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高一英语语法填空专项训练一高一英语语法填空专项训练一Test one Adam is a freshman in senior high school. 1. (go) from junior high school to senior high school is a really big challenge to him. The first week was a little confusing. First, he had to think very 2. (careful) about which courses he wanted to take. 3. the help of the school adviser he chose the suitable ones. Chinese is a very difficult language for him, but he hopes to be 4 . (fluently) when he graduates. As for extracurricular 5. (activity), he tried to join the school football team, but the coach refused because of his poor performance. 6. (obvious), he was unhappy, but he wont quit. He joined a volunteer club instead. Every Wednesday, he works at a soup kitchen and 7. (hand) out food to homeless people in the community. He is happy to be there, though he is worried about keeping up with the other students in his 8. (advance) course and itll be quite difficult 9. (get) used to all the homework. He will be well prepared 10 . university or whatever else comes in the future.Test twoHave you ever asked yourself why children go to school? You will 1 (probable) say that they go to learn languages, history, science and some other knowledge. Thats quite true, but do you know why they learn these 2 (thing)?We send our children to school to prepare them 3 the future when they grow up and have to work for 4 (they). Nearly everything they study at school has some practical use in their life. But is that 5 only reason why they go to school?Actually, there is more in education than just 6 (learn) facts. We go to school to learn how to learn, so that when we graduate we can continue to learn. A man 7 really knows how to learn will always be 8 (success), because when he has to do something new, he will not only be able 9 (do) it well himself, but he will also be able to teach others how to do it in the 10 (good) way. So the purpose of schools is not to teach languages, history, science, etc., but to teach students the way to learn.Test threeI am taught by many teachers in my school. Every subject has a 1 (differ) teacher, but I like my math teacher 2 (well). Her name is Lakshmi but we usually call her Maam. She is our class teacher too.Maam 3 (join) us last term. She is very kind and her way of teaching is so 4 (interest) and simple that we all can understand everything 5 is being taught and how it can be done. Most 6 (important), Maam teaches math with lots of patience. If we do not understand a problem, she will spend extra time guiding us until we understand it. And we can go to her at any time during school hours for help.She also helps us 7 activities at school. When there is some kind of program, she will be there 8 (help) us to get ready for the show. Even when we go on picnics, she takes good care of 9 (we)To me, Maam is not only 10 good teacher, but also our best friend. I love Maam and I wish her a happy life.Test fourOn the first day of senior high school, some people are excited, some are nervous, and others even feel frightened. Here 1. (be) a look at Han Jings feelings on her first senior high school day.Han Jing wasnt 2. outgoing girl, so she was a bit anxious at first. She was very worried that no one would make friends with her. So she wanted to make a good first 3. (impress)That morning, she had the first maths class. Although the class was difficult 4. (understand), the teacher was kind and humorous. He made everyone laugh a lot by 5. (tell) a funny story. At that time, Han Jing was happy to find her teachers and classmates friendly and helpful. That afternoon, they went to the science lab to do 6. (experiment). However, the boy next to Han Jing kept on talking to her so that she couldnt concentrate on the experiment. That was so 7. (annoy) that she even wanted to tell him to leave her alone.After the first day, Han Jing no longer 8. (feel) awkward and frightened. She had more confidence in the new school life 9. last. What a perfect day she had, and she expected 10.that the next day would be another perfect day.Test fiveWhen I was in elementary school, I didnt like going to school. I had 1 (difficult) in reading and writing and I always couldnt answer the teachers questions 2 (correct). I cried a lot at school because I 3 (laugh) at by my classmates. My parents would always get mad at me. I felt very upset and didnt have any interest 4 study.But then one day I decided 5 (change) my attitude to study. So I ended up 6 (pay) more attention in class and I started to practice my vocabulary and spelling skills. Also, I always 7 (go) to my teachers for help when I had trouble. I started to do better in Grade 3. 8 I was in Grade 4, I was still improving. By Grade 5, I had become the top student in class.Now as Im 9 senior high school student, I know it might be difficult at first. But like my past in elementary school, I know if I keep working and dont give up, I will be 10 (success)Test sixAnn Wells, 1. Grade 10 student at Lakeside High School, is from the United States. She is active and curious 2. everything. She likes asking questions, and believes that she can learn best by 3. (do). Physics is her favorite subject. Besides liking to read short 4. (story), dancing and skating 5. (be) also her hobbies. Her dream is to become an engineer in the future.Thando Gowon, a 16yearold Grade 10 student at South Hill High School, comes from South Africa. He is goodlooking, thinks fast, and 6. (play) hard. While 7. (study), he always holds a book and a pen. Instead of being in class, he will be either in the library 8.or in the computer lab. Every weekend, he 9. (usual) plays computer games if he is not busy studying. His dream is 10. (set) up his own IT company.Test seven People send birthday wishes using cards and postcards in many cultures. It is not known when and where the tradition of 1 (send) birthday cards began, however, it is believed 2 it was in England in the early nineteenth century. In those days people sent birthday cards because they couldnt wish somebody 3 happy birthday in person.In 1840, the first postage stamp was issued (发行) in Britain and sending birthday cards became 4 (cheap) and therefore more popular. The development of colour printing processes (工序) in the 1930s also helped to increase sales of cards.Today usually cards 5 (give) with a present, even when people can send 6 (they) wishes in person. In recent times, ecards have also become popular: many people are starting to use these instead 7 traditional cards as they are free, environmentally 8 (friend) and arrive more quickly. So will ecards take the place of paper cards in ten or twenty years? Probably not. For young 9 (child) and old people or for very formal occasions (正式场合), ecards are not proper and some people 10 (simple) dont use the Internet.Test eightDuring the Amazon rainforest tour, you will 1. (take) by a short flight from Cusco from the Andes into the Amazon rainforest. It will take you one day to reach your 2. (accommodate) in the center of the forest. You can explore the rainforest and enjoy the plants and animals 3. the help of a local guide in the following three days.The Machu Picchu tour is a fourday walking tour, 4. will take you on amazing paths through the Andes Mountains on the way to the city of Machu Picchu. After 5. (reach) your destination, you can explore this ancient city and you will 6. (amaze) by this ancient city, 7 . (especial) the Incas dry stone method of building.At Cusco, 8. capital of the Inca Empire in the past, you will experience the unique Spanish and local Indian culture, including 9. (visit) the museums, admiring the architecture, enjoying the excellent local food and shopping at the local markets.During the Lake Titicaca tour, first you should drive along the new highway 10. (connect) Cusco to Lake Titicaca. Then, youll be taken to live with a local Uros family on an island by a boat.Test nine The city of San Francisco is a wonderful vacation destination that offers many 1 (difference) things to see and do. Those experiencing a lively city with a wealth of shopping and dining opportunities 2 (be) very happy. Those looking for a city that 3 (offer) museums, art galleries, and very interesting historical sites will also be happy if they choose San Francisco. Many people dont realize it, but people 4 look for an interesting place to get out 5 enjoy nature will also appreciate San Francisco. When touring 6 city by walking, you arent going to cover as much ground. There are far more 7 (benefit) to tour the city on foot though. This type of tour allows you 8 (see) more buildings that others driving by car cant see. You may even get to enter different facilities that those touring the city from the streets do not. A tour of the city on foot also 9 (usual) focuses on a more localized neighborhood level, which can be very 10 (excite) in a number of different ways.Test one 1.Going 2. Carefully 3.With 4.fluent 5.activities 6.Obviously 7.hands 8.advanced 9.to get 10.forTest two1probably 2things3forprepare sb. for sth. 4themselves 5the 6learning 7who/that8successful9to do10best Test three1different 2best 3joined4interesting 5that 6importantly 7with 8to help 9us 10a Test four1.is 2.an 3.impression 4.to understand 5.telling 6.experiments 7.annoying 8.felt 9.at 10.thatTest five1difficulty 2correctly 3was laughed4in5to change6paying 7went 8When 9a 10successfulTest six1.a 2.about 3.doing 4.stories 5.are 6.plays 7.studying 8.or 9.usually 10.to setTest seven1sending 2that 3a4cheaper 5are given 6their 7of 8friendly9children 10simplyTest eight1.be taken 2.accommodation 3.with 4.which 5.reaching 6.be amazed 7.especially8.the 9.visiting 10.connecting Test nine1different 2will be 3offers 4who/that 5and6the 7benefits 8to see 9usually 10exciting 高一英语语法填空专项训练三高一英语语法填空专项训练三Test one Known as Chinas national opera, Beijing Opera, also 1 (call) Peking Opera, which originated in the late 18th century, is a 2 (combine) of music, dance, art and acrobatics (杂技). It is the most influential and representative of all operas in China. It is called Beijing Opera 3 it is formed in Beijing. Beijing Opera has 4 history of 200 years and its origin can date back to old local operas, especially Anhui opera, 5 was very popular in northern China in the 18th century. In 1790, the first Anhui opera performance 6 (hold) in Beijing to celebrate the Emperors birthday.Later, some other Anhui opera troupes (班子) 7 (continue) performing in Beijing. Anhui opera was easy 8 (move) and good at absorbing the acting styles of other types of operas. Beijing accumulated many local operas, making Anhui opera improve quickly. 9 the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, after the marriage for 10 years, Beijing Opera finally formed, and became 10 (big) of all operas in China.Test twoPeople are having a debate about whether 1 (develop) the economy or protect the environment. 2 Lin Shuiqings opinion, 3 is our duty to cut back on 4 (produce) and reduce the quantities of things we make and buy while Qian Liwei thinks that businessmen are not greedy and they dont hide from their 5 (responsible), either. As far as he is concerned, the people 6 (operate) these factories are 7 (deep) concerned about the environment, and should 8 (give) more credit. As 9 matter of fact, many people are willing to pay a little higher price for things 10 are friendly to the environment. Test threeA DAY IN THE CLOUDSTo observe Tibetan antelopes, we came to Tibet. There we made out 1. herd of graceful animals and were struck by their beauty. I 2. (remind) of the danger they are in. They are being hunted 3 . (illegal) for their valuable fur.To protect them, the Chang tang National Nature Reserve was set up,4. is a shelter for animals and plants.In 1980s and 1990s, the population dropped sharply because of being shot to make profits and the loss of 5. (they) habitats.In order to prevent this species from 6. (extinct),the Chinese government took effective 7 . (measure) to place it under national protection. Its population has recovered and was removed from the 8 . (danger) species list. However,the government doesnt intend 9. (give)up the protection programs.To save wildlife,we should learn to exist 10. harmony with nature.Test fourSince 2012, Suy Seng lim, a Cambodian (柬埔寨的) man, has used his love of photography for a good cause: protecting wildlife.As more and more animal species began to disappear, he grew worried. So he created a photo project, 1 will bring more attention to the loss of natural habitat in Cambodia.Suy Seng lim 2 (careful) documents each species he photographs. He records the common name of each creature, its scientific name and identifying qualities, and whether or not the species is endangered.He hopes 3 (educate) Cambodians about the importance of bird species and the effect that 4 (develop) has on nature.The Giant Ibis is Cambodias national bird. It 5 (consider) endangered now, with its population decreasing every year. His photography work has shown him how lack 6 education and law enforcement makes the problem worse.“Hunting is at the root of Cambodian culture, ” he said. But he notes that centuries ago, there were 7 (many) animals and fewer people. Therefore, educating Cambodians about the need for saving wildlife resources 8 (be) very important.Suy Senglim is working on a book on 100 bird species from among the 400 species he has photographed. He hopes to publish 9 book in early 2018.He also looks forward to 10 (influence) the new generation of nature lovers in high schools and colleges.Test fiveAnimals can become endangered for a number of reasons, but many experts believe that loss of habitat is the main cause. Some animals are put 1 danger when people take over their habitats. This often 2 (occur) because people want one or more of the resources in those areas. Some forests, for example, provide wood 3 is used for things like paper and furniture, etc. Many trees 4 (cut) down every day for such purposes but not enough are being planted. It has seriously decreased the population of many species.In some cases, loss of habitat arises 5 forest fires or flooding of land. Environmentalists and zoologists are 6 (frequent) trying to do what they can to prevent the number of populations from 7 (drop) too seriously.Sometimes, people influence nature, indirectly causing the animals 8 (lose) their habitats. Experts believe the problem is becoming much 9 (bad) because of the emission (排放) of greenhouse gases. They dont know 10 much influence people have, however. The greenhouse effect can also influence weather patterns that affect animals.Test sixMuch has been written about the wonders of the World Wide Web. There are countless articles 1. (tell) us how the Internet has made our lives more convenient. But the Internet has done a lot 2. (much) for people than simply make life more convenient. Peoples lives 3. (change) by online communities and social networks so far.Take Jan for example, who developed a serious illness that
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