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    1、2015年7月托福真题回忆及解析【导语】梦想,它像是一个目标,是一个让自己活下去的原动力,是一个让自己开心的原因,是一个会带你走过喜怒哀乐的旅程,是一个为自己画的蓝图!只要能够让心中怀抱着梦想的烛光,人生将因为有梦而更显美丽!勇敢做一个有梦的人,以坚决的信心,施以努力的奋斗,就有惊人的成就。以下是无忧考网为你整理的2015年7月托福部分真题,感谢阅读!2015年7月托福共举行了三场考试,分别是7月11日、7月12日、7月13日7月11日托福真题回忆:Whether to raise the salary should also depends on the role teachers have

    2、 played in improving students academic performance.For example: Those teachers who help students make progress earn more money as a matter of course.Speaking Task 1Which trait of you do your friends like the best? Kindness, cheerfulness, intelligence?答题辅导:Kindness1.I have good temper.2.Iamwillingto

    3、help people. Cheerfulnes1.I have a positive mind.2.I lift friends spirits when they are feeling down. Intelligence1.I have a quick mind.2.I find a way out when people around me feel at sea.Sample (From 网站)I believe what my friends like the most about me is my kindness. First of all, some of my frien

    4、ds say that my kindness kind of rubs off on them and makes them better people. For instance, I volunteer at an orphanage out of town every Saturday. At first, it was just me but then I started telling some friends about it and they decided to come along. Now we have a small group and we go to the or

    5、phanage every weekend together and my friends all thank me for introducing this fulfilling volunteer work to them. Plus, I am really kind to all my friends too. Once my best friend broke up with her boyfriend and wanted to move out of her old apartment. I took her in without hesitation. Thats why I

    6、think they love me for my kindness.Task 2Do you like to work with or without computers and other technology?答题辅导:work with computers and other technology:1Computers and other technology make ones work easier.A.One is comfortably able to access masses of information helpful for ones work.B.Other tech

    7、nology like the multi-media projector and remote conference call facilitate communication at work.Computers and other technology improve work efficiency.EXCEL, among other computer software, is impressive in data management.Without the help of some applications in smart phones like QQ and We chat, c

    8、ommunication among colleagues would be less convenient.work without computers and other technology:Too dependent on computers and other technology, people lose certain abilities.People today is never able to memorize phone numbers because their phone does the job instead.Now face-to-face communicati

    9、on embarrasses people because they are used to talking with people in front of a screen.Computers and other technology give rise to the privacy crisis.Computers with poor protection can easily get hacked into.The Internet lacks effective ways to keep personal informationfrom others.Sample(From 网站)I

    10、prefer working with computers for the following reasons. First of all, computers make it possible for me to work from home. For instance, last Tuesday I woke up late and it was raining outside so it was impossible to get a cab. So I decided to work from home. I wrote an e-mail to my supervisor expla

    11、ining the situation. Then I had a conference call on Skype with some of my colleagues to get my tasks of the day. Then I simply finished my work simply sitting in my study and then uploaded everything to the online system of my company. Plus computers can be fun. Maybe its just me but theres no way

    12、for me to work for hours in a row. I need some rest from time to time. With a computer, I get to listen to some light music or watch a funny video online when I decided to have a break.Task3The student suggests that the university should ban bike-riding in the central area of campus because the side

    13、walk there is narrow and its not safe, and students who break the rule should pay a fine.In the conversation the woman disagree with the studentsproposal.In the first reason, she mentions that most of the students get off their bikes anyway when they enter the central area. They dont need a universi

    14、ty policy to remind them. As for the second reason, she points out that the security department has much more important things to do than this. Its a complete waste of time.Task 4In the lecture, the professor talks about the advantages environment scenting can bring to market sales and there are two

    15、 examples for that.The first example is that there was a kind of odor women find attractive in women clothing store and another kind of odor that men like in men clothing store, as a result, sales of both clothing store doubled.In the other example, people were shopping for shoes in two rooms but on

    16、ly one of these rooms has odor. It turns out that people in general thought that the shoes in the room with odor to be higher quality and more expensive.Task 5The problem is that the funding for school newspaper has been reduced and the cost of paper has gone up. There are two possible solutions.The

    17、 first one is to cut some pages and the other solution is to make fewer copies for students. If I were in their shoes, I would go for the second solution because even if not everyone will have a copy of the newspaper, students can still share. Id say its even better since they can talk about the new

    18、s and current events together when they share the newspaper. I personally dont recommend the other solution because students might miss some really interesting stuff if they cut some pages.Task 6In the lecture, the professor mainly talks about how social cooperation affects animals. There are two ex

    19、amples for that.In the first example, the professor talks about deer. Deer like feeding as a group. This happens mainly because when a deer feeds alone, it needs to be on constant watch for their predators. And because of that, its efficiency decreases. Another example is honeybees. Honeybees commun

    20、icate by dancing. A lot of information can be communicated that way like the direction of the honey and the distance to it.Listening Conversation 1男的找老师要换房间,房间不好。找了一个老师,不给换,于是找了对话的女生,但是还是不给,男生的一个摇到号的房间的舍友不打算住校了,男生问老师能不能把那个房间给自己, 老师说不行。但是他可以和有好房间的人分享,几个人分享的话是可以的。Conversation 2对话女生找教授讨论论文,一个剧和 well ma

    21、de play 对比。讨论结果是 happy ending,还是给人留下想象空间的,然后教授很惊喜这个学生提出了一个新观点。Lecture 1生物学浮游生物因为太小无法抵抗洋流,但是他们却会在水中上下浮动,为什么?可能的原因有, 躲避捕食者,好像挺对的。但有些动物发光,有些动物下潜深度不够,还是能被看见,所以这个理论不对。然后也可能是为了储存能量,好像是海底能量消耗少,总之最后的结论是还需要进一步研究,无法简单解释这种现象。Lecture 2艺术史从前人们让画家画画,要用贵重的材料,如金子,和一种蓝色的颜料。金子不用说,蓝色颜料不易褪色也很珍贵。后来这种趋势得到了改变,人们开始注重化本身的质量

    22、,而且因为大画家一般有助手,人们在签合同的时候都会注明画家的工作时间,以保证质量,同时金子这种贵重材料转移到了边框上。Lecture 3心理学人们会受习惯和习惯性动作的影响,这会给人带来便利,教授举例说早上开车去咖啡馆坐下, 铺上餐巾吃早餐,这一系列动作都包含了习惯和后续动作的,还有学生可以边骑车边考虑历 史课的演讲也是因为这个理由。后来说如何改变这种现象?首先要改变环境,比如,教授可 以换一个路线开车去咖啡厅吃饭,后来又有一个实验,一堆转学的大学生有一半在换了环境 以后丢了以前锻炼的习惯,那么问题来了,为什么有人没有丢掉呢?因为他们有 intention 这 可以阻止习惯的改变。Lectur

    23、e 4人们想在月球上定居,现在显然不现实。把各种生活必须转移上去太贵了。后来讨论了一系 列困难,首先制造氧气,月球大气中的氧气很稀少,但是土壤里有很多金属氧化物,可以试 图从这里提取氧气。人们在地面上模拟这种土壤,要知道这种土壤的化学成分。但是阿波罗 登月带回的土壤样品不多,另外,月球上的土壤受到紫外线等很多额外因素的影响,要考虑 进去。最后有了这种土壤以后,用一种技术来加热土壤,从得到的气体中分离出来氧气,但 是现在还不能直接在月球上,因为月球上某种电荷的原因,月球上的尘土会影响仪器的工作。Writing综合写作Reading: 阻止蝙蝠数量下降的方法1. 蝙蝠每年迁徙的路线是固定的,所以只

    24、要把风力涡轮机建在远离迁徙路线的地方即可。2. 风力涡轮机只在白天工作,如此一来,夜间活动的蝙蝠便不会收到影响。3. 使用雷达电波驱赶蝙蝠。事实证明,蝙蝠一般不在有雷达电波的地方活动,比如机场。Listening:不同意此观点1. 风力涡轮机的选址比较特殊,他们一般恰好建在蝙蝠的迁徙路线上。如果搬走,可能会影响涡轮机的效果2. 蝙蝠晚上活动白天休息。蝙蝠会选址比较高的建筑结构休息,比如风力涡轮机,如果让涡轮白天工作,可能对休息的蝙蝠造成影响。3. 蝙蝠之所以远离雷达,是因为雷达电波会破坏他们的生殖系统。如果采用雷达电波驱赶, 这会带来伤害从而使数量更少。独立写作Do you agree or

    25、disagree with the following statement: teachers should be paid at least as much as doctors, lawyers and business leaders are paid.答题辅导:Disagree1. Whether to raise the salary should depends on the contribution teachers have made to the school.a. Those teachers who win the school prestige deserve a pa

    26、y rise.Those teachers who work in the school for a long time merit receiving more money for their effortsReading第一篇: 心理学人们做事的时候有人和没有人的效果是不一样的,有时候,有人在能让事情做的更好,而有时候有相反的效果下面开始探究了:1 当人们一起完成任务的时候,当只有总体结果被评价:个人会付出更少的努力,但独立的时候做得好,或者团体有着利益,时也会做得好,一个小组人越少,或者别人懒,能力不够等情况个人越可能付出更多的努力;2 人们在完成擅长的事情,有人在效果好,完成不擅长的事

    27、情,效果糟最后说明了一些消除方法,个人在团体中懒散的情况普遍存在,但也有差异。第二篇:基因物质的发现原来人们不知道遗传物质是什么,格里菲斯有一天做疫苗,培养了 S 菌和 R 菌,S 有毒,R 没毒,但在杀死的 S 和来一起培养的时候,混合物依然有毒性下面开始探究:艾弗里把其他物质去除后发现了遗传物质,但是人们以为遗传物质仍然是蛋白质,因为人们觉得核酸太小,不足以携带足够遗传信息第三篇: 鸟类唱歌大部分鸟比较晚,有一些很早,记得例子是 white 什么鸟,对比自然情况下和实验室里面这种鸟唱歌的早晚和方言(dialect),并且这种鸟在自然中唱歌是因为他们在 autumn 就有自己的领地了,最后讲

    28、的是放磁带别的鸟的叫声,他们会自己识别出来同种鸟类的声音(PS 这篇文章我们在听力练习里面做过,只不过这次阅读补充详细了一些)第四篇:说 large animals like ZK 他有一个 long horn,它会用 horn 来攻击,以求偶和保护领地。但这会受到它的 predators 的影响。如果 predators 多,它的 horn 来变小,甚至变成食草动物。而且一般情况下,它 live alone or in small groups,但是这容易被 predators 攻击,于是渐渐地,它们变成群居动物。7月12日托福考试真题回忆:Writing综合写作Reading:照片底片是A

    29、dmas 的1 底片风格和 Admas 相似,例如片中有一棵树 pine tree 在 Admas 的其他作品出现过.2. 装底片的信封上有 Admas 妻子的字迹, Admas 的妻子曾经是他的助手3. 底片有火烧过的痕迹,而 Admas 工作室曾经遭过火灾Listening:照片底片不是 Admas 的1. 底片中的树是国家公园中的树,很多摄影师都会在此取景。2. 信封字迹地址拼写错误,而 Admas 妻子对地名非常熟悉,从小在此长大,不可能出错3. 在那个时代,冲洗相片技术很危险,摄影师都用易燃的化学物质,火灾很常见,不一定是Admas 的独立写作:Do you agree or dis

    30、agree with the statement: These days, children spend more time on doing homework or participating in organized activities related to school or sports. However, they should be given more time to do whatever they want.Disagree1. Spending time on homework and relative activities make it possible for ch

    31、ildren to embrace a more promising future.a. School learning equips students with necessary knowledge for future.b. Activities in school enable students to build up practical skills for career life.2. Sometimes children may do not know what is correct and they may choose a wrong way for their growth

    32、a. Computer games with violent elements have a negative influence on children.b. Children lacking proper self-control may imitate bad behavior like smoking and drinking.Listening Conversation 1 办公室一个女生和她的历史课教授谈论作业内容,她说她其实更对美术历史感兴趣,她最近去了一个展览,说她找了一个对美国风格有研究的艺术作家,对她很感兴趣,然后教授说我是想让你做更多有关历史的,你有点分不清主次了Conv

    33、ersation 2学生服务女生来的原因是她在网上找不到她想加入的 environmental club,工作人员说以前有这个club,现在木有了,建议女生加入 community service club,说他们也会有关于保护环境的活动。女生就很不情愿,因为 community service club 做的活动她都不感兴趣,举例 tutoring. 工作人员就说那你可以自己建一个嘛,女生说我是 first-year student,工作人员说新生也可以建啊。接着讲了几个 requirement。包括 4 个以上的成员,一个对社团活动的目的的概括, 还要找一个老师当社团的 advisor。学

    34、生说我要自己出钱吗,工作人员说其实大学会给你社团活动经费的, 但你需要写一个 proposal 说明你要用经费做什么,就是预算,这个时候advisor 就非常必要了Lecture 1地质学撒哈拉沙漠的凹陷地带有很多尘土,这些灰尘甚至会飘到亚马逊森林,造成严重的影响。后来科研人员在撒哈拉沙漠仔细勘查了发现飘到亚马逊的并非尘土。Lecture 2人类学文章讲解对人类社会的四种分类,分别为:采集狩猎、饲养牲畜、种植庄稼、有计划地养殖和种植。但是这四种分类都有问题。Lecture 3海洋生态学关于海底声音染,会影响海洋动物交流,捕食,繁殖等。船上带着的一种 bubble 是造成这个的原因,然后说了解决

    35、方法。Lecture 4艺术在 studio art 课上,老师做了关于 Plein air 这种绘画技术的简介。Plein air 源于法语,意思是open air,主要描绘自然的景观,着重于捕捉光在不同时间短在风景中的变化,强调对自然细致入微,逼真的描写。为什么这种描绘手法突然流行了呢?首先源于两种技术的进步。第一是在法国发明了一种新的画架,非常便于携带,之前画家只能在外面做简单的 sketch 然后带回画室画画,所以画架让画家在外面作画所以能画的非常逼真。第二个技术进步是关于颜料,原来画家用的都是粉状的 pigment,就是色素,要自己用油调成颜料非常麻烦,现在现成的颜料搁在罐子里非常便

    36、于携带,使在外作画成为可能。第二个促进 plein air 的条件是一种法国艺术风格 French impressionism 。 Frenchimpressionism 同样强调对自然的刻画,接着教授以著名印象主义画家 Claude Monet 举例。莫奈会带着自己多幅纸去外面作画,这样在一天的不同时间里,关注光在同一环境的变化。接着教授很激动的说,这就是为什么大家今天也会去外面作画! 教授说学生选择作画的场景不用非常的 fancy,像 park 啊这种日常的地方都可以。重要的是对自然的细致描写,但是她的意思并不是什么都要画,例如 garbage can,如果对主题没有帮助作用就不要画。并且

    37、学生一定要动作快,因为光线变化是很快的,如果在街边有人来聊天尽量不要理会,要学生记住学生不像莫奈,他们只有一张纸.Reading第一篇: 罗马帝国文章一开始讲了罗马帝国分成了东罗马和西罗马,东罗马发展很好,而西罗马却逐渐衰落。西罗马衰落的一个原因就是帝王的继承制的问题。因为帝国是传给帝王的孩子的,孩子又都很小,于是就有很多类似摄政王或者辅佐大臣之类的人,这些人肯定就会在政治中为自己着想啊,对统治非常不利。另外,因为是传宗接代制,女人要生孩子,所以女人在帝国里是很有影响的【出题:女人影响很大,地位很重要】。接着就讲了东罗马相比西罗马,发展是非常非常有优势的。第一个原因是它与德国边界的交界比西罗马

    38、短非常多【考试时会有地图一目了然】,非常利于防守和外交【此处有出题】。第二个原因是东罗马直接受希腊文化影响,非常有文化底蕴,相比之下西罗马就 low 多了, 经常受来自德国那边的野蛮人影响,在这里举了个例子,有的人说完全分不出 Roman 和barbarian(指德国那边的野蛮人)的区别。【出题:为什么举例?=说明西罗马的文化劣势】接着讲了德国部落对西罗马帝国的军事和政治方面的影响。西罗马招募了很多德国那边的部 落作为自己的军队。接着解释了几个原因,第一个是化敌为友,这样减少了很多敌人【出题: 为什么要招募德国那边的人呢?=化敌为友】,第二是因为 sheer military need,我理解

    39、为这 样能保持军队的恰当规模。第三是这些部落因为是帝王招募的,对帝王个人非常忠诚,不会 叛乱【出题:为什么帝王要招募德国人?=对他自己很忠诚】接着讲了在西罗马帝国里来自德国那边的军官的增多为什么不好。罗马高层军官当然对野蛮人很不满,从而引起军队内部的内讧。内讧的时候就会开始分帮结派,于是就开始随便授予军官头衔,非常混乱。内讧的直接结果就是外敌趁乱入侵啊,又没有有效的防御,就只能把更多的野蛮部落招募了,于是又送出更多头衔【此处应有关于外地入侵的题】第二篇:Honey bee文章总体讲了蜜蜂.第一段讲了蜜蜂是母系社会,在蜜蜂里,雄峰是非常少的,因为他们除了跟蜂后交配,没有其他的 function。

    40、而且更苦逼的是每次跟蜂后交配的只有十几个,而且交配后都会死去没有机会交配的也好不到哪去,最后都会被赶出蜂巢或者被杀,因为太废物除了繁殖什么都干不了. 【出题:imply 了什么=雄峰对蜂巢没有有用的 function】然后就讲了蜂后狂繁殖,每天产 2000 个然后产很多年【醉了,产的这些全都是工蜂。工蜂一生下来就会有一系列的使命等待着他们。一开始是清理蜂巢,然后要保证蜂巢有足够的储存什么的,然后最后成年的时候要去找花粉【出题:工蜂 mature 后干什么=找花粉】。然后就讲了蜜蜂如何进行交流。有两种方式。第一种是通过环境,第二种是通过动作。然后就举了一个蜜蜂互相跳舞来沟通的例子。然后下一段就详

    41、细讲了蜜蜂沟通的一种方式【出题:与上段关系?=继续解释蜜蜂如何交流】。接着讲了蜜蜂蛮聪明的,蜂巢储备充足的时候他们就只会去采有很多花粉的花(high yield), 但是如果花粉储备不够,那么他们就会采那些产量低的花【出题:储量低了怎么办?=采 both high-yield 和 low-yield 的花】。那么问题来了,他们如何知道蜂巢里有多少储量,从而确定自己要不要傲娇的只采 High yield 的花呢?方法就是通过他们与蜂巢里蜜蜂交流的时间,如果时间很长,那么巢里的蜜蜂就很忙,说明储量充足;如果很短,例如 15 秒,就说明储量非常低,需要采 low-yield 了。第三篇:版本一:热带

    42、的哺乳动物不能冬眠水果成为主要食物之一然后热带的独特气候使得成为某些动物的栖息地举了猴子蝙蝠的例子版本二:temperate zone 的 mammals 经历温度变化,热带除了高海拔地区外,mammals 经历干湿季。干季吃的多,不能像温带动物一样靠着睡觉,因为有蛇还有蚂蚁。Speaking Task 1Some trains now have quiet cars where passengers are not allowed to speak loudly and use cell phones, laptops or other mobile devices that produce

    43、 sound. Do you think this is a good idea? Explain why or why not.答题辅导:It is a good idea.It offers travellers a place for quiet and peace.Quiet and peace help passengers fall asleep when they wish to sleep.Quiet and peace enable travellers to meditate when they want to calm down.It makes the train at

    44、tendants work easier.Less speaking means less chances of quarrelling.Sleeping passengers produce no rubbish. It is not a good idea.Quiet is impossible on the train.Even without any man made noise, one can hardly fall asleep with the wheels clicking on the rails.Those who want to meditate can be cont

    45、inually disturbed by ticket inspection.It adds to the train attendants work.There have to be someone on guard to prevent passengers from speaking loudly and using mobile devices.Sleeping passengers may snore noisily.Sample (From 网站)I think its a good idea to forbid people to use mobile devices that

    46、produce sounds in cars on the train. First of all, its annoying when you appreciate beautiful scenery out of the window while others are chatting around. I like go traveling, each time I sit alone and watch outside the window, I want to seek a quiet place even if theres no seats because I dont want

    47、to be disturbed. During the journey its stressful if you cannot rest well when you are surrounded by noise. For businessmen, they need to get enough sleep to be energetic the next day and for regular travellers, they need energy to walk to different places within a day. So getting rid of noise on th

    48、e train is definitely a great idea.Task 2When students have questions about an assignment for class, some prefer to ask the professor for help. Others prefer to ask other students in the class for help understanding the assignment. Which do you prefer? Explain why?答题辅导:turn to the professorThe professor can offer better answers.It is the professor that gives the assignment. So the professor knows the assignm

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