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学科网(北京)股份有限公司选择性必修 第四册 Unit 1 (限时:35 分钟).阅读理解AWinning Entries for the British Ecological Society s Photography CompetitionRed NightPhotographed by Roberto Roa.It was declared this years overall winner.The image captures (拍摄)both the beauty of the impressive snake and its fear of human threats like fires.The ecologist says, “During my visit to Matlagascar, I had the pleasure of finding this snake and photographing it.To offer a dramatic scene reflecting the conditions that these snakes are suffering, I used some skills to capture the environment.”The Rhino s Annual HaircutPhotographed by ecologist Molly Penny.The demand for rhino horns(犀牛角) has reduced the population of rhinos to just 30,000 globally.To try to save the endangered species, ecologists in South Africa have decided to saw off (锯掉) a part of the animals horns, which grow every year.It was captured beautifully in the blackandwhite photo by Molly Penny from the University of the West of England.Cruel as it seems, it reduces the risk of the animals being cruelly murdered.For the Love of FlamingosPhotographed by Peter Hudson.It captures a heartshaped cloud of pink flamingos in Kenya, which is truly a sight like none other.The ecologist says, “Flamingos are all legs and necks but meanwhile beautiful and fascinating and I admit I have a deep passion for them, so I was thrilled 学科网(北京)股份有限公司when I watched this group in the shape of a heart.”Flames in FlumesPhotographed by Nilanjan Chatterjee.It captures a water redstart waiting to catch an insect near a small waterfall.It was the best overall student submission.The photographer wanted to show the struggle the river birds are likely to face from the slowdown in water flow due to planned dams in rivers across India.语篇解读:本文是一篇应用文。文章介绍了英国生态协会举行的摄影比赛的四张获奖照片的相关内容。1How did Roberto Roa feel when taking a photo of the snake?AFrightened.BNervous.CShocked.DPleased.2The Rhinos Annual Haircut shows us _Athe tips of saving an endangered rhinoBthe cruelty of killing an endangered rhinoCthe scene of cutting a part of a rhinos hornDthe method of helping a rhinos horn grow again3How is Flames in Flumes different from the others?AIt was submitted by a student.BIt was photographed on an island.CIt is a blackandwhite photo.DIt shows wild animals suffering.学科网(北京)股份有限公司BThere are many efforts made to explain mental health and normalize its treatment.May of each year is Mental Health Awareness Month, and Tiffany Roe, a local licensed clinical mental health counselor (顾问) and owner of Mindful Counseling, says her lifes work is about breaking down that stigma (耻辱).In addition to her practice in Orem, Roe offers online classes and is extremely active on social media.For a long time, I personally dealt with similar stigma about my mental health.I have never liked asking for help.So, when I started experiencing increased anxiety in my early 20s, I sincerely thought that I could figure it out myself.I cannot express how much that plan backfired.Im 25 now and started going to weekly talk therapy at the beginning of the year.At times it feels as painful as a physical injury.At first, I tried my usual approach of trying to avoid the pain, to talk around it.I had always been afraid of feeling my emotions because I had bought into that wrong idea that showing emotions was a sign of weakness.However, the therapists there helped me realize something important.Months later, I was not focused on outcomes or an outward appearance of health.I went to see my therapist to talk about my past or current struggles and I let the emotions come freely.There are many different ways to process these emotions and seek help.Therapy which encourages us to express our emotions can come in the form of talking, writing, art, group counseling, family counseling and even time spent playing with animals.Every day is a new day, but I am now a firm believer that therapy is indeed cool.Within this process, I also learned that just like with my physical healing, I must be patient.I could not immediately walk without a limp (跛行) after my first physical therapy appointment, and I did not learn all the tools to handle anxiety after just a few sessions.Everyones life will be full of physical and mental health struggles.Some may experience less pain than others, but no one is immune (免疫的).There is no reason to not talk about it with each other.学科网(北京)股份有限公司4What does Tiffany Roe intend to do?AChange peoples attitudes toward mental health.BMake mental health treatments more affordable.CMake online classes more popular with young people.D.Study social medias influence on peoples mental health5How did the author deal with his mental health problems in the past?AHe chose to ignore them.BHe totally relied on his own efforts.CHe tried hard to find ways to express them.DHe occasionally sought professional therapy service.6What does the author probably think is important in a mental health therapy?AExploring various forms of emotional expressions.BSpending a lot of time with animals.CHaving a strong belief in ourselves.DPouring out our emotions freely.7Which of the following shows the authors opinion?AIts shameful to talk about ones mental problems.BWe must be patient with mental health therapists.CSeeking help for mental health should be considered normal.DMental therapy appointments differ slightly from the physical ones.学科网(北京)股份有限公司CIn recent studies, scientists report that one kind of virus that causes the common cold may be connected to another dangerous health problem obesity.For both children and adults, obesity is dangerous because it is a leading cause of health problems.Researchers say obesity among children is an epidemic.Nowadays, so many children are extremely overweight and eating unhealthily and a lack of exercise can lead to obesity generally.However, researchers have discovered that another culprit (引起问题的事物) could be a virus called adenovirus36, which always incites a cold.Within one group of children recently studied, those who had caught adenovirus36 were more likely to be obese.Jeffrey Schwimmer, a pediatric gastroenterologist (小儿胃肠病学家) at the University of California, led the study.Schwimmer and his team took blood samples from 67 obese children and, 57 normalweight children, whose ages ranged from 8 to 18, to look for antibodies.Antibodies are the human bodys way of fighting disease.When an infection occurs in the body, the immune system fights back by creating antibodies that destroy the invaders (入侵者).After the infection is gone, the antibodies remain in a persons blood.This fact makes antibodies useful to researchers like Schwimmer.If he finds the adenovirus36 antibodies in a blood sample, he knows the person was infected with the virus in the past.The study showed that 19 of the children had the antibodies.Fifteen of those children were obese, and four were normalweight.He also found that obese children with the antibodies were 35 pounds heavier, on average, than obese children without the antibodies.This is not the first time that scientists have connected the virus to obesity.Experiments have shown that many animals gain weight after being infected by the virus, even though their eating and exercise habits dont change.Other experiments suggest that the virus can make the human body produce more fat cells.However, whether the adenovirus36 virus actually causes obesity hasnt been confirmed, Schwimmer told Science News.学科网(北京)股份有限公司8What does the underlined word “incites” probably mean in Paragraph 2?ACauses. BResults from.CInfluences. DFights against.9Why do the researchers look for antibodies?ATo figure out how they work in human bodies.BTo help the immune system destroy the invaders.C.To provide ways for people to fight against disease.DTo find out whether a person has been infected by a virus.10What can be inferred from the last two paragraphs?AObese people are easy to catch a cold.BHumans produce more fat cells than animals.CChildren who always catch a cold are heavier than those who dont.DWhether the adenovirus36 virus can cause obesity hasnt been proved.11Whats the text mainly about?A.Why kids get obese.BWhat kids should do to lose weight.CWhether obesity is connected with cold virus.DHow antibodies are formed in human bodies.DMillions of monarch butterflies(黑脉金斑蝶)once covered the trees of Californias coastal 学科网(北京)股份有限公司areas each winter, but now their numbers are decreasing.The recent annual Western Monarch Count found that the butterfly population was down by 99 percent from populations 40 years ago.Monarch butterflies have two populations: eastern and western varieties separated by the Rocky Mountains.The populations are very similar in appearance, but western monarch butterflies are generally smaller and darker in color.The two also follow different migration patterns.Eastern monarch butterflies spend winter in Mexico, while western ones gather on central California coasts to wait out the cold.In early spring, the two leave their rest places and begin to travel eastward.By the time the butterflies reach the Central Valley, they breed (繁殖).A butterfly can lay hundreds of eggs in a few weeks, and the new generation continues the migration.The cycle of generations and migration repeats every few weeks through the summer until the butterflies move as far as ldaho.And when the weather turns cold and the days get shorter, the butterflies return to Californias coasts.The overwintering population was counted every year.The missing information is the time period when the butterflies leave their winter woods and begin to breed in February, March and April.“We just dont know what theyre doing in that middle period and how we can better support the population, ” said Washington State University biologist Cheryl Schultz.“Maybe theyre resting in the woods, or maybe they need more fuel along the way, etc.Any of those thing; might help monarch butterflies get from the coastal overwintering sites to breeding sites broadly in the Central Valley, ” Schultz added.To fill that gap, the researchers set up the Western Monarch Mystery Challenge.The tenweek program asks the public to submit photographs of monarch butterflies outside of their winter range.“We couldnt be looking for monarch butterflies right now without the involvement of the community.There just arent enough of us, ” Schultz said.“Reaching out to the community means we might be able to learn something where there is virtually no other way to learn it.”学科网(北京)股份有限公司12From Paragraph 1, we know monarch butterflies _Aare counted by researchers every decadeBare in a very difficult situation nowChave lost their home in CaliforniaDhave moved to new places13What do the two varieties of monarch butterflies have in common?ATheir breeding places.BTheir appearance and size.CTheir way of fighting against cold.DTheir migration destination in winter.14Why was the Western Monarch Mystery Challenge set up?ATo know the exact number of monarch butterflies.BTo help monarch butterflies get through tough winters.CTo know better about monarch butterflies to help them.DTo find out the influence of human activities on monarch butterflies.15What do Schultzs words in the last paragraph show?AIts challenging to make the community get involved.BIts important to get help from the public.CIts difficult to study monarch butterflies.DIts rewarding to learn from the public.学科网(北京)股份有限公司.阅读七选五Having a positive attitude towards life is extremely important in all aspects._16_ We understand that very well, so here we provide several reliable tips for improving your state of mind and helping you keep a positive attitude._17_ Express gratitude for all the things you take for granted, including your place to live, family, employment, clothes, neighbors, transportation, education, sunshine, food choices, health, and freedom.Even if you have just some of these things, be thankful that you have even that much.Do a good deed without telling anyone._18_ For example, imagine the surprise on a single moms face when she receives an anonymous delivery of groceries.You can also think about how delighted an elderly neighbor will be when he or she finds his or her flower beds are weeded.The surprising thing is that you will feel better about yourself and the world at large, too.Forgive an old hurt._19_ So youd better choose to forgive.Contact the person who has hurt you, using email, telephone, or a note card, and express your forgiveness in kind, not controlling words.Donate something.If you have something in your home that youre not using, give it to your neighbours or friends who can use it and people in need of these things may appreciate an extra television, or a computer printer that youve replaced._20_By repeating positive affirmations like those outlined above, you will become more and more of a positive person, the kind people like to have around.AAdmire the people around you.BGive thanks for what you have.CIts amazing to help someone without their knowing it.DBut it can be challenging when things arent going well.学科网(北京)股份有限公司EWhen you are feeling down, you can call your trustworthy friends.FIf you dont know someone who needs a spare, give it to a charity organization.GBeing angry with someone for long can keep a sour expression on anyones face.学科网(北京)股份有限公司选择性必修 第四册 Unit 1 (限时:35 分钟).阅读理解A语篇解读:本文是一篇应用文。文章介绍了英国生态协会举行的摄影比赛的四张获奖照片的相关内容。1解析:选 D细节理解题。从第一则介绍中的“I had the pleasure of finding this snake and photographing it”可知,Roberto Roa 在拍摄这条蛇时感到非常高兴。2解析:选 C推理判断题。从第二则介绍可知,Molly Penny 拍摄的照片呈现的是人们锯一小部分犀牛角的场景。解析:选 A细节理解题。从第四则介绍中的“It was the best overall student submission.”可知,Flames in Flumes 是由学生拍摄的,其它三张照片是由生态学者拍摄的。B语篇解读:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者结合自己的经历说明了精神方面的治疗是很正常的,我们要敢于无拘无束地倾诉自己的内心。4解析:选 A推理判断题。根据第一段中的“There are many efforts .normalize its treatment.”以及“Tiffany Roe .says her lifes work is about breaking down that stigma(耻辱)”可知,Tiffany Roe 想改变人们对精神治疗的看法。5解析:选 B细节理解题。根据第二段中的“For a long time, I personally .thought that I could figure it out myself.”可知,作者最初完全依靠自己解决自己的心理问题。学科网(北京)股份有限公司6解析:选 D细节理解题。根据第四段中的“I went to see my therapist to talk about my past .let the emotions come freely.”可知,在心理治疗的时候最重要的是要敢于无拘无束地倾诉自己的内心。7解析:选 C观点态度题。根据文章内容尤其是末段“Everyones life will be full .no reason to not talk about it with each other.”可推知,作者认为寻求精神治疗应该被当作很正常的行为。C语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。研究表明:引起感冒的病毒或许也能导致肥胖。8解析:选 A词义猜测题。根据第二段中的“eating unhealthily and a lack of exercise can lead to obesity .another culprit(引起问题的事物)”和“those who had caught adenovirus36 were more likely to be obese”可知,肥胖跟引起感冒的病毒有关,故 incites和 causes 意思相近。9解析:选 D细节理解题。根据第三段“If he finds the adenovirus36 antibodies in a blood sample, he knows the person was infected with the virus in the past.”可知,一个人如果感染过某种病毒,他的体内就会产生这种病毒的抗体。10解析:选 D推理判断题。根据最后一段“However, whether the adenovirus36 virus actually causes obesity hasnt been confirmed”可知,引起感冒的病毒是否会导致肥胖还没有被证实。11解析:选 C主旨大意题。文章第一段就是本文的主旨,一种能引起感冒的病毒或许跟肥胖有关系,文章接下来进行了说明,故可知答案。D语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。黑脉金斑蝶数量锐减,为了更好地保护它们,一些研究人员号召大众参与到他们的项目中以便保护他们。学科网(北京)股份有限公司12解析:选 B推理判断题。根据第一段的“The recent annual .99 percent
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