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    关 键  词:
    Unit Global Warming Using Language 课件 人教版 选修

    1、 Unit 4 Global Warming Part3Using Language.单词拼写 1A_(广泛传播的)flu epidemic affected eighteen western States.答案widespread 2There has been serious_(分歧)between the two political over the question.答案disagreement 3He couldnt stand terrible English_(气候)答案climate 4The population had_(减少)from about 8,300,000 in

    2、 1845 to less than 6,600,000 in 1851.答案decrease 5The_(平均数)of 3,6 and 9 is 6.答案average 6A child who can remember 3000 English words at the age of 3 would be called an unusual _(现象)答案phenomenon 7The food was enough in_(数量),but not very good in quality.答案quantity 8Though he is less than one year old,he

    3、 is strong enough to walk_.(平稳地)答案steadily 9The tsunamis(海啸)smashing into India Ocean coastlines,which killed 125,000 people in 12 different countries was a terrible_.(大灾难)答案catastrophe.词组活用,选择下列方框中的短语填空 on the whole,on the other hand,make a difference,building up,put up with 1If she could_the condi

    4、tion there,we could take her.答案put up with 2They were_their military strength for a drive against the city.答案building up 3Your support will certainly_in our cause.答案make a difference 4On the one hand,you accept her presents;_,you are rude to the whole family.What really is your attitude to them?答案on

    5、 the other hand 5You have made a few mistakes,but_you have done well.答案on the whole.根据第二篇课文,选择正确答案 1What is the main idea of the text?AHow to write a letter.BHow to deal with global warming.CGo to help people.DPeople just see and watch what will happen.答案B 2What project is Ouyang Guang doing at scho

    6、ol?AWhat can we do about global warming?BWhat is happening around us?CWho is going to give a speech?DWhen will the meeting begin?答案A 3What can we do with pollution?AWe should put up with it.BWe should know the danger of it.CWe should listen to the teacher.DWe should pay more attention to what we do

    7、every day.答案D 4Which is NOT one of the suggestions Earth Care gave?ADont be casual about your electrical appliances.BWalk or ride a bike rather than drive a car if we can.CBuy things not using plastic bags.DBe an educator and encourage others to focus on global warming.答案C 5What will the earth be li

    8、ke if we do our best to protect it?AIt will be dirty.BIt will be clear and clean.CThere wont be pollution any longer.DIt will remain the same as it is.答案B 1I am doing a project on behalf of my school about global warming.我正代表我们学校做有关全球变暖课题研究。归纳拓展 on behalf of 代表一方,作为的代言人 stand for代表 背诵句型 My husband c

    9、ould not be here tonight,but I want to thank you on his behalf.我丈夫今晚因故不能前来,我代表他向你们致谢。We attended the global conference on behalf of our country.我们代表我们的国家出席了这次全球性会议。On behalf of my colleagues and myself,I thank you.我代表我的同事和我本人向你表示感谢。动手练习 很荣幸在这儿代表我的学校演出。Im greatly honoured to put on performance here_m

    10、y school.答案:on behalf of 那个英雄的妻子代替她死去的丈丈接受了这枚勋章。The heros wife accepted the medal_her dead husband.答案:on behalf of _(代表在座各位),I wish you a very happy retirement.答案:On behalf of everyone here 2We dont have to put up with pollution.我们不需要忍受污染。归纳拓展 put up with 忍受;容忍。其同义词有stand,bear,endure等 与put有关的短语还有:pu

    11、t aside 节省;put away 储存;put down写下;put off 延期;put out 熄灭;put up 举起。背诵句型 We have to put up with her bad temper.我们只得忍受她的坏脾气。Noise is coming to the point where we cant put up with it.噪音快到我们无法忍受的地步。动手练习 Tom would like to find somewhere to work because he can not_the boss.Acome up withBcatch up with Ckeep

    12、 up with Dput up with 答案:D 在这种情况下,我们不得不忍受不便之处。In this situation,we had to_the inconvenience.答案:put up with 不允许拖延付清帐单。We are not allowed to_.答案:put off paying the bills 他受不了那里糟糕的天气。He cant_the terrible weather there.答案:put up with 我不明白他为什么对她一忍再忍。I dont know why he_her.答案:puts up with 3It is OK to lea

    13、ve an electrical appliance on so long as you are using it.电器要用的话就开着。归纳拓展 so/as long as 只要,引导条件状语从句。as long as 与一样长 on condition that 在的条件下 背诵句型 As long as you dont betray me,Ill do whatever you ask me to(do)只要你不出卖我,要我做什么我都愿意。As long as I live,I will help you.只要我活着,我都会帮助你。I dont mind as long as it do

    14、esnt rain.只要不下雨就行了。This line is four times as long as that one.这条线是那条线的四倍长。动手练习 完成句子 如果我挣到足够的钱,我就出国。Ill go abroad_I earn enough money.答案:on condition that 只要你能给我们合适的原因,我们就会帮助你。We will help you_you can offer us the proper reason.答案:on condition that/so long as Well go out_(只要天气好)答案:so long as it is f

    15、ine _(只要你小心开车),you will be very safe.答案:So long as you drive carefully 4Plant trees in your garden or your school yard,as they absorb carbon dioxide from the air and refresh your spirit when you look at them.在你的花园或校园里植树,因为他们吸收空气中的二氧化碳,每当你看到他们时你就会心旷神怡。归纳拓展 refresh v(使)精神振作,(使)精力恢复,更新 refresh ones mem

    16、ory 恢复记忆 背诵句型 When tired,you can refresh yourself with a cup of tea.困时喝杯茶提神。Refresh storage battery in case of being out of energy halfway.给蓄电池充电以免半路没电。The host refreshed our teacups.主人又为我们斟茶。动手练习 长时间工作后,一杯冰水使他精神振作。A cup of icy water_after a long times work.答案:refreshed him 有时一件小东西也会唤起人们的记忆。Sometime

    17、s,a small thing all can_.答案:refresh your memory 5Recycle cans,bottles,plastic bags and newspapers if circumstances allow you to.如果条件允许的话,回收罐头盒、瓶子、塑料袋和报纸。归纳拓展 circumstance n环境;情况,通常用作复数。in/undercircumstances 在情况下;in/under no circumstances在任何情况下决不;无论如何不(位于句首时,句子部分倒装)。背诵句型 Circumstances forced us to ch

    18、ange our plans.客观情况迫使我们改变了计划。Its the best result that could be expected under the circumstances.在这种情况下,别指望比这更好的结果了。Under no circumstances will her parents allow her to marry such a selfish man.无论如何她的父母都不会让她跟这样自私的人结婚。动手练习 Under no circumstances_him any money;he always borrows money from others and ne

    19、ver pays it back.Ayou should lend Byou will lend Cshould you lend Dwill you lend 答案:C I would let you use my car in normal_,but today I need it.Acircumstances Bphenomena Cconsequences Denvironments 答案:A 当时的情况迫使我不得不接受了很低的价格。_forced me to accept a very low price.答案:Circumstances 你无论如何都不得离开这所房子。_are yo

    20、u to leave the house.答案:Under/In no circumstances 6Rememberyour countribution counts.记住你的贡献是很有价值的。归纳拓展 contribution nU,C贡献 make a contribution to为作出贡献 contribute vt./vi.捐赠;贡献;有助于 contribute与devote都可表示“贡献”,但二者的用法有差异:在表示“献身于某一事业或目标”时,要用devote,即contribute后不可接ones life或oneself。另外,devote只作及物动词,而contribut

    21、e及物、不及物均可,后接介词to,表示“有助于;导致,为写稿”。背诵句型 Charlie Chaplin made great contributions to the film industry.查理卓别林对电影业作出了巨大贡献。He has made an important contribution to the companys success.他对公司的成功作出了重要的贡献。The invention of paper was a great contribution to human civilization.纸的发明是对人类文明的一大贡献。He contributed half

    22、of his savings to the relief fund.他将积蓄的一半捐献给救济基金会。动手练习 他对工程学有巨大贡献。He_the science of engineering.答案:made a great contribution to 多呼吸新鲜空气有益于健康。Plenty of fresh air_good health.答案:contributes to 他向一家报社投稿。He has_a newspaper.答案:contributed to 7Together,individuals can make a difference.众人拾柴火焰高。归纳拓展 make a

    23、 difference 有影响,起作用,有关系 make no difference 没有差别,没有影响 背诵句型 It makes a difference which you choose.你选择哪一个事关重大。It makes no difference to me whether he goes or not.不管他去或是不去,对我都没有影响。动手练习 转学对我的一生有着重大影响。Changing schools_my life.答案:made a big difference to 这场雨对比赛没多大影响。The rain didnt_the game.答案:make much di

    24、fference to 我们星期五还是星期六去?我无所谓。Shall we go on Firday or Saturday?_.答案:It makes no difference(to me)8Phrases I can use to express agreement or disagreement.可以用来表达同意和不同意的短语。归纳拓展 disagreement n.其反义词是agreement disagreement about/on/over sth.意见不一、分歧,争论 disagreement A and B 不符;不一致 be in disagreement with 和意

    25、见相左(不同)disagree v.disagree with sb about/on/over sth 对事与某人意见相左 disagree with sth/sb(气候、食物等)不适合 背诵句型 They have had several disagreements with their neighbours.他们与邻居发生过好几次争吵。There is considerable disagreement over the safety of the treatment.这种疗法是否安全争论很大。动手练习 双方意见有若干不同之处。There have been_the two parties.答案:a few disagreements between 这一对比表明理论和实践之间有相当大的出入。The comparison_.答案:shows considerable disagreement between theory and practice

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