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第 1 页 共 7 页Living in Space 1Living in space is not the same as living on Earth. Many things are different. Our bodies change in space. The way we stay clean and neat is different too. Learn how astronauts stay strong, clean and neat.Staying StrongLiving in space is not the same as living on Earth. In space, astronauts bodies change. On Earth, our lower body and legs carry our weight. This helps keep our bones and muscles strong. In space, astronauts float. They do not use their legs much. Their lower backs begin to lose strength. Their leg muscles do too. The bones begin to get weak and thin. This is very bad for astronauts bodies. So, how do astronauts help their muscles and bones? They must exercise in space every day.The heart and blood change in space, too. When we stand up on Earth, blood goes to our legs. The heart has to work extra hard against gravity to move the blood all around the body. In space, without the pull of gravity, the blood moves to the upper body and head. Water in the body also does the same thing. It makes the astronauts faces look puffy. The blood and water are fluids in the body. These fluids move from the bottom of the body to the top. The brain thinks that there are too many fluids. It will tell the body to make less. When the astronauts come back to Earth, they do not have enough fluids in their systems. It takes their bodies a few days to make more blood and water. The astronauts have to rest so their bodies have time to make new blood and water. If they dont, they can feel very weak. They might even faint!Staying CleanOn Earth, people need to stay clean. In space, astronauts need to stay clean, too. Staying clean takes more work in space. In space, the astronauts do not have a bathroom as we have at home. But, they do have their own toothbrushes, toothpaste, combs, brushes, and shavers. These are kept in a Personal Hygiene Kit.Astronauts use toothpaste and toothbrushes just like yours. There is no sink like yours on the Space Shuttle, though. Astronauts have to spit into a washcloth. People take baths a different way in space, too. Astronauts use special kinds of soap and shampoo. These soaps do not need water to rinse. Astronauts must use them carefully. They do not let the soap bubbles go all over the place. After washing, they use a towel to dry off. They do not rinse. These special soaps and shampoos were made for hospitals. Patients who cannot get in the water use these soaps.第 2 页 共 7 页Staying NeatDoing chores is not always a fun thing. But we have to keep our rooms and houses clean and neat. In space, astronauts live in a very small space. They have to keep their area clean in space just like we do on Earth.In space, the astronauts wipe the walls, floors, and windows to keep them clean. They use a soap that kills germs. The astronauts also use wet wipes to wash things. They use the same kind of wipes and cleanser on their forks, spoons, and eating trays.Astronauts have to take out the garbage, too. There are four trash bins on the Space Shuttle. Three are for dry trash and one is for wet trash. Wet trash is anything that could smell bad. Each trash container has a trash liner placed inside. It is like a plastic garbage bag. If the liner becomes full, it is closed. Then it is moved far away from the astronauts. The wet trash is closed up tight. It is then connected to a hose. The hose helps move bad smells away from the astronauts.Astronauts must use a vacuum cleaner in space. The vacuum has a normal hose. It also has extra parts. These parts can clean areas that may be hard to reach. They also use it to keep dust out of the air filters. And sometimes things get loose. When things get loose, they float. Astronauts use the vacuum to catch floating objects that are out of their reach.Living in Space 2During their stay on the International Space Station (ISS) astronauts have to continue living and working in an environment that is very different to that here on Earth. They still need to keep clean, go to the bathroom, eat and drink and keep fit and healthy. The conditions of weightlessness on the ISS mean they need to adapt these activities. The ISS is orbiting 400 kilometres from Earth and everything needs to be taken there from Earth. This means that the astronauts have to conserve resources such as water and food and waste needs to be kept to a minimum.In this series of video clips, ESA astronaut Frank De Winne and some of his fellow crew members, explain how they live on board the International Space Station. Attached to these video clips (filmed during the OasISS mission) are some short lessons that educators can use in the classroom.第 3 页 共 7 页Personal HygieneWhether you are at home, school or vacation one thing you will need to do everyday is to look after your personal hygiene. What does this mean? Well, washing yourself, brushing your teeth, using the toilet and even putting on reasonably fresh, clean clothes.Even on the International Space Station (the ISS), astronauts need to carry out personal hygiene. In such a small space that you have to share with up to 13 people at times, things can become very unpleasant if someone is not taking care of business! Lets start with the hygiene basics:TeethWhy do we have teeth and what do they do? How to take care of our teeth? Why is this important? Write down all the reasons why you think teeth are useful.Take a mirror and have a good look at your teeth. How many different kinds of teeth can you see and feel? Sharp teeth in the front of your mouth are called incisors. Pointed teeth next to them are called canines and the wider teeth with bumps are called molars. Count how many teeth you have. Draw a picture of your teeth as you can see from the mirror.Experiment: effect of fizzy drinks on teethIf you have a tooth that has fallen out like a milk tooth place it in a glass with cola or another fizzy drink you normally would drink. Keep looking at it everyday for a week. What happens to it? Make a picture of the tooth before and after it has been in the drink. Do you know why it changes? Can you think why it is important to limit how much fizzy drinks you consume? What is in the fizz of the drink that spoils the tooth? Why do we use toothpaste? How often do you need to brush your teeth with toothpaste?Answers:There are about 20-25 teeth in the mouth of most young children.Brushing teeth is important to prevent tooth decay and bad breath. If you stop brushing teeth your mouth will smell and your teeth will begin to hurt and develop cavities.Fizzy drinks are acidic which can damage the enamel of the tooth. Brushing your teeth after meals with fluoride toothpaste can help prevent tooth decay and strengthen teeth. It also makes your mouth smell fresh! When you wake up in the 第 4 页 共 7 页morning, one of the first things you do is brush your teeth. Why do you need to do this?When you eat, some of the sugar in the food stays in your mouth. Bacteria feed on this sugar and make acid. This acid dissolves the enamel of your tooth and can cause tooth decay (cavities) - this hurts (tooth ache)! You need to see a dentist regularly to check this does not happen. Everyone needs to keep their teeth healthy and clean - even astronauts in space - the dentist is very far away if they develop tooth ache!In Space Astronauts brush their teeth in the normal way as you do, but there is a difference! In the first video clip, look at how everything floats around. This is because on the ISS there is no weight pulling things downwards like on earth.The Space Station is orbiting the Earth so fast (28000 kilometres per hour) at the correct speed and direction; it does not fall down to Earth but keeps falling around the Earth. Because it is falling everything inside it is weightless. So everything floats! Even water and toothpaste. The toothpaste astronauts use can be swallowed after brushing (edible toothpaste) and the mouth is then cleaned with a wet wipe. The astronauts have to brush with their mouth as closed as possible to prevent the toothpaste floating out!Going to the bathroom on the ISSSo if everything floats in space, then how do you go to the toilet? There is a special toilet on the ISS (situated on the Russian module Zvezsda). There will be another one which will be situated on the American module as the number of crew on the ISS will go up. The astronauts have to strap themselves in to prevent floating off. Instead of a flush toilet there is a suction tube which carries the waste away in an air stream down a hole. The solid gets compressed and stored for disposal later. The urine is connected and later recycled. Certainly a strange way to go to the bathroom!Eating and drinking on the ISSAs well as exercise, nutrition plays an important role in maintaining the health of the astronauts. Food is not just used for providing sufficient number of calories for working but meal times are important social occasions for people so far away from their families and friends. The food is specially prepared because weightlessness requires adjustments to prevent the food from floating off a plate. Some types of food must also be eaten to counter the effects of adaptation to the space environment.第 5 页 共 7 页Astronauts get to choose which meals they would like so long as the nutritional values and calories are kept within the approved requirements: 2800 calories per day. The food trays are prepared on the ground for each astronaut and delivered to the ISS before he/she arrives. These are stored in one of the modules and marked. Red food trays contain foods from Russia and blue trays contain food from the American/European countries. The food has to be specially treated so that it can last a long time and is low in mass.Space foodThere are several types of food that is eaten in space:Rehydratable food: Water is removed to make food easier to store. Also known as freeze-drying. On board, water is replaced in the foods before eaten. Items include beverages (tea, coffee, orange juice) and cereals such as oats.Thermo stabilised food: heat processed food which can then be stored at room temperature. Most of the fruits and fish (tuna) are prepared in cans with easy pull tabs. Desserts are packaged in plastic cups.Irradiated foods: Most of the beef products are cooked and packaged in flexible foil pouches and sterilized by ionising radiation so they can be kept at room temperature.Fresh foods: such as apples and bananas often fresh supplies are brought up by new crews.Natural form foods: such as nuts and cookies.Astronauts use the trays as plates and everything has to be either squeezed out of a tube or bag. Can you imagine what would happen if the drink and crumbs were allowed to escape and floated wherever they wanted? Look at all the electric equipment around yes, disaster!It is very expensive to carry all this mass on to the station so everything has to be very light and easily stored.Exercise and FitnessThe human body evolved on Earth, in a gravity field. Absence of weight leads to health problems such as bone and muscle loss. Weightlessness also makes it harder to do even small tasks. The astronauts have to anchor themselves firmly, or they would drift away - even using the computer becomes difficult. Space walks can be exhausting and put unusual strain on muscles. This means that astronauts have to 第 6 页 共 7 页take time to exercise and keep themselves fit and healthy to carry out their job on the ISS and to return to Earth in good shape.On board there is a treadmill and an exercise bicycle (without tyres!). Astronauts have to do at least 2 hours of exercise per day to keep in good shape.There are also various pulleys and ropes which are similar to a gym on earth where they can do resistance training all which help maintain the condition of their bones and muscles also very important as when they return back to gravity on Earth their physical condition is maintained as good as possible.第 7 页 共 7 页SPACE SPACE SPACE SPACE EXPLORATIONEXPLORATIONEXPLORATIONEXPLORATIONPeriod 3 Reading and Thinking-Language points1. To practice the usage of some words and phrases learnt in this unit by completing a passage;2. To consolidate the understanding of the article;3. To reflect what you have learnt in this class;nBy the end of this period, you will be able toTeaching objectivesTeaching objectivesReview“Are we alone? Whats out there?” Looking up at the stars, people have always wanted to learn more about space, and scientists work hard to find answers. They make vehicles to carry brave people into space to find out the secrets of the universe. They also really wish to discover other planets that are suitable enough to support life.The _ to explore the outer space.Para. 1desireReviewEarlier _ of space exploration. Before the mid-20th century, most people felt travelling into space was an impossible dream. However, some scientists were determined to help humans realise their dream to explore space. After many experiments, they succeeded in making rockets that could escape Earths gravity. On 4 October 1957, the Sputnik 1 satellite was launched by the USSR and successfully orbited around Earth. Afterwards, the USSR focused on sending people into space, and on 12 April 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first person in the world to go into space. Over eight years later, on 20 July 1969, American astronaut Neil Armstrong stepped onto the moon, famously saying, “Thats one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.” Following this, many more goals were achieved. For example, Americas NASA space agency launched Voyager 1 on 5 September 1977 to study deep space, and it still transmits data today.Para. 2achievementsReviewContinuous _ despite the huge risks.Although scientists try to make sure nothing goes wrong, accidents can still happen. All the astronauts on the USSRs Soyuz 11 and Americas Challenger died during their missions. These disasters made everyone sad and disappointed, but the desire to explore the universe never died. This is because people believe in the importance of carrying on space exploration despite the huge risks. An example of this ongoing work is the International Space Station. It orbits Earth and has astronauts from different countries on board, providing a continuous human presence in space.Para. 3effortReviewGreat _ of Chinas space exploration.Chinas space programme started later than those of Russia and the US, but it has made great progress in a short time. China became the third country in the world to independently send humans into space in 2003, when Yang Liwei successfully orbited Earth in the Shenzhou 5 spacecraft. Then Shenzhou 6 and 7 completed a second manned orbit and the first Chinese spacewalk, followed by the vehicle Jade Rabbit being sent to the moon to study its surface. After that, China launched the Tiangong 2 space lab into space and Tianzhou1 to dock with it. This signalled one step further in Chinas plan to establish a space station in the future.
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