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    关 键  词:
    期中 复习 句子 翻译 专项 练习 2021 人教版 高中英语 必修 第三 下载 _必修 第三册_人教版(2019)_英语_高中

    1、句子翻译期中复习专项练习1我害怕转校,因为我爱我的同学们。(be frightened of doing sth.)_2那位设计师的才华给我们留下了深刻的印象。(be impressed with,talent)_3我决定集中所有精力提高我的英语水平。(concentrate on)_4我期待着即将到来的寒假。(look forward to)_5这位老师手里拿着一本书走进了教室。_6我觉得这本书有趣又滑稽。_7在世界上没有什么比健康更重要。(much morethan.)_8 外面的噪音使我心烦,我无法集中精力于我的书本。 (annoy; concentrate on) _9 我在听和读的时

    2、候做笔记。 ( take notes) _10 没有自信你就不会成功。(neverwithout; confidence) _11在你方便 时候,你能帮我改正作文里的错误吗?(convenient) _12圣诞节临近,人们忙着购买礼物、装饰圣诞树。(approach; decorate) _13受到教授的鼓舞,他最终成为了一名著名的工程师。(inspire; eventually) _14由于缺乏资金,这个项目已经被延期了。(lack; postpone) _15如果你需要更多的信息,请毫不犹豫联系我。(hesitate)_16上周举办的音乐会是一场听觉盛宴。(过去分词作定语; feast)_

    3、17在抵达旧金山(San Francisco)之后,为了谋生很多中国人在唐人街开了商店和餐馆。_18约翰沉迷于读报,没有注意到我正在靠近。(absorbed)_19无论发生什么,台湾属于中国。(belong)_20尝试了很多次后,他终于解出了那个难题。_21随着期末考试临近,所以学生都在奋力备考。(with的复合结构)_22协议中的许多细节问题得到及时解决,当地人已经从新政中获益. _23多亏了网络媒体,我们才能很快得知那家音乐公司利用那位著名歌手的死来赚钱的事实。_24这个结果证明,他是能够自己完成这个任务的。(prove; capable)_25这个以各种各样的灯笼为特色的展览代表着中国文

    4、化。(feature)_26直到最近几年病人才能很便捷地下载他们的医疗记录以获取如检测结果之类的信息。(access) _27这位教师的创新型教学方式在很大程度上吸引了学生的注意力,从而使大多数被认为“孺子不可教”的学生取得很大进步。 (extent) _28他第一次出国时,经历了一种文化冲击感,过了一段时间才适应在陌生国度独自生活。(adjust) _29英国有着悠久而有趣的历史可供探索,如果你留心观察的话,英国之旅会给予你满足感。(eye, satisfaction) _30我们最终到达了一个群山环抱的村庄,其美景堪称一场名副其实的视觉盛宴。 _31人们相信将福字倒着贴,福气就会到来。(u

    5、pside down) _32当地的俱乐部正努力来吸引更多的年轻人。(make an effort) _33如果我错了,我会收回我的话并承认错误。(swallow) _34在我安排这些细节时,另外一首诗浮现在脑海中。(come to mind) _35不幸的是,这两名足球运动员撞到了一起。(crash into) _36我们有信心,这项工作能够按时完成。(confidence, on schedule) _37我对支教工作很感兴趣。我想申请获得这份工作。(apply for) _38我们应该学会独立生活,而不是一直依赖父母。(count on) _39尽管有暴风雨,工人们仍尽最大努力按时完成了

    6、工程。(despite) _40网络经济的快速发展已对人们的生活方式产生了巨大影响。(impact) _41酷爱吃快餐的年轻人应该更加注意饮食选择以确保身体健康并为环保做贡献。(be keen on) _42这本词典是为初学者编的。(intend) _43如果天气允许,记得饭后散散步。(permit)_44全国人民的共同努力使得战胜新冠疫情(COVID-19)成为可能。(make it possible to do)_45我怀有一个信念:人类要与野生动物和平共处。(belief, in peace) _46例如,我们向某人点头表示我们同意他的观点,但在有些国家点头表示的是反对。(nod at

    7、sb., agree with, disagreement)_47我们最终到达了一个群山环抱的村庄,那里的美景给我们留下了深刻印象。(surround; impress) _48当被问及时,她确认未经允许学生不应接近湖边。(confirm; permission) _49最富有生气而又最重要的节日,就是告别冬天、迎来春天的日子。 (look forward to) _50你了解古英格兰人是如何打理他们的农场以及照看他们的动物的吗? (run a farm) _Keys1.I am frightened of changing school, because I love my classmat

    8、es. 2.We are very impressed with the designers talent. 3.I decide to concentrate all my efforts on improving my English. 4.I am looking forward to the coming winter holiday. 5.The teacher walked into the classroom with a book in his hand. 6.I find the book interesting and funny. 7.In the world nothi

    9、ng is much more important than health. 8.The noise outside annoyed me, and I couldnt concentrate on my book.9.I take notes while listening and reading.10.You will never succeed without confidence.11.When it is convenient for you, could you help me correct the mistakes in the composition? 12.With the

    10、 approach of Christinas, people are busy buying gifts and decorating Christmas trees. 13.Inspired by the professor, he eventually became a famous/well-known engineer. 14.Due to a lack of funds, the project has been postponed. 15.Dont hesitate to contact me if you need any more information. 16.The co

    11、ncert held last week was a feast for the ears. 17.Having arrived in San Francisco, many Chinese opened up shops and restaurants in Chinatown to earn a/their living. 18.John was too absorbed in reading the newspaper to notice I was approaching/coming closer.或John was so absorbed in reading the newspa

    12、per that he didnt notice I was approaching/coming closer 或John was absorbed in reading the newspaper without noticing my approach. 19.No matter what happens, Taiwan belongs to China. 20.Having tried many times, he finally worked out the difficult problem. 21.With the final exam approaching, all stud

    13、ents are making every effort to prepare for it. 22.Many of the details of the agreement were ironed in time, and locals have benefited from the new deal.23.Thanks to the Internet media, we soon learned about the fact that the music company cashed the famous singers death.24.This(或The)result has prov

    14、ed(或proved) that he is(或was) capable of finishing(或accomplishing)this(或the)task by himself (或on his own). 25.The show (或 exhibit) featuring various (kinds of) lanterns represents (或 stands for) Chinese Culture. 26.Patients cant conveniently download their medical records to access / have access to i

    15、nformation such as / like the test results until recent years. 27.The teachers innovative/creative teaching method to a large extent attracted students attention, which helped most of the unteachable students make great progress. 28.The first time he went abroad, he experienced a sense of culture sh

    16、ock and it took her a while to adjust to living alone in a foreign country. 29.The United Kingdom has a long and interesting history to explore, so If you keep your eyes open, you trip to the UK will give you a sense of satisfaction. With a long and interesting history to explore, you trip to the UK

    17、 will give you a sense of satisfaction, if you keep your eyes open.30.We finally reached a village surrounded by mountains, whose beautiful landscapeis a true feast for the eyes. 31.People believe that putting the word fu upside down will bring good luck. 32.Local clubs are making an effort to attra

    18、ct more young people. 33.If I am wrong, I will swallow my words and admit my mistake. 34.As I was arranging the details, another poem came to mind. 35.Unfortunately, the two football players crashed into each other. 36.We have confidence that the job will be completed on schedule. 37.Im interested i

    19、n working as a volunteer teacher. I would like to apply for the job. 38.We should learn to live independently instead of always counting on our parents. 39.Despite the storm, the workers still tried their best to complete the project on time. 40.The rapid development of online economy has had/made a

    20、 huge impact on peoples way of life. 41.Young people who are keen on fast food should pay more attention to food choice to ensure their health and contribute to environmental protection. 42.The dictionary is intended for the beginners. 43.If weather permits/ Weather permitting, remember to go for/ta

    21、ke a walk after meals. 44.The whole nations working together/The (joint) efforts of the whole nation/people from all walks of life made it possible to win the battle against /defeat/ beat COVID-19. 45.I hold the belief that human being should live in peace with wild animals. 46.For example, when we

    22、nod at somebody, we mean we agree with his opinion. But in some countries nodding ones head means disagreement. 47.We finally reached a village surrounded by mountains and were greatly impressed with/by its beautiful scenery. We finally reached a village surrounded by mountains, which really impress

    23、ed us with its beautiful scenery.48.When asked, she confirmed that students shouldnt get close to the lake without permission. 49.The most energetic and important festivals are the ones that look forward to the end of winter and to the coming of spring. 50.Do you know how people in ancient England ran their farms and took care of their animals? 11 / 11学科网(北京)股份有限公司

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