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    关 键  词:
    新概念 英语 青少版 Unit8 bump in the night ppt 课件

    1、 unit 8A bump in the night!Liana11/25/20151学习交流课件A thick blue book2学习交流课件A handsome American actor3学习交流课件bump bmp vi. 碰撞,撞击;颠簸而行n. 肿块,隆起物;撞击vt. 碰,撞;颠簸adv. 突然地,猛烈地 Small children often cry after a minor bump.The truck hit a bump and bounced.4学习交流课件wake upwekp 醒来,起床;开始警觉;开始了解真相wake vi. 醒来;唤醒;警觉vt. 叫醒;

    2、激发n. 尾迹;守夜;守丧up adv. 起来;上涨;向上prep. 在之上;向的较高处adj. 涨的;起床的;向上的 Wake up and dress, now! 跟读醒来,该穿衣了!A cool shower wakes up the body and boosts circulation.冷水浴使身体振奋,促进血液循环。冷水浴使身体振奋,促进血液循环。5学习交流课件 listenlsn vi. 听,倾听;听从,听信n. 听,倾听Listen, I finish at one.听着,我一点钟结束 Ill run the whole tape through again. Please l

    3、isten to it carefully. 我我把这盘磁带从头至尾再放一遍,请仔细听。把这盘磁带从头至尾再放一遍,请仔细听。6学习交流课件 therer adv. 在那里;在那边;在那点上int. 你瞧n. 那个地 Are there any cookies left?有剩下的曲奇饼吗? There it is, on the corner over there.在那儿,在那边转角处。在那儿,在那边转角处。There she is on the left up there.她在那儿,在左边那儿。她在那儿,在左边那儿。theres an aplle.7学习交流课件 noisenz n. 环境

    4、噪音;响声;杂音vt. 谣传vi. 发出声音;大声议论There was too much noise in the room and he needed peace.房间里有太多噪音了他需要安静 Thick walls deaden the noise from the street. 厚墙阻隔了街上传来的厚墙阻隔了街上传来的闹声闹声(或噪音或噪音)8学习交流课件 living-roomlvrum n. 起居室 居室客厅 日常生活室 They are a living-room, a kitchen, three bedrooms, one study and two bathrooms.

    5、有一个客厅,一个厨房,三个卧室,一个书房和两个洗手间Next to the living-room, the place also houses two cosy bedrooms, a kitchen and a bathroom. 起居室旁是两间舒适的卧室和一厨一卫起居室旁是两间舒适的卧室和一厨一卫I watch TV in the living-room. 我在客厅里面看电视9学习交流课件10学习交流课件 burglarbgl n.夜贼,窃贼 Burglars broke into their home.窃贼闯进了他们家Burglar alarms going off at any ti

    6、me of the day or night serve only to annoy passers-by and actually assist burglars to burgle. 防盗警报器在白天和黑夜的任何时候都会响起来,它的作用只是骚扰过路防盗警报器在白天和黑夜的任何时候都会响起来,它的作用只是骚扰过路行人,而实际上却帮助窃贼入室行窃。行人,而实际上却帮助窃贼入室行窃。burglar alarm防窃报警器;防盗自动警铃burglar alarm system防盗警钟系统cat burglar飞贼;身手敏捷的贼11学习交流课件nonsensennsnsn. 胡说;废话;无厘头adj.

    7、 荒谬的int. 胡说 .all that poetic nonsense about love.所有关于爱情的诗一般的傻话。You mustnt chatter nonsense on serious diplomatic occasions. 在严肃的外交场合你可不能唠唠叨叨地胡说一气在严肃的外交场合你可不能唠唠叨叨地胡说一气None of your nonsense! 别胡说八道了!12学习交流课件kitchenktnn. 厨房;炊具;炊事人员 Theres a noise in the kitchen now! It is a burglar.I mop the kitchen flo

    8、or twice a week. 我一星期两次用拖把拖厨房的地板我一星期两次用拖把拖厨房的地板He foraged in the kitchen for something to eat. 他在厨房中搜寻一些吃的东西他在厨房中搜寻一些吃的东西None of your nonsense! 别胡说八道了!13学习交流课件14学习交流课件torchttn. 火把,火炬;手电筒;启发之物vi. 像火炬一样燃烧vt. 用火炬点燃 Theres a torch there.Give me the torch, please.IThe shepherd followed, carrying a torch

    9、to light his way.牧羊人跟在后面,举着火把把路照亮。牧羊人跟在后面,举着火把把路照亮。15学习交流课件carefulkefladj. 仔细的,小心的Please be careful!Be very careful with this stuff, it can be dangerous if it isnt handled properly. 对这东西要小心,处理得不好可能会发生危险。对这东西要小心,处理得不好可能会发生危险。Careful on those stairs! 小心那些楼梯!小心那些楼梯!16学习交流课件someonesmwn pron. 有人,某人Please

    10、 be careful! There is someone downstairs.Her father was shot by someone trying to rob his small retail shop.她父亲被某个试图抢劫他的小零售店的人开枪打中了。她父亲被某个试图抢劫他的小零售店的人开枪打中了。I need someone to help me.我需要有人帮我。我需要有人帮我。17学习交流课件downstairsdanstrzadv. 在楼下adj. 楼下的n. 楼下 Please be careful! There is someone downstairs.Denise w

    11、ent downstairs and made some tea.丹尼丝下楼沏茶。丹尼丝下楼沏茶。The telephone was downstairs in the entrance hall.电话在楼下的门厅里。电话在楼下的门厅里。18学习交流课件wide-awakewaid,weik adj. 机警的;精明的;完全清醒的n. 低顶宽边软毡帽 Im wide-awake,and Im hungry.19学习交流课件bedroombdrumn. 卧室 卧房 寝室 睡房adj. 两性关系的;城郊住宅区的 This is my bedroom. There is a bedroom.He li

    12、ttered his clothes around the bedroom. 他把衣服乱丢在卧室里。他把衣服乱丢在卧室里。The child threw his clothes about in the bedroom. 这孩子把衣服扔的卧这孩子把衣服扔的卧室里到处都是。室里到处都是。He huddled his books in the corner of his bedroom. 他他把书胡乱堆积在他卧室的一角把书胡乱堆积在他卧室的一角20学习交流课件21学习交流课件gardenrdnn. 花园;菜园vt. 栽培花木vi. 从事园艺;在园中种植 This is our garden. Th

    13、ere is a garden.Jim gardened at the homes of friends on weekends.吉姆每逢周末在朋友们的家里干园艺活吉姆每逢周末在朋友们的家里干园艺活22学习交流课件23学习交流课件garden24学习交流课件night / day25学习交流课件we / you26学习交流课件nonsensesomeonetherecarefultorchnoisewide-awakelistengardendownstairskitchenwake up burglarLets review bedroom27学习交流课件Listening and Unde

    14、rstanding: 028学习交流课件Listening andUnderstanding29学习交流课件30学习交流课件31学习交流课件32学习交流课件33学习交流课件34学习交流课件35学习交流课件Whos berglar?36学习交流课件Key points:Karen:William !Wake up!William:Mm. Whats the matter?Karen:Listen!Theres a noise in the living-room. Its a burglar.William: A burglar? Nonsense!祈使句There be 句型表“存在”nois

    15、e 表示各种各样的噪音时是可数名词;表示一般的声音时是不可数名词。胡说!表示强烈的不满37学习交流课件38学习交流课件Key points:William: Youre right. Theres a noise in the kitchen now! It is a burglar!Karen : Shh! Youre right ?你还好吧?/你是对的?is重读,表示强烈的肯定39学习交流课件40学习交流课件Key points:Karen : Theres a torch here. William : Give me the torch, please.手电筒;火炬Give sb. s

    16、th.Give sth. to sb.Give the torch to me.41学习交流课件42学习交流课件Key points:Karen : Here it is. Oh, William! Please be careful!William :Shh! There is someone downstairs.Here it is.侧重点放在东西上Here you are.侧重点放在对方上Where is my ruler? Here it is.I want some eggs . Here you are.不定代词somethingupstairs43学习交流课件44学习交流课件K

    17、ey points:William :Whos there? Who is it?Lucy: Its me, Dad! Im wide-awake, and Im hungry.不确定人物的性别wide-eyed睁大眼睛的45学习交流课件46学习交流课件Key points:William :Were all wide -awake now!Karen :Oh,well! No harm done!all 用于三者或以上;both 用于两者;均用在be动词后没关系怎么说?It doesnt matter.Not at all.Thats OK.47学习交流课件48学习交流课件49学习交流课件5

    18、0学习交流课件51学习交流课件52学习交流课件53学习交流课件See you next time!54学习交流课件Lesson 1655学习交流课件Pronunciation:/k/ -k , cwake kitchen careful key basket camera thanks doctor/g/ -ggirl give big burglar green grey gate photographer56学习交流课件door57学习交流课件secretary58学习交流课件basket59学习交流课件bowl60学习交流课件apple61学习交流课件orange62学习交流课件hous

    19、e63学习交流课件river64学习交流课件tree65学习交流课件Vocabulary Practice:noise careful awake burglar torch wake up matter river 1.Listen! Theres a _ downstairs!2._,William! Theres someone downstairs!3.Theres a beautiful big house near the _.4.Are you _? -Yes, Im wide-awake.5.Give me a _. I cant see!6.Whats the _, Kare

    20、n? -Theres someone in the kitchen.7.William, please be _!8.Theres a _ in the living-room.-Nonsense! There isnt. 66学习交流课件67学习交流课件68学习交流课件69学习交流课件70学习交流课件71学习交流课件72学习交流课件73学习交流课件74学习交流课件There be句型专题句型专题75学习交流课件How many apples are there on the tree?There are twenty apples on the tree.How many apples ar

    21、e there on the tree now?There are thirteen apples on the tree now.76学习交流课件概念概念结构结构用法用法There be 句型表示“存在”“有”,其中be动词有时态和单复数变化。There beThere be+ +主语(人或物主语(人或物名词名词)+ +地点地点77学习交流课件看名词看名词单数is复数are不可数的用is78学习交流课件看名词看名词There _ a doll in the toy box. A. is B. are There _ some bread on the plate. A. is B. are

    22、There _ a lot of green trees in thePark. A. is B. are 79学习交流课件There is a cat under the tree.80学习交流课件There are two dogs under the tree.81学习交流课件There is a cat and two dogs under the tree.There are two dogs and a cat under the tree.82学习交流课件There _ a desk and fifty-five chairs in the classroom. A. are B

    23、. is 83学习交流课件There _ fifty-five chairs and a desk in the classroom. A. are B. is 84学习交流课件就近原则在此添加文本只要看到be动词后面的词是复数名词,就用are,否则就用is。 85学习交流课件There _ some water in thebottle. A. is B. are C. have D. be 86学习交流课件There is _. A. a pencil B. two books C. five apples D. a water 87学习交流课件There _ a pencil-case

    24、andmany pencils in Toms schoolbag. A. is B. are C. have D. be 88学习交流课件There are a lot of _ in the fridge. A. meat B. chicken C. eggs D. milk 89学习交流课件w There is a radio on the desk. There be- 的一般疑问句 Is there a radio on the desk ? Yes, there is. / No, there isnt.w There are some shoes under the bed. A

    25、re there any shoes under the bed? Yes, there are. / No, there arent. 规则:规则: is/are要提前要提前, some 变变any,其他都不其他都不变变90学习交流课件 There is an apple on the chair.请使用There be- 描述下图91学习交流课件There is a ball in the basket.92学习交流课件There are two apples on the chair.93学习交流课件There is a pencil in the pencil-box.94学习交流课件

    26、There are three books on the desk.95学习交流课件 用be动词is / are 填空: 1、There a pencil in the pencil box. 2、There some flowers on the desk. 3、There four people in my family. 4、There a picture and two maps on the wall. 5、A: there a cat under the tree? B: Yes,there isareareisIsis96学习交流课件1. There _ a clock on t

    27、he table. A. is B. are 2. _ there a radio on your desk? A. are B. is 3. _ there a map on the wall? Yes, there _. A. are / is B. is / are C. is / is D. are /are 4. There _ some students in the classroom. A. are B. is 5. There _ a pencil, a book and two pens on the table. A. is B. are ACAAB97学习交流课件6.

    28、There _ two apples, one orange and one banana on the table. A. is B. are 7. Are there _ pictures on the wall? No, there arent _ . A. any / any B. some / any C. some / some D. any/some8. There isnt a book in his hand. There is _ book in his hand. A. no B. not 9. There is a tree _ the playground. A. a

    29、t B. near 10. - Are there _ shops near here? - No, there are _ shops near here. A. some, not B. some, any C. any, not D. any, no BABAC98学习交流课件教室里有很多桌子和凳子。There are some desks and chairs in the classroom.书架上有很多书。 There are some books on the shelf.椅子下有个足球。There is a football under the chair.树上有两个风筝和一只

    30、鸟。There are two kites and a bird on the tree.There is a bird and two kites on the tree.房子附近有三棵树。There are three trees near the house. 99学习交流课件1. There is a mouse in the room. (改写为一般疑问句,并作肯定否定回答) Is there a mouse in the room? Yes, there is. / No, there is not.2. There is a fish in the bowl. (改写成否定句)

    31、There is not a fish in the bowl.3. There are some dolphins in the ocean. (改写为一般疑问句) Are there any dolphins in the ocean?4. There are some books in his bag. (改写为否定句) There are not any books in his bag.100学习交流课件翻译 在桌子上有3支钢笔。 There are three pens on the table. 在树上有一些苹果。 There are some apples on the tre

    32、e. 在椅子上有一只兔子。 There is a rabbit on the chair. 在铅笔盒里有一块橡皮。 There is an eraser in the pencil-box.101学习交流课件 There are three pens on the table. There are not three pens on the table. Are there three pens on the table? Yes,there are.No,there arent. There are some apples on the tree. There are not any apples on the tree. Are there any apples on the tree? Yes,there are.No,there arent. There is an eraser in the pencil-box. There is not an eraser in the pencil-box. Is There an eraser in the pencil-box? Yes,there is.No,there isnt.变否定句和疑问句,并做回答。102学习交流课件

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