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    • 湘鲁版版四年级上册英语Unit 1 What can you see_ ppt课件(2个课时)(含音视频素材)
      • Unit 1 What can you see? (课件2份打包,含素材)
        • bear.swf
        • blackboard.jpg--点击预览
        • classroom.jpg--点击预览
        • computer.jpg--点击预览
        • Unit 1 What can you see ?课件.ppt--点击预览
        • Unit 1 What can you see?课件.ppt--点击预览
        • What can you see.flv
    • 湘鲁版版四年级上册英语Unit 2 May I use your crayon_ ppt课件(2个课时)(含音视频素材)
      • Unit 2 May I use your crayon?(课件2份打包,含素材)
        • glues.jpg--点击预览
        • notebook.jpg--点击预览
        • ruler.jpg--点击预览
        • scissors.jpg--点击预览
        • story.jpg--点击预览
        • sure.swf
        • Unit 2 May I use your crayon. 课件.ppt--点击预览
        • Unit 2 May I use your crayon.课件.ppt--点击预览
        • we.swf
    • 湘鲁版版四年级上册英语Unit 3 I can run fast! ppt课件(2个课时)(含音视频素材)
      • Unit 3 I can run fast! (课件2份打包,含素材)
        • jump.jpg--点击预览
        • play basketball.jpg--点击预览
        • play football.jpg--点击预览
        • play ping-pong.jpg--点击预览
        • run.jpg--点击预览
        • Unit 3 I can run fast!课件 (2).ppt--点击预览
        • Unit 3 I can run fast!课件.ppt--点击预览
        • What can you do 歌曲.flv
        • What can you do.flv
    • 湘鲁版版四年级上册英语Unit 4 Let’s have some fruit ppt课件(2个课时)(含音视频素材)
      • Unit 4 Lets have some fruit.(课件2份打包,含素材)
        • apple.jpg--点击预览
        • bananas.jpg--点击预览
        • fruits.jpg--点击预览
        • May I have an apple.flv
        • orange.jpg--点击预览
        • Unit 4 Lets have some fruit 课件 (2).ppt--点击预览
        • Unit 4 Lets have some fruit 课件.ppt--点击预览
        • watermelon.jpg--点击预览
        • we like fruit.flv
    • 湘鲁版版四年级上册英语Unit 5 What would you like_ ppt课件(2个课时)(含音视频素材)
      • Unit 5 What would you like?(课件2份打包,含素材)
        • juice.jpg--点击预览
        • lunch.swf
        • milk.jpg--点击预览
        • tomatoes.jpg--点击预览
        • Unit 5 What would you like ?课件.ppt--点击预览
        • Unit 5 What would you like? 课件.ppt--点击预览
        • vegetables.jpg--点击预览
        • water.jpg--点击预览
        • Would you like some popcorn2.flv
    • 湘鲁版版四年级上册英语Unit 6 May I help you_ ppt课件(2个课时)(含音视频素材)
      • Unit 6 May I help you ?(课件2份打包,含素材)
        • clothes.swf
        • dress.jpg--点击预览
        • shirt.jpg--点击预览
        • shop.swf
        • socks.jpg--点击预览
        • Unit 6 May I help you? 课件 (2).ppt--点击预览
        • Unit 6 May I help you? 课件.ppt--点击预览
    • 湘鲁版版四年级上册英语Unit 7 What time is it_ ppt课件(2个课时)(含音视频素材)
      • Unit 7 What time is it?(课件2份打包,含素材)
        • alarm clock.jpg--点击预览
        • clock.jpg--点击预览
        • seat.swf
        • station.swf
        • ticket.jpg--点击预览
        • train.jpg--点击预览
        • Unit 7 What time is it ?课件.ppt--点击预览
        • Unit 7 What time is it? 课件.ppt--点击预览
        • yellow clock.jpg--点击预览
    • 湘鲁版版四年级上册英语Unit 9 What are you doing_ ppt课件(2个课时)(含音视频素材)
      • Unit 9 What are you doing?(课件2份打包,含素材)
        • puting things into.jpg--点击预览
        • sleeping.jpg--点击预览
        • talking.jpg--点击预览
        • today.swf
        • Unit 9 What are you doing? 课件.ppt--点击预览
        • Unit 9 What are you doing?课件.ppt--点击预览
        • What are you doing?.swf
    • 湘鲁版版四年级上册英语Unit 8 where are you from?ppt课件.ppt--点击预览
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map of the worldChinaAmericaCanadaAustraliaEngland世界地图FranceEiffel Tower 埃菲尔铁塔 Statue of Liberty 自由女神像 London Bridge伦敦大桥Sydney Opera House 悉尼歌剧院 the Great WallI am from the UK.I am from the UK.I want to visit China.have a room订房间 Unit 1 What can you see?blackboardcomputercarWhatWhat cancan youyou see?see?LookLook andand saysayWhat can you see in the classroom?I can see a blackboard.What can you see in the classroom?I can see a clock.What can you see in the classroom?I can see many desks.What can you see in the classroom?I can see many chairs.What can you see in the classroom?I can see a door.Is there a computer?No, there isnt.Is there an eraser on the desk?Yes, there is.What can you see?I can see a car.Whats this? Its a What can you see?你能看见什么?I can see a computer.我能看见一台电脑。What can you see?I can seeWhat can you see?I can seeplay gameHomework课后同桌之间用该句型进行对话练习。Thank you!Unit 1 What can you see?This is our new classroom.I can see a blackboard.What can you see?Is there a computer?Yes, there is.Is there an eraser on the desk?No, there isnt.What can you see?你能看见什么?I can see我能看见Is there a/an?这里有一个吗?Yes, there is./No, there isnt.是的,这里有。/不,这里没有。Unit 2 May I use your crayon?Words and expressions:1 use ju:s 使用2 sure 当然3 welcome welkm 欢迎4 here h 这里5 not nt 不是6 glue lu: 胶水7 knife naf 小刀,刀子 8 knife naf 小刀,刀子9 crayon kren 蜡笔10 notebook ntbk 笔记本11 pen pen 钢笔12 English book /l bk/ 英语书May I use your crayon? 我能借用一下你的蜡笔吗? Song: May I use your ruler? May I use your ruler? May I use your ruler? Of course. Of course. Here you are. May I use your pencil? May I use your pencil? Of course. Of course. Here you are.May I use your?我能借用一下你的.吗?Tips: A: May I use your + 物品? 我能借用一下你的吗? B: Sure. Here you are.当然可以。给你。 当然 h A: Thanks. 谢谢。 B: Youre welcome.不用谢。 welkm A: May I use your crayon?B: Sure. Here you are.A: Thanks.B: Youre welcome.Sorry, I dont have a crayon.May I use your crayon?A: May I use your notebook?B: Sure. Here you are.A: Thanks.B: Youre welcome.Sorry, I dont have a notebook.May I use your notebook? May I use your glue? Sure. Here you are. Thanks. Youre welcome. A: May I use your knife? B: Sure. Here you are. A: Thanks. B: Youre welcome. pen /pen/钢笔A: May I use your pen?B: Sure. Here you are.A: Thanks.B: Youre welcome.Sorry, I dont have a pen.May I use your pen? English book /l bk/英语书 A: May I use your English book? B: Sure. Here you are. A: Thanks. B: Youre welcome.Sure. Here you are.May I use your English book?Activity 1: Lets talk Activity 2: Lets play Homework:1. 抄写Unit 2单词各一排 并听写2.完成Unit 2练习册Goodbye Unit 2 May I use your crayon?May I use your pen?Sorry, I dont have a pen.Lets write a story!Ok.Do you have a notebook?Yes, I do.May I use your crayon?Sure. Here you are!Thank you!May I use your ?我能用一下你的吗?Sure. Here you are.当然,给你。Sorry. I dont have a/an/any 对不起,我没有Lets write a story/make a card!我们一起来写个故事/做张卡片吧!Unit 3 I can run fast!Can you swim?No, I cant.Yes, I can.Can you play football?Yes, I can. Its easy!What can you do ?I can run fast!Can she play ping-pong?Yes, she can.Can you ?你会/能吗?Yes, I can. /No, I cant.是的,我会/能。/不,我不会/不能。What can you do ?你会/能干什么?I can 我会/能Can he/she ?他/她会吗?Yes, he/she can.是的,他/她会。No, he/she cant.不,他/她不会。Its easy/fun!它很简单/很有趣! run fast play football What can this boy do? play basketball play ping-pong swim skip play football swim play basketballplay ping-pong run fast skipWhat can you do?I canYao MingI can play basketball.Liu Xiang I can run fast.Sun YangI can swim.Wang haoI can play table tennis.自编自编chant.What can you do? Run,run, I can run.What can you do? Swim, swim, I can swim.What can you do? Skip,_,_.What can you do? Football,_, _.What can you do? Basketball,_, _.What can you do? Ping-pong,_, _.skip I can skip footballI can play footballbasketballI can play basketballping-pong I can play ping-pong1. 跑步2. 游泳3. 跳绳4. 打乒乓球5. 打篮球6. 踢足球runswimskipplay ping-pongplay basketballplay football我会用英语说我会用英语说我不仅会读下列句子,我还能把它们我不仅会读下列句子,我还能把它们翻译成汉语。翻译成汉语。1.I can run fast. _2.I can swim. _3.I can skip. _4.I can play football. _我能跑得很快。我会游泳。我会游泳。我会跳绳。我会跳绳。我会踢足球。我会踢足球。Can you .?runrun fastjump highjump farplay footballplay basketballCan cantjump far课外拓展jump highplay tennisplay golfHomework课下查阅资料,还有哪些体育项目,和同学交流一下。Unit 4 Lets have some fruit.I like bananas!I like grapes.Lets have some fruit.Great! May I have some grapes?Sure. Have some bananas, please.Mmmh! I like bananas!Have an orange, please. Its sweet.Thank you!May I have an apple?Sure. Here you are.Whats your favourite fruit?Watermelon!Have some , please.请吃点吧。Have a/an , please.请吃个吧。May I have some ?我能吃点吗?May I have a/an ?我能吃个吗?unit 4 Lets have some fruit.fruit水果banana香蕉grapes葡萄apple苹果Orange橘子Watermelon西瓜pear 梨子pineapple菠萝May I have some grapes?Sure.Have some bananas please.Thanks. I like bananas!Have an orange please.Sorry, I dont like orange. Have an apple. 请吃个苹果吧。Great! I like it, its sweet.好极了!我喜欢吃苹果,它很甜。No!I dont like them. Theyre sour.Have some pears.Whats your favourite fruit?Whats your favourite fruit?My favorite fruit is apple.Whats your favourite fruit?My favorite fruit is banana.Apple tree.Apple round, apple red.Apple juicy apple sweet.Apple apple I love you.Apple sweet I love to eat.Apple round apple red.Apple juicy apple sweet.Apple apple I love you.Apple sweet I love to eat.Chant:New words:bananagrapeorangesweetDialogues:A: Have an apple.B: Great! I like it, Its sweet.A: Have some pineapples.A: Have some pineapples.B: No, I dont like B: No, I dont like them. Theyrethem. Theyre sour. sour.SummaryGood -byeunit 5 what would you like?fruitWhat would you like?Yes, please. I like apples.Would you like some apples?Yes, please. I like bananas.Would you like some bananas?foodhot dogbeefnoodlespizzafishchickenvegetablericesoupYes, please. Im hungry.Would you like rice apples?Yes, please. I like noodles.Would you like some noodles?Id like some vegetables.What would you like for lunch?drinkYes, please. Im thirsty. Would you like some water?Yes, please. I like milk.Would you like some milk?Yes, please. I like tomatoes.Would you like some tomatoes?restaurant(餐馆) MENU(菜单)fast-food restaurant (快餐店) Lets act.W: Can I help you?A: Yes. (服务员)W: What would you like?(服务员)A: Id like some_.W: OK. What about you? (服务员)B: Can I have some_?W: Sure. Here you are.(服务员)A&B: Thank you!hot dogpizzachickenhamburgerfishsoupbeefjuicemilknoodlesricevegetableMake a dialogue.(编对话编对话)W: What would you like?A: Id like some_.B: Can I have some_?W: OK.W: Sure. Here you are.A&B: Thank you!(服务员)(服务员)(服务员)MENU hamburger ¥10 juice ¥6 milk ¥ 5 chicken ¥4cola ¥ 5 French fries¥5 MENU fish ¥10 soup ¥3 beef ¥10 noodles ¥8 rice ¥1 vegetable ¥4PRICE LIST(价格表)banana ¥4 apple ¥10 grape ¥3 pear ¥ 6 watermelon ¥5 peach ¥5KFC MENU hamburger ¥10 juice ¥6 milk ¥ 5 chicken ¥4cola ¥ 5 French fries¥5 四人一小组,一人为服务员,其他三人为顾客,编一个对话,以下资料仅供参考,鼓励大家自由发挥。W: Can I help you?A: Yes.W: What would you like?A: Id like some.W: OK. What about you?B: Can I have some.W: Sure. Here you are.A&B: Thank you. How much?W: yuan.A: Heres the money.W: Thank you.Unit 5 What would you like?Hi, Mum! Im home.Would you like some water?Yes, please. Im thirsty.What would you like for lunch?Id like some rice, please.Im hungry.Would you like some tomatoes?Yes, please. I love vegetables. Would you like some bananas?No, thanks.Im not hungry.What would you like?Id like an apple, please.Would you like ?你想要吗?Yes, please./No, thanks. 是的,请(给我)。/不用,谢谢。What would you like?你想要什么?Id like , please. 我想要,请(给我)。Im hungry/thirsty.我很饿/很渴。Unit 6 May I help you?This is a cool shop!There are shirts and dresses.May I help you?May I see the blue dress, please?Of course.Can I have a look at the socks, please?Here you are.May I see the bag, please?This one?No, that one.May I help you?我可以帮助你吗?May I see the , please?请问,我可以看一下吗?Can I have a look at the , please?请问,我能看一下吗?This one? No, that one.这个吗?不,是那个。shopbook shopclothes shirtdresssocksMay I help you?May I see the white shirt, please?Of course.May I help you?May I see the red dress, please?Of course.May I see the dress, please?Here you are.May I see the cap, please?Here you are.May I see the skirt, please?Here you are.May I see the trousers, please?Here you are.May I see the socks, please?Here you are.Can I have a look at the blue cap?This one?No, that one. Thank you !A : May I help you?B : Can I have a look at the .? May I see the?A : Of course. / Here you are.Work in pairsExercise:一,根据图片,补全句子。1,A: May I see the red _? B: Of course.2, A: Can I have a look at the _? B: Here you are.sockscamera二,单项选择。1,May I help_? A. you B. your C. 不填2, Can I have a look _ the socks? A. in B . at C. To3, This is _ cool shop! A. an B, a C,不填ABBHomework请把P36的对话写在作业本上(一英一汉) Thank you !clockstrainticketWhat time is it?It is 3:00.What time is it?It is 3:15.What time is it?It is 4:30.What time is it?It is 5:45.问现问现 在几点,一般都用What time is it?What is the time?It is + 时间时间注意:时间时间 后面带带有a.m.的表示早上, p.m.的表示下午。例如:8:00 a.m.表示早上8:00, 9:00 p.m.表示下午9:00。例如:8:00, It is 8:00.回答:起 床(get up)该起床了train stationWhat time is it?Its 6:00. Time to go to Winter Camp.What time is it?Its 8:30. lets go to the train station.train scheduleYes, there is.Excuse me, is there a train to Nanning at 2:00pm?2:00 pmNo, there isnt.Excuse me, is there a train to Chongqing at 1:00 pm?10:00 pmYes, there is.9:30 amExcuse me, is there a train to Zhangjiajie at 9:30 am?No, there isnt.9:30 amExcuse me, is there a train to Beijing at 9:30 am?No, there isnt.9:30 amExcuse me, is there a train to Wuhan at 9:30 am?Free talk: Its . Its time to .Its time to . (该该是的时时候了)Its time for . go to the Winter Camp go to the train stationUnit 7 What time is it?What time is it?Its 6 oclock.Lets go to the train station. Excuse me, is there a train to Kunming at 7:05 pm?Yes, there is.May I see your ticket, please?Sure.What time is it?现在是几点钟?Its 现在是Is there a train to at ?有从到的火车吗?Yes, there is./No, there isnt.是的,这里有。/不,这里没有。What time is it?Its _ oclock. Its _ oclock. Its _ oclock. twothreefiveWhat time is it?Its _ pm. Its _ pm. Its _ am. 1:302:1510:05go homesleeptalkwrite an email studying study- writing write-What are you doing?Im writing an email to my mom.Im studying in the room . And Im writing English. What are you doing?What are they doing ?sleepsleeping-My brother is sleeping in the bed.Whats your brother doing?eateateateating-What are they doing? They are eating.- shoppingshoprun running-Hes running. She is shopping.Guessing wordsGuessing wordseatingrunningputtingsleepingwritingtalking1.My brother is_.2.What are Jenny and Lisa doing? They are _.3.My mother is _.4.What is Bob doing? Hes _.根据图片,填上正确的单词。sleepingtalkingshoppingeatingHomework: Now write about your family.For example:Whats my mother doing? SheseatingUnit 9 what are you dong?What are you doing?Im writing an email to my mum.What are you doing?Im putting things into my bag.Whats Mike doing?Hes sleeping.Whats Lali doing?Shes talking to her mum.What are they doing?They are singing.What are you doing?你正在做什么?Im 我在What is he / she doing?他/她正在做什么?He / She is 他/她正在
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