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    关 键  词:
    出国 实用英语 口语 专题 培训 课件

    1、出国实用英语口语出国实用英语口语乘飞机;入境检查乘飞机;入境检查2办理护照和签证;购买机票;准备出行物品办理护照和签证;购买机票;准备出行物品1入住宾馆入住宾馆3饮食;购物饮食;购物4参观游览参观游览5出国旅游的基本步骤出国旅游的基本步骤1. 办理护照和签证;购买机票;准备出行物品办理护照和签证;购买机票;准备出行物品签证和护照签证和护照 持中国护照的居民,要去哪个国家,还需要在护照上有那个国家的签证(申根签证、落地签、免签等特殊情况除外),表明这个国家准许你入境。如果你在京沪等大城市,可以自己去该国的大使馆或者领事馆办理签证;也可以找签证公司代理,办理签证的难易程度不同,一般来说,发达国家的

    2、签证都比较难拿。购买机票购买机票 买机票首先要提前购买,提前天数越多,机票折扣就越多。淡季错峰出行,机票成本越低。一般而言,旺季为1-2月,7-10月,淡季为3月、6月、11月、12月,4-5月是平季。提前2-3个月,关注航空公司官网及其微博、微信公众账号“机票促销”专区,往往能预订到划算的机票。准备出行物品准备出行物品护照;机票手机(出游前要开通目的地国家的国际漫游、境外随身移动wifi)万能电源插座零钱;现金;信用卡常用药采购单摄影设备2. 乘飞机;入境检查乘飞机;入境检查乘飞机乘飞机May I see your ticket and passport, please?看一下您的机票和护照

    3、好吗?Do I have to write down all the things I have to declare?我要把所有要申报的东西都填上吗?Can my luggage weigh up to 30 kilos?我可以携带30公斤的行李吗?How many items of carry-on luggage are permitted?我可以随身携带几件行李?I have a piece of baggage to check.我有件行李要托运。Id like a window seat.我想要靠窗的座位。Can I have an aisle seat, please?请给我靠道

    4、旁的座位好吗? When will we begin boarding?我们什么时候开始登机啊?Which boarding gate should I go to?我应该去哪个登机口?Which gate is for the flight to NewYork?哪个登机口是去往纽约的?window seat 靠窗户的座位 aisle seat 靠走道的座位 middle seat 中间的座位 the seat next to the emergency exit 靠紧急出口的座位 劳驾,请问机场服务台(新西兰航空公司柜台)在哪里?劳驾,请问机场服务台(新西兰航空公司柜台)在哪里?Usefu

    5、l Expressions Excuse me, but where is the information counter (Air New Zealand counter)? 2.请问国际出发大堂在哪儿请问国际出发大堂在哪儿?2.Could you please tell me where the International Departure is?3.我在哪儿可以兑换外币?我在哪儿可以兑换外币?3.Where can I change money? 4.什么时候登机?什么时候登机?4.What is the boarding time?5.飞机准时起飞吗?飞机准时起飞吗?5.Will t

    6、he plane take off on time? 6.免税商店在哪里?免税商店在哪里?. 6. Where is the duty-free shop?7.请系牢安全带,并使坐椅直立。请系牢安全带,并使坐椅直立。.7 Please keep your seat belt fastened and put your seat in the up right position. 8.请勿吸烟,直到请勿吸烟,直到“禁止吸烟禁止吸烟”的的灯号消失为止灯号消失为止. Please refrain from smoking until the “No Smoking” sign is switched

    7、 off.9. 请系牢你的安全带。请系牢你的安全带。9. Please fasten your seat belt. 10.现在可以松开你的安全带。现在可以松开你的安全带。 10.You may unfasten your seat belt now1. I feel sick to my stomach. sick通常指身体不舒服,通常指身体不舒服,sick to (ones) stomach则是则是 “肚子不舒服,肚子不舒服, 胃痛胃痛” 的意思。的意思。 That food makes me sick to my stomach. 那食物使我感到肠胃不舒服。那食物使我感到肠胃不舒服。2.

    8、 Could I bother you for some ice water, please? 麻烦你给我杯冰水好吗?麻烦你给我杯冰水好吗? Could I bother you for+n./to+v. ? 是请求帮助的客套语,适用于正式场合。由于它有是请求帮助的客套语,适用于正式场合。由于它有 “很冒很冒昧麻烦您昧麻烦您”的意的意 思,因此请求的对象,多为陌生人或职位、身份较高者。思,因此请求的对象,多为陌生人或职位、身份较高者。其他说法有:其他说法有: Could I get some ice water? My I trouble you for some ice water? Wou

    9、ld it be possible to have some ice water?1. I feel sick to my stomach. sick通常指身体不舒服,通常指身体不舒服,sick to (ones) stomach则是则是 “肚肚子不舒服,子不舒服, 胃痛胃痛” 的意思。的意思。 That food makes me sick to my stomach. 那食物使我感到肠胃不舒服。那食物使我感到肠胃不舒服。2. Could I bother you for some ice water, please? 麻烦你给我杯冰水好吗?麻烦你给我杯冰水好吗? Could I bothe

    10、r you for+n./to+v. ? 是请求帮助的客套语,适用于正式场合。由于它有是请求帮助的客套语,适用于正式场合。由于它有 “很冒昧麻烦很冒昧麻烦您您”的意的意 思,因此请求的对象,多为陌生人或职位、身份较高者。其他说思,因此请求的对象,多为陌生人或职位、身份较高者。其他说法有:法有: Could I get some ice water? My I trouble you for some ice water? Would it be possible to have some ice water?1.嗨,你能告诉我我的座位在哪里吗?嗨,你能告诉我我的座位在哪里吗?1. Hello,

    11、 can you show me where my seat is? 2. 我能不能换座位?我能不能换座位?/ 这是空位吗?这是空位吗?2. Can I change my seat?/Is this seat vacant?3.我可以暂时移到非吸烟区吗?我可以暂时移到非吸烟区吗?3.May I move to the non-smoking area for a while?4.我觉得不舒服,我想我有点晕机,我可以吃我觉得不舒服,我想我有点晕机,我可以吃点药吗?点药吗?4 . I dont feel well. I think Im getting a little airsick. May

    12、 I have some medicine? 5.几点供应正餐?几点供应正餐? 5. What time is dinner served?6.你有签证你有签证/护照吗?护照吗?-这是我的签证这是我的签证/护照。护照。6.Do you have your visa/passport?This is my visa/passport. 7.你是什么国籍?你是什么国籍?7. Whats your nationality? 入境检查入境检查8.这是我的最终目的地。这是我的最终目的地。8. This is my final destination. 9.您计划待多久?您计划待多久?-我计划停留我计划停

    13、留7天,我是来出差的。天,我是来出差的。9. How long do you plan on staying? Im planning to stay for 7 days. Im here on business10.您来这里的目的是什么,公务还您来这里的目的是什么,公务还是旅游是旅游?10.Whats the purpose of your visit? For business or for pleasure? 每个国家的出入境申报规则都不一样。有的国家不允许携带农产品、动物制品。有的国家对于携带现金金额有严格的规定。然而,按实际情况申报是我们出国必须要遵循的一个共同原则。如果被查获违规

    14、,不仅经济上会付出加倍罚款,还会破坏旅游心情。所以最好的就是要事先了解所到的国家有什么海关规定,以免兴冲冲地带了一堆东西,结果都在机场被没收了。Officer: Are these your bags, sir?Mr. Brown: Yes, thats right.Officer: Have you anything to declare?Mr. Brown: No. Ive only got some clothes and things like that.Officer: Whats the purpose of your visit?Mr. Brown: Im here on bus

    15、iness.Officer: I see. Would you mind opening this one?Mr. Brown: Not at all.Officer: Whats inside the package?Mr. Brown: Presents for some of my friends. Theyre glass vases and so on.Officer: Would you mind showing me your camera, please, sir?Mr. Brown: Not at all.Officer: I seeRight. Thats all. Tha

    16、nk you.Going through Customs详详 解解 实实 用用 对对 话话 虽然现在很多航空公司已经取消72小时需要确认机位的手续,然而以防万一,最好在回国或者前往下一段旅程前打电话确认机位无误。若机位有问题,最好马上重新定位,以免延误行程。Check in验票并领取登机牌Passport 护照psptTicket(Electronic Ticket)电子机票tktBoarding pass 登机卡Boarding gate 登机口Boarding time 登记时间Check in 出示本人出示本人有效护照、有效护照、签证签证选座并托选座并托运行李运行李领取登机领取登机牌牌W

    17、indow Seat 靠窗座位Aisle Seat 靠过道座位Checking baggage 托运行李Carrying on 随身行李Dialogue出示有效护照、机票 Q: Good Morning! Passport please?A: Morning! Here is my passport.Q: Do you have an e-ticket or a paper ticket?A: Yes.Here is my ticket.Q: Great, Thank you.A: It is ok.Q: What your final stop?A: Beijing is my last s

    18、top.Dialogue选座并托运行李Q:Would you like a window or aisle seat?A: Window seat, Please.Q: Are you checking baggage or carrying on?A: Oh, I I want to check two luggages.Q: Please put your luggage on the belt。A: OKQ: Well, 22.9 pounds.A: Is there anything breakable in it?Q: No.Dialogue领取登机牌Q:Heres your boa

    19、rding pass.A:Thank youQ:After the security check, board your flight at gate 3.And the boaring time is 9:20pm.A:Thank you very much.Have a good day!Role-playThis is the pre-boarding announcement for flight CA992 to London.这是飞往伦敦的CA992次航班登机前的广播。Passengers flying to London on Air China flight CA992, yo

    20、ur flight is now boarding. 乘坐中国国际航空公司CA992次航班前往伦敦的旅客请注意,现在开始登机。Passengers on flight CA992 please note: your flight is now boarding at Gate 2.乘坐CA992次航班的乘客请注意:您的航班正在2号登机口登机。登登 机机 广广 播播 语语Please have your boarding pass and identification ready. Regular boarding will begin in approximately ten minutes

    21、time. Thank you.请准备好您的登机牌和身份证。大约10分钟后开始正常登机。谢谢合作。We now invite all first class and business class passengers to board.头等舱和商务舱乘客开始登机。We will now be accepting all remaining passengers to board.其余乘客请登机。登登 机机 广广 播播 语语We will be serving you meal with tea, coffee and other soft drinks. Welcome to make you

    22、r choice. Please put down the table in front you. For the convenience of the passenger behind you, please return your seat back to the upright position during the meal service. Thank you! 我们将为您提供餐食、茶水、咖啡和其他不含酒精的饮料,欢迎您选用。需要用餐的乘客,请将您的小桌板放下。为了方便坐在您后面的乘客,在供餐期间,请您将座位靠背调整到正常位置。谢谢!机舱内的广播语机舱内的广播语入境检查入境检查Do

    23、you have your visa/passport? 你有签证/护照吗? This is my visa/passport. 这是我的签证/护照。Whats your nationality? 你是什么国籍?This is my final destination. 这是我的最终目的地。How long do you plan on staying? 您计划待多久?Im planning to stay for 7 days. Im here on business.我计划停留7天,我是来出差的。Whats the purpose of your visit? For business o

    24、r for pleasure?您来这里的目的是什么,公务还是旅游? For business /for pleasure 每个国家的出入境申报规则都不一样。有的国家不允许携带农产品、动物制品。有的国家对于携带现金金额有严格的规定。然而,按实际情况申报是我们出国必须要遵循的一个共同原则。如果被查获违规,不仅经济上会付出加倍罚款,还会破坏旅游心情。所以最好的就是要事先了解所到的国家有什么海关规定,以免兴冲冲地带了一堆东西,结果都在机场被没收了。Officer: Are these your bags, sir?Mr. Brown: Yes, thats right.Officer: Have yo

    25、u anything to declare?Mr. Brown: No. Ive only got some clothes and things like that.Officer: Whats the purpose of your visit?Mr. Brown: Im here on business.Officer: I see. Would you mind opening this one?Mr. Brown: Not at all.Officer: Whats inside the package?Mr. Brown: Presents for some of my frien

    26、ds. Theyre glass vases and so on.Officer: Got any cigarettes? Spirits? Mr. Brown: Ive got 200 cigarettes, but I havent got any spirits.Officer: Would you mind showing me your camera, please, sir?Mr. Brown: Not at all.Officer: I seeRight. Thats all. Thank you.Going through Customs详详 解解 实实 用用 对对 话话 虽然

    27、现在很多航空公司已经取消72小时需要确认机位的手续,然而以防万一,最好在回国或者前往下一段旅程前打电话确认机位无误。若机位有问题,最好马上重新定位,以免延误行程。Id like to book a single room.我想预定一个单人间。我想预定一个单人间。I have no reservation, do you have any vacant rooms? 我没有预定,还有空房吗?我没有预定,还有空房吗?How much is this room per night?这个房间每晚多少钱?这个房间每晚多少钱?What the check-out time?退房时间是几点?退房时间是几点?

    28、Id like to check in, please.我想办理入住登记。我想办理入住登记。 single room 单人间 double room 双人间 suite 套房 3. 入住宾馆入住宾馆1.我能预订一个房间吗?1. Can I reserve a hotel room here?2.我想今天晚上预订一个房间。2. Id like to reserve a hotel room for tonight.3.你有酒店指南吗?3. Do you have a hotel guide?4.你能推荐一个经济点的酒店吗?4. Id like to reserve a hotel room fo

    29、r tonight.5.这有一个低于每晚50美元的酒店吗?5. Is there a hotel which costs under 50 dollars a night? 6.能推荐一个在市中心的酒店吗?6. Could you recommend a hotel in the city center?7.我想住在火车站附近的酒店。7. Id like to stay at a hotel near the railway station.8.我想要一间有浴室的房间。8. Id like a room with bath.9.这间房间收费多少?9. How much is the room

    30、charge?10.带浴室的单人间收费多少?10. How much is a single room with a bath? 我能预订一个房间吗?Can I reserve a hotel room here?我想今天晚上预订一个房间。Id like to reserve a hotel room for tonight.你有酒店指南吗?Do you have a hotel guide?你能推荐一个经济点的酒店吗?Can you recommend a hotel which is not too expensive?这有一个低于每晚50美元的酒店吗?Is there a hotel w

    31、hich costs under 50 dollars a night?基本对话基本对话能推荐一个在市中心的酒店吗?Could you recommend a hotel in the city center?我想住在火车站附近的酒店。Id like to stay at a hotel near the railway station.我想要一间有浴室的房间。Id like a room with bath.这间房间收费多少?How much is the room charge?带浴室的单人间收费多少?How much is a single room with a bath? 基本对话基

    32、本对话Learning more2022-5-16Part 21.这包括税和服务费吗?1. Does it include tax and service charge?2.包括早餐吗?2. Is breakfast included?3.需要押金吗?3. Do you need a deposit?4.多住几天有折扣吗?4. Is there a discount for staying several days?5.我怎么到那里?5. How can I get there? 6.步行需要多长时间?6. How long does it take on foot?7.能给我钥匙吗?7. M

    33、ay I have the key, please?8.最近的地铁站在哪里?8. Where is the nearest subway station?9.从这里乘出租车到飞机场需要多长时间?9. How long does it take to go to the airport by taxi? 10.我在花园酒店预订了房间。 10. I made a reservation in the Garden Hotel.这包括税和服务费吗?Does it include tax and service charge?包括早餐吗?Is breakfast included?需要押金吗?Do y

    34、ou need a deposit?多住几天有折扣吗?Is there a discount for staying several days? 我在花园酒店已预订房间。 I made a reservation in the Garden Hotel.基本对话基本对话基本对话基本对话我怎么到那里?How can I get there?步行需要多长时间?How long does it take on foot能给我钥匙吗?May I have the key, please?最近的地铁站在哪里?Where is the nearest subway station?从这里乘出租车到飞机场需

    35、要多长时间?How long does it take to go to the airport by taxi?Key Words make a reservation 预定预定 cancel v. 取消取消 reschedule v. 重新安排重新安排 reserve a room 预定房间预定房间 would like to do 打算打算 view n. 视野视野Changing Reservation Date-改酒店预约改酒店预约Changing Reservation Date-改酒店预约改酒店预约-Hello, International Hotel. How may I he

    36、lp you?-Hello. I made a reservation last week and my plans have changed. My meetings were cancelled and rescheduled.-OK. What is your name?-xxx.-And what was your reservation date?-I reserved a room for September 5th.-Ah, yes. A double, non-smoking room for 2 nights. How can I change your reservatio

    37、n?-I would like to change the date to September 13th and I would like to stay for 4 nights.Changing Reservation Date-您好您好, 国际大酒店,有什么可以帮到您的么?国际大酒店,有什么可以帮到您的么?-您好,上周我预定了房间,但我的计划发生了变化。您好,上周我预定了房间,但我的计划发生了变化。会议被取消并且重新安排了时间。会议被取消并且重新安排了时间。-好的,请问您叫什么名字呢?好的,请问您叫什么名字呢?-xxx.-您预订的是哪一天呢您预订的是哪一天呢?-我预定了我预定了9月月5日

    38、的房间。日的房间。-Ah, 是的,预定了两晚无烟双人房。是的,预定了两晚无烟双人房。 您打算怎么修您打算怎么修改您的预约呢改您的预约呢?-我打算把日期改到我打算把日期改到9月月13日,住日,住4晚。晚。1.如果您希望您的房间早些整理好,请如果您希望您的房间早些整理好,请将这将这“请打扫请打扫”的牌子挂在门上。的牌子挂在门上。1. If you want to have your room cleaned extra quickly, please hang the Cleaning Sign on the door.2.随时都有热水供应吗? 2. Is hot water available

    39、any time? 3.餐厅几点开始营业? 3. What time does the dining room open? 4.是否可代为保管贵重物品? 4. Could you keep my valuables?5.这是316房,请给我一张毛毯/加张床。5. This is room 316. Id like a blanket/extra bed, please.6.我想要壶开水。 6. Id like a pot of boiled water.7.我想要洗发液(护发素/吹风机/浴巾)7. Id like shampoo (hair conditioner/a drier/a bath

    40、 towel) 8.如果您有衣物要送洗衣房,只要如果您有衣物要送洗衣房,只要把它放在您房里的洗衣袋里就行了。把它放在您房里的洗衣袋里就行了。8. If you have anything for the laundry, just leave it in the laundry bag in your room.9.你必须赔偿损坏。 9. Its necessary for you to pay for the damage.10.拔号码前请先拔010.Please dial 0 before you dial the number. Changing Reservation Date-改酒店

    41、预约改酒店预约-Hello, International Hotel. How may I help you?-Hello. I made a reservation last week and my plans have changed. My meetings were cancelled and rescheduled.-OK. What is your name?-xxx.-And what was your reservation date?-I reserved a room for September 5th.-Ah, yes. A double, non-smoking roo

    42、m for 2 nights. How can I change your reservation?-I would like to change the date to September 13th and I would like to stay for 4 nights.Changing Reservation Date-OK. Ill change that for you. Please hold the line.-Ok.-OK. So I have changed your reservation to a double, non-smoking room for 4 night

    43、s on September 13th. Is there anything else I can help you with?-Yes, what kind of view will my room have?-It will have a city view.Changing Reservation Date- 好的,马上为您修改,请不要挂机。好的,马上为您修改,请不要挂机。-好的好的-好的,我已经把您的预约改成无烟双好的,我已经把您的预约改成无烟双人房,住四晚,人房,住四晚,9月月13号入住。号入住。 还有还有什么可以帮助您的地方么?什么可以帮助您的地方么?-有的,请问我房间的视野如何?

    44、有的,请问我房间的视野如何?-它将会有一个城市视野哦。它将会有一个城市视野哦。Changing Reservation Date-Oh, dear, I dont like looking at buildings. What else do you have?-I can put you in a west facing room and you can have a sea view but it will be more expensive.-Thats OK.-OK. You will be in room 412 and that room has a sea view.-Great

    45、! Thank you!-Its a pleasure. Hope to see you soon. Changing Reservation Date-哦,天啊,我不喜欢看建筑群。还有别的房间吗?哦,天啊,我不喜欢看建筑群。还有别的房间吗?-我可以把您安排到一个朝西的房间,你在那可以看我可以把您安排到一个朝西的房间,你在那可以看到海景,但是房价会更贵哦。到海景,但是房价会更贵哦。-没关系。没关系。-好的,您将被安排在好的,您将被安排在412号房,一个海景房号房,一个海景房。-太好了。谢谢你。太好了。谢谢你。-很高兴能为您服务,期待您的到来。很高兴能为您服务,期待您的到来。1.什么导致了打嗝?

    46、什么导致了打嗝?2.哭泣哭泣3.打嗝的功能是什么?打嗝的功能是什么?4.憋气憋气1.What causes hiccups?2.sobbing3.What is the function of hiccups?4.Hoiding ones breath-How was your flight over?-It was quite a long flight.-How many hours did it take?-It took 12 hours.-Did you have to stop anywhere on the way?-No, it was a direct flight. Is

    47、your home far from the airport?-No, only 40 minutes.-Is there going to be a lot of traffic?-No, the traffic should be light.-In Guangzhou, the traffic is very bad.-Really? How bad is the traffic in Guangzhou?-It is very bad.-All right, Are you ready to go?-Yes, I am ready.机场接机英语机场接机英语1.今天下午有几个朋友要来看我

    48、,今天下午有几个朋友要来看我,请给我送些杯子和椅子好吗?请给我送些杯子和椅子好吗?1.Some of my friends will come and see me this afternoon. Could you please bring me some more tea cups and chairs?2.请问您的姓名和房号。 2.May I have your name and room number,please? 3.恐怕您房间的空调需要维修,我们想请您换一下房间。3.Im afraid that air conditioner in your room needs repairi

    49、ng. We would like to request you to change your room.4.对您来说什么时间换房最方便,对您来说什么时间换房最方便,先生?先生? 给您带来不便真抱歉。给您带来不便真抱歉。 4.What time is the most convenient for you to change your room, sir?sorry for the inconvenience. 5. 我们可以为您延长预订。5. Well extend the reservation for you.6.你希望延长住店几个晚上?6. How many nights do you

    50、 wish to extend?7.在您外出期间,我们可以帮您把行李搬至新房间内,不过您要事先把贵重物品带走。7.We could move your luggage to the new room while you are out, but could you take any valuables with you? 8.您回来时可以在接待台领您新房间502号的钥匙。 8.You may pick up your new room key from the Reception Counter when you return. 9.非常抱歉,恐怕要请您在商务11点前搬出房间了。给您带来不便,

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