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    • Unit 1 Important phrases 素材总结-(2019)新人教版高中英语必修第二册.docx--点击预览
    • Unit 2 Important phrases 素材总结-(2019)新人教版高中英语必修第二册.docx--点击预览
    • Unit 3 Important phrases 素材总结-(2019)新人教版高中英语必修第二册.docx--点击预览
    • Unit 4 Important phrases 素材总结-(2019)新人教版高中英语必修第二册.docx--点击预览
    • Unit 5 Important phrases 素材总结-(2019)新人教版高中英语必修第二册.docx--点击预览
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Unit1 Cultural Heritage part 1. discovering useful structures 1.at the entrance to 在的入口处(P6)2.explain to us the process of 给我们解释的过程3.preserve it for the next generation 为下一代保留它4.refuse to sign the document 拒绝在文件上签字(P62 P63)5.The car broke down. 车坏了。6.be thought to be of special importance to 被认为对特别重要(P66)7.a masterpiece of architecture 建筑杰作8.feel both the weight of history and a wonderful sense of peace 感受历史的重量和一种美妙的和平感9.hand down from generation to generation 代代相传10. be thought to do sth 被认为做某事11. be of special importance to = be specially important to 对特别重要12. be of + 抽象名词 = be + 形容词 类似的还有 value, use, benefit, interest 等。 Part 2 listening and speaking 1.take part in a youth project 参加一个青年项目(P2 P3)2.work creatively to protect a temple 创造性地保护寺庙3.protect cultural relics 保护文物4.do a project on cultural heritage protection 做一个关于文化遗产保护的项目5.international youth project 国际青年项目6.in a fun and easy way 以一种有趣而简单的方式 7.take turns to do sth 轮流做某事(P7)8.I beg your pardon, but 请原谅,但是9.its said that 据说10. tell right from wrong 辨别是非11. on the roof 在屋顶 part 3 reading and thinking 1.from problems to solutions 从问题到解决办法(P4 P5)2.economic development 经济发展3.give way to 给让路4.preserve everything from our past 保存我们过去的一切5.move towards the future 走向未来6.keep the balance between progress and the protection of cultural sites 保持发展与文物保护的平衡7.lead to great solutions 带来伟大的解决方案8.control floods 控制洪水9.produce electricity 发电10. supply water 供水11. The proposal led to protests. 这项提议引起了抗议。12. destroy cultural relics 破坏文物13. turn to sb for help 向某人寻求帮助14. the loss of cultural relics 文物的流失15. raise funds 筹集资金16. investigate the issue 调查这个问题17. make a proposal for 对提出建议18. bring . together 把聚在一起19. be taken down piece by piece 被一块块地拆开20. countless cultural relics 无数的文物21. It was considered a great success. 它被认为是巨大的成功。22. find a path to the future 找到通往未来的道路23. work together to build a better tomorrow 携手共建更加美好的明天24. run a program 运营一个项目25. the global community 国际社会part 4 Reading for Writing1.promote culture through digital images 通过数码图像推广文化(P8 P9)2.increase knowledge and appreciation of Chinas ancient cultural heritage 增加对中国古代文化遗产的了解和欣赏3.record and collect digital images of cultural relics 记录和收集文物数码图像4.throughout Chinas ancient history 在中国古代史上5.high-quality digital photographs 高质量的数码照片6.a meeting point for different cultures 不同文化的交汇点7.promote even wider interest 促使产生更广泛的兴趣8.further educate people about the importance of safeguarding historic and cultural relics 进一步教育大众认识保护历史和文化遗产的重要性9.work on the project 从事这个项目10. international communication and understanding 国际交流与理解11. preserve cultural heritage 保护文化遗产12. raise money (for sth) (为某事物)筹钱13. A picture is worth a thousand words. 一画值千金。14. end with a short summary 以一个简短的总结结束15. as dramatic as 像一样引人注目(P64)16. at the bottom of 在的底部17. to date 迄今为止18. uncover its secrets 揭开它的秘密19. Special measures will be taken to safeguard the objects. 将采取特别措施保护这些物品。 Unit2 Wildlife ProtectionPart1. Discovering useful structures (P18,68,69)1.due to 由于2.be concerned about 对担忧3.give a presentation 介绍4.speak up for 为辩护;替讲好话5.Its high time to do 是该做的时间了6.follow ones example 仿效某人7.be released into 被释放到8.make sb aware of 使某人意识到part 2 listening and speaking 1.illegal hunting 非法捕猎(P14 15)2.end up in sth 以告终;最终成为3.die out 消失;灭绝4.at an alarming rate 以惊人的速度5.mass extinction 大规模灭绝6.make people aware of 使人们意识到7.on average 平均8.make a lot of progress 取得很大进步9.wildlife protection 野生动物保护10. natural habitat 自然栖息地11. be concerned about 对关心 / 担忧12. in danger of 有的危险13. adapt to 适应14. take measures to do sth 采取措施做某事15. under pressure 在压力下16. paper cut-outs 剪纸17. a field guide 野外指南18. care for 关心19. put out 把摆好;预备好part 3 reading and thinking 1.National Nature Reserve 国家自然保护区(P16 P17)2.snow-covered mountains 白雪覆盖的群山3.make out 辨认出;理解;填写4.be struck by 对留下深刻印象 5.remind sb of sth 提醒某人某事;使某人想起某事6.make profits 谋利7.watch over 监视;照顾8.save . from 从中救出9.be recovered from 从中恢复10. intend to do sth 打算做某事11. live in harmony with nature 与自然和谐相处part 4 reading for writing 1.when it comes to 当谈到(P20 P21)2.stir up 激起3.carry out 开展;执行4.clean up 清理5.attract ones attention 吸引某人的注意6.year by year 年复一年7.feed on 以为食8.ever after 从此以后9.in addition to 除以外10. get rid of 摆脱11. with the objective of 有目的12. be intended to do sth 打算做某事 Unit3 The InternetPart 1 Discovering Useful Structures1.an identity card 一张身份证(P30)2.confirm the password 确认密码 / 口令3.copy the file 复制文件part 2. Listening and Speaking 1.online safety 网络安全(P26 P27)2.reasons for using the Internet 使用互联网的原因3.do a survey on 做关于的调查 4.take turns to do sth 轮流做某事5.too busy to go online 太忙不能上网6.it depends 看情况而定7.stream videos 流播视频8.look up information 查找信息9.by the way 顺便说一下10. keep things secret 保密事情part 3 reading and thinking 1.no longer 不再(P28 P29)2.carry cash around 随身携带现金3.download software 下载软件 4.develop a serious illness 患严重的疾病5.quit ones job 辞职6.surf the Internet 网上冲浪7.explore the world 探索世界8.collect money 募集资金9.take online classes 上网课10. raise money for children in poor countries 为贫穷国家的孩子筹集资金part 4 Reading for Writing1.teach me a thing or two 教我一两件事(P32 P34)2.give out your address 泄露你的地址3.become a target for a troll 兴风作浪4.stir up trouble 制造麻烦5.make trouble 成为发挑衅帖子人的目标6.make fun of 取笑7.at first 开始的时候;起初8.keep in mind 记住9.be well organized 组织良好10. make a positive comment on sth 对某事作正面的评价Unit 4 History and TraditionsPart 1. Discovering Useful Structures1.an underground car park 地下停车场(P42)2.get the car battery charged 给汽车电池充电3.the amount of 的数量4.at the entrance of 在的入口5.fix ones eyes on 注视;目不转睛地盯着6.approach the painting 靠近那幅画7.beautiful natural landscape 美丽的自然风光8.a copy of 的副本 / 复印件part 2 Listening and Speaking 1.do a research project on 做一个的研究项目(P38 P39)2.Confucius philosophy 孔子哲学3.as one of Confucius descendants 作为孔子的弟子之一4.be similar to 与相似5.present an idea 呈现观点6.Achilles heel 弱点;要害 7.pull ones leg 戏弄8.fish out of water 离水之鱼;感到不自在 / 不适应9.a historic tourist destination 历史旅游胜地(P43)10. talk to a receptionist 和接待员交谈11. expect something different 期待一些不同的事情12. walk into history 走进历史13. be eager to do sth 渴望做某事14. as interesting as Ive expected 如我期待的那般有趣15. expect to do sth 期待做某事16. some great snacks 一些很棒的小吃part 3 Reading and Thinking1.be confused by 对感到困惑(P40)2.solve this puzzle 解决这个疑问3.add to 增加4.break away from 脱离;离开5.result in 导致;结果是6.the shortened name 简化的名字7.be referred to as 被称为;被当作8.belong to 属于;归属9.share the same currency and military defense 使用相同的货币和军事防御 10. different education systems and legal systems 不同的教育和法律体系11. be surrounded by / with 被所环绕(P40 P41)12. take over 占领;接手13. great achievements 伟大的成就14. date all the way back to 追溯到;起源于15. ancient relics 古文物16. a mix of history and modern culture 历史和现代文化的融合part 4 Reading for Writing1.have a great influence on 对有重要的影响(P44)2.have a long history of 有久远的历史3.excite and inspire all 使所有人激动和受到启发4.a true feast for the eyes 一场真正的视觉盛宴5.rolling green hills 起伏的绿色山丘6.be dotted with 被点缀着7.the roar of the ocean waves 海浪的咆哮声8.the cries of the seabirds 海鸟的叫声9.greet the new day with their morning song 用清晨的歌声迎接新的一天(P44 P45)10. it is not surprising that 毫不意外11. a glass of wine 一杯葡萄酒12. better yet 更好的是13. a friendly face 一个友好的人14. be more than likely to do sth 非常可能做某事15. experience local culture and customs first-hand 亲身经历当地文化习俗16. a striking image 一个引人入目的形象 Unit 5 MusicPart1 Discovering Useful Structures1.the past participle 过去分词(P54)2.be used for doing sth 用于做某事3.be capable of doing sth 能够做某事4.a cure for illness 疾病的疗法5.get absorbed in 聚精会神于6.romantic words 浪漫的话语7.from time to time 不时;有时8.perform on the stage 在舞台上表演9.be popular with 受欢迎10. lose interest in 对失去兴趣11. a few striking qualities 一些引人注目的品质12. attend the master training classes 参加大师培训班13. as a whole 总的来说14. aim for glory 为了荣耀part 2 Listening and Speaking 1.country music 乡村音乐(P50 P51)2.classical music 古典音乐3.hip-hop music 嘻哈音乐4.sit beside a quiet stream 坐在安静的小溪旁5.touch my heart / soul 触动我的心灵6.remind sb of 使某人想起7.wind instrument 管乐器;吹奏乐器8.stringed instrument 弦乐器9.blow in the wind 随风飘扬10. run food stands 运营食物站(P55)11. set up equipment 搭建设备12. try out 试验;考验13. have musical talent 有音乐天赋14. on the school sports field 在学校运动场上15. help out with the crowds 帮助观众16. a good cause 公益事业17. in addition to 除之外(还)part3 Reading and thinking1.have the opportunity to do sth 有机会做某事(P52 P53)2.upload the video onto the Internet 上传视频到网络上3.ordinary people 普通人4.join a local choir 加入当地的合唱队5.enable sb to do sth 使某人能够做某事6.the global community 国际社会7.prove to be 结果是8.a positive influence on 对的积极影响9.an award-winning composer 一个获奖的作曲家10. graduate from university 大学毕业11. get / receive a masters degree 获得硕士学位12. original compositions 原创作曲13. millions of 数以百万的14. a worldwide phenomenon 一个世界性的现象15. people around the world 世界各地的人们16. make the world a better place 让世界更美好17. fall in love with 爱上18. the rock band 摇滚乐队19. put efforts into the work 努力工作part 4 Reading for writing1.its an honor to do sth 很荣幸做某事(P56 P57)2.have an impact on 对有影响3.a serious disease 一种严重的疾病4.go through 经受;通过5.a two-hour medical treatment 两小时的医疗6.from then on 从那时起7.all the time 始终;一直8.lean on 依赖9.a sense of satisfaction 满足感10. in the same way 同样的;以同样的方式11. rhetorical device 修辞手法12. rhetorical question 反问13. relate . to . 把与联系起来14. concentrate on 专注于(P58 P59)15. various styles of music 不同风格的音乐16. be talented at 在方面有天赋17. a couple of lessons 一些课程18. at the year-end concert 在年终音乐会19. butterflies in my stomach 心里感到七上八下20. pay off 付清;取得成功21. the positive reaction 积极的反应22. become famous as 以而闻名23. in the later part of ones life 在某人的后半生24. dark times 黑暗时期25. become marked by sadness 以悲伤为特征26. die after a long illness 久病后去世
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