents.Do you know other holidays that we can give and get presents too?(学生个人说)Lets see!Pay attention to the different holiday greetings!(跟读,出示板书贴)(PPT 出示 4 个不同场景,个人说节日祝福语)Holiday 1.At New Year,what can we say S:Happy New Year!Holiday 2.T:Listen!What holiday is coming?(放音乐)Yes,Christmas!What can we say?S:Merry Christmas!(贴板书)Holiday 3.T:Listen!What holiday is coming?(放音乐)Yes,Birthday!What can we say?S:Happy birthday!(贴板书)Holiday 4.T:Listen!What holiday is coming?(放音乐)Yes,Childrens Day!What can we say?S:Happy Childrens Day!(贴板书)T:(教师示范,请个别学生)Who can celebrate a holiday with me?Which one do you like?(点击图片)T:Look,its our third learning aim:We know how to celebrate a holiday.(PPT 强调)Can you celebrate a holiday?Work in pairs.(用提前准备的信封,里面放好本课新授单词图片)T:Take out your envelope.Here is a present in it.Choose one holiday,you can work in pairs.Showing time(挑几组上来表演)T:Lets celebrate the holiday?Who can have a try?How many stars can they get?Use your fingers to tell me!(完成 Ticking time 第三项)T:Now its your turn to tick.3.I know how to celebrate a holiday.If you can do it well,you can tick 3 stars!(完成 Ticking time 第三项,教师及时走入学生中关注打分情况,T:Good!Youve got 3 stars!)Put your paper in your book.T:Look at our learning aims.Can we do all these things?Yes!Congratulations!(音乐掌声效果)活动 4【作业】Step4.Homework.1.Read the text and act it out.(朗读课文并表演。)2.Make and send a card.(为即将到来的节日制作一张贺卡并且写上节日祝语,试着用英语来送给自己的朋友或家人。)T:What holiday is coming?What can we write?Try to send the card to your friends or your family in English.Layout of Bb:黑板边框画上新年装饰画(三个灯笼,一串鞭炮)Unit8 Happy New Year!The first period (Story time)1.We can say“Happy New Year!”我们能说我们能说“新年快乐新年快乐!”2.We are happy to give gifts by saying“This is for you.”我们乐于赠礼并说我们乐于赠礼并说“这是给你的。这是给你的。”3.We know how to celebrate a holiday.我们知道如何庆祝一个节日。我们知道如何庆祝一个节日。a red packetNew Year1.We can say“Happy New Year!”我们能说我们能说“新年快乐新年快乐!”2.We are happy to give gifts by saying“This is for you.”我们乐于赠礼并说我们乐于赠礼并说“这是给你的。这是给你的。”3.We know how to celebrate a holiday.我们知道如何庆祝一个节日。我们知道如何庆祝一个节日。Tips:用英语向他人表达节日问候,可以让我们感受用英语向他人表达节日问候,可以让我们感受到学习英语的乐趣和成就。到学习英语的乐趣和成就。1.I can say“Happy New Year!”Happy New Year!giftsCDdollA:This is for you.B:Thank you.for给给carThis is for you.allb_Whats that?Whats that?Whats that?Whats that?Whats that?1.It is a toy.2.It looks like a man.3.It can help us to do things.(做事情)gonorohotnotbotThis,this,whats this?Robot,robot,its a robot.For you,for you,this is for you.This,this,whats this?_,_,its a _.For you,for you,its for you.its for you.A:Happy New Year,XXX!B:Happy New Year,XXX!A:This is for you.Thisis for you.Its for you.B:Thank you.Tips:互赠礼物是一种礼仪。让我们一起分享这份快互赠礼物是一种礼仪。让我们一起分享这份快乐吧!乐吧!1.We can say“Happy New Year!”我们能说我们能说“新年快乐新年快乐!”3.We know how to celebrate a holiday.我们知道如何庆祝一个节日。我们知道如何庆祝一个节日。2.We are happy to give gifts by saying“This is for you.”我们乐于赠礼并说我们乐于赠礼并说“这是给你的。这是给你的。”1.I can say“Happy New Year!”2.I am happy to give presents by saying“This is for you.”Uncle John叔叔1.Listen and tick!(Uncle John 都带来了哪些礼物呢?都带来了哪些礼物呢?)()()()()()This is for2.Read and match!(自读课文,礼物都分别送给(自读课文,礼物都分别送给了谁?)了谁?)Is the gift nice?(这个礼物好看吗?这个礼物好看吗?)3.Enjoy the flash.(欣赏动画欣赏动画)How nice!Tips:在西方国家收到礼物时需要道谢并拆开礼物,在西方国家收到礼物时需要道谢并拆开礼物,然后对礼物表示赞扬。试着做个有礼貌的人!然后对礼物表示赞扬。试着做个有礼貌的人!Is the gift nice?(这个礼物好看吗?这个礼物好看吗?)Lets read!(注意模仿语音语调)(注意模仿语音语调)Lets read!(注意模仿语音语调)(注意模仿语音语调)Lets read!(注意模仿语音语调)(注意模仿语音语调)Lets read!(注意模仿语音语调)(注意模仿语音语调)Lets read!(注意模仿语音语调)(注意模仿语音语调)Lets read!(注意模仿语音语调)(注意模仿语音语调)Holiday greetings(节日问候)(节日问候)2.A:Merry Christmas!B:Merry Christmas!1.A:Happy New Year!B:Happy New year!3.A:Happy Birthday!B:Thank you.4.A:Happy Childrens Day!B:Happy Childrens Day!1.We can say“Happy New Year!”我们能说我们能说“新年快乐新年快乐!”2.We are happy to give gifts by saying“This is for you.”我们乐于赠礼并说我们乐于赠礼并说“这是给你的。这是给你的。”3.We know how to celebrate a holiday.我们知道如何庆祝一个节日。我们知道如何庆祝一个节日。A:B:A:This is for you.B:Thank you.Whats this?A:Its a B:How nice!/A:Merry Christmas,XXX!B:Merry Christmas,XXX!A:This is for you.B:Thank you.Whats this?A:Its a B:How nice!/A:Happy New Year,XXX!B:Happy New Year,XXX!A:This is for you.B:Thank you.Whats this?A:Its a B:How nice!/A:Happy Birthday,XXX!B:Thank you.A:This is for you.B:Thank you.Whats this?A:Its a B:How nice!/A:Happy Childrens Day,XXX!B:Happy Childrens Day,XXX!A:This is for you.B:Thank you.Whats this?A:Its a B:How nice!/1.I can say“Happy New Year!”2.I am happy to give gifts by saying“This is for you.”3.I know how to celebrate a holiday.1.We can say“Happy New Year!”我们能说我们能说“新年快乐新年快乐!”2.We are happy to give presents by saying“This is for you.”我们乐于赠礼并说我们乐于赠礼并说“这是给你的。这是给你的。”3.We know how to celebrate a holiday.我们知道如何庆祝一个节日。我们知道如何庆祝一个节日。1.Read the text and act it out.(朗读课文并表演。)2.Make and send a card.(为即将到来的节日制作一张贺卡并且写上节日祝语,试着用英语来送给自己的朋友或家人。)Homework:
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Unit 8 Happy Story time 牛津译林英语三年级上册第八单元《Unit Happy Story time》教案+课件(公开课) 牛津 林英 三年级 上册 第八 单元 unit time
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