Unit 5 A delicate world 泛读 ppt课件(含学案)-(2019)新外研版高中英语选择性必修第二册.rar


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Unit 3 Times change 导学案导学案Period 2 Understanding ideas - Extensive readingLearning aims:1.Finish the related exercises and make sense of the passage and learn to describe the changes;2.Respect the nature, protect the nature and live in harmony with it;3.Memorize some key phrases and apply them into the context.Step 1 Leading-inTask1 Look at the pictures and answer the questions.1.What is happening to the area according to the satellite images? 2.What do you think caused these changes? The Aral Sea CrisisThe Aral Sea is situated in central Asia, between Kazakhstan to the north and Uzbekistan to the south. It was once the worlds fourth largest lake and contained 10 grams of salt per liter. The rivers flowing into the Aral Sea are the river Syr Darya from the north and the river Amu Darya from the south. In 1960s, the two rivers were diverted away from the Aral Sea so that people could irrigate the surrounding desert region and focus on cotton production. As a result, theAral Sea has been decreasing in size and by 1997 it had shrunk to a tenth of its original size, splitting into four lakes. By 2009 the south-eastern lake had disappeared altogether and the south-western lake had been reduced to a thin strip, with a salinity level of more than 110 grams per liter. This shrinking of the Aral Sea became known as “one of the planets worst environmental disasters”; the decline of the once-thriving fishing industry brings unemployment and economic hardship to the surrounding region. 咸海位于中亚,北面是哈萨克斯坦,南面是乌兹别克斯坦。它曾经是世界第四大湖泊,每公升含 10 克盐。流入咸海的河流有北部的锡尔河和南部的阿姆河。20 世纪 60 年代,这两条河从咸海改道,以便人们能够灌溉周围的沙漠地区,并专注于棉花生产。结果,南海面积一直在缩小,到 1997年已缩小到原来的十分之一,分裂成四个湖泊。到 2009 年,东南部的湖泊已经完全消失,西南部的湖泊已经变成了一条细条,盐度水平超过 110 克/升。咸海的萎缩被称为“地球上最严重的环境灾难之一”;一度繁荣的渔业的衰落给周边地区带来了失业和经济困难。Step2 Read the passage quickly and finish the following exercise. (5)1.Choose the authors purpose in writing the passage and give your reasons. A. To analyse how Macquarie Island was saved from destruction.B.To inform readers of the chaos caused on Macquarie Island by Humans.C.To entertain readers with a funny story about what happened on Macquarie Island.D.To suggest ways in which an ecosystem can be protected. 2. What does the author want to tell us in the first paragraph?A. Macquarie Island is beautiful. B. Macquarie Island has a world-class name.C. There are lots of penguins on Macquarie Island. D. It is not easy for people to get to Macquarie Island.3. How did rats and mice get to Macquarie Island?A. They were brought to the island by lovers of pets. B. They swam to the island from Australia.C. They were brought to the island by accident. D. They were raised on the island as human food.4. Why did people bring rabbits to Macquarie Island?A. To kill the mice on the island. B. To serve as their food.C. To remove the grass from the island. D. To drive away the parakeets.5. What can we infer from the former methods of controlling invading species?A. They all brought about some negative effects to the ecosystem.B. It turned out to be quite successful in the end.C. The number of rats was under good control.D. The rabbits developed a new appetite for birds.6. Why does the author come to the island this time?A. To do some voluntary work. B. To train his dogs to catch rats. C. To attend a meeting on the island. D. To control the invading speciesStep3 Try to retell the procedures of the story and finish A4. 5mStep4 Read the passage and complete the chart. 10mTask1 The structure of the passage Parts Paragraphs Main ideasPart 1 Para Part 2Para Part 3Para Step5Post-reading Think & Share 5m1.Whats the authors mission on the island? 2.How do you understand the sentence “we human owe it to the island to give it a happy ending.” at the end of the passage ? 3.How could similar situations be avoided in the future? Step 5 Filling the blanks of passage grammars. 5mMacquarie Island is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. But when humans 1 (arrive) on the island in 1810, a tragic story began. They took rats and mice with them 2 accident and these small animals quickly took over the island, eating the birds eggs and 3 (attack) baby birds. To control the mice and rats, cats 4 (bring) to the island, but they developed an appetite for the birds, too. Meanwhile, 5 (rabbit ) were introduced to the island as a source of food to feed humans. However, rabbits multiplied and caused soil erosion, and the number of cats 6 ate rabbits and birds increased too. To remove all the rabbits from the island, a virus was released onto the island, but the decline of the rabbits caused cats 7 (eat) more native birds. In the 1980s, traps and dogs were used to catch the cats, which caused the number of mice and rats to increase again. Meanwhile, the remaining rabbits 8 (develop) an immunity to the virus, and their number exploded once again. 9 was clear that the rat, mouse and rabbit problem needed 10 (solve ) once and for all. So I am here to participate in the programme to tackle this problem. But this intervention is a long, much-delayed ending to a sad story.Step 6 Important phrases1.fail to do /in doing sth 2.in harmony with 3.develop an appetite fordevelop an immunity todevelop a close friendship withdevelop an interest in/ a taste for4.be introduced to 5.soil erosion 6.out of control 7.remove. from8.decrease from. to 9.in consequence ; it turns out that ; in turn 10. 10.a substantial number of 11. once and for all12. every last/ single13. owe it to. to doRead the passage again and underline your questions, then try to translate the whole passage.1. Why did Shennongjia become a UNESCO World Heritage Site?A. Because its forests stretch on and on like great green seas.B. Because it is named after a famous person.C. Because a mysterious creature has aroused peoples interest.D. Because of the naturally-balanced environment and its being one of the rare locations where scientists can conduct their research.2. Shennongjia is also called the_ A. Roof of Central China B. Roof of Northern China C. Roof of Eastern China D. Roof of Southern China3. What is special about the home-made honey that is produced in Shennongjia?A. The honey tastes delicious. B. The bees that produce the honey are the earliest species of Chinese bee.C. The bees that produce the honey are endangered.D. The bees of Shennongjia can coexist with the local people.4. We can learn that the passage is a(n)A. novel about a person B. review about a film C. introduction about a place D. lecture given by someone Unit 5 A delicate world1. fail to do 2. in harmony with 3. develop an appetite for/develop an immunity to develop a close friendship with/ develop an interest in/ a taste for4.be introduced to 5.soil erosion 6.remain /be out of control 7.remove. from8.decrease from. to 9.in consequence;it turn out that ; in turn 10.a substantial number of 11.once and for all12.every single/last13.owe it to. to do 1. 未能做某事2. 与和睦3. 以为为食;对对产产生免疫;与产产生亲亲密的友谊谊;对产对产 生兴兴趣4. 被引入5. 土壤侵蚀蚀6. 失控7. 使从消失8. 从减少到9. 结结果10.大量11.一劳劳永逸;彻彻底地12.所有的(all)13.应该为应该为 做某事Period 1 Understanding ideas Learning aims:1.Finish the related exercises and make sense of the passage and learn to describe the changes;2.Respect the nature, protect the nature and live in harmony with it;3.Memorize some key phrases and apply them into the context.Step1 5mLeading -in:1. What is happening to the area according to the satellite images?Aral Sea is becoming smaller and smaller / shrinking.2. What do you think caused these changes?Satellite images of Aral Sea, Central AsiaThe Aral Sea CrisisThe Aral Sea is situated in central Asia, between Kazakhstan to the north and Uzbekistan to the south. It was once the worlds fourth largest lake and contained 10 grams of salt per liter. The rivers flowing into the Aral Sea are the river Syr Darya from the north and the river Amu Darya from the south. In 1960s, the two rivers were diverted away from the Aral Sea so that people could irrigate the surrounding desert region and focus on cotton production. As a result, theAral Sea has been decreasing in size and by 1997 it had shrunk to a tenth of its original size, splitting into four lakes. By 2009 the south-eastern lake had disappeared altogether and the south-western lake had been reduced to a thin strip, with a salinity level of more than 110 grams per liter. This shrinking of the Aral Sea became known as “one of the planets worst environmental disasters”; the decline of the once-thriving fishing industry brings unemployment and economic hardship to the surrounding region. Step1 5mLook at the picture and answer the questions.1. What animals can you see in the picture?2. What kind of changes would take place if cats, rats and rabbits were introduced to an environment like this?They would hunt the birds and eat the native vegetation, thus upsetting the local ecological balance.Penguins , an elephant seal , a wild birdStep2 Finish the exercises on your leading paper 10m 1.Choose the authors purpose in writing the passage and give your reasons. A. To analyse how Macquarie Island was saved from destruction. B.To inform readers of the chaos caused on Macquarie Island by Humans. C.To entertain readers with a funny story about what happened on Macquarie Island. D.To suggest ways in which an ecosystem can be protected. 2. What does the author want to tell us in the first paragraph? A. Macquarie Island is beautiful. B. Macquarie Island has a world-class name. C. There are lots of penguins on Macquarie Island. D. It is not easy for people to get to Macquarie Island. 3. How did rats and mice get to Macquarie Island? A. They were brought to the island by lovers of pets. B. They swam to the island from Australia. C. They were brought to the island by accident. D. They were raised on the island as human food. 4. Why did people bring rabbits to Macquarie Island? A. To kill the mice on the island. B. To serve as their food. C. To remove the grass from the island. D. To drive away the parakeets. 5. What can we infer from the former methods of controlling invading species? A. They all brought about some negative effects to the ecosystem. B. It turned out to be quite successful in the end. C. The number of rats was under good control. D. The rabbits developed a new appetite for birds. 6. Why does the author come to the island this time? A. To do some voluntary work. B. To train his dogs to catch rats. C. To attend a meeting on the island. D. To control the invading speciesFinish the exercises on your leading paper 10m1-6 AACBADHumans arrived in 1810To control rats and miceTo be a source of food for humans took over the islandate birds eggsattacked baby birdsPurposesPurposesResults Results Results developed an appetite for birdsmultiplied quicklyate the native vegetationdug holescaused soil erosionmore rabbits meant more catsStep3 8mRead para 2 & 3, what happened to Macquarie Island before the 1970s ? While the cats away, the mice will play.Time In the 1970s In the 1980sactions resultsFill in the following blanks with information in para.4-5Became an official nature reserve; A virus was released to control rabbits Traps and dogs - catch the catsRabbits were reduced to 10000.The cats killed more native birdsThe last cat was caught in 2000Rats started to increaseActivity 3 8mCats were brought to the island.Rabbits were introduced to the island.A virus was released onto the island.Traps and dogs were used.Poison and dogs were used.To provide food for humans.To remove all the rabbits from the island.To catch the cats.To remove all the remaining invading species.1. Rats and mice were bought there by accident, and they took over the island, eating the birds eggs and attacking baby birds2. The cats developed an appetite for the birds.3. Rabbits multiplied and caused soil erosion, and the exploding rabbit population provided plentiful food for the cats. This led to more cats hunting the birds. As a result, parakeets died out in 1891.4. Substantial reduction of rabbit population led to cats killing more native birds.5. The departure of the cats resulted in an increasing population of rats and mice. And the rabbit population exploded once again.6. The island is pest-free and its ecology is on the road to recovery.1. Whats the authors mission on the island? Remove the last remaining invading species 2. How do you understand the sentence “ we human owe it to the island to give it a happy ending.” at the end of the passage ? It is humans that have caused great damage to the island and it is our duty to help it return to normal.Read the last paragraph with the following questions.5mTo avoid similar situations in the future, we should protect the natural ecosystem and be aware of the potential impact that human activities can have on ecosystems.3. How could similar situations be avoided in the future? Think and Share 5m Postscript:In 2014, Macquarie Island is pest-free and its ecology is on the road to recovery.In 2016, the permanent scientific research station was closed down. Better late than never! Qinling villas Kubuqi desert In 2014, Macquarie Island is pest-free and its ecology is on the road to recoveryIn 2016, the permanent scientific research station was closed down.Are there similar situations in our country?Live harmoniouslypastnowClear waters and lush mountains are as valuable as gold and silver. We should live harmoniously with nature. With our joint efforts, our world is sure to become a more hospitable place. 语填答案 I. arrived 2. by 3. attacking 4. were brought 5. rabbits 6. which/that 7. to eat 8. developed 9. It 10. solving
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