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The Value Of MoneyUnit 5Period 2 Reading and Thinking-Read about a bet between two wealthy menWarming-up:Watch a video and tell what happened to the father .He thought he had won a lottery of one million.If I have 1million pounds, what would I do?Tick the things you would do with a million-pound bank note.Do some science researchShare with friendsRun a businessHelp the poor/the disabledBuy a big house/villa/carPlan a tripLead inShare with family membersDeposite(存) it in a bankPredictionLook at the title and predict:What is the type of the text?The Million Pound Bank Note Act 1, Scene 3note(also bank note): means a piece of paper money, especially for BritishEnglish, and in American English usually bill.A. A novel.B. A biography.C. A play.A play is a story performed on a stage. It has a plot, settings, characters, actions and dialogue.Narrator: Two rich brothers, Roderick and Oliver, have made a bet. Oliver believes that with a million-pound bank note a man could live a month in London. His brother Roderick doubts it. They see a poor young man walking outside their house. It is Henry Adams.Roderick: Young man, would you step inside a moment, please?Henry: Who? Me, sir?Roderick: Yes, you.Servant: (opening a door) Good morning, sir. Would you please come in?(Henry enters the house.)derNarration(旁白)-to introduce the background knowledge.The lines of the dialogueThe stage instructionsThe charactersThe components(组成) of a play?Do you know the author?Mark Twain(1835-1910)Mark Twain(1835-1910)a great American writer a famous speaker liked to tell funny stories liked to play jokes on his friendsDo you know other masterpieces of him?The Adventures of Tom Sawyer ( 汤姆索亚历险记)The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (哈克贝利费恩历险记)Running for GovernorRunning for Governor(竞选州长)(竞选州长)CharactersPlayPlace Event 010302In the old brothers house located in London.Henry Adams, a lost American businessman in London.Roderick and Oliver, two rich English brothers.The two old brothers bet on whether a man could live a month in London with a million-pound bank note. And then they chose Henry to be the right man.Task1:Read the play quickly and take down some notes.Henry wandered in London streets.About a month ago Henry Adams was sailing out of the bay.The next morning he was spotted by a ship.Towards night he found himself carried out to sea by a strong wind.The ship brought him to England. Then he went to the American consulate to seek help, but got nothing.12345Task2Put the events below about Henry below in correct order.Task3Read the scene carefully and answer the questions.1. What bet did Roderick and Oliver make?2. How did Henry come to England?3. How does Henry want the brothers to help him?4. Why do you think Henry does not want the brothers charity?5. Why do you think the brothers chose Henry for their bet? 1. What bet did Roderick and Oliver make?2. How did Henry come to England?3. How does Henry want the brothers to help him?4. Why do you think Henry does not want the brothers charity?5. Why do you think the brothers chose Henry for their bet?They bet on whether a man could live for a month in London if he had a million-pound bank note.He came to England by accident. He was out sailing when his boat was carried out to sea, and a ship rescued him, taking him to England.He would like them to offer him a job.Because he is a proud and honest man who thinks that it is important to live by hard work.Because he looks poor. Then when they talk to him, they discover that he is poor, friendless, and alone. He is perfect for their bet.Task 4:Describe Henrys feelings using adjectives.Narrator: Two rich brothers, Roderick and Oliver, have made a bet. Oliver believes that with a million-pound bank note a man could live a month in London. His brother Roderick doubts it. They see a poor young man walking outside their house. It is Henry Adams.Roderick: Young man, would you step inside a moment, please?Henry: Who? Me, sir?Roderick: Yes, you.Servant: (opening a door) Good morning, sir. Would you please come in?(Henry enters the house.)Henry felt _.surprisedRoderick: How do you do, Mr. er.?Henry: Adams. Henry Adams.Oliver: Come and sit down, Mr Adams.Henry: Thank you.Roderick:Youre an American?Henry: Thats right, from San Francisco.Roderick: May we ask what youre doing in this country and what your plans are?Henry: Well, I cant say that I have any plans. As a matter of fact, I landed in Britain by accident.Henry felt_.anxiousHenry:Im afraid I dont quite follow you, sir.Roderick:Tell us, what sort of work did you do in America?Henry: I worked for a mining company. Could you offer me work here?Roderick: Patience. If you dont mind, may I ask you how much money you have?Henry: Well, to be honest, I have none.Oliver: (happily) What luck! Brother, what luck!Henry felt_.puzzledHenry: Well, it may seem lucky to you but not to me! If this is your idea of some kind of joke, I dont think its very funny. Now if youll excuse me, I ought to be on my way.Roderick: Please dont go. You mustnt think we dont care about you. Oliver, give him the letter.Oliver: Yes, I was about to go get the letter. Wait! (getting it from a desk and giving it to Henry) The letter.Henry: (taking it carefully) For me?Henry felt_and _.angryupsetHenry: Well, why dont you explain what this is all about?Roderick: Youll soon know. In exactly an hour and a half.Servant: This way, sir.Roderick: Not until 2 oclock. Promise?Henry: Promise.Goodbye.Henry felt_, _ and _.puzzledcuriousangryTask5:Explain what the speakers mean by saying these sentences.1. I went to the American consulate to seek help, but . Anyway, I didnt dare to try again.2. You mustnt worry about that. Its an advantage.3. What luck! Brother, what luck!4. Oh, this is silly.Check your answers.1. I didnt get any help in the consulate and my experience there was unpleasant. Im afraid to go back to the consulate.2. Its an advantage to us that you were brought to England by accident and you dont have any money because youre the right person for the bet. You dont need to worry about your situation because were going to give you a million-pound bank note.3. Fortunately, we found the right person for the bet. Its good luck for us.4. Its very strange that I cant open the envelope until two oclock. Whats happening?What kinds of people are Henry Adams, Oliver and Roderick?Find some clues in the play.Post-reading Well, I cant say that I have any plans. Well, to be honest, I have none. (no money)Could you offer me work here? I dont want your charity. I just want a job that earns an honest income. honest hard-working frankWell, it may seem lucky to you but not to me. If this is your idea of some kind of joke, I dont think its very funny. Now, if youll excuse me, I think Ill be on my way.servants and not worrying about giving a stranger a million pound bank-noteprepared to bet one million pounds just for a bit of funThey see that Henry is honest and proud.richmischievous恶作剧的 good judgement of characterWho do you think will win the bet, Roderick or Oliver? Did the two brother really care about Henry?Further thinking Despite the fact that Henry was penniless, jobless and helpless, the two wealthy brothers reacted rudely, _(毫无怜悯之心). What they cared about was _. In a world of “Money talks”, Henrys misfortune was _(只是有钱人的游戏).showing no mercy the outcome of the betonly a game for the rich Money can buy a house, but not a home. Money can buy a bed, but not sleep. Money can buy a clock, but not time. Money can buy a book, but not knowledge. Money can buy you a position, but not respect. Money can buy you medicine, but not health. Money can buy a friend, but not love. Money can buy you blood, but not life. Money Is not everything!Money Is not everything!We should have a right attitude towards money.Do you think money is everything? Why?ConclusionEnjoy the filmLanguage points例1:一片白帆沿着天边移动。_ moves along the horizon.例2:他的船员的职责是驾船。His crews job is _. sail v. (船) 航行;(人)乘船航行 n. 帆,篷;航行set sail 启航;张帆sail for 船开向;乘船往About a month ago, I was sailing, and towards night I found myself carried out to sea by a strong wind. 1句意:大约一个月以前,我正在航行,天快黑的时候,我被一阵大风刮到了海上。A white sailto sail the boat例:我发现我被一个窘境困住了。I find myself trapped into a delimma.find.oneself.发现自己(不知不觉)处于某种境地 find+宾语+宾语补足语形容词/副词/介词短语现在分词过去分词现在进行被动完成例:1.我们发现他正等着迎接我们。 We found him _ (wait) to receive us.2.这位老人发现自己的家乡有很大变化。 The old man found his hometown much _ (change).waitingchangedThe next morning I was spotted by a ship.2句意:第二天早上,我被一艘船发现了。例1:迈克尔没能发现这个错误。Michael failed to _.例2: 她还在那儿,红色伞下的一个小黄点。She was still there, _ under a red umbrella. 例3:阿加西当场就聘请了他。Agassi hired him _. a yellow spotspot the erroron the spotspot v. 看见;注意到;发现 n. 地点;住所;斑点;污迹;spot sb. doing sth. 看见某人正在做某事be spotted with 满是斑点on the spot 在现场【句法分析】此句为强调句。And it was the ship that brought you to England.3句意:就是这艘船把你带到了英国。例:It was yesterday that he met Li Ping. It was they that (who) cleaned the classroom. It was this car that I bought last month.强调句型的构成:It is/was+被强调的部分+that/who+句子其他部分无意义通常是主语、宾语、状语 被强调部分若是句子的主语,that/who后面的谓 语动词在人称和数上应与句子的主语保持一致。例: 更重要的是,是她不断鼓励我变得自信。 Whats more, _ _. 学生们很可爱。 It is the students who _ lovely.to be confidentit is she who keeps encouraging mearedare v. 胆敢;敢于 dares-daring-dared-dareddare to do 敢于做某事I dare say 我猜,大概Anyway, I didnt dare to try again. 41.你敢告诉他吗?_.2.他不敢插嘴。 _.3. 我猜他会来。 _.Do you dare to tell him?句意:不管怎样,我不敢再试了。He doesnt dare to interruptI dare say he will come dare作情态动词:后接动词原型,常用于否定、 疑问句中,以及if或whether之后。1. 她不敢来见你。_.2. 你敢向老板说这种话吗? _ ?She darent come to see youDare you say that to the boss1.请耐心点儿你的信会到的。 _ _.2.她很严厉,但对病人很好。 She was tough but wonderful with her _ .patience n. 耐心;忍耐力;毅力patient adj. 有耐心的,能忍耐的 n. 病人be patient with 对有耐心Patience. If you dont mind, may I ask you how much money you have?5句意:要耐心。如果你不介意的话,我可以问一下你有多少钱吗?Please be patient your letterwill arrivepatients例:1. You dont look well. You _ go to see the doctor.2. _ we _ it at once?ought to 应该,应当;是情态动词,没有人称和数的变化,后接动词不定式。 Now if youll excuse me, I ought to be on my way.6ought toOughtto do句意:对不起,我该走了。【辨析】ought to和should的区别(1)ought to比should语气更强。(2)当表示出于法令规则、行为准则、道德责任等客 观情况而“应该”做某事时,常用ought to; should 含有个人意见,表示主观看法。例: You are older brother. You _ take care of your little sister. You _ not waste time in watching TV.ought toshouldThank you! Thank you!
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