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Unit 1 Reading for WritingFigure out the main structure and language features of the textKnow the Naadam FestivalWrite a passage about festival experienceLearning objectivesThe opening paragraph(1)Body(2-4)The closing paragraph(5)Describe the festival in detail:activities(what I saw, what I heard), my feelingsSummarise the experience:evaluation, feelingsState the topic: when, where, what, with whom, the feelingsReadingOrganisationI experienced the Naadam Festival in Chinas Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region forfor the first time this year. The festival falls falls onon the fourth day of the six month of the lunar calendar, usually lasting for three days. Naadam means “games” in Mongolian, and it is represented by three events: horse racing, wresting, and archery, whichwhich are all so exciting to watch!1. What does “Naadam” mean? Which events does it include?Opening paragraphTopicWhereWhenWhoFeelingOn the first day, I set off set off to the games earlyearly with my friend Burin. I saw a lot of people wearingwearing fancy Mongolian robes. Some were feeding their horses, some were practising archery, and some others were chatting or taking photographs. Burin told me that Mongolians travel every year from near and far to attendto attend the festival, just as their ancestors had donehad done for centuries.the start and the surroundingsAfter the opening ceremony and some amazing performances, the wrestling competition began. Mongolian wrestlingwrestling is different from the wrestling in the Olympic Games. There are no rounds, and wrestlers are not separated by weight. The wrestlers loses if any part of his body above his knee touches the ground. After singing singing some songssome songs, the competitors danceddanced ontoonto the green field, waving waving their armstheir arms in the air as if they were eagles. I was quite movedmoved by their show of strength and grace.Describein detail the festival activitiesI absolutely enjoyed the archery, too, but the horse races were my favourite part. However, I was surprised to see that the riders were boys and girls! I heard it is because children are lighterlighter and the horses can run faster and fartherfarther. At first, I was a little worried about the childrens safetysafety, but Burin said, “Dont worry. They ve been ve been ridingriding horses all their lives. Theyll be just fine.” That was the moment I started to understand why people say “Horses are at the heart of Mongolian culture”. .定语从句宾语What did the writer think of the horse races?importantimportantIm finally back home now, feelingfeeling really tired, but celebratingcelebrating Naadam with my friend was totally worth it. He invited me back forfor the winter to stayto stay in a traditional Mongolian tent and eat hot pot. I cant wait!Summary: feeling/ attitudeTrue (T) or False (F).( F ) 1. The Naadam Festival usually lasts for a week.( T ) 2. The Naadam Festival has a history of several hundred yeas.( F ) 3. Mongolian wrestling is the same as the wrestling in the Olympic Games.( F ) 4. At the Naadam Festival, of the three events, the author likes wrestling best. 1. Rewrite the opening sentence of the article:IexperiencedtheNaadamFestivalinChinasInnerMongoliaAutonomousRegionforthefirsttimethisyear.* This was my first time spending . and it was an enjoyable and exciting experience for me.* Ill never forget.because.* Ill always remember . because .Activity 4 Reading for language featureslanguage featuresThis was my first time spending three daysinChinasInnerMongoliaAutonomousRegionexperiencing the Naadam Festivalrepresented bythreeevents:horseracing,wrestling,andarcheryand it was an enjoyable and exciting cxperience.Ill never forgetmyexperienceattheNaadamFestivalbecauseit was my first time to watchtheexcitingMongoliangamesofhorseracing,wrestling,andarcherysoclosely.Ill always remembermyfirstcxperienceattheNaadamFestivalinChinasInnerMongoliaAutonomousRegionbecauseit was so amazing to spend three days witnessing a grand Mongolian ceremony.2. The passage is a diary, and it is written mainly in _person and _tense.the first the simple past WritingUse what you have learnt to write about a festival or a celebration you have experienced recently.Think for writingStudy the language features17Name: the Lantern FestivalPart two (body)Basic information: time, place, character, eventsPart one (beginning)Description of each eventPart three (ending)Feelings and expectationsOutlineThenameofthefestival/celebration:The Lantern FestivalMain idea of each paragraphTopic sentences of each paragraphDetailsFeelings1ThetopicandmyfeelingThiswasmyfirsttimespendingtheLanternFestivalwithmyclassmate,whichwasanunforgettableexperienceforme.Thefestivalfallsonjoyfully;hasagreatinfluenceonChinesepeopletoday2ThestartandpreparationforthefestivalDuring the festival, there werelanternsofvariousshapesandsizeshanging throughout the streets,attractingcountlessvisitors.Lanternshows;guessingriddles;receivedalittlegiftextremelyexcited3FestivalactivitiesandfeelingsWe also ate tangyuan, whichtastedsweetanddelicious.hasasimilarpronunciationwith;theroundshaperepresents;setofffireworksandwatchedthedragondancehappyandgay4AsummaryofmyfestivalexperienceWith my classmate, I spent anexciting and meaningful LanternFestival.exciting and meaningful;lookingforwardto Is the writing well-organised? Is there an opening sentence in the first paragraph? Does each paragraph include the necessary details? Does the writer describe his/her feelings and emotions? Does the writer use the -ing form correctly in the writing? Are there any grammar, spelling. or punctuation errorsGuide for Revising and EditingGroup-checking Questions19My Terrific Lantern Festival ExperienceI experienced the Lantern Festival in my grandparents town for the first time this year. The festival falls on the fifteenth day of the first month of the lunar year and it is the firstsignificant festival after Chinese New Year.The festival is celebrated by three events: eating Yuanxiao, enjoying lanterns and guessing the riddles, which are all very exciting to experience.Sample WritingThe Beginning20 In that afternoon, my mother and aunts made a good dinner for the big family. They also prepared Yuanxiao, a kind of special food with different filling stuffed into balls ofsticky rice, whose round shape symbolizes reunion, harmony, and happiness. While my cousins were watching a lunar new years film, I slid into the kitchen, wondering there and admiring the high cooking skills of these ordinary mothers.Sample WritingThe Body (1)21 After the dinner, my cousins and I went out into the street to watch the fascinating traditional festival march made up of different teams of people wearing special costumes. Following the excited crowds, we went into the public square, where varieties of lanternswere on display and they were of different shapes, including animals, flowers, characters from ancient legends, buildings and so on.Sample WritingThe Body (2)22 Our favorite activity is guessing riddles. In the middle of the square stood a high-risingplatform, where different riddle signs hung from the shelves. Everyone could try to guess the riddle. If he/she is smart and lucky enough, he/she will get the right answer and an unexpected present.Sample WritingThe Body (3)23 At About 11oclock in the evening, we were finally back home, all feeling really tired. What an unforgettable experience! Not only have I had a good time with my relatives, but also I know something about the traditional Chinese festival.Sample WritingThe Ending 24SurftheInternettosearchformorevocabularyrelatedwithfestivals.HomeworkHomeworkThankYou Unit 1 Festivals And CelebrationsDiscovering Useful Structures Look at the pictures below and try describing them in English.How do you think these lanterns?These lanterns are amazing.Which festival is it and what are they doing? During the Mid-Autumn Festival in China, families gather to admire the shining moon and enjoy delicious mooncakes.How can families celebrate the Lunar New Year together?Families celebrating the Lunar New Year can enjoy exciting dragon dances and carnivals together.1. Theselanternsareamazing.2.DuringtheMidAutumnFestivalinChina,familiesgathertoadmiretheshiningmoonandenjoydeliciousmooncakes.3.FamiliescelebratingtheLunarNewYearcanenjoyexcitingdragondancesandcarnivalstogether.4. Onlineshopping websitesandsocialmediaappshavemadeitmucheasierforthepublictospendmoreongiftsfortheirlovedones.动词的ing 形式作表语动词的ing 形式作定语 动词的ing 形式作定语 动词的ing 形式作定语 Readthesentencesbelowanddiscussthefunctionsandmeaningsoftheitalicisedingform.Read the sentences below. Presentation During the Mid-Autumn Festival in China, families gather to admire the shining moon and enjoy delicious mooncakes. These lanterns are amazing. Families celebrating the Lunar New Year can enjoy exciting dragon dances and carnivals together.What are the functions and meanings of the ing form?前置定语表语后置定语前置定语ing forming form作定语、表语The ing formThe ing form一-ing形式作定语_water standingunderthetreeing_leavesfallinga_sunrisingTheman_boiling一-ing形式作定语_water=waterwhich/thatisboiling standingunderthetreeing_leaves=Leavesthat/whichisfallingfallinga_sun=asunthat/whichisrisingrisingTheman_boiling=Themanwhoisstandingunderthetree小结:1)单个的动词-ing形式作定语常放在被修饰的名词之前,作_;动词-ing形式短语作定语则常放在被修饰的名词之后,作. 表示被修饰词的动作或状态,相当于一个定语从句.表示_ 的动作。 前置定语后置定语主动; 正在进行_water=waterfordrinking_sticks=sticksforwalkinga_room=aroomforreadingdrinkingwalkingreading小结:2)表示被修饰词的属性、作用或用途,作“供用”讲,相当于介词for短语,常置于被修饰词前。阅览室手杖饮用水一-ing形式作定语句型转换。Nooneisallowedtospeakaloudinthereadingroom.=Nooneisallowedtospeakaloudintheroom_.forreadingThebuildingbeingbuiltoverthereisourlibrary.=Thebuilding_beingbuiltoverthereisourlibrary.whichis3)动词-ing的被动式beingdone作定语时,表示一个_的动作。动词-ing形式的完成式一般不作定语。被动进行1. Thereisasmallriver(flow)throughthefarm.2.Thestadium_(build)atpresentinourcityisintended forthecomingAsianGames.3. Theflowers_(smell)sweetinthegardenattractthevisitorstoenjoythebeautyofnature.4.Look!Theresa(sleep)child. flowingbeingbuiltsmelling【应用实践】sleeping5.Women_(look)aftersmallchildreninthiscityusuallygetpaidmonthly.6.Thechildren_(practise)playingtheviolinovertherewillgiveaperformancenextweek.7.Youshouldadapttothe_(change)situation.8.Hebuilta_(swim)poolinhisgardenlastyear.lookingpractisingchangingswimming二、动词-ing形式作表语【观察思考】Herjobislookingafterthechildren.=Lookingafterthechildrenisherjob.她的工作是照看这些小孩。Herjobisveryinteresting.她的工作是非常有趣的。动词-ing形式作表语 【总结】Herjobislookingafterthechildren.=Lookingafterthechildrenisherjob.(1)动词-ing形式作表语用于对主语的内容进行解 释说明, 主语和表语可以互换位置。Herjobisveryinteresting.(2)动词-ing形式作表语表示主语的性质、特征和 状态,相当于形容词。动词-ing形式的前面可以 有修饰性的副词,如very、rather、quite等。【实践】1)用所给词的适当形式填空。Thisfilmisvery(move).The news was _ (disappoint). Herjobis_(clean)thewindows.2)完成句子。Myjobis_(照顾)thechildren.Hisconcernforhismotheris_(相当感人).movingdisappointingcleaninglookingafterquitemovingConsolidation 单项选择1. The woman _ a lesson is our teacher. A. giving B. given C. to give D. give2. The first textbooks _ for teaching English came out in the 16th century. A. to be produced B. produced C. being produced D. having producedAB3. As is known to us all, China is a _ country while the United States is a _ country. A. developed; developing B. developing; developed C. to be developed; developing D. developing; to be developedB4Thenoisefrommyneighborssittingroom_canbeclearlyheardinmyapartment,whichmakesmedistractedfromreading.Aisdecorated BbeingdecoratedCdecorated DtobedecoratedB5. What he said was _. We all felt _. A. encouraged; encouraging B. encourage; encouraged C. encouraging; encourage D. encouraging; encouraged6. We were _ by his _ speech. A. inspired; inspire B. inspiring; inspired C. inspired; inspiring D. inspired; inspirationDCTheDragonBoatFestival,1traditionalChinesefestival,2(celebrate)onthefifthdayofthefifthmonthaccordingtotheChinesecalendar.3datesfromover2000yearsago,whichfalls4June20ththisyear.Onthisday,ChinesepeopleprepareZongzi5(wrap)inbamboo6(leaf).7thefestivalnameshows,peoplehavedragonboatraces8(celebrate)it,especiallyinthesouthernplaces9therearemanyriversandlakes.TheDragonBoatFestivalis10memoryofQuYuan,agreatpoetofancientChina.TheDragonBoatFestival,atraditionalChinesefestival,iscelebratedonthefifthdayofthefifthmonthaccordingtotheChinesecalendar.Itdatesfromover2000yearsago,whichfallsonJune14ththisyear.Onthisday,ChinesepeopleprepareZongziwrappedinbambooleaves.Asthefestivalnameshows,peoplehavedragonboatracestocelebrateit,especiallyinthesouthernplaceswheretherearemanyriversandlakes.TheDragonBoatFestivalisinmemoryofQuYuan,agreatpoetofancientChina.感谢您的观看
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