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    • 2022届广东省普通高校招生全国统一考试压轴卷(二)英语试题(含答案)
      • 2022届广东省普通高校招生全国统一考试压轴卷(二)英语试题
        • 广东省2022 届普通高校招生全国统一考试压轴卷【二】英语答案.pdf--点击预览
        • 广东省2022 届普通高校招生全国统一考试压轴卷【二】英语试题.docx--点击预览
        • 广东省2022 届普通高校招生全国统一考试压轴卷【二】英语试题.pdf--点击预览
展开 2022届广东省普通高校招生全国统一考试压轴卷二英语试题含答案.rar2022届广东省普通高校招生全国统一考试压轴卷二英语试题含答案.rar
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2 6 1 4 : u I d : 2 6 1 4 9英语参考答案英语参考答案 8 31 7 2 2 : f I d : 8 31 7 2 2 10 w y q r : u I d : w y q r 11 i e q u w w : f I d : i e q u w w WY Q R : u I d : WY Q R I EQ U WW : f I d : I EQ U WW 2 0 2 2 - 0 5- 30 T 1 4 : 1 1 : 38 . 2 56 4 6 81213 广东省广东省 2022 届普通高校招生全国统一考试压轴卷届普通高校招生全国统一考试压轴卷(二二)英语英语本试卷由三个部分组成。其中,第一部分和第二部分的第一节为选择题。 第二部分的第二节和第三部分为非选择题。注意事项:.1.答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2.选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在本试卷上,否则无效。3.考试结束后,请将本试题卷和答题卡一并上交。第一部分阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。AThis is our itinerary (旅程安排) of four days and three nights.Day 1 一一 Monday 29 August 2022Youll be collected from Valencia airport to arrive at Westin Hotel. Meet with your PP Travel representative at 5 p. m. for a full greeting and tour briefing session, so you can be totally prepared for the tomato battle on Wednesday.Day 2 一一 30 August 2022Today we have a guided tour of Valencias old town area with excellent local guides from Valencia Guias. In the evening we run our Evening Welcome Party.Day 3 - 31 August 2022After breakfast, we go to Bunol by bus for La Tomatina which starts around 11 a. m.,following the desperate attempts of the human ladders to grab a large ham at the top of a tallpole. Several trucks full of tomatoes are emptied into the main, very narrow street of the townand then the fun really begins with the locals and travellers throwing tomatoes at each other. After approximately one hour, gunfire signals the end of the fight. Tonight, we offer free admission to the official La Tomatina After Party. This is nearly as big as the event itself ,with over 3 ,000 people attending it.Day 4- 1 September 2022Our tour finishes after breakfast today. For those who wish to stay on extra nights they are available on request although they must be booked before the tour begins through PP Travel to be certain that a room is available. The accommodation options are:Twin Room(s) (2 People Sharing)- 899. 00 per personDouble Room(s) (2 People Sharing)一 899. 00 per personSingle Room(s)一 1, 199.00 per person1. On what day will Evening Welcome Party be held?A. Monday. B. Tuesday. C. Wednesday. D. Thursday.2. What do we know about La Tomatina?A. Its a tomato fight festival. B. Its a tomato-eating competition.C. Its a market where hams are traded. D. Its a party held to greet tourists.3. What do you have to do if you want to spend an extra night?A. Pay the double room rate. B. Inform PP Travel on Day 4.C. Share your room with others. D. Reserve your room in advance.BCikgu Azam worked in an IT department. At the same time,he had a side job where he prepared activities for school children with special needs.In 2007,during a program, he succeeded in helping a boy with cerebral palsy (脑瘫).“While I was assisting him, I could see the tears of joy coming from his parents who were there with us as well, he said.“If you had more expert knowledge, you d help more people, his friends told him. With that, he went back to school to get a degree in special education.In 2009, he became a special education teacher in a school. Trained to help students with cerebral palsy, when he came to the school in the first year, he was surprised to learn that he would also be teaching blind students. However, he did not back down in the face of such pressure. Cikgu took the time to educate himself on what would best help his students.“Its disappointing to see they are so used to their closed environment. It s not because they are disabled, but because they dont have the courage to explore the outside world that has caused them to be depressed. ”He changed this by helping them run, simply putting his hands on their shoulders to guide them. One of his students, Nur Y usrina Alisya, won several awards in sporting events.But as he s gotten older, its difficult to keep up with them.“So, one day, I saw one student pushing a foldable trolley (推车) and the idea suddenly came to mind,”he said.Ever since then, Cikgu has made it his mission to create an even better device. He s built Caballus RAFVI which is named after a blind but brave horse.“ My students need it so they can participate in sporting activities. Ill try to improve it,” he said.“I m going to stick with my job though I m getting older. ”4. What made Cikgu get a degree in special education? .A. The IT departments requirements. B. His success in helping a boy.C. The boys parents assisting him. D. The encouragement of his friends.5. How did Cikgu find his first year in the special education school?A. Challenging. B. Disturbing. C. Promising. D. Refreshing.6. What did Cikgu think the students lack?A. Healthy bodies. B. Self-confidence. C. Daily exercise. D. Families concern.7. What can we infer about Cikgu from the last paragraph?A. He ll retire immediately. B. Hes looking after horses.C. Hes a potential inventor. D. He ll1 participate in a sport. CA large fire spread rapidly through a refugee (难民) camp in Bangladesh on Sunday,destroying over 1 ,200 shelters. To dodge the growing flame, the refugees were forced to cut through the fencing designed to keep them in the camp. More than 5 , 000 people were lefthomeless by the fire.Over a million Rohingya people have been forced out of Myanmar by violence in recent years, many of whom escaped into Bangladesh. Since 2017, the refugees have been crowded into camps with poor conditions. One camp, in an area called Coxs Bazar, is the world s largest refugee camp. It now holds nearly a million people in tents and rough shelters. Sundays fire broke out in a part of Coxs Bazar called Camp 16. The shelters are simple - - made of bamboo and cloth or plastic. These materials burn easily and the shelters are packed tightly together. Such conditions in the camp make large fires a real risk.Its still not clear what started the fire , which was finally put out by emergency workers.This was already the second fire at the camp in the first few days of 2022. Last March, another larger fire tore through the camp, leaving 45 ,000 people homeless and killing 15, in addition to causing catastrophic damage.Teams from UN migration (移民) agency IOM working to support the refugees have encouraged Bangladesh s government to remove the fencing surrounding the camps. They sayit increases the danger caused by fires by making it difficult to flee. It is now winter, and the fire has made life even harder for people who have already lost everything. IOM and humanitarian partners in Coxs Bazar plan to conduct technical assessments of the damage from Sun-days fire, and the immediate and longer-term needs of those affected.8. What does the underlined word“dodge”in Paragraph 1 mean?A. Put out. B. Hold back. C. Cool down. D. Escape from.9. What can be inferred about Camp 16?A.Fire is a constant danger here. B.It is close to Coxs Bazar.C.45 ,000 people lived here last year. D. It was built by Myanmar.10. Whats the attitude of teams from IOM to the fencing surrounding the camps?A. Casual. B. Positive. C. Disapproving. D. Conservative.11. From which is the text probably taken?A. A population magazine. B. A local newspaper.C. A fire research paper. D. A fire prevention brochure.DScientists in Israel have taught goldfish an unusual way to reach a target - by driving a small robotic car on dry land.Six goldfish, regardless of their weight and size, took part in the experiment and were taught to drive in 30-minute sessions, conducted three times a week, every two days. The experiment was led by researchers at the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. They wanted to see if goldfishs ability to navigate (导航) depends on their natural environment, or if they could navigate even under very unusual conditions.To test the goldfish, the researchers created a special robotic car that could drive for-ward, backward, and from side to side. The scientists called the car a Fish Operated Vehicle(FOV).A goldfish was placed inside a water tank on the FOV. Using a special system, the car tracked where the goldfish was and what direction it was swimming in. The FOV would then automatically move in the same direction. To prevent the goldfish from getting stuck in barriers such as walls, researchers equipped the car with lidar (激光雷达). The researchers tested them by placing the car in a small room with a pink target on one side 一 that was where the fish were supposed to arrive. The fish were rewarded with food when achieving the task.The fish did indeed learn to drive the FOV, becoming more skillful in its operation over time both in terms of achieving tasks and in the time taken to complete that task. The researchers wanted to check that the fish werent just memorizing a set of movements to earn a reward, so they repeated some tests with a new starting position or added other targets that were a different color. They found the goldfish were able to deal with those changes.Though the experiment showed that the fish were able to navigate to a target, its not likely that the fish knew they were controlling a car. The researchers say that in the future it may be possible to change the FOV to test these ideas.12. What did the researchers do before testing the goldfish?A. They fed them. B. They numbered them.C. They trained them. D. They weighed them.13. How did the goldfish get their reward in the experiment?A. By making the FOV move forward. B. By avoiding the car being stuck.C. By mixing the target s colors. . D. By having the car reach the target.14. What did the researchers discover about the goldfish?A. They were born with the ability to remember. B. They could recognize the color s changes.C. They were curious about new environments.D. They could understand simple words.15. What can be a suitable title for the text?A. Goldfish Learn to Drive on LandB. Scientists Teach Fish Navigation SkillsC. Goldfish Become the FOV to Finish TasksD. Scientists Help Goldfish Find Destinations第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。In the last two decades,our eating and drinking habits have seen a great change all over the world. This is mainly due to the socio-economic development and the improvement of modern industrial agriculture. But is our food consumption safer as it used to be a century ago? 16Companies today use too many pesticides and insecticides for food crops in order to meet the demands of the world s population as well as improve the quality of these goods. Consequently, most of food products we take in are contaminated (污染)._ 17 In fact, about 3 ,000 adults hands and arms are affected by skin disorders each year.18 Most of worldwide producers introduce additives, colourings and preservatives in food chain production to reconsider the so-called aesthetic (美学的) side of food, preserve food for future use as well as improve its quality in different dimensions : shape , taste and colour. 19 The most known ones are obesity (肥胖),cancer, and high blood pressure which have caused millions of victims in the world. The best example is in USA. It has the most obese people in the world.Another fact is that too many people consume unhealthy fast food. Theres a lack of food safety inspections in many places._ 20 Doctors report that most of seasonal health problems registered like stomach aches are the result of the consumption of unhealthy ready-made meals or processed food.If urgent measures are not taken by the world governments, the situation will worsen.A. Let s analyze these phenomena.B. The unhealthy habits also damage the soil.C. On the other hand, we add too many things to our food.D. Therefore,the consumer experiences new killer diseases.E. In addition, great financial losses are caused to the social security.F. Then, this has given birth to serious diseases such as many skin allergies.G. This has resulted in an increase in poisoning cases especially during summer.第二部分语言运用(共两节 ,满分 30 分)第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Ashlynn Therien, a Canadian girl, loves playing baseball. She was just 7 and on a base-ball team when she was awarded the MVP award. Little did she 21 that behind the scenes,some people were not_ 22 about a girl taking the honor, believing baseball should be reserved for men.Ashlynn s father Dan Therien recalled that at the awarding ceremony another parent pulled him aside and told him unkindly,“Girls dont_ 23 baseball. ”“We don t put any 24 on our kids dream,” Dan said. However, the following season, Ashlynn was cut from the team at tryouts 25 her stand-out skills.Her parents decided not to share the parent s 26 words with her. They let her 27 a level A team to receive harder training. Meanwhile, Mom Kerri Jolicoeur_ 28 a series of videos of Ashlynn playing on Instagram, which went viral (走红) quickly ,attracting 29 from Baseball For All, an organization that_ 30 girls playing baseball. They immediately recognized the childs_ 31 and invited her to play at its annual tournament and she succeeded greatly.“Ashlynn 32 the girls who love baseball and 33 were told they should quit because they were girls. Ashlynn shows that when you dont 34 yourself, dreams can come true, ”said Justine Siegal of Baseball For All.When Ashlynn_ 35 heard about the parent s remark, she said,“I don t think it has ever occurred to me that girls can t do things that boys can do.”21. A. admit B. know C. remember D. understand22. A. curious B. happy C. crazy D. particular23. A. belong in B. enjoy C. answer for D. ignore24. A. promises B. choices C. efforts D. limitations25. A. in place of B. in terms of C. in spite of D. in control of26. A. cautious B. convincing C. cruel D. guilty27. A. join B. start C. coach D. manage28. A. found B. posted C. selected D. confirmed29. A. attention B. adjustment C. exploration D. development30. A. puzzles B. praises C. surprises D. promotes31. A. honor B. talent C. reward D. responsibility32. A. represents B. protects C. warns D. threatens33. A. even B. again C. yet D. soon34. A. risk B. interrupt C. mind D. abandon35. A. repeatedly B. normally C. gradually D. finally 第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Red tourism, which refers 36 visiting historical sites with a modern revolutionary legacy (遗产),_ 37 ( become) an increasingly popular choice for travelers in the past few years, data from a recent report showed. The number of searches for“red tourism” on Mafengwo, a Chinese travel service and social-networking platform, increased by 176 percent this year from a year earlier, according to the report 38 ( publish) by Mafengwo and China Tourism Academy.Red tourist destinations in North China s Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region have grown in_39 ( popular) at the quickest rate nationwide,with the number of searches surging (飙升) 240 percent year on year, the report said.Some 41.7 percent of respondents to a survey in the report said they visit red tourist sites more than three times per year, over 40 percent of_ 40 go to such places for sightseeing and knowledge_ 41 ( frequent).
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广东省 普通高校 招生 全国 统一 考试 压轴 英语试题 答案 谜底
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