Unit 1 道林格雷的画像加两篇语法填空词汇 -(2019)新外研版高中英语选择性必修第三册.rar


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    • Unit 1 道林格雷的画像加两篇语法填空词汇 -(2019)新外研版高中英语选择性必修第三册
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上海垃圾分类严肃以待1.sort v. 整理,把分类,拣选2.garbage /rbd/n. 垃圾,废物3.regulation /rejulen/n. 规章制度,规则;(运用规则条例的)管理,控制4.require /rkwar/ v. 需要;要求做(某事) ,规定5.category /ktri/n. 种类,范畴6.namely /nemli/adv. 即,也就是7.recyclable /risaklbl/adj. 可回收利用的,可再循环的8.harmful /hrmfl/adj. 有害的,造成伤害的9.properly /prprli/adv. 正确地,适当地;得体地10.fine v. 罚款,处以罚金11.practice /prkts/n. 实践,实际操作;通常的做法,惯例12.major/medr/adj. 重大的,主要的;严重的13.majority /mdrti/n. 大多数14.ecology /ikldi/n. 生态学;生态15.participant /prtspnt/n. 参加者,参与者16.adequately /dkwtli/adv. 充分地,足够地;适当地17.trash /tr/n. 垃圾,废物18.note v. 留意,注意;指出,表明;记录,记下19.willingness /wlns/n. 乐意,意愿20.previous /privis/adj. 以前的,先前的21.legal /lil/adj. 法律允许的,合法的, 与法律有关的22.guarantee /rnti/v. 确保,保证;担保,为作保23.promote /prmot/v. 促进,提倡;升职,晋升;促销,推广24.promotion/prmon/n. 提拔,晋升;促销,推销; 促进,提倡25.voluntary /vlnteri/adj. 自愿的,自发的,主动的pulsory /kmplsri/adj. 必须做的,义务的,强制的27.aside from /sad frm/除以外28.survival /srvavl/n. 继续生存,存活,幸存;遗留物,幸存物,残存物29.adj. 幸存的,赖以生存的,救生用的30.survivor/srvavr/n. (灾难性事故中的)幸存者,生还者31.a fixed time 一个固定的时间32.disposal /dspozl/n. 处理,清除33.litter /ltr/n. (公共场所内乱扔的)垃圾,废弃物34.jail /del/n. 监狱;监禁35.specific/spsfk/adj. 明确的,具体的;特定的;特有的,独特的36.bin /bn/n. 垃圾桶;储物箱37.plastic /plstk/n. 塑料;信用卡38.cardboard /krdbrd/n. 硬纸板,纸板箱39.set an example for 为某人树立榜样40.current /krnt/adj. 现行的,当前的;通用的,流行的;最近的41.1._you live in Shanghai, you might have to take a “lesson” in sorting garbage (垃圾分类), as the city recently introduced new garbage-sorting regulations (条例). Its now required 2._people should sort garbage into four categories (类别), namely recyclable (可回收的), harmful, dry and wet waste. However, if people fail to sort their garbage properly, they can 3._(fine) up to 200 yuan. More cities are introducing similar regulations, 4._(follow) the practice in Shanghai. By the end of 2020, garbage-sorting systems will have been built in 46 major Chinese cities, including Beijing and Shenzhen, reported Peoples Daily. Over 90 percent of the public believe that garbage sorting is important for the 5._(protect) of the environment. However, garbage sorting is still a big problem in China. Only 30 percent of 6._(participate) said they think they are adequately (充分地) sorting their trash, the study noted. According to Xinhua News Agency, its 7._(part) because many people lack the willingness to sort their own waste. In the past, some previous garbage regulations didnt give clear fines for people who failed to sort garbage. “Its a must 8._(have) a legal guarantee to promote (促进) garbage sorting,” Liu Jianguo, a professor from Tsinghua University, told China Daily. Liu Xinyu, a researcher of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, told China Daily that the importance of the new regulations in Shanghai is to change the past voluntary action 9._compulsory (义务的) action for everyone. In Germany too, people 10._(ask) to sort waste into specific categories, reported HuffPost. For example, in Berlin, people have yellow bins (垃圾桶) for plastic and metals and blue bins for paper and cardboard. 参考答案:1.If 2. that 3.be fined 4.following 5.protection 6.participants 7.partly 8.to have 9.into 10.are asked 热衷公益忙不停的爱心人士热衷公益忙不停的爱心人士Manny Abreu practices Benjamin Franklins famous saying, “If you want something done, ask a busy person.” Throughout his four years at Kellenberg Memorial High School in the US, Abreu made community service an important part of his life. “I dont know where he finds the time to do everything,” said Erin Ronan, Abreus math teacher. “Hes truly a class act (出色的人).” As an honors student, Abreu, 18, took part in different voluntary activities after school, during weekends and summer holidays. These included helping staff at the public library, doing landscape work at Kellenberg, and serving customers at a local restaurant. But faced with a limited number of hours in a day, Abreu left his library job last summer to start working as an emergency medical technician a role that fits his passion for making a difference in other peoples lives. “My appreciation (喜爱) for service has guided me into giving back,” said Abreu, who is setting his sights on becoming a doctor. “Its such a rewarding feeling to help someone.” During his three years at high school, Abreu devoted between 40 and 50 hours of his time each year to volunteer work more than double the schools annual (每年的) requirement of 20 hours. For all his hard work, Abreu was welcomed into a leadership club that organizes fellow students volunteer activities. St Martin de Porres Marianist School (Kellenbergs sister school) also benefited from Abreus devotion. Through his schools Smart Club program, he voluntarily provided homework help and played games with the junior high school students. Abreu thanked his parents for inspiring him to do the right thing, saying they are “the most selfless people I know.” He remembered when he was about 6 years old, and his mother invited a disadvantaged neighborhood boy to have dinner. Upon observing (观察) the boys happiness, Abreu came away with a sense of how he wanted to live his own life “I wont focus on my own desires (愿望). Ill help as many people as I can,” he said.1.1.practice 经常做,养成的习惯2.throughout /ruat/ prep. 遍及,到处;自始至终munity /kmjunti/ n. 社区,社会4.service /srvs/n. 公共服务系统,公共事业,服务5.a class act (出色的人6.voluntary /vlnteri/ adj. 自愿的,自发的,主动的7.landscape /lndskep/n. (陆上,尤指乡村的)风景,景色;风景画8.emergency /mrdnsi/ n. 突发事件,紧急情况9.passion /p()n/n. 爱恋,情欲;激情,热情;酷爱10.make a difference 有影响,有关系11.appreciate /priiet/v. 欣赏,鉴赏;理解,明白;感谢,感激12.appreciation /priien/n. 欣赏,鉴赏;感激,感谢;理解,领会13.give back 归还;反射;恢复,回报14.sights /sats/n. 风景,名胜;视野(sight 的复数)15.rewarding /rwrd/adj. 值得的,有意义的,有收获的16.annual /njul/adj. 一年一度的;年度的17.anniversary /nvrsri/ n. 周年纪念(日)18.requirement /rkwarmnt/ n. 要求,必要条件19.benefit /benft/ n. 好处,益处20.beneficial /benfl/adj. 有益的,有利的21.devote /dvot/v. 献身,致力;用于22.devotion /dvon/n. 挚爱,忠诚;奉献23.voluntarily /vlnterli/adv. 自动地;以自由意志24.junior /dunir/adj. 年龄较小的;地位(或级别)低的,资历较浅的,初级的25.disadvantaged /dsdvntdd/adj. 贫困的;处于不利地位的;社会地位低下的26.observe /bzrv/v. 注意到,观察到;注视,监视;观测,发现;说话,评论;遵守(规则、法律等);庆祝(节日),纪念(某人或事件);27.a sense of (responsibility)一种的感觉28.lose interest in 失去兴趣;对失去兴趣29.a medical technician 医学实验室技术员30.praise /prez/v. (尤指公开地)赞美,表扬;n. 表扬,赞美31.self-worth n. 自我价值;自尊;自负32.for free 免费33.do landscape work 做园林工作e away with 远走高飞 1.Upon observing the boys happiness, Abreu came away with a sense of how he wanted to live his own life._2.Abreu thanked his parents for inspiring him to do the right thing ._3.If you want something done, ask a busy person._The Picture of Dorian GrayThis book by Oscar Wilde tells the story of Dorian Gray, a very handsome youngman 1._spends his life only 2._(concern) with his own pleasure, regardless of the suffering3. _he brings to others.The story starts with young Dorian having his portrait 4._ (paint) .His friend LordWotton talks about 5._(beautiful) and pleasure being the only important things in life.6._(fascinate) by his words, Dorian wishes he could remain young and good-looking always, with his portrait 7._(grow) old instead of him.Soon afterwards, Dorian is 8._(surprise) to find his wish has come true, after he meets Sybil, 9._innocent actress who falls in love with him. Dorian heartlessly abandonsher just 10._she performs 11_(poor) one night. When he learns that Sybil haskilled herself, Dorian finds his face in the painting has taken 12._a cruel look.He hides the painting away 13._no one else may see it. 14._the next 18 years, Dorian engages 15._various evil deeds, even 16._(murder) the painter of the portrait. But he never feels 17._(guilt) about the harm he is doing. His portrait ages and reveals his inner 18._(ugly) . One day, he suddenly comes to be 19._(fear)of his past crimes and wants to start a new life. But his portrait remains the same and reminds him 20._ everything he has done.21._(feel) desperate, he tries to destroy the portrait with a knife, but it is he 22._ is killed. His body 23._(discover) , old and awful, 24._his portrait is young and handsome once again.In the story, 25._ matters most to Dorian Gray is that he is good-looking, not that he has a good heart. He sacrifices his true self in pursuit of physical beauty and pleasure, 26._leads to his 27._(destroy) in the end.1.regardless of /rdls v/不顾,不管2.suffering/sfr/n. (内心或肉体的)痛苦,问题;痛苦的感觉3.portrait /prtrt/n. (尤指只刻画脸、头和肩部的)肖像4.fascinate /fsnet/v. (尤指蛇)以眼神震慑(人,动物),使无法动弹;深深吸引,迷住5.instead of 代替;而不是6.afterwards /ftwdz/美 /ftrwrdz/adv. 过后,后来e true 实现,成真;成为现实8.innocent /nsnt/adj. 天真的,幼稚的;清白的,无罪的;无辜受害的9.fall in love with 爱上10.heartlessly /hrtlsli/adv. 无情地;冷酷地11.abandon /bndn/v. 抛弃,遗弃abandon oneself to 沉溺于12.perform /prfrm/v. 演出,表演;执行,履行13.take on 承担;呈现;具有14.cruel /krul/adj. 残酷的,残忍的15.engage /ned/v. 雇用,聘请;参加,从事;吸引,引起16.evil deeds 邪恶的行为;邪行17.murder /mrdr/n. 谋杀,凶杀18.guilt /lt/n. 内疚;罪行;罪责guilty /lti/ adj. 内疚的,羞愧的;有罪的,有过失的19.reveal /rvil/v. 揭示,透露;表明,证明20.ugly /li/adj. 丑陋的,难看的21.remain /rmen/v. 逗留,留下;剩余,遗留,保持不变,一直是22.remind/rmand/v. 提醒,使想起23.desperate /desprt/adj. 不顾一切的,拼命的;极需要的,渴望的;极严重的,极危险的,绝望的24.awful /f()l/adj. 让人讨厌的,糟糕的25.sacrifice /skrfas/v. n 牺牲,献出;献祭,以为祭品26.in pursuit of 寻求,追求27.physical /fzkl/adj. 身体的,肉体的;物质的,外在的28.destroy /dstr/v. 破坏,毁灭29.destruction /dstrkn/n. 破坏,摧毁30.destructive /dstrktv/adj. 破坏性的,毁灭性的参考答案:1.who 2.concerned 3.that / 4. painted 5.beauty 6.Fascinated 7.growing 8.surprised 9.an 10.because 11.poorly 12.on 13. so that14. For 15.in 16.murdering 17.guilty 18.ugliness 19.fearful 20. of 21.Feeling 22.who. 23isdiscovered24. while25.what 26.which 27.destruction*
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Unit 道林格雷的画像加两篇语法填空词汇 -(2019)新外研版高中英语选择性必修第三册 道林格雷 画像 加两篇 语法 填空 词汇 辞汇 新外研版 高中英语 选择性 必修 第三
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