朗交 外研社 JU:NIOR 吉少队 C ON10EPT 学生用书 Students Book L. G. Alexander (英) Julia Alexander (英RoyKingsbury (英)咽 又 朗 N A M C N o a 由 . 北京BEIJ1NG 学生用书 Students Book Julia Alexander (英) L. G. Alexander (英) Roy Kingsbury (英)告 Rhianwen Roberts (瑞典)插图 向达2 h L 讯们?V叫、;i 全套教材共分为3个级别,每个级别含学生用书、练习册、教师用书和课堂用带。 。学生用书 每级学生用书分为人B两个分册,每分册由15个单元组成,每个单元有两课:第1课 包括课文、对话练习等;第2课包括语音、句型练习、书面练习、昕力练习等。每册学生 用书后面均附赠-张M阳光盘和一张动画DVD光盘,方便学生课后自学时使用。 届擅自赢1. 91点刁册 每本学生用书均配有相应的练习册,为每单元设计了3页的书面练习。这些练习形式 多样,不仅可供学生在课堂上使用,也可以当作家庭作业留给学生,让他们在课下巩固所 学的知识。 0,教师用书 中文版的教师用书方便教师迅速、准确地把握教学活动。教师用书详细地介绍了本套 教材的编写理念、编写大纲,每种练习活动的作用,并提供了非常详细的教学步骤,大大 减轻了教师的备课负担。 尤其值得一提的是,教师用书中提供了更多的语言材料和教学资源,如:每单元的语 音练习中不仅包括了学生用书中已有的例词、例句,还有更多的词语和句子供练习使用, 让教师更加自如地掌控课堂教学。每级教师用书附赠两张MP3光盘,除了学生用书中的所 有音频材料,还包括教师用书中补充的语言材料以及哥大谣和歌曲的录音。 。动画DVD 每本学生用书附赠的动画DVD光盘生动地呈现了每单元的主课文以及歌谣和歌曲, 让学生在观看有趣的动画片的过程中理解课文情景、记住关键语言点,并增强他们的学 习兴趣。 Oi采堂用带 除了每本教师用书附赠的教学MP3外,本套教材还提供了课堂用带方便教师选用。课 堂用带中包括所有的对话(或课文)、语音练习、句型练习、昕力练习、昕写、歌曲和歌 谣,以及“听、说和写“练习的录音。 本套教材的全部录音由英国BBC专业人士分角色录制,以英式发音为主,同时根据角 色需要加入少量的美式发音,让学生适当接触不同的口音,培养他们全面的语音意识和跨 文化交际意识。 青少年的内心世界是多姿多彩的,他们需要置身于令他们身心愉悦的环境中去体验语 言、接受语言、领悟语言、使用语言。可以说,令人耳目一新的新概念英语青少版正 为他们提供了这样的环境。我们相信,通过学习新概念英语青少版这套非常实用的教 材,青少年朋友定能体验到英语学习的快乐,收获丰硕的学习成果! 新概念英语青少版是“新概念英语“教学体系的新成员,由世界著名英语教学专 家路易亚历山大、朱莉娅亚历山大和罗伊金斯伯里专为中国8-14岁的青少年以及英 语初学者编写。整套教材分为3个级别,每个级别的学生用书和练习册分为A、B两个分册。 新概念英语青少版在秉承新概念英语先进教学理念的基础上,更加强调语法 大纲的渐进性,讲授新的语法结构之前,都会不断地循环复习前面学过的语法知识。此 外,教材针对青少年的身心特点,采用了和他们生活、学习密切相关的语言材料。课文以 一个英国家庭以及他们的朋友的故事为主线,语言精练幽默。精心设计的昕力、口语、阅 读和写作练习帮助青少年扎实地掌握各项英语知识和能力,使他们能够逐步充满自信地运 用英语进行交流! 教材简介 J 。完善的教学体系 全面的知识和技能体系帮助学生系统地学习英语语法、词汇和语音,全面提升他们的 昕、说、读、写能力。教材内容涵盖了我国新英语课程标准对中小学生的知识和能力 要求,既满足了我国学生升学考试的需要,又兼顾了他们实际交际运用的需要。 配到Ijll吉ZSE 。渐进的语法大纲 教学内容参照语法大纲循序渐进地编排,由浅入深,注重新旧知识的结合,重点内容 的复现率高,使学生的语言能力螺旋式上升。 。清晰的故事主线 所有课文都基于一个英国家庭和他们的朋友间发生的曰常故事,语言材料真实地道、 精练幽默,向学生介绍当代英国文化的同时,也帮助学生更好地了解世界文化,培养他们 的跨文化交际意识。 。丰宫的教学支持 内容详备的教师用书,为教师提供完整的教学方案,帮助教师快速掌握授课方法,节 省备课时间和精力。每单元均配有丰富的练习活动,便于教师创造性地运用教材,灵活掌 控教学进度。 协 。精彩时尚的设计 全套教材配有出自国外画家之子的大量彩色插图,人物形象活j发生动,版面设计时尚 清新,充分激发学生学习英语的兴趣和动力。 。专业的录音 所有音像产品均由BBC专业人士录音,发音地道纯正、生动传情。 电- e 自 Unit 1 Linda comes to London 琳达来到伦敦 Lesson 1.2 Lesson 2 .6 Unit 3 Is this yours? 这是你的吗? Lesson 5 .18 Lesson 6.22 Unit 5 AII about ants! 关于蚂蚁! Lesson 9.34 Lesson 10.38 A good example 好榜样 Lesson 1350 Lesson 14.54 Unit 9 00 your own thing 做你自己的事 Lesson 17.66 Lesson 18.70 录 Unit 11 We all have our troubles 家家有本难念的经 Lesson 21“.82 Lesson 22.86 Unit 2 Good luck on Sunday! 祝你周日好运! Lesson 3 .10 Lesson 4 14 Unit 13 The Kalenjin 卡兰津人 Lesson 25 .98 Lesson 26“102 Unit 4 The top three percent 跑在前面的百分之三 Lesson 7 . .26 Lesson 8 “30 句 Unit 15 Its a mystery to me! 这对我来说是个谜! Lesson 29.114 Lesson 30118 吨, 4rO A叶A e z qu- 叫叫 Unit 8 A nice quiet afternoon -个美好安静的下午 Lesson 15 “.58 Lesson 16 .62 Unit 10 Tomorrows another day! 明天再说吧! Lesson 19 74 Lesson 20.78 Linda comes to London 琳达来到伦敦 L邸。N() istening画EHE雪E- b少3坏 Listen to the recording, and then answer these questions: Where is Karen, and who is she waiting for?听录音,然后回答问题:卡伦在哪儿?她在等谁? 2 LINDA: Hi, Kar巳n! wh巳r巳areyou? KAREN: Im in the coff,巳ebar n巳xtto the Arrivals巳xit. Im waiting for you, and Im having a cup of coffee. KAREN: Where ar巳you, and what are you doing? LINDA: Im in th巳Baggag巳Hall Im waiting for my suitcase. LINDA: Ah.1 can s巳巳it! Its coming round now! There it is! LINDA: Oh, Karen! Is Paul with you? KAREN: Yes, of course he is. H巳sstanding h巳rebeside me. Im giving him my phone now KAREN: Her巳youare, Paul! Talk to your mother! PAUL: Hello, Mum! LINDA: Hello, Paul! Ive got my suitcase, and Im coming out now! 3 卢V 叫 叫础 胁。甜 一 一翩翩 一 知海 Euided Conversation Xt!理 F= _ . ., _.nr一牛一-._.,_._“中中牛牛牛-一“一、 L New Words and Expressions生词和短语 飞 幽 Answ叫uestionsabout伽text.根据课文回答问题。 a) come round v. + adv. particle (intransitive) next to / nekst tu/ prep.紧靠旁边, Is she waiting for her suitcase? Is it coming round now? Is Paul standing beside Karen? Is Karen giving Paul her bag? Is Linda coming out now? Example: Is Karen in the coffee bar next to the Arrivals exit? Yes, she is. 67890 1 Is Karen waiting for Paul? Is she waiting for Linda? Is she having a cup of coffee? Is Linda next to the Arrivals exit? Is she in the Baggage Hall? 41。qJVAD 站立 未到附近 stand /stnd/, (机场的)进港处 挨着 Arrivals /;lrarv.:z/ n ) ku j phone /f;lun/ n 电话 come out +dv. particle (intransitie) exit /egzrt/ n出口 wait for v. + prep等待 出来Baggage Hall /bg1d3 ,h:l!行李领取斤 s it /Slt/ v坐皮箱suitcase / su:tkers/ n.手提箱, Example: Is Karen waiting for Paul? No, she isnt. Shes waiting for Linda. Must Paul talk to his sister? Is Karen coming out now? Example: What is Karen doing in the coffee bar? Shes waiting for Linda and (shes) having a cnp of coffee. c) Wheres Paul standing? Whos Karen giving her phone to? Whats Linda got now? Whats she doing? FhJVP07fno Where is Linda? Whats she doing there? Can she see her suitcase? Whats it doing now? 4tqLqdA 钟 Linda comes to London二comes-动词的一般现在时第三人称单数形式。 般现在时通常用来表述现在的和可预见的将来的情况,或“永4恒真理“。 the coffee bar二the这里使用定冠词the,是因为从上下文已知是哪一家咖 coffee bar 复合名词,coffee限制修饰bar。 P J / 1 啡店g 2 e Ask questions abol川letext.根据课文提问。 Example: Karen / wait / the coffee bar? (Where ?) A: Is Karen waiting in the colIee bar? B: Yes, she is. A: Where is Karen waiting? B: (Shes waiting) in the coffee bar. Im waiting for you 这里使用了第一人称的现在进行时wait一不及物动词, 与后面的宾语要用介词for连接, a cup of coffee一杯咖啡“a + “量“(cup, 一这一结构可以用来表达某一数量的物质。 + of+名词bag等)glass, 即waitfor 。 3 4 4 5 Is Karen having a bowl of soup? Is Linda waiting for her什iend? Is Paul standing beside his mother? 4l23 咿盼、呻恻咽W叫仰附“鸭“协叫聊“咽W嘟嘟啊阿咖啡时.问吼叫宵叫哪,州州可阴阳嘿F 一伽.鼻 ftml协S川.f:itMl课文注4 仰伊啊 Karen / have / cup of coffee? (What .?) Linda / wait for I suitcase? (What .?) her suitcase / come round now? (What .?) Paul / stand / beside Karen? (Who .?) Linda / come out now / her suitcase? (Who?) 12345 Im giving him my phone -give 后面跟双宾i吾him-give的间接宾语, 是接受者myphone -give的直接宾语。 Ive got my suitcase -have got 意为 拥有“。“有、 5 6 5 。Imagineyou are waiting for a friend at tl叫rrivalsexit in an airport. You are talking to him or her on your mobile. What questions can you ask?假设你在机 场的进港出口等一位朋友,正在用于机和他或她通话。你会问些什么问题? Examples: Where are you now? What are you doing? Are you waiting for your suitcase? 我正我在进港出口旁的咖啡馆。 在一边等你一边喝咖啡。 卡伦 Ask each other these questions.互相提|词。 1 Where are you now? 2 Are you having a cup of co仔e? 3 Are you having an English lesson? 4 Who is sitting beside you? What are you waiting for? 马 我拿到皮箱了, 给1保罗l和你妈妈说说话 你好,妈妈! 你好,保罗l 上就出来l 伦罗达 卡保琳 箱 皮 品叫 我 ?放于 队在 做厅 在取 。领 儿李 哪行 在在 你我 马上就转过啊,我看到箱子了1 来了!到了l 哦,卡伦i保罗和你在一起吗。 当然在。他就站在我身旁o我现 在把电话给他。 琳达 卡伦 你在哪儿?卡伦l 参专译文 嗨, 卡伦 琳达 琳达 琳达 5 , 问 LESSON 思阳.UMI剖m语音E /ITJ/ /ITJk/ bring drink ring rink smg sink thing think New Words and Expressions生词和短语】 sandwich /snwld3/ n三明治 armchair /a:mtJeg/ n.扶手椅 stand up v. + adv. particle (intransitive)起 立,站起来 区Iiit:nl.ili:fdlltt!句型练习 -,亨 Ask and answer questions.问答练习。 A: Is Paul eating a sandwich? B: No, he is门t. A: Is he drinking coffee? B: Yes, he is 2 A: Is Paul eating a sandwich? B: NO,he is门teating a sandwich. 6 He主drinkingco厅ee 3 (Not with picture 8) A: Whos drinking coffee? B: Paul is. read /ri:d/ v.读 TV /,ti: vi:/ n.电革E listen to. + prep听 / 4 (Not with picture 8) A: What is/Whats Paul doing now? B: Hes drinking coffee 5 (Not with picture 8) A: Pauls drinking c,。而fee. B: Im drinking coffee, too. 6 (Not with picture 8) A: What are you doing? B: Im drinking c。而fee. 品“ 1 Paul drinking coffee (not eating a sandwich) 3 Karen 5 cooking lunch (not making cakes) Robert 7 Polly reading a book (not watching TV) waiting for a bus (not reading a newspaper) Z Lucy picking strawberries (not picking flowers) 4 William 6 sitting in his arrnchair (not standing up) Paul 8 talking to his mother (not listening to music) The sun / shining (It / not raining) 7 /jA协.w_.协 d仰 一 (Listening DJT圈 F雨正孟孟面再丁| . 毫JListen to the example昕示例 Some of the words are in bold. These are the key words. Can you hear them? 重点词汇为粗体,你能听出它们吗? o Patterns句型 飞Referto the Pattern Practice on page 6, and write out in full numbers 2 and 6. 参照第6页的句型练习,用图片中的信息套用句型2和6,写出完整的对话。 KEN: Hi, Linda. Are you at Karens now? LINDA: yi创,Iam. KEN: What ar巳youdoing? LINDA: Im sitting in Karens kitchen Were having a good gossip! e Match A and B搭配A,B栏 Write out A and complete each sentence or question with the correct words from B.用 B栏的正确词语完成A栏的句子或问题。 、 W Listen and write听和写 Listen to the rest of the conversation, and underline the key words.听对话的后半 部分,用下划线标出重点词汇。 KEN: Yes, of course. LINDA: W巳cancall you this巳venmg KEN: OK! Give巳veryonethere my lov巳 LINDA: YI创,of course, Ken. Bye fornow! Bye! KEN: LINDA:矶Thatar巳youdoing? KEN: Im drinking my t巳a, and Im reading. LINDA: What are you reading? KEN: Its a book about birds. Is Paul with you? LINDA: No, hes not here just now. H巳straining. 切叫“叫物“,y“-“.-q.巧小叫叫呀吃喻户n,阿罗 Choose the correct answer to fill the blank - a, b, c or d. Then look at the text in Lesson 1.从a、b、c和d中选择正确的答案填空,然后查看第1课的课文。 Gultiple Choice选择填空 然后 Sentence Structure句子结构 Write in the mssing words, and then look at the text in L创son1.填入所缺的词, 查看第1课的课文。 Im一一一_for you, and一一一_a cup of coffee. (pic. 2) Where一一一一_you, and what you ? (pic. 3) Ah, I can it! Its round ! (pic. 4) H巳shere m巳Imhim my phon巳一一一一.(pic. 5) B in England now som巳fiowersfor his girlfri巳nd. for lunch? in myroom? a glass of wine. cooking dinn巳r? to my sister on my mobil巳. . near the art colleg巳. -A 令,“句 3A气 U瓦V叮JOO rA a hu 巳 hcub 任 gn刃叫 u c1 1 ogN 叭 H 河d -mgc A W电mK也业-muL -nas 旺卫业才 岖s-mmd-MKnL 丑巳 +tasytit1 tf也。urA11coqunu h耻mhhummm 、飞 -A?马硝34 , “ 3瓦U寸JQO 飞、 -A匀,“竹、 UA钟 飞 飞oGuided Summary总结 Write complete answers to these questions about the text in Lesson 1, to make one paragraph.完整回答以下关于第1课课文的问题,并将答案连成一段话。 d) are you doing Im in the coff,巳ebar一一一一th巳Arrivalsexit. (pic. 2) a)for b)into c)n巳xtto d) at Where are you, and what一一一_?(pic. 3) a) do you do b) you do c) you doing !ts coming round now! _一一一一!(pic. 4) a) Theres b) !ts c) H巳reits 一一herebeside me. (pic. 5) a) H巳standb) He standing c) He stands d) H巳sstanding Ive got my suitcase, and一一一一_out rlow! (pic. 6) a) Im coming b) I com c) I coming d) coming d) Ther巳ltIS 1 5 2 4 3 Where is Paul standing? Is Kar巳n giving him her phon巳? (Use “, and) Do Paul and his mother say hello, or not? Is Linda coming out now with her suitcase. or not? 5 7 6 Wh巳reis Kar巳n? Who is sh巳waitingfor? What is she having? (Use “, and) 明Th巳reis Linda? What is she doing? (Us巳“,and) Is it coming round now, or not? 1 2 3 4 、 飞毛 9 8 Good luck on Sunday! 祝你周日好运! 脱。N(b EFILWEim Listen to the recording, and then answer this question: What is Paullooking forward to on Sunday?听录音,然后回答问题:周日保罗在期待什么? 10 REPORTER: My names Tom Fr巳nch. Im speaking to you from the ExCel Centre in Londons Docklands. We are visiting this y巳缸sMarathon Expo. REPORTER: This is the Trad巳Fair ofth巳LondonMarathon. Its very noisy! Ther巳ar巳 hundreds of exhibitors and thousands of visitors here. REPORTER: This is a big international ev巳nt. B ut it s like a villag巳! Peopl巳ar巳talkingand laughing like old fri巳nds REpORTER: Im standing with on巳ofthe competitors. Let me introduc巳PaulBruc巳 Hi, Paul! PAUL: Hi, Tom! REpORTER: Paul, please tell our listeners. This is your且rstMarathon, isnt it? PAUL: Yes, it is. REpORTER: Ar巳 youlooking forward to Sunday? PAUL: Yes,I am. R EPORTER: Thats the spirit, Paul! Good luck on Sunday! 。 11 1 4.*1.,1:1 a. (-4# i I (.1阳t4.-i.1(. “#1生词和短语丁 luck /IAk/ n. 1主气 reporter /np;,:tg/ n 记者 centre !sentg/ n.中心 visit /VIZlt/ v.参观,访问 trade fair /treld feg/ n.贸易博览会 noisy /mlz/ adj.嘈杂的,喧闹的 hundreds of /hAndrgdz gv/数以百计的 exhibitor /lgZ1brtg/ n.参展者 thousands of /9auzndz gv/数以千计的 visitor /vlzJtg/ n参观者 village /v11Id3/ n村庄 laugh /Iu:f/大笑 competitor /kgmpetltg/ n竞争者,参赛者 listener /lIsng/ n听众 look forward to v. + adparticle + prep 盼望,期望 spirit /spmt/ n.本质,精神 film /tIlm/ n 电影 say /sel/ v. iJL town /taun/ n市镇,城镇 city /Slti! n城市 叫帆叩伊巾.r“H,叩叫阿唰盹啊盼0/“现精-咽帽 -呵?哪吨吨柳飞回阴阳?呼唤,综臂均:t%“吐蜘咱啦;:-J!市啦?如瞅 4-,.- (lM.ll!tl 川、eText课均可 ,-.W喝/ 12 1 on Sunday 表示“在“星期几用介词on。 2 1m speaking to you -speak不及物动词,与宾语之间用to连接,即speak to somebody。 3 this year“ s 我们可以在表示时间的词或短语后加s,后面跟名词,如todays news, this weeks jobo 4 people一集体名词,be动词用复数形式。 5 look forward to一动词短语,表示“非常期待某事“t。这里是介词,后面 跟名词或动名词。 6 Thats the spirit ! 对某人面对困难和危险时积极、乐观的态度表示赞许,可 以说这句话。 参专译文 记者我是汤姆弗兰奇。我现在在 伦敦多克兰的卓著中心为您报 道。我们正在参观今年的马拉 松展览。 记者这是伦敦马拉松贸易博览会。这 里人声鼎沸,有几百家参展商和 成千上万的参观者。 记者这是一大国际盛事,但这里却像 一个村镇,人们像老朋友一样说 说笑笑。 记者站在我身旁的是一位参赛者,我 来介绍一下保罗布 鲁斯。你好, 保罗l 保罗你好,汤姆l 记者保罗,请告诉我们的听众,这是 你第一次参加马拉松吗。 保罗是的。 记者你很期待周日吗? 保罗是的。 记者这就对了1保罗l祝你周日好运l 也i Emmrmc盟盟军ationx:t53J 1 0 Answ叫uestionsabout the t侃根据课文回答问题。 a) Example: The reporters name is Tom French, isnt it! Yes, it is. 1 Hes speaking from the ExCel Centre, 5 People are talking like old friends, isnt he? arent they? 2 Theyre visiting the Marathon Expo, 6 Tom is standing with Paul, isnt he? arent they? 7 It isnt Pauls second Marathon, is it? 3 There are hundreds of exhibitors, B Its his first Marathon, isnt it? arent there? 9 The Marathon is on Sunday, isnt it? 4 This is a big international event, isnt 10 Pauls looking forward to Sunday, it? isnt he? b) Example: Is Tom speaking from the London Bridge Centre? No, he isnt. Hes speaking from the ExCel Centre. 才Arethey visiting the Flm Expo? 3 Is Paul looking forward to Monda? 2 Is Tom standing with one of the 4 Is the Marathon on Saturda? exhbtors? c) Example: Where is Tom French speaking from? (Hes speaking) from the ExCel Centre in Londons Docklands. 1 What are they visiting? 4 Who is Tom standing with? 2 How many exhibitors and visitors are 5 What is Paul looking forward to? there at the Trade Fair? 6 What does Tom say to Paul? 3 What are people doing? Askql阳tionsabout the text.根据课文提问。 Example: Tom French / speak / the ExCel Centre? (Where .?) A: Is Tom French speaking from the ExCel Centre? B: Yes, he is. A: Where is Tom French speaking from? B: The ExCel Centre. 1 they / visit / this years Marathon Expo? (What .?) 2 this / big international event? (What kind of .?) 3 Tom I stand / with one / competitors? (Who .?) 4 Paul / look forward to / Sunday? (Why .?) o Ask阳hother these questions.互相提问。 才Whattime is it now? What are you doing? 2 What are your friends doing? 3 Does your town or city have a Trade Fair? When is it? Where is it? o Ima崎吨a昭gineyo刷t川rea rad巾io 0盯rT凹飞Vr呻e叩por阳. in the M arathon. What questions can you ask him or her?假设你是一名电台记 者,或电视台记者,你正在与一名马拉松参赛者谈话。你会问他或她什么问题? 13 剧,拙d;.v, 脱。N 团石雨雨雨面E 9 Robert and Lucy e -m n A d n a v w l mh /aI/ cry deny reply crying Iying apply die fly applying dying buy lie buying flying denying replying /aI-ITJ/ (New Words and时叫-生词和短语】 radio !rerdi:m! n.收音机 learn !13:n!.学习 news !nju:z! n新闻 come home + ad回家 television !telr,vr3;:,n! n 电视机 quiet !kwa四t!adj.安静的
- 资源描述:
朗交 外研社 JU:NIOR 吉少队 C 'ON10EPT 学生用书 Students' Book L. G. Alexander (英) Julia Alexander (英RoyKingsbury (英)咽 ·又 朗 N A M C N o a 由 .~ 北京BEIJ1NG 学生用书 Students' Book Julia Alexander (英) L. G. Alexander (英) Roy Kingsbury (英)告 Rhianwen Roberts (瑞典)插图 向达2 h L 讯们?…V叫、~;i 全套教材共分为3个级别,每个级别含学生用书、练习册、教师用书和课堂用带。 。学生用书 每级学生用书分为人B两个分册,每分册由15个单元组成,每个单元有两课:第1课 包括课文、对话练习等;第2课包括语音、句型练习、书面练习、昕力练习等。每册学生 用书后面均附赠-张M阳光盘和一张动画DVD光盘,方便学生课后自学时使用。 届擅自赢Þ1ñ. 91点刁册 每本学生用书均配有相应的练习册,为每单元设计了3页的书面练习。这些练习形式 多样,不仅可供学生在课堂上使用,也可以当作家庭作业留给学生,让他们在课下巩固所 学的知识。 0,教师用书 中文版的教师用书方便教师迅速、准确地把握教学活动。教师用书详细地介绍了本套 教材的编写理念、编写大纲,每种练习活动的作用,并提供了非常详细的教学步骤,大大 减轻了教师的备课负担。 尤其值得一提的是,教师用书中提供了更多的语言材料和教学资源,如:每单元的语 音练习中不仅包括了学生用书中已有的例词、例句,还有更多的词语和句子供练习使用, 让教师更加自如地掌控课堂教学。每级教师用书附赠两张MP3光盘,除了学生用书中的所 有音频材料,还包括教师用书中补充的语言材料以及哥大谣和歌曲的录音。 。动画DVD 每本学生用书附赠的动画DVD光盘生动地呈现了每单元的主课文以及歌谣和歌曲, 让学生在观看有趣的动画片的过程中理解课文情景、记住关键语言点,并增强他们的学 习兴趣。 Oi采堂用带 除了每本教师用书附赠的教学MP3外,本套教材还提供了课堂用带方便教师选用。课 堂用带中包括所有的对话(或课文)、语音练习、句型练习、昕力练习、昕写、歌曲和歌 谣,以及“听、说和写“练习的录音。 本套教材的全部录音由英国BBC专业人士分角色录制,以英式发音为主,同时根据角 色需要加入少量的美式发音,让学生适当接触不同的口音,培养他们全面的语音意识和跨 文化交际意识。 青少年的内心世界是多姿多彩的,他们需要置身于令他们身心愉悦的环境中去体验语 言、接受语言、领悟语言、使用语言。可以说,令人耳目一新的《新概念英语青少版》正 为他们提供了这样的环境。我们相信,通过学习《新概念英语青少版》这套非常实用的教 材,青少年朋友定能体验到英语学习的快乐,收获丰硕的学习成果! 《新概念英语青少版》是“新概念英语“教学体系的新成员,由世界著名英语教学专 家路易·亚历山大、朱莉娅·亚历山大和罗伊·金斯伯里专为中国8-14岁的青少年以及英 语初学者编写。整套教材分为3个级别,每个级别的学生用书和练习册分为A、B两个分册。 《新概念英语青少版》在秉承《新概念英语》先进教学理念的基础上,更加强调语法 大纲的渐进性,讲授新的语法结构之前,都会不断地循环复习前面学过的语法知识。此 外,教材针对青少年的身心特点,采用了和他们生活、学习密切相关的语言材料。课文以 一个英国家庭以及他们的朋友的故事为主线,语言精练幽默。精心设计的昕力、口语、阅 读和写作练习帮助青少年扎实地掌握各项英语知识和能力,使他们能够逐步充满自信地运 用英语进行交流! 教材简介 ~' J 。完善的教学体系 全面的知识和技能体系帮助学生系统地学习英语语法、词汇和语音,全面提升他们的 昕、说、读、写能力。教材内容涵盖了我国新《英语课程标准》对中小学生的知识和能力 要求,既满足了我国学生升学考试的需要,又兼顾了他们实际交际运用的需要。 配到Ijll吉ZSE 。渐进的语法大纲 教学内容参照语法大纲循序渐进地编排,由浅入深,注重新旧知识的结合,重点内容 的复现率高,使学生的语言能力螺旋式上升。 。清晰的故事主线 所有课文都基于一个英国家庭和他们的朋友间发生的曰常故事,语言材料真实地道、 精练幽默,向学生介绍当代英国文化的同时,也帮助学生更好地了解世界文化,培养他们 的跨文化交际意识。 。丰宫的教学支持 内容详备的教师用书,为教师提供完整的教学方案,帮助教师快速掌握授课方法,节 省备课时间和精力。每单元均配有丰富的练习活动,便于教师创造性地运用教材,灵活掌 控教学进度。 协 。精彩时尚的设计 全套教材配有出自国外画家之子的大量彩色插图,人物形象活j发生动,版面设计时尚 清新,充分激发学生学习英语的兴趣和动力。 。专业的录音 所有音像产品均由BBC专业人士录音,发音地道纯正、生动传情。 ' 电- e 自 Unit 1 Linda comes to London 琳达来到伦敦 Lesson 1……….………2 Lesson 2 .……….……6 Unit 3 Is this yours? 这是你的吗? Lesson 5 …….18 Lesson 6…….22 Unit 5 AII about ants! 关于蚂蚁! Lesson 9….34 Lesson 10.….38 A good example 好榜样 Lesson 13……·……………50 Lesson 14……………….54 Unit 9 00 your own thing 做你自己的事 Lesson 17………….66 Lesson 18……………….70 • 录 Unit 11 We all have our troubles 家家有本难念的经 Lesson 21……·…“……….…82 Lesson 22…….…86 Unit 2 Good luck on Sunday! 祝你周日好运! Lesson 3 ……………………….10 Lesson 4 …………14 Unit 13 The Kalenjin 卡兰津人 Lesson 25 .……….98 Lesson 26…“…………………102 Unit 4 The top three percent 跑在前面的百分之三 Lesson 7 .……… ….26 Lesson 8… … ·…………“…30 '句 Unit 15 It's a mystery to me! 这对我来说是个谜! Lesson 29………….114 Lesson 30…………………118 吨, 4rO A叶A『 e … z … qu- … '叫叫 Unit 8 A nice quiet afternoon -个美好安静的下午 Lesson 15… “…·…………“….58 Lesson 16……·…… … …….62 Unit 10 Tomorrow's another day! 明天再说吧! Lesson 19 ………74 Lesson 20….…….78 Linda comes to London 琳达来到伦敦 L邸。N(Î) @istening画EHE雪E- φb少3坏 Listen to the recording, and then answer these questions: Where is Karen, and who is she waiting for?听录音,然后回答问题:卡伦在哪儿?她在等谁? 2 LINDA: Hi, Kar巳n! wh巳r巳areyou? KAREN: I'm in the coff,巳ebar n巳xtto the Arrivals巳xit. I'm waiting for you, and I'm having a cup of coffee. KAREN: Where ar巳you, and what are you doing? LINDA: I'm in th巳Baggag巳Hall I'm waiting for my suitcase. LINDA: Ah.1 can s巳巳it! It's coming round now! There it is! LINDA: Oh, Karen! Is Paul with you? KAREN: Yes, of course he is. H巳'sstanding h巳rebeside me. I'm giving him my phone now KAREN: Her巳youare, Paul! Talk to your mother! PAUL: Hello, Mum! LINDA: Hello, Paul! I've got my suitcase, and I'm coming out now! @ 3 卢V '叫… 叫础 胁。甜 一 一翩翩 一 知ω海 Euided Conversation X'tì!理 F……= __ . ~., ~_.~nr一牛一-.~_.,,_._““中中牛牛牛-一…“一……、 L New Words and Expressions生词和短语』 飞 幽 ~ Answ叫uestionsabout伽text.根据课文回答问题。 a) come round v. + adv. particle (intransitive) next to /' nekst tu/ prep.紧靠旁边, Is she waiting for her suitcase? Is it coming round now? Is Paul standing beside Karen? Is Karen giving Paul her bag? Is Linda coming out now? Example: Is Karen in the coffee bar next to the Arrivals exit? Yes, she is. 67890 1 Is Karen waiting for Paul? Is she waiting for Linda? Is she having a cup of coffee? Is Linda next to the Arrivals exit? Is she in the Baggage Hall? 41。ιqJVA『「D 站立 未到附近 stand /stænd/ν, (机场的)进港处 挨着 Arrivals /;l'rarv.:]z/ n ) ku j phone /f;lun/ n 电话 come out ν+αdv. particle (intransitiνe) exit /'egzrt/ n出口 wait for v. + prep等待 出来Baggage Hall /'bæg1d3 ,h:::l!行李领取斤 s it /Slt/ v坐皮箱suitcase /' su:tkers/ n.手提箱, Example: Is Karen waiting for Paul? No, she isn't. She's waiting for Linda. Must Paul talk to his sister? Is Karen coming out now? Example: What is Karen doing in the coffee bar? She's waiting for Linda and (she's) having a cnp of coffee. c) Where's Paul standing? Who's Karen giving her phone to? What's Linda got now? What's she doing? FhJVP07fno Where is Linda? What's she doing there? Can she see her suitcase? What's it doing now? 4tqLqdA 钟 Linda comes to London二comes--动词的一般现在时第三人称单数形式。 般现在时通常用来表述现在的和可预见的将来的情况,或“永4恒真理“。 the coffee bar二the这里使用定冠词the,是因为从上下文已知是哪一家咖 coffee bar 复合名词,coffee限制修饰bar。 P Jλ ψ~/ 1 啡店g 2 e Ask questions abol川letext.根据课文提问。 Example: Karen / wait / the coffee bar? (Where …?) A: Is Karen waiting in the colIee bar? B: Yes, she is. A: Where is Karen waiting? B: (She's waiting) in the coffee bar. I'm waiting for you 这里使用了第一人称的现在进行时wait一不及物动词, 与后面的宾语要用介词for连接, a cup of coffee一~杯咖啡“a + “量“(cup, 一这一结构可以用来表达某一数量的物质。 + of+名词bag等)glass, 即waitfor 。 3 4 4 5 Is Karen having a bowl of soup? Is Linda waiting for her什iend? Is Paul standing beside his mother? 4l23 咿盼、呻恻咽W叫仰附““““““““鸭“协叫聊“…咽W嘟嘟啊阿咖啡时~.问~~吼叫宵叫哪,州州可阴阳嘿F 一伽.鼻 ftml协S川.f:iîtMl课文注4 仰伊啊 Karen / have / cup of coffee? (What .?) Linda / wait for I suitcase? (What .?) her suitcase / come round now? (What .?) Paul / stand / beside Karen? (Who .?) Linda / come out now / her suitcase? (Who…?) 12345 I'm giving him my phone -give 后面跟双宾i吾him-give的间接宾语, 是接受者myphone -give的直接宾语。 I've got my suitcase •-have got 意为 拥有“。“有、 5 6 5 。Imagineyou are waiting for a friend at tl叫rrivalsexit in an airport. You are talking to him or her on your mobile. What questions can you ask?假设你在机 场的进港出口等一位朋友,正在用于机和他或她通话。你会问些什么问题? Examples: Where are you now? What are you doing? Are you waiting for your suitcase? 我正我在进港出口旁的咖啡馆。 在一边等你一边喝咖啡。 卡伦 ø Ask each other these questions.互相提|词。 1 Where are you now? 2 Are you having a cup of co仔ée? 3 Are you having an English lesson? 4 Who is sitting beside you? What are you waiting for? 马 我拿到皮箱了, 给1保罗l和你妈妈说说话 你好,妈妈! 你好,保罗l 上就出来l 伦罗达 卡保琳 箱 皮 品叫 我 ?放于 队在 做厅 在取 。领 儿李 哪行 在在 你我 马上就转过啊,我看到箱子了1 来了!到了l 哦,卡伦i保罗和你在一起吗。 当然在。他就站在我身旁o我现 在把电话给他。 琳达 卡伦 你在哪儿?卡伦l 参专译文 嗨, 卡伦 琳达 琳达 琳达 5 , 问 LESSON 思阳.UMI剖m语音E /ITJ/ /ITJk/ bring drink ring rink smg sink thing think [New Words and Expressions生词和短语】 sandwich /'sænwld3/ n三明治 armchair /'a:mtJeg/ n.扶手椅 stand up v. + adv. particle (intransitive)起 立,站起来 区Ii[it:nl.ili:fdlltt~!]句型练习] -,亨 Ask and answer questions.问答练习。 A: Is Paul eating a sandwich? B: No, he is门't. A: Is he drinking coffee? B: Yes, he is 2 A: Is Paul eating a sandwich? B: NO,he is门'teating a sandwich. 6 He主drinkingco厅ee 3 (Not with picture 8) A: Who's drinking coffee? B: Paul is. read /ri:d/ v.读 TV /,ti: 'vi:/ n.电革E listen toν. + prep听 ~/ 4 (Not with picture 8) A: What is/What's Paul doing now? B: He's drinking coffee 5 (Not with picture 8) A: Paul's drinking c,。而fee. B: I'm drinking coffee, too. 6 (Not with picture 8) A: What are you doing? B: I'm drinking c。而fee. 品“ 1 Paul drinking coffee (not eating a sandwich) 3 Karen 5 cooking lunch (not making cakes) Robert 7 Polly reading a book (not watching TV) waiting for a bus (not reading a newspaper) Z Lucy picking strawberries (not picking flowers) 4 William 6 sitting in his arrnchair (not standing up) Paul 8 talking to his mother (not listening to music) The sun / shining (It / not raining) 7 /jA协.w_.协 d仰 一… (Listening DJT圈 F雨正孟孟面再丁| .' 毫JListen to the example昕示例 Some of the words are in bold. These are the key words. Can you hear them? 重点词汇为粗体,你能听出它们吗? o Patterns句型 飞Referto the Pattern Practice on page 6, and write out in full numbers 2 and 6. 参照第6页的句型练习,用图片中的信息套用句型2和6,写出完整的对话。 KEN: Hi, Linda. Are you at Karen's now? LINDA: yi创,Iam. KEN: What ar巳youdoing? LINDA: I'm sitting in Karen's kitchen We're having a good gossip! e Match A and B搭配A,B栏 Write out A and complete each sentence or question with the correct words from B.用 B栏的正确词语完成A栏的句子或问题。 、\ W Listen and write听和写 Listen to the rest of the conversation, and underline the key words.听对话的后半 部分,用下划线标出重点词汇。 KEN: Yes, of course. LINDA: W巳cancall you this巳venmg KEN: OK! Give巳veryonethere my lov巳 LINDA: YI创,of course, Ken. Bye fornow! Bye! KEN: LINDA:矶Thatar巳youdoing? KEN: I'm drinking my t巳a, and I'm reading. LINDA: What are you reading? KEN: It's a book about birds. Is Paul with you? LINDA: No, he's not here just now. H巳'straining. 切叫“叫物“,,,,y“-“.-q.巧小叫叫呀'吃喻户n,阿罗 Choose the correct answer to fill the blank - a, b, c or d. Then look at the text in Lesson 1.从a、b、c和d中选择正确的答案填空,然后查看第1课的课文。 Gultiple Choice选择填空] 然后 ø Sentence Structure句子结构 Write in the mìssing words, and then look at the text in L创son1.填入所缺的词, 查看第1课的课文。 I'm一一一_for you, and一一一___a cup of coffee. (pic. 2) Where一一一一_you, and what you ? (pic. 3) Ah, I can it! It's round ! (pic. 4) H巳'shere m巳I'mhim my phon巳一一一一.(pic. 5) B in England now som巳fiowersfor his girlfri巳nd. for lunch? in myroom? a glass of wine. cooking dinn巳r? to my sister on my mobil巳. . near the art colleg巳. -A 令,“句 3A『气 U瓦V叮JOO rA a hu· 巳· ·hcuσb 任 gn刃叫… u c1 · 1 ogN 叭 H 河d …-mgc A W电mK也业-muL -nas 旺卫业才 岖's-mmd-MKnL 丑巳 +tasytit'1 ·tf也。urA'11coqunu h耻mhhummm 、飞 -A?马硝34 , “ 3瓦U寸JQO 飞、 \ -A匀,“竹、 UA钟 \ 飞 飞\oGuided Summary总结 Write complete answers to these questions about the text in Lesson 1, to make one paragraph.完整回答以下关于第1课课文的问题,并将答案连成一段话。 d) are you doing I'm in the coff,巳ebar一一一一←th巳Arrivalsexit. (pic. 2) a)for b)into c)n巳xtto d) at Where are you, and what一一一_?(pic. 3) a) do you do b) you do c) you doing !t's coming round now! _一一一一!(pic. 4) a) There's b) !t's c) H巳reit's ~一一→herebeside me. (pic. 5) a) H巳standb) He standing c) He stands d) H巳'sstanding I've got my suitcase, and一一一一_out rlow! (pic. 6) a) I'm coming b) I comè c) I coming d) coming d) Ther巳ltIS 1 5 2 4 3 Where is Paul standing? Is Kar巳n giving him her phon巳? (Use “', and) Do Paul and his mother say hello, or not? Is Linda coming out now with her suitcase. or not? 5 7 6 Wh巳reis Kar巳n? Who is sh巳waitingfor? What is she having? (Use “', and) 明Th巳reis Linda? What is she doing? (Us巳“',and) Is it coming round now, or not? 1 2 3 4 、、 飞毛 9 8 Good luck on Sunday! 祝你周日好运! 脱。N(b EFILWEim Listen to the recording, and then answer this question: What is Paullooking forward to on Sunday?听录音,然后回答问题:周日保罗在期待什么? @ 10 REPORTER: My name's Tom Fr巳nch. I'm speaking to you from the ExCel Centre in London's Docklands. We are visiting this y巳缸'sMarathon Expo. REPORTER: This is the Trad巳Fair ofth巳LondonMarathon. It's very noisy! Ther巳ar巳 hundreds of exhibitors and thousands of visitors here. REPORTER: This is a big international ev巳nt. B ut it' s like a villag巳! Peopl巳ar巳talkingand laughing like old fri巳nds REpORTER: I'm standing with on巳ofthe competitors. Let me introduc巳PaulBruc巳 Hi, Paul! PAUL: Hi, Tom! REpORTER: Paul, please tell our listeners. This is your且rstMarathon, isn't it? PAUL: Yes, it is. REpORTER: Ar巳 youlooking forward to Sunday? PAUL: Yes,I am. R EPORTER: That's the spirit, Paul! Good luck on Sunday! 。 @ 11 [ 1 ~ [4'.*1.',1:1] a. (-4# i I (.1阳t4.-i.1(.] “#1生词和短语丁 luck /IAk/ n. 1主气 reporter /n'p;,:tg/ n 记者 centre !'sentg/ n.中心 visit /'VIZlt/ v.参观,访问 trade fair /'treld feg/ n.贸易博览会 noisy /'mlzÍ/ adj.嘈杂的,喧闹的 hundreds of /'hAndrgdz gv/数以百计的 exhibitor /lg'Z1brtg/ n.参展者 thousands of /'9auzndz gv/数以千计的 visitor /'vlzJtg/ n参观者 village /'v11Id3/ n村庄 laugh /Iu:f/ν大笑 competitor /kgm'petltg/ n竞争者,参赛者 listener /'lIsng/ n听众 look forward to v. + adνparticle + prep 盼望,期望 spirit /'spmt/ n.本质,精神 film /tIlm/ n 电影 say /sel/ v. iJL town /taun/ n市镇,城镇 city /'Slti! n城市 叫帆叩伊巾'.r“H,叩叫阿唰盹啊盼0/“''''''现精-~咽帽 -呵?哪吨吨柳飞回阴阳?呼唤~~,综~臂~均':::t%“吐蜘咱啦;:'-'J'!市啦?如瞅 4γ-,,.--'^ (lM.ll!tl 川、eText课均可 ,,-.W喝~/ 12 1 on Sunday 表示“在“星期几用介词on。 2 1'm speaking to you -speak←不及物动词,与宾语之间用to连接,即speak to somebody。 3 this year“ s 我们可以在表示时间的词或短语后加's,后面跟名词,如today's news, this week's jobo 4 people一集体名词,be动词用复数形式。 5 look forward to一动词短语,表示“非常期待某事“t。这里是介词,后面 跟名词或动名词。 6 That's the spirit ! 对某人面对困难和危险时积极、乐观的态度表示赞许,可 以说这句话。 参专译文 记者我是汤姆·弗兰奇。我现在在 伦敦多克兰的卓著中心为您报 道。我们正在参观今年的马拉 松展览。 记者这是伦敦马拉松贸易博览会。这 里人声鼎沸,有几百家参展商和 成千上万的参观者。 记者这是一大国际盛事,但这里却像 一个村镇,人们像老朋友一样说 说笑笑。 记者站在我身旁的是一位参赛者,我 来介绍一下保罗·布 鲁斯。你好, 保罗l 保罗你好,汤姆l 记者保罗,请告诉我们的听众,这是 你第一次参加马拉松吗。 保罗是的。 记者你很期待周日吗? 保罗是的。 记者这就对了1保罗l祝你周日好运l 也~i'Á Emmrmc盟盟军ationx:tì5~ï3J ν ~ 1 0 Answ叫uestionsabout the t侃根据课文回答问题。 a) Example: The reporter's name is Tom French, isn't it'! Yes, it is. 1 He's speaking from the ExCel Centre, 5 People are talking like old friends, isn't he? aren't they? 2 They're visiting the Marathon Expo, 6 Tom is standing with Paul, isn't he? aren't they? 7 It isn't Paul's second Marathon, is it? 3 There are hundreds of exhibitors, B It's his first Marathon, isn't it? aren't there? 9 The Marathon is on Sunday, isn't it? 4 This is a big international event, isn't 10 Paul's looking forward to Sunday, it? isn't he? b) Example: Is Tom speaking from the London Bridge Centre? No, he isn't. He's speaking from the ExCel Centre. 才Arethey visiting the Fílm Expo? 3 Is Paul looking forward to Mondaý? 2 Is Tom standing with one of the 4 Is the Marathon on Saturdaý? exhíbítors? c) Example: Where is Tom French speaking from? (He's speaking) from the ExCel Centre in London's Docklands. 1 What are they visiting? 4 Who is Tom standing with? 2 How many exhibitors and visitors are 5 What is Paul looking forward to? there at the Trade Fair? 6 What does Tom say to Paul? 3 What are people doing? Ð Askql阳tionsabout the text.根据课文提问。 Example: Tom French / speak / the ExCel Centre? (Where .?) A: Is Tom French speaking from the ExCel Centre? B: Yes, he is. A: Where is Tom French speaking from? B: The ExCel Centre. 1 they / visit / this year's Marathon Expo? (What .?) 2 this / big international event? (What kind of .?) 3 Tom I stand / with one / competitors? (Who .?) 4 Paul / look forward to / Sunday? (Why .?) o Ask阳hother these questions.互相提问。 才Whattime is it now? What are you doing? 2 What are your friends doing? 3 Does your town or city have a Trade Fair? When is it? Where is it? o Ima崎吨a昭gineyo刷t川rea rad巾io 0盯rT凹飞Vr呻e叩por阳. in the M arathon. What questions can you ask him or her?假设你是一名电台记 者,或电视台记者,你正在与一名马拉松参赛者谈话。你会问他或她什么问题? 13 剧,~拙d';.v, 脱。N@ 团石雨雨雨面E 9 Robert and Lucy e -m n A d n a v w l mh /aI/ cry de'ny re'ply 'crying 'Iying a'pply die fly a'pplying 'dying buy lie 'buying 'flying de'nying re'plying /aI-ITJ/ (New Words and时叫-生词和短语】 radio !'rerdi:m! n.收音机 learn !13:n!ν.学习 news !nju:z! n新闻 come home ν+ adν回家 television !'telr,vr3;:,n! n 电视机 quiet !'kwa四t!adj.安静的