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    • 沪教版(三年级起点)五年级上册英语 Unit 1 My future 听力练习(含答案、听力原文、音频)
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    • 沪教版(三年级起点)五年级上册英语 Unit 10 Wind 听力练习(含答案、听力原文、音频)
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    • 沪教版(三年级起点)五年级上册英语 Unit 11 Water 听力练习(含答案、听力原文、音频)
      • Unit11(听力练习) 英语五年级上册 牛津上海版(三起)含答案.doc--点击预览
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    • 沪教版(三年级起点)五年级上册英语 Unit 12 Fire 听力练习(含答案、听力原文、音频)
      • Unit12 (听力练习) 英语五年级上册 牛津上海版(三起)含答案.doc--点击预览
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    • 沪教版(三年级起点)五年级上册英语 Unit 2 Going to school 听力练习(含答案、听力原文、音频)
      • Unit2 (听力练习) 英语五年级上册 牛津上海版(三起)含答案.doc--点击预览
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    • 沪教版(三年级起点)五年级上册英语 Unit 3 My birthday 听力练习(含答案、听力原文、音频)
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    • 沪教版(三年级起点)五年级上册英语 Unit 4 Grandparents 听力练习(含答案、听力原文、音频)
      • Unit4 (听力练习) 英语五年级上册 牛津上海版(三起)含答案.doc--点击预览
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    • 沪教版(三年级起点)五年级上册英语 Unit 5 Friends 听力练习(含答案、听力原文、音频)
      • Unit5 (听力练习) 英语五年级上册 牛津上海版(三起)含答案.doc--点击预览
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    • 沪教版(三年级起点)五年级上册英语 Unit 6 Family life 听力练习(含答案、听力原文、音频)
      • Unit6 (听力练习) 英语五年级上册 牛津上海版(三起)含答案.doc--点击预览
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    • 沪教版(三年级起点)五年级上册英语 Unit 7 At the beach 听力练习(含答案、听力原文、音频)
      • Unit7 (听力练习) 英语五年级上册 牛津上海版(三起)含答案.doc--点击预览
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    • 沪教版(三年级起点)五年级上册英语 Unit 8 An outing 听力练习(含答案、听力原文、音频)
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    • 沪教版(三年级起点)五年级上册英语 Unit 9 Around the city 听力练习(含答案、听力原文、音频)
      • Unit9 (听力练习) 英语五年级上册 牛津上海版(三起)含答案.doc--点击预览
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Unit1一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。( )1. A. fall B.for C. four( )2. A. drive B. driver C. river( )3. A. swimming B. singer C. sing( )4. A. say B. safe C. save( )5. A. becomes B. come C. become二、听录音,根据所听内容连线。三、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。( )1. A. Jack wants to be a lifeguard.B. Jack likes the lifeguard.C.Jacks father is a lifeguard.( )2. A. My father is not good at singing.B. My father is good at singing.C. My father is not good at swimming.( )3. A. His sister likes her new job.B. His sister likes her new book.C. His sister doesnt like her job.( )4. A.I want to help the child.B. I want to help him.C. I want to help people.( )5. A. She is afraid of swimming in the water.B. She is afraid of swimming in the sea.C. She is afraid of flying in the sky.四、听录音,补全短文。Alice is my sister. Shes a 1._ . She works in a hospital. She likes her 2. . She can help people and save peoples lives. But she has a dream. She wants to be a 3. . She is good at reading and 4. .She wants to stay with children. She wants to teach 5. in a school.听力原文一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。1. fall 2. driver 3. singer 4. save 5. become二、听录音,根据所听内容连线。1. Mike wants to be a cook.2. Kate wants to be a doctor.3. John wants to be a pilot.4. Ann wants to be a teacher.5. I want to be a driver.三、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。1.Jack wants to be a lifeguard.2. My father is not good at singing.3. His sister likes her new job.4. I want to help people.5. She is afraid of swimming in the water.四、听录音,补全短文。Alice is my sister. Shes a doctor. She works in a hospital. She likes her job. She can help people and save peoples lives. But she has a dream. She wants to be a teacher. She is good at reading and writing. She wants to stay with children. She wants to teach Chinese in a school.答案一、1.A 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.C二、1 一 D 2-B3-A 4-E 5-C三、1.A 2.A 3.A 4.C 5.A四、1.doctor 2. job 3. teacher 4. writing5. ChineseUnit10一、听录音,选出你所听到的短语。( )1. A. blow strongly B. blow gently C. grow strongly( )2. A. run quickly B. run slowly C. walk quickly( )3. A. fly a kite B. in the park C. fly happily( )4. A. in the river B.in the city C. at home( )5. A. the sound of the water B. the song of the wind C. the sound of the wind二、听录音,选出与所听内容相符的图片。三、听录音,用 15 给下列图片排序。四、听录音,补全短文。The wind is blowing. It is blowing 1._. A girl is 2. on a hill.The 3. are dancing in the wind. They are beautiful. The wind is blowing.It is blowing 4. .The clouds are moving 5. in the sky. 听力原文一、听录音,选出你所听到的短语。1. blow strongly 2. run slowly 3. fly a kite4. in the river 5. the sound of the wind二、听录音,选出与所听内容相符的图片。1. The wind is blowing strongly.2. The sun is shining in the sky.3. The boy is singing happily.4. He is running quickly.5. They are riding bikes.三、听录音,用 15 给下列图片排序。1.The children are flying their kites happily.2. The wind is blowing gently.3. The wind is blowing strongly.4. The windmill is moving quickly.5. The windmill is moving slowly.四、听录音,补全短文。The wind is blowing. It is blowing softly. A girl is singing on a hill. The flowers are dancing in the wind. They are beautiful. The wind is blowing. It is blowing strongly. The clouds are moving quickly in the sky.答案一、1.A 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.C二、1.B 2.A 3.A 4.B 5.A三、32451四、1. softly 2. singing 3. flowers 4. strongly 5. quicklyUnit11一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。( )1. A. use B. useful C. usually( )2. A. farmer B. paper C. letter( )3. A. shine B. fire C. letter( )4. A. mountain B. sound C. ground( )5. A. wash B. watch C. water二、听录音,判断下列图片与你所听内容是()否(X)一致。三、听录音,用 15 给下列句子排序。( ) Where does water come from?( )It comes from the sea.( )We use water to wash our hands. .( ) Water is very useful.( )How do we use water?四、听录音,判断下列句子与你所听内容是()否(X)一致。( )1. Little Water Drop lives in the sea.( )2. Little Water Drop gets cold and goes up to the sky. .( )3. Little Water Drop is inside a flower now. ( )4. Little Water Drop falls down to the ground. ( )5. A tree drinks Little Water Drop.听力原文一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。1. useful 2. farmer 3. shine 4. ground 5. wash二、听录音,判断下列图片与你所听内容是()否(X)一致。1. We can use water to wash our hands.2. We can use water to cook food.3. We can use water to brush our teeth.4. We can use water to clean the floor.5. We can use water to make drinks.三、听录音,用 15 给下列句子排序。1. Where does water come from?2. It comes from the sea.3. How do we use water?4. We use water to wash our hands.5. Water is very useful.四、听录音,判断下列句子与你所听内容是()否(X)一致。Little Water Drop lives in the sea. Little Water Drop gets hot and goes up to the sky. Then Little Water Drop is in a cloud. Little Water Drop falls down to the ground. A tree drinks him. Now Little Water Drop is inside the tree.答案一、1.B 2.A 3.A 4.C 5.A二、1. X 2.3.4.X 5.X三、12453四、1. 2.X 3.X 4. 5.Unit12一、听录音,用 15 给下列图片排序。二、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。( )1. A. Fire can burn down a lot of trees.B. Fire can hurt people.( )2. A. We mustnt play near fires at home.B. We mustnt play with matches at home.( )3. A. It doesnt taste good at all.B. It smells very nice.( )4. A. We must be careful with fire.B. We must be careful with water.( )5. A. It is dangerous inside.B. It is dangerous outside.三、听录音,补全下列句子。1.It can people.2. What we do?3. They re playing the fire.4. Dont here.5. I meat.四、听录音,判断下列句子与你所听内容是()否(X)一致。( )1. Mr Wang is a policeman.( )2. Mr Wang is telling us something about fire safety.( )3. We can use the lift when there is a fire.( )4. We can cook food by ourselves at home.( )5. If there is a fire, we must stop for money and others before we go outside.听力原文一、听录音,用 15 给下列图片排序。1. fire 2. match 3. smoke 4. tree 5. fireman二、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。1. Fire can burn down a lot of trees.2. We mustnt play with matches at home.3. It doesnt taste good at all.4. We must be careful with fire.5. It is dangerous outside.三、听录音,补全下列句子。1. It can hurt people.2. What mustnt we do?3. They re playing with the fire.4. Dont smoke here.5. I hate meat.四、听录音,判断下列句子与你所听内容是()否(X)一致。W :Mr Wang is a fireman. Today he comes to our school to tell us something about fire safety.M: Boys and girls, what do you know about fire safety? What mustnt we do in the forest or at home? We mustnt smoke in the forest. We mustnt play with matches at home. We mustnt play near fires. We mustnt cook food by ourselves at home. Safety first. If there is a fire, we mustnt use the lift and we must go outside quickly. Never stop for money or clothes.答案一、25314二、1.A 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.B三、1.hurt 2. mustnt 3. with 4. smoke 5. hate四、1.X .2. 3.X 4.X5. XUnit2一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词或短语。( )1. A. far B. car C. after ( )2. A. hour B. near C. hear( )3. A. go to school B. come to school C. walk to the park( )4. A. by bus B. by car C.by bike( )5. A. far from B. on foot C. get off二、听录音,用 15 给下列图片排序。三、听录音,补全下列句子。1. I come to school .2. Alice and I to school together.3.I live school.4. She Bus No.1 to the park.5. He comes to school by .四、听录音,判断下列句子与你所听内容是()否(X)一致。( )1.I am living in a big city now.( )2.I go to school on foot.( )3.I get on at Spring Street Bus Stop.( )4.1dos some cleaning in the classroom.( )5. I finish classes at about 4:30 in the afternoon.听力原文一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词或短语。1. after 2. hour 3. come to school 4. by car 5. get off二、听录音,用 15 给下列图片排序。1. I come to school on foot.2. Joe goes to school by bike.3. My father goes to Shanghai by plane.4. We go to the park by bus.5. My mother goes to work by car.三、听录音,补全下列句子。1. I come to school on foot.2. Alice and I walk to school together.3. I live near school.4. She takes Bus No. 1 to the park.5. He comes to school by underground.四、听录音,判断下列句子与你所听内容是()否(X)一致。I am a student of No. 1 School. I am now living in a big city. I live far from my school. So I take a bus to school. The bus stop is near my home. I walk there. I get off at Spring Street Bus Stop. It takes me only ten minutes. I go to school early every morning. Then I do some cleaning in the classroom.I finish classes at about half past three in the afternoon,答案一、1.C 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.C二、24513三、1. on foot2. walk 3. near 4. takes 5. underground四、1.2.X 3.X 4.5.XUnit3一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。( )1. A. twelve B. twelfth C. twentieth( )2. A. interesting B. thing C. bring( )3. A. become B. begin C. birthday( )4. A. January B. June C. July( )5. A. T-shirt B. shirt C. skirt二、听录音,判断下列图片与你所听内容是()否(X)一致。三、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。( )1. A. Welcome to my birthday party.B. Welcome to my“orange party”.C. Welcome to my home.( )2. A. I have a nice book for you.B. I have a birthday cake for you.C.I have a birthday card for you.( )3. A. That sounds interesting.B. That sounds fun.C. That s an interesting party.( )4. A. Green is my favourite colour.B. Red is my favourite colour. .C. Yellow is my favourite colour.( )5. A. My birthday is on 26th October.B. My birthday is on 25th October.C. My birthday is on 26th November.四、听录音,选词填空。1. She has an orange (hat/cat).2. Here are some nice (cards/cars) for you.3. Can she bring some (balls/ books) to school? 4. The class begins at (three/two) oclock in the afternoon.5. Lets have some (fun/fish).听力原文一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。1. twelfth 2. bring 3. begin 4. June 5. skirt .二、听录音,判断下列图片与你所听内容是()否(X)一致。1. Peters birthday is on 2nd June.2. Kittys birthday is on 17th October.3. Johns birthday is on 18th May.4. Joes birthday is on 3rd December.5. Alices birthday is on 20th January.三、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。1. Welcome to my“orange party”.2. I have a birthday card for you.3. That sounds interesting.4. Red is my favourite colour.5. My birthday is on 25th October.四、听录音,选词填空。1. She has an orange hat.2. Here are some nice cards for you.3. Can she bring some books to school?4. The class begins at three oclock in the afternoon.5. Lets have some fun.答案一、1.B2.C 3.B 4. B5. C二、1.X2.X 3.X 4. 5.三、1.B2.C 3.A 4. B5. B四、1.hat 2. cards 3. books 4. three 5. funUnit4一、听录音,选出与所听内容相符的图片。二、听录音,判断下列句子与你所听内容是()否(X)一致。( )1. Jack usually goes to the zoo.( )2. Alice often writes emails to her pen pal.( )3. I sometimes play table tennis.( )4. Peter and Mary often go to Grandpas home.( )5. My father is never late.三、听录音, 选择正确的答案。( )1. Mike often visits his at the weekend.A. uncleB. grandpaC. grandparents( )2.I play tennis with my friends. A. sometimesB. oftenC. usually( )3. What do you usually do with your sister?We usually .A. go fishingB. go shoppingC. go swimming( )4. We can meet at the .A. train stationB. libraryC. bus stop( )5. My mother is in the kitchen.A. cookingB. eatingC. cleaning四、听录音,补全对话。A: What do you usually do with your grandparents?B:I usually go to the 1. with my grandparents.C:I usually write 2. to them.D: My grandparents live 3. my home. I 4. visitthem at the weekend. We like going to the 5. .听力原文一、听录音,选出与所听内容相符的图片。1. play sport 2. go shopping 3. play chess4. visit my grandparents 5. write emails二、听录音,判断下列句子与你所听内容是()否(X)一致。1.Jack never goes to the zoo.2. Alice often writes emails to her pen pal.3. I sometimes play table tennis.4. Peter and Mary always go to Grandpas home.5. My father is never late.三、听录音,选择正确的答案。1. Mike often visits his grandparents at the weekend.2. I sometimes play tennis with my friends.3. M: What do you usually do with your sister?W: We usually go shopping.4. We can meet at the bus stop. 5. My mother is cooking in the kitchen.四、听录音,补全对话。A: What do you usually do with your grandparents?B:I usually go to the park with my grandparents.C:I usually write emails to them.D: My grandparents live far from my home. I often visit them at the weekend. We like going to the park.答案一、1.D2.C 3.E 4.B 5. A二、 5.三、1.C2.A 3.B4.C 5.A四、1. park2. emails 3. far from 4. often5. parkUnit5一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词或短语。( )1. A. class B. clever C. clean( )2. A. heavy B. easy C. carry( )3. A. bored B. both C. begin( )4. A. every day B. each other C. each day( )5. A. help people B. play chess C. go shopping二、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。( )1. A. Helen is a clever girl.B. Helen is a nice girl. ( )2. A. The bag is very heavy.B. The bag is too heavy. ( )3. A. We go to the park almost every day.B. We go to the library almost every day.( )4. A. We both like playing football.B. We both like to play football.( )5. A.I have a good idea!B.I have an idea!三、听录音,选答语。( )1. A. Yes,I am.B. Alice is my good friend.( )2. A. Yes,we are.B. They re in the same class.( )3. A. Yes,I like.B. Yes,I do.( )4. A.I usually play chess.B. No,I dont.( )5. A. Its on 9th May.B. Yes,it is.四、听录音,补全短文。Kitty likes animals. Alice likes animals too. They both like 1. .They both like 2. . Sometimes they help old people 3. .They also help them 4. . They are good friends.They 5. each other. 听力原文一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词或短语。1. clever 2. heavy 3. both_ 4. each other 5. go shopping二、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。1. Helen is a clever girl.2. The bag is too heavy.3. We go to the library almost every day.4. We both like to play football.5.I have a good idea!三、听录音,选答语。1. Whos your good friend?2. Are you in the same class?3. Do you want to go shopping?4. What do you usually do?5. Whens your birthday? 四、听录音,补全短文。Kitty likes animals. Alice likes animals too. They both like sport. They both like helping people. Sometimes they help old people cross the street. They also help them carry heavy bags. They are good friends. They like each other.答案一、1.B 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.C二、1.A 2.B 3.B .4.B 5. A三、1.B 2.A 3.B .4.A 5.A四、1. sport 2. helping people 3. cross the street4. carry heavy bags5. likeUnit6一、听录音,选出与所听内容相符的图片。二、听录音,选答语。( )1. A. Im doing my homework.B. Im in the living room.( )2. A. Im washing clothes.B. I like cooking.( )3. A. Yes,I am.B. No,I dont.( )4. A. She is watching TV.B. He is watching TV.( )5. A. Yes,I do.B. I usually play chess with my grandpa.三、听录音,选词填空。( )1.The boy is in the (A. bedroom B. living room).( )2. Tom is making a model (A. car B. plane).( )3.I am in the (A. kitchen B. bathroom).( )4. Many people (A. turn on B. turn off) their lights.( )5. Grandma is telling us a (A. story B. book).四、听录音,补全短文。This is my house. There are five rooms in my house. This is my father and 1. room.There are three pictures on the wall. This is the 2. .There are two chairs and a table. My brother is 3. in it.There is a bathroom and a 4_. This is my room. And my brother s room is 5. my room.听力原文一、听录音,选出与所听内容相符的图片。1. bedroom 2. kitchen 3. TV 4. bathroom 5. light二、听录音,选答语。1. Where are you?2. What are you doing?3. Are you in the kitchen? 4. What is he doing?5. Do you usually play chess with your grandpa?三、听录音,选词填空。1. The boy is in the bedroom.2. Tom is making a model plane.3. I am in the bathroom.4. Many people turn off their lights.5. Grandma is telling us a story.四、听录音,补全短文。This is my house. There are five rooms in my house. This is my father and mothers room. There are three pictures or the wall. This is the living room. There are two chairs and a table. My brother is reading in it. There is a bathroom and a kitchen. This is my room. And my brothers room is next to my room.答案一、1.A 2.A 3.B 4.A5. B二、1. B2. A 3.A 4.B5. A三、1.A 2.B 3.B 4.B 5.A四、1. mothers 2. living room 3. reading4. kitchen5. next toUnit7一、听录音,选出与所听内容相符的图片。二、听录音,判断下列句子与你所听内容是()否(X)一致。( )1. The Browns are on holiday in San ya.( )2. Peter is enjoying the sunshine.( )3. Mr Brown is collecting shells.( )4. Sally is writing a letter.( )5. They are all having a good time. 三、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。( )1. A. The sky is blue and the clouds are white.B. The sky is blue and the clouds are black.( )2. A. The girls are swimming in the sea.B. The boys are swimming in the sea.( )3.
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