Unit 2 The universal language 单元课本语篇填空 ppt课件(含文档)-(2020版)新牛津译林版高中英语选择性必修第一册.zip


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    • Unit 2 课本语篇填空 2020-2021学年【新教材】牛津译林版(2020)高中英语选择性必修第一册
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12020 牛津高一选择性必修一第二单元语篇填空牛津高一选择性必修一第二单元语篇填空Reading Understanding culture through (一)(一)P16-17Last night,I watched a _1_(perform)of Butterfly Lovers,a beautiful violin concerto 2 (compose)by He Zhanhao and Chen Gang.Its a piece that really deserves 3 (hear).The music took me through the t 4 and turns of a classic story about a young couple 5 (tear)apart by their families.When the two lover,Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai,first meet,the music is light and 6 ,as if 7 (whisper)to the audience.It 8 (follow)by a fast and 9 (cheer)section 10 represents their three happy years of school.Then the music gets dramatic with 11 (heavy)notes and that is 12 the lovers 13 (separate)because Zhus father forces her to marry another man.14 (anger)and sad,Liang falls sick and dies.Zhu weeps 15 (bitter)over the 16 (lose)her love.17 (overcome)with sorrow,she jumps into his grave.18 (Final),during the most exciting part,the music takes a 19 (soft)turn and ends on a bittersweet note,20(tell)us how the couple transform into butterflies and fly 2away to be together forever.It is an 21 (amaze)journey!Butterfly Lovers combines Chinese and Western musical elements:it 22 (play)on Western instruments such as the violin,but more 23 (significant),much of the music has its 24 (root)in Chinese Yue Opera.This unique 25 (combine)has made me realize that music is indeed 26 universal language.You should 27 (definite)listen to Butterfly LoversI bet youll like it.Life here in Nashville is 28 interesting as I thought it would be.My host family are big fans of country music,so I can always rely on them 29 (introduce)me to some great songs.I love 30 (learn)about country music and I keep 31 (ask)them questions about it all the time!The tunes are easy 32 (sing),and the lyrics often leave you deep in 33 (think).Most of the songs are about hardship and heartbreak,but also about hopewith plenty of humour 34 (throw)in for good measure.You can feel an emotional 35 (connect)between you and the musicians.Country music shows the 36 (peace)green fields and simple life of the countryside.37 (obvious)I dont know what its 38 (true)like to grow up in rural America.The simple tunes and beautiful natural images are often very 39 3(suggest)of countryside 40 (surround).(一)(一)1.performance posed 3.to be heard/hearing 4.twists 5.torn6.pleasant 7.whispering 8.is followed 9.cheerful 10.which 11.heavier 12.when 13.are separated 14.Angry 15.bitterly 16.loss17.Overcome 18.Finally 19.softer 20.telling 21.amazing 22.is played 23.significantly 24.roots bination 26.a 27.definitely 28.as 29.to introduce 30.learning 31.asking 32.to sing 33.thought 34.thrown 35.connection 36.peaceful 37.Obviously38.truly 39.suggestive 40.surroundings(二)(二)P.19Music has the power 1 (transform)our lives.2 (give)the public more access to music,we will put on a series of free concerts.Music in different styles,from classical to jazz,will be played.You can rely on us to show you some of the worlds best-known works.The first of these concerts will 3 (hold)in front of the arch in the downtown square at eight next Friday evening.Come and spend a pleasant evening with us.At the concert you will enjoy the Yellow River Piano Concerto,one of Chinas greatest 4 (contribute)to classical music.Like the violin Butterfly Lovers,this piano concerto also combines Chinese and Western musical elements and is well 5 4(receive)across the world.The musical piece,an 6 (adapt)of Xian Xinghais Yellow River Cantata,tells how the Chinese people,7 (lead)by the Communist Party of China,fought to overcome the Japanese invaders.It consists 8 four movements.The difficult piano solo 9 (particular)reserves a mention.The concert will end with some short pieces of violin music 10 good measure.We guarantee that you will enjoy this concert.1.to transform 2.To give 3.be held 4.contributions 5.received 6.adaptation 7.led 8.of 9.particularly 10.for(三)(三)P.20In Chinas Spring and Autumn and 1 (war)States periods,there lived a man 2 (name)Boya,3 was a master of the qin.Playing the qin was his life.He played so well 4 everyone enjoyed listening to his music and thought 5 (high)for his techniques.However,Boya believed no one could understand his music 6 he met Zhong Ziqi.Boya did not say anything before 7 (play)the qin,yet Zhong Ziqi was able to paint a picture of great mountain 8 (range)in his mind.When Boya continued playing,Zhong Ziqi said he had heard the sound of a river flowing quickly.In fact,Boya 9(intend)to call the piece High mountains and Flowing 5Water.Having someone really understood his music pleased Boya,who never got tired of sharing his music with Zhong Ziqi.The two soon became great friends and before going their separate ways,they agreed to meet at the Mid-Autumn Festival the next year.However,Zhong Ziqi failed to show up on that day.When Boya learnt about Zhong Ziqis death,he 10 (overcome)with sorrow.He played High Mountains and Flowing Water in front of Zhong Ziqis grave.After he finished playing the piece,he destroyed the understands my music is gone,it is no use keeping the qin.1.Warring 2.named 3.who 4.that 5.highly 6.until 6.playing 8.ranges 9.had intended 10.was overcome(四)(四)P21If you have to choose music from the Earth to send into space,1 music do you think is capable of 2 (represent)mankind?The sound of the Chinese qin is one answer 3 this question.In 1977,two spacecraft 4 (call)Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 were sent out to explore the solar system.On both spacecraft,there is a 5 (select)of music from our planet.Sending music into outer space was the idea of the famous scientist Carl Sagan,6 believed intelligent life existed on other planets.The music was intended as a universal 6language to great intelligence life in space(if there is any).A group of scientists and artists got down 7 choosing 8 (suit)music.Of course,they had trouble selecting which pieces of music to include.In the end,27 different pieces of music lasting 90 minutes 9 (put)on the spacecraft.China is represented by a recording of Guan Pinghu playing an ancient piece called Flowing Water on the Chinese instrument qin.It is said that Boya wrote 10 .1.what 2.representing 3.to 4.called 5.selection 6.who 7.to 8.suitable 9.were put 10.it(五)(五)p.23I remember getting ready for school one morning 1 the radio presenter announced that he was going to play the 2 single by the Beatles.This was 1965 and the whole country was in 3 state of“Beatlemania”.I turned up the volumn and stood staring at the radio,4 (hold)my breathe and waiting for the first notes of the song.It was 5 (definite)the Beatles.Paul McCartneys voice was 6 (mistake)but the sound was different.When the song 7 (finish),I stood not knowing 8 I like it or not.I was their biggest fan and I couldnt wait 9 (hear)this song again and again 10 it became my favourite 7song from my favourite band.During the 1960s,the Beatles were not just a band;they were a force for change.They exploded 11 the music scene in 1962 four young men 12 unique haircuts.They immediately 13 (grab)the attention of young people and soon the youth of the country were 14 (sweep)along on waves of joyous rock and roll music and the hope for a 15 (good)future.Through the 16 (experiment)with more complicated and 17 (progress)sounds,and then back to the less complicated music of their final records.18 I listen to“She Loves You”,I am instantly taken back to my teenage years.I can picture my bedroom 19 (decorate)with posters of the Fab Four smiling down at me and.It has helped me look to the future with 20 (expect)and now it helps me reflect on my life with quiet satisfaction.1.when 2.latest 3.a 4.holding 5.definitely 6.unmistakable 7.had finished 8.whether 9.to hear 10.until 11.onto 12.with 13.grabbed 14.being swept15.better 16.experimentation 17.progressive 18.Whenever 19.decorated 20.satisfaction(六)(六)P.251.1 7 May 1824,a crown of music lovers 2 (stream)into a theatre into a theatre in Vienna to hear the first-ever 83 (perform)of Symphony No 9.The crowd immediately recognized 4 they were listening to something truly special,and they broke into enthusiastic cheers at the end of the symphony.Beethoven,who was almost 5 (complete)deaf at this point in his life,was 6 (aware)of the audiences response until one of the singers turned him around to face the crowd.Before him he saw 7 sea of all standing,clapping (clap),and waving their hats and 8 (handkerchief)to express their 9 (appreciate)of his masterwork.As a 10 (gift)child,Beethoven 11 (push)by his father to study music day and night.Not long after,he began to 12 (appreciate)for his piano performance.By the time he was a teenager,he had already enjoyed a reputation as a wonderful young musician.Many important figures in the music world started making 13 (predict)about Beethovens extraordinary future.14 ,life took a sharp turn,in his late 15 (twenty),Beethoven suffered one of the worst possible twists for a musician:he started to lose his 16 (hear).The loss of his hearing 17 (deep)depressed Beethoven.He was 18 upset that ,at first,he wanted to keep it a secret.In a letter to his brothers,he wrote,“.how could I 19 (possible)admit a weakness in the one sense 20 should be 9more perfect in me than in others,a sense which I once possessed in the greatest perfection.”Even in his 21 (dark)moments,however,Beethoven never abandoned hope.22 his hearing loss,he 23 (determine)to find a way 24 (continue)living a life full of music.He used a variety of hearing aids to try to increase the a 25 of sound he could take in.When 26 (compose)music at the piano,he would put one end of a pencil in his mouth and place 27 other end against the instrument so that he could feel the notes.28 Beethoven was able to perform in public.29 that day,Beethovens Symphony No 9 has become one of the most famous and treasured pieces in the history of classical music.The first movement starts quietly,but all 30 a sudden the whole orchestra breaks into an energetic theme.You can feel the 31 (determine)-a quality Beethoven understood well because 32 his hear 33 (difficult)-coursing through the music.The next tow movements are full of desperate lows and uplifting highs 34 perhaps reflect both his suffering and his strong will to fight it.The music moves through technically difficult sections with 35 (easy),showing his genius as a composer.Finally,in the 36 (four)movement,he connects all of the different 37 (vary)into a 10joyful chorus.38 Beethovens last great work,his Symphony No.9 was also a grant finale to his life-he died less than three years after the concert in Vienna,39 (age)56.For his amazing achievements and for his determination even in his darkest days,Beethoven 40 (regard)one of the most remarkable musicians who ever lived.1.On 2.streamed 3.performance 4.that pletely 6.unaware 7.a 8.handkerchiefs 9.appreciation 10.gifted 11.was pushed 12.be appreciated 13.predictions 14.However 15.twenties 16.hearing 17.deeply 18.so 19.possibly 20.which21.darkest 22.Despite 23.was determined 24.to continue 25.amount posing 27.the 28.Although 29.Since 30 of31.determination 32.of 33.difficulties 34.which 35.ease 36.fourth 37.variations 38.As 39.aged 40.is regarded2020牛津高一选择性必修一第二单元语篇填空 Reading Understanding culture through(一)P16-17 Last night,I watched a _1_(perform)of Butterfly Lovers,a beautiful violin concerto 2 (compose)by He Zhanhao and Chen Gang.Its a piece that really deserves 3 (hear).The music took me through the t 4 and turns of a classic story about a young couple 5 (tear)apart by their families.When the two lover,Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai,first meet,the music is light and 6 ,as if 7 (whisper)to the audience.It 8 (follow)by a fast and 9 (cheer)section 10 represents their three happy years of school.Then the music gets dramatic with 11 (heavy)notes and that is 12 the lovers 13 (separate)because Zhus father forces her to marry another man.14 (anger)and sad,Liang falls sick and dies.performancecomposedto be heard/hearingtwiststornpleasant whisperingis followedcheerful whichheavierwhenare separatedAngry Zhu weeps 15 (bitter)over the 16 (lose)her love.17 (overcome)with sorrow,she jumps into his grave.18 (Final),during the most exciting part,the music takes a 19 (soft)turn and ends on a bittersweet note,20 (tell)us how the couple transform into butterflies and fly away to be together forever.It is an 21 (amaze)journey!Butterfly Lovers combines Chinese and Western musical elements:it 22 (play)on Western instruments such as the violin,but more 23 (significant),much of the music has its 24 (root)in Chinese Yue Opera.This unique 25 (combine)has made me realize that music is indeed 26 universal language.You should 27 (definite)listen to Butterfly LoversI bet youll like it.bitterlylossOvercomeFinallysoftertellingamazing is played significantlyrootscombinationa definitely Life here in Nashville is 28 interesting as I thought it would be.My host family are big fans of country music,so I can always rely on them 29 (introduce)me to some great songs.I love 30 (learn)about country music and I keep 31 (ask)them questions about it all the time!The tunes are easy 32 (sing),and the lyrics often leave you deep in 33 (think).Most of the songs are about hardship and heartbreak,but also about hopewith plenty of humour 34 (throw)in for good measure.You can feel an emotional 35 (connect)between you and the musicians.Country music shows the 36 (peace)green fields and simple life of the countryside.37 (obvious)I dont know what its 38 (true)like to grow up in rural America.The simple tunes and beautiful natural images are often very 39 (suggest)of countryside 40 (surround).asto introducelearningaskingto singthoughtthrownconnectionpeaceful Obviouslytrulysuggestive surroundings(二)P.19 Music has the power 1 (transform)our lives.2 (give)the public more access to music,we will put on a series of free concerts.Music in different styles,from classical to jazz,will be played.You can rely on us to show you some of the worlds best-known works.The first of these concerts will 3 (hold)in front of the arch in the downtown square at eight next Friday evening.Come and spend a pleasant evening with us.to transformTo give be held At the concert you will enjoy the Yellow River Piano Concerto,one of Chinas greatest 4 (contribute)to classical music.Like the violin Butterfly Lovers,this piano concerto also combines Chinese and Western musical elements and is well 5 (receive)across the world.The musical piece,an 6 (adapt)of Xian Xinghais Yellow River Cantata,tells how the Chinese people,7 (lead)by the Communist Party of China,fought to overcome the Japanese invaders.It consists 8 four movements.The difficult piano solo 9 (particular)reserves a mention.The concert will end with some short pieces of violin music 10 good measure.We guarantee that you will enjoy this concert.contributions receivedadaptationledofparticularly for(三)P.20 In Chinas Spring and Autumn and 1 (war)States periods,there lived a man 2 (name)Boya,3 was a master of the qin.Playing the qin was his life.He played so well 4 everyone e
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Unit The universal language 单元课本语篇填空 ppt课件(含文档)_(2020版)新牛津译林版高中英语选择性必修第一册 单元 课本 填空 ppt 课件 文档 牛津 译林版 高中英语
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本文标题:Unit 2 The universal language 单元课本语篇填空 ppt课件(含文档)-(2020版)新牛津译林版高中英语选择性必修第一册.zip


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