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江苏省扬州中学 2020-2021 学年第一学期期中质量检测江苏省扬州中学 2020-2021 学年第一学期期中质量检测2020.112020.11高 一 英 语高 一 英 语(本试卷满分 150 分,考试时间 120 分钟)选择题部分选择题部分第一部分 听力(共两节,满分第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共分)第一节(共5小题,每小题小题,每小题1.5分,满分分,满分7.5分)分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.What was the weather like yesterday?A. Hot.B. Rainy.C. Cold.2.What does Heather do?A. She is a teacher.B. She is a writer.C. She is a doctor.3.At what time was the fire put out?A. Two oclock.B. Four oclock.C. Five oclock.4.How will the woman go to the store?A. By bus.B. On foot.C. By taxi.5.What does the woman mean?A. She doesnt care how the movie ended.B. Shed rather see a horror film next time.C. She generally dislikes that type of movie.第二节(共第二节(共 15 小题,每小题小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分分,满分 22.5 分)分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读每个小题,每小题 5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第 6 至 8 题。6.Where is the mans mother now?A. In the hospital.B. At home.C. In the office.7.Why will the man ask for a week off?A. He has to see a doctor.B. He needs to look after his mother.C. He hasnt hired anyone to help him.8.What does the woman think of the man?A. He is thoughtful.B. He is helpful to her.C. He is a successful man.听第 7 段材料,回答第 9 至 11 题。9.Where is the bank?A. Near a bus stop.B. Across from a supermarket. C. Next to a bookstore.10. How far away is the bank?A. Two blocks away.B. Three blocks away.C. Fourteen blocks away.11. Which of the following does the man choose to take?A. Bus No. 104.B. Streetcar B-201.C. Streetcar B-102.听第 8 段材料,回答第 12 至 14 题。12. What do we know about the man?A. He got a raise.B. He just got a new job.C. He moved into a new house.13. What kind of TV set does the woman suggest?A. A small one.B. A big one.C. A cheap one.14. Why does the woman give the man such a suggestion?A. Prices will go up soon.B. New products come out every year.C. His living room isnt very big.听第 9 段材料,回答第 15 至 17 题。15. What was in the womans dream?A. Her physics teacher.B. An apple tree.C. A new house.16. Why did the woman have the dream, according to the man?A. She was hungry.B. She studied too hard.C. She exercised too much.17. What can we learn about the man?A. He never remembers his dreams.B. He knows French better than English.C. He once had the same experience as the woman.听第 10 段材料,回答第 18 至 20 题。18. What does the phrase “a stones throw away” probably mean?A. Far away.B. Close by.C. Hard to find.19. Why did Mr. Brown decide to have a look at the house?A. The house was very cheap.B. The house was very big.C. The house was in a good location.20. What can we learn from this talk?A. Mr. Brown bought the house in the country.B. Mr. Brown thought the housing agent had lied.C. Mr. Brown thought the house was closer to the city.第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分 50 分)分)第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。AWhen it comes to the most refreshing Chinese YouTube figure of 2019, most people think of Li Ziqi,a Chinese vlogger whose videos focus on the beautiful scenery and the rural life in the Chinese countryside.With more than 7.5 million subscribers on YouTube, Li also has more than 1.9 million likes, and close to 3million followers on her Facebook page. Experts from China claim that Li Ziqi is a better advocate forChinese culture than other media.Lis fans think it is the spirit of craftsmanship behind her works that makes Lis video clips attractive.She strictly follows the authentic traditional steps and procedures in making traditional Chinese food andhandicrafts. such as peach flower wine and silk. Sometimes she spends several months producing one ofthe videos.Li Ziqis videos are rather unique. Most of the videos have English titles to ensure betterrecommendations by the algorithms(计算程序). In fact, most of her videos that are produced in aprofessional and delicate way involve very little speaking at all. Instead, they focus on the visual aspects,and the natural sounds of the landscape. Lis videos convey a more universal message. People can enjoythese videos with little or no background or knowledge about the country. Therefore, Lis videos can beenjoyed by many with different language backgrounds.21. What can we learn about Li Zigis video clips?A. They promote the sales of Chinese food and handicrafts.B. They present the culture of life in urban areas of China.C. They are false rather than honest records of local life in China in her fans view.D. There are images and natural sounds in her videos rather than language work.22. Whats the authors tone toward Li Zigis video clips?A. NeutralB. NegativeC. PositiveD. Vague23. What is the authors purpose in writing the passage?A. To introduce Li Zigis unique tricks of attracting audience.B. To provide guidance on cooking and making traditional handicrafts.C. To suggest a way of attracting more followers on YouTube.D. To give an example of how to gain worldwide popularity with short videos.BI was attending a party one night given in Sir Rosss honor. During the dinner, the man sitting next tome told a humorous story and spoke of the quotation: “Theres a divinity( 神 ) that shapes our ends.Rough-hew them how we will.”The storyteller mentioned that the quotation was from the Bible. He was wrong. I knew that; I knew itpositively. There couldnt be the slightest doubt about it. And so, to get a feeling of importance and showmy high quality, I chose myself as an unwelcome person to correct him. He stuck to his guns. “What? FromShakespeare? Impossible! Absurd ! That quotation was from the Bible. ”The storyteller was sitting at my right hand, and Frank Gammond, an old friend of mine, was seated atmy left hand. Mr. Gammond had devoted years to the study of Shakespeare, so the storyteller and I agreedto leave the question to Mr. Gammond. Mr. Gammond listened, kicked me under the table, and then said,“Dale, you are wrong. The gentleman is right. It is from the Bible.”On our way home that night, I said to Mr. Gammond, “Frank, you knew that quotation was fromShakespeare.”“Yes, of course,” he replied. “Hamlet, Act V, Scene 2. But we were guests on a festive occasion, mydear Dale. Why prove to a man he is wrong? Is that going to make him like you? Why not let him save hisface? He didnt ask for your opinion. He didnt want it. Why argue with him?” The man who said thattaught me a lesson I would never forget. I not only had made the storyteller uncomfortable, but had put myfriend in an embarrassing situation. How much better it would have been if I hadnt become argumentative.Nine times out of ten, an argument ends with each of the contestants(竞争者) more firmly convincedthan ever that he is absolutely right. You cant win an argument. You cant because if you lose it, you loseit; and if you win it, you lose it.24. At the party, the author tried to get a feeling of importance by _ .A. telling a humorous storyB. showing off his rich knowledgeC. correcting the storytellers mistakeD. teaching the storyteller a lesson25. The underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 means that _ .A. he realized he was wrongB. he felt sorry for what he saidC. he wanted to fight with the authorD. he didnt change his mind26. What do we learn about Frank Gammond?A. He was very thoughtful.B. He was very humorous.C. He knew much about the Bible.D. He didnt know much about Shakespeare.27. What does the author learn from his friend Gammond?A. Having an open mind.B. Never getting into an argument.C. Respecting others opinion.D. Avoiding making mistakes in public.CAustralia and New Zealands health organizations have given their advice on when to use sunscreen(防晒霜), suggesting Australians apply it every day to avoid bad health effects.A Sunscreen Summit took place in the Australian State of Queensland. During the summit,representatives from some of Australias leading research, medical and public health organizationsexamined the evidence on sunscreen use and determined that in most parts of the country it is beneficial toapply sunscreen every day.“Up until now, public health organizations have recommended applying sunscreen ahead of plannedoutdoor activities but havent recommended applying it every day as part of a morning routine (惯例),”professor Rachel Neale from QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute said. “In recent years, it hasbecome clear that the DNA damage causes skin cancer and melanoma(黑色素瘤), which is caused byrepeated small exposure to sunlight over a period of time,” Neale said. “In Australia, we get a lot of sunexposure from everyday activities such as walking to the bus stop or train station,” Neale said.A study showed that one in two Australians believed it was unhealthy and potentially dangerous to usesunscreen every day. However, Terry Slevin from the Public Health Association of Australia says it iswrong. “There is consistent and compelling evidence that sunscreens are safe,” Slevin said. “Importantly,medical trials have found that people who use sunscreen daily have the same levels of vitamin d as thosewho dont,” Slevin added.Australia has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world which is made worse by the countrysclose to Antarctica where there is a hole in the ozone layer (臭氧层), letting in higher numbers of UV rays.28. What made Australian health organizations advise Australians to use sunscreen?A. The makers of sunscreen.B. The Sunscreen Summit.C. Australian government.D. New Zealands researchers.29. What is not recommended before the Sunscreen Summit?A. Using sunscreen as a morning routine.B. Using sunscreen before outdoor activities.C. Reducing the use of sunscreen.D. Reducing outdoor activities.30. What is the misunderstanding of many Australians?A. People using sunscreen wont have skin cancer.B. Sunscreen is bad for peoples health.C. Sunscreen will never take effect.D. People using sunscreen have the same levels of vitamin31. Which of the following best explains “compelling” underlined in paragraph 4?A. interesting.B. disappointing.C. convincing.D. boring.DPollutions great effects on the environment have become more obvious in recent years, leading to amovement to promote energy efficiency(效率), and a reduction in air and water pollution. Most scientistsagree that such changes are necessary to protect our environment from further harm.Green buildings use less energy, water, create less waste, and are healthier to live, work, and go toschool in than standard buildings. Builders of green buildings use techniques that use resources moreefficiently during the entire building cycle construction, restoration, operation, maintenance(维护) andremoval than those who construct more regular buildings.The environmental benefits of green buildings include the protection of ecosystems and biodiversity,better air and water quality, less waste flowing into streams, and the protection of natural resources. Greenbuildings can also result in lower operating costs because they typically use less energy and fewer materialsand improve indoor air quality, improving the health of people who live in such buildings.The process of building green includes technical and artistic planning with nature protection in mind.Building designs often reflect the surrounding environment and natural resources and use renewablebuilding materials such as bamboo and straw. In addition, recycled resources found locally are used forgreen buildings, reducing the cost and air pollution associated with transporting materials over longdistances.Careful site selection is important to reduce the human effect on the surrounding environment. Forexample, placing a structure in an area that allows it to take advantage of cool wind and sunlight can reduceenergy use and expenses. More energy and expenses are needed for larger buildings as well, so it isimportant to build small ones.The green roof is another feature of green buildings that reduce energy use and costs. These roofs arepartly or completely covered with plants, which help to keep heating and cooling costs low, prevent waterrunning off and deal with pollutants.Other features of green buildings often include energy and water conservation, recycling, and wastereduction. In addition, renewable energy resources such as solar power, hydropower and wind power areused for heat and electricity, which greatly reduces costs and decreases the effect on the environment.32. What is the text mainly about?A. The necessity of promoting energy efficiency.B. The process of building green buildings.C. Green buildings effects on the environment.D. The benefits and features of green buildings.33. According to the text, green buildings refer to the buildings that.A. use energy and resources more efficientlyB. produce no wasteC. only use clean energyD. are made of recycled materials34. What can we know about green buildings?A. They only rely on solar power for heat and electricity.B. Small ones are less efficient in energy use than larger ones.C. They are difficult to maintain and thus need more operating costs.D. When we are building them the ecosystem has to be considered.35. What is the purpose of using green roofs?A. To fit the surrounding environment well.B. To keep warm.C. To lower costs.D. To collect nature water.第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Language learning is a long-term process-it takes commitment and enthusiasm. And just like anylong-term goal, we all need encouragement from time to time to keep us going.36.Remember why you startedWhen you first started your language journey, it was for a reason. Perhaps you wanted to get more out ofyour travels or make yourself more competitive in the marketplace. When your brain is focused on learning,it makes sense that these concrete goals may slip out of your mind.37.Reflect on what youve learned so farLearning a new language is undoubtedly a huge task and youll feel rather stressed. But before you lookahead, take some time to reflect on how far youve come.38Being able to hold something thatsa direct result of your effort will help you stay on track.Identify(辨认出) distractionsWhen our energy dips, its the best way to identify the choices that are distracting(使分心) us from ourgoals. Maybe its our environment to staying up-to-date with television shows, or that extra hour ofFacebooking before we go to bed.39We have a limited amount time and energy and every decisionwe make has trade-offs(权衡). Find a balance so that we have enough time to achieve the things that arereally important to us.40.To stay on track, divide up your main goal of learning a new language into smaller goals, and thenreward yourself after you reach each one. Perhaps that means after you master all the vocabulary in thefood and drink category youll finally throw that fancy dinner party youve been dreaming about. A bigreward at the end, such as an international trip, can certainly be motivating, but dont forget to alsocelebrate your small triumphs along the way.A. Reward Yourself.B. Build confidence through p
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江苏省 扬州 学校 高一上 学期 英语 期中 试卷 听力 录音 答案 谜底
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