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    关 键  词:

    1、1 1Lesson OneThe English LanguageLesson OneThe English Language知识点名称内容语言的定义A language is a system of communication used by the people of a particularcountry or a region for talking or writing purposes.语言是一种沟通系统。被特定国家或地区的居民用于交谈或书写。语言障碍We often have the difficulty of communicating with people who spea

    2、k adifferent language. This forms the language barrier.我们经常难以和讲不同语言的人交流。这就形成了语言障碍。洋泾浜A pidgin is a language that is a mixture of two other languages.洋泾浜是另外两种语言混合的一种语言。英语的发展The history of English is conventionally divided into three periods usuallycalled Old English, Middle English and Modern English

    3、.英语的发展历史分为三个时期,通常被称为古英语或盎格鲁-撒克逊英语、中世纪英语和现代英语。世界六大工作语言Together with French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic and Chinese. English isused as one of the six working languages in the United Nations and itssubordinate organizations such as UNESCO, which stands for the unitednations educational, scientific and cu

    4、ltural organization.英语和法语、西班牙语、俄语、阿拉伯语和汉语一起,作为六种工作语言之一,被用于联合国及其下属组织,如代表联合国教育、科学及文化组织的教科文组织。Lesson TwoThe English-Speaking CountriesLesson TwoThe English-Speaking Countries知识点名称内容英语的发源地The first English-speaking country is Britain where the English language wasoriginated.英国是第一个讲英语的国家,也是英语的发源地。英国的组成Br

    5、itain is made up of four parts. They are England, Scotland, Wales andNorthern Ireland.英国由四个部分组成。它们是英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰。英国人口的组成The British population consists of the English people, the Scottish people,the Welsh people and the Irish people.英国人口,包括英国人、苏格兰人、威尔士人和爱尔兰人。美洲大陆的组成The American Continent, includi

    6、ng North America, Central America andSouth America, is called the New Continent or the New World.美洲大陆,包括北美、中美洲和南美洲,被称为新大陆或新世界。大西洋Between Britain and America there is the Atlantic Ocean, which can besimply called the Atlantic.在英国和美国之间的是大西洋,可以简写为 Atlantic。拉丁美洲的组成Latin America refers to the countries o

    7、f South America, Central Americaand Mexico.拉丁美洲是指南美洲、中美洲和墨西哥,因为这些国家的官方语言是由拉丁语发展而来的西班牙语或葡萄牙语。英国的殖民者In the 17thcentury, the colonists from Britain came to settle in NorthAmerica and colonized it.17 世纪,来自英国的殖民者来到北美定居并定居下来。美国黑人In the 18thcentury, the colonists traded slaves from Africa. The AmericanBlac

    8、ks are called African Americans or Afro-Americans.在 18 世纪,殖民者从非洲买卖奴隶。美国黑人被称为非裔美国人。欧盟The European Union also E. U. : an organization of European countries自考押题 vx 344647 公众号/小程序 顺通考试资料2 2which have joint policies on matters such as trade, agriculture and finance.欧盟,又称 E.U.,是在贸易、农业和金融等问题上有联合政策的欧洲国家组织。L

    9、essonLesson ThreeThreeTheThe EnglishEnglish NamesNames知识点名称内容英文名字When some English first names are put together, they may have specialmeanings.“Tom, Dick and Harry”refers to“ordinary people.当一些英文名字组合在一起时,它们可能有特殊的含义。 “汤姆、迪克和哈利”指的是“普通人” 。正式的称呼The official or formal way of addressing a person is using

    10、his or hersurname with a proper form of address before it. Mr, which is anabbreviation of Mister, refers to all men.官方的或正式的称呼人的方式是,在他姓前面加上适当的称呼形式。Mr 是放在一个男士的名字之前的头衔。未婚妇女的称呼Miss is a form of addressing all unmarried women, young or old, oraddressing married women for professional reason.小姐是一种称呼所有未婚妇女

    11、,无论年轻或老年,或出于职业原因称呼已婚妇女的形式。已婚女人的称呼Mrs is used to call such a married woman, who has given up her maidenname that is her original surname before her marriage and adopted herhusbands surname.Mrs 常用来称呼一个已婚的女人,她放弃了婚前的姓氏,改跟随丈夫的姓。女性的自称Due to the influence of Womens Lib in the last few decades, many women,m

    12、arried or unmarried, prefer to use Ms as a form of addressing themselves.由于近几十年来妇女解放运动的影响,许多已婚或未婚妇女更喜欢用 Ms作为称呼自己的一种形式。美国常见的姓氏In the United States, the five most common last names are Smith, Johnson,Williams, Jones and Brown.在美国,最常见的五个姓氏是史密斯、约翰逊、威廉姆斯、琼斯和布朗。LessonLesson FourFourSocietySociety andand F

    13、amilyFamily知识点名称内容计划生育Family planning is the practice of using contraception to control thenumber of children people have.计划生育是利用避孕措施来控制人们拥有的儿童数量的一种做法。未成年人A minor is a person who is still legally a child. In Britain and the UnitedStates, people are minors until they reach the age of eighteen.未成年人是指在

    14、法律上仍然是孩子的人。在英国和美国,人们在 18 岁之前都是未成年人。离婚Divorce is the legal ending of a marriage between husband and wife, so thatthey are free to marry again.离婚是丈夫和妻子之间婚姻的合法终结,这样他们就可以自由地再婚。妇女解放Womens Liberation, which was also simply called Womens Lib, was theideal that women should have the same social and economic

    15、 rights andprivileges was men.妇女解放运动,也被简单地称为“妇女解放”,是妇女享有与男子相同的社会经济权利和特权的理想。3 3LessonLesson FiveFiveTheThe MonarchicalMonarchical SystemSystem知识点名称内容英国的政体The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy.英国是君主立宪制国家。君主制的类别There are mainly two kinds of monarchy in the world. They are kingdomand empire.世界

    16、上主要有两种君主制。他们是王国和帝国。王冠A crown is a circle made of gold and decorated with precious jewels, wornby a king and queen, or an emperor and empress on their heads in anofficial ceremony.王冠是一个由黄金制成的圆形,上面有珍贵的珠宝,由国王和王后,或皇帝和皇后在官方仪式上戴在头上。君主和臣民The monarch can also be called the crown while any member except them

    17、onarch is called the subject.君主也可以称为王权,而除君主以外的任何成员都可以称为臣民。共和国A republic is a country with a system of government in which the electedrepresentativesofthepeopleholdthesupremepowerwithanon-hereditary head that is an elected President.共和国是一种国家政体,在其政府体系下,民选的人民代表拥有最高权力,非世袭首脑是民选总统。国王/女王的权力The king or the

    18、queen is a constitutional ruler, whose power is restricted orlimited by the constitution.国王或女王是宪法统治者,其权力受宪法限制。LessonLesson SixSixTheThe ParliamentaryParliamentary SystemSystem知识点名称内容西方国家的三大机构In the Western countries, the legislature goes to the parliament or thecongress; the executive goes to the go

    19、vernment, and the judiciary goes tothe Supreme Court.在西方国家,立法机构是议会或国会,行政机构是政府,司法机构是最高法院。英国的议会The Parliament is the law-making body of Britain and its supreme authority.议会是英国的立法机构和最高权力机构。美国的国会In the United States, the Congress is made up of the Senate as its UpperHouse and the House of Representative

    20、s as its Lower House.在美国,国会由作为上议院的参议院和作为下议院的众议院组成。The American counterpart of the British Parliament is the Congress.在美国与英国议会对应的是国会。英国的议院The British Upper House is called the House of Lords, while the BritishLower House is called the House of Commons.英国上议院也被称为 the House of Lords,而下议院被称为 the House of

    21、Commons。LessonLesson SevenSevenTheThe ElectoralElectoral SystemSystem知识点名称内容英国的下议院In Britain, the House of Commons is a representative assembly elected byvoters or electors through a general election and by-elections.在英国,下议院是由选民或选民通过普选和补选选出的代表大会。英国的主要政党Now the two main political parties in Britain a

    22、re the Labour Party and theConservative Party.4 4现在英国的两个主要政党是工党和保守党。首相The Prime Minister is responsible for making the Cabinet.首相负责组建内阁。内阁The Cabinet is a group of the most senior and powerful ministers in thegovernment, who meet regularly to discuss and decide policies.内阁是一个由政府中最资深和最有权势的部长组成的团体,他们定

    23、期开会讨论和决定政策。美国总统选举的条件Theoretically, any“natural born”citizen over age 35 and with 14 yearsresidency is eligible.理论上讲,任何 35 岁、居住 14 年以上的“自然出生”公民都是有资格参与总统选举的。美国总统选举的时间In the United States, actual campaigning for the election traditionallybegins on Labour Day.在美国,竞选活动通常从劳动节开始。美国的主要政党In the U. S. preside

    24、ntial election has been limited to two major parties: theDemocratic Party and the Republican Party.在美国总统选举的主要政党已被限制在两个党:民主党和共和党。美国党派的象征Each party has a familiar symbol: for the Democrats it is a donkey, and forthe Republicans an elephant.每个党派都有一个象征:对民主党来说,是一头驴,而对共和党来说,是一头大象。LessonLesson EightEightTh

    25、eThe GovernmentalGovernmental SystemSystem知识点名称内容唐宁街10 Downing Street is the official home of the British Prime Minister and 11Downing Street is the official home of the Chancellor of the Exchequer.唐宁街 10 号是英国首相的官邸,唐宁街 11 号是财政大臣的官邸。美国宪法The U.S. Constitution is the basic law that protects the inhabit

    26、ants of thisnation from arbitrary by the Federal Government or any individual state.美国宪法是保护这个国家的居民不受联邦政府或任何个别国家任意支配的基本法律。联邦政府In the United States, the Federal Government is the central government.在美国,联邦政府是中央政府。As a single national authority, the Federal Government does such things asdealing with for

    27、eign nations, establishing a uniform monetary system, andregulating commerce between the states.作为一个单一的国家权力机构,联邦政府做的事情包括与外国打交道,建立统一的货币体系,以及规范各州之间的贸易。白宫The White House is the official home of the American President inWashington D. C.白宫是美国总统在华盛顿特区的正式住所。五角大楼The Pentagon is the building in Washington, w

    28、hich is the headquarters ofthe U. S. Department of Defense.五角大楼位于华盛顿,是美国国防部的总部。LessonLesson NineNineTheThe LegalLegal SystemSystem知识点名称内容美国宪法The U. S. Constitution is the basic law from which the United StatesGovernment derives all its power.美国宪法是美国政府获得一切权力的基本法。5 5法律的主要分支The two main branches of the

    29、 law in most countries are the criminal lawand the civil law.在大多数国家,法律的两个主要分支是刑法和民法。刑法The criminal law deals with such crimes as treason, espionage, conspiracy,murder, arson, poisoning, violence against the person, sexual offenses,robbery, theft, burglary, kidnapping, fraud, forgery, corruption,brib

    30、ery,libel, perjury, and criminal damage.刑法涉及叛国罪、间谍罪、阴谋罪、谋杀罪、纵火罪、中毒罪、对人的暴力罪、性犯罪、抢劫罪、盗窃罪、盗窃罪、绑架罪、欺诈罪、伪造罪、腐败罪、贿赂罪、诽谤罪、伪证罪和刑事损害罪。民法The civil law is the part of a country s set of laws, which is concerned withthe private affairs of citizens, rather than crime.民法是一个国家的一套法律的一部分,它涉及公民的私事,而不是犯罪。LessonLesson

    31、TenTenTheThe EconomicEconomic SystemSystem知识点名称内容经济体系There are three contrasting types of economic systems. The three basicways may be described as the traditional system, the administered systemand the market system.三种不同的经济体系包括:传统制度、管理制度和市场制度。市场体系In a market system, individual economic units are fr

    32、ee to interact with eachother in the marketplace.在市场体系中,个体经济单位可以在市场中自由地相互作用。批发Wholesale is the activity of buying and selling goods in large quantities andtherefore at cheaper prices.批发是指以较低的价格大量买卖商品的活动。餐饮业Catering trade is the business of providing food and drink for a largenumber of people at a pu

    33、blic or private party or in other social events.餐饮业是在公共或私人聚会或其他社会活动中为大量人提供食品和饮料的行业。酒店贸易Hotel trade is the business of managing a hotel, which provides rooms forpeople to stay in for a short time and also provides meals for them, in returnfor payment.酒店贸易是管理一家酒店的业务,它收取一定的费用,然后为人们提供短期入住的房间,并为他们提供餐饮。洗衣

    34、店Laundry is a firm or-business which washes and irons clothes, sheets andtowels for people.洗衣店是一种为人们清洗和熨烫衣服、床单和毛巾的公司。DIYDIY which is an abbreviation of“do-it-yourself, is the activity of making orrepairing things yourself.DIY 是“do-it-yourself”的缩写,是自己制作或修理东西的活动。银行业务Banking is the business or activity

    35、 of a bank or a banker.银行业务是银行或银行家的业务或活动。公共卫生Public health is the service providing medical care for the public.公共卫生是为公众提供医疗保健的服务。LessonLesson FourteenFourteenTheThe EducationalEducational SystemSystem知识点名称内容小学The first academic institution that a child attends is called a primary schoolin Britain a

    36、nd an elementary school, a grade school or a grammar school in6 6the United States.儿童就读的第一所学术机构在英国称为小学,在美国称为小学、或文法学校。上学年龄要求School-age children in Britain go to school when they are five,whilechildren in the United States go to school at the age of six.英国适龄儿童五岁就可以上学,而美国适龄儿童六岁上学。中国的中学The Chinese count

    37、erpart of a British secondary school or an American highschool is a middle school, which can be divided into a junior middleschool and a senior middle school.中国的中学相当于英国的中学或美国的高中,它可以分为初中和高中。英国和美国的公立学校A state school in the United Kingdom or a public school in the UnitedStates is tax-supported and cont

    38、rolled by local officials, in which educationis free.英国的公立学校和美国的公立学校都是由当地官员提供税收支持和控制的,教育是免费的。日校A day school is a school whose pupils attend only during the day, returninghome at night and at weekends.日校是指学生只在白天上学,晚上和周末回家的学校。寄宿学校A boarding school is usually a private one, where pupils live as well as

    39、study during term time. And many boarding schools are single-sex schools.寄宿学校通常是一所私立学校,学生在学期期间既生活又学习。很多寄宿学校都是单性别学校。英国的公立学校In England, a public school is actually a private fee paying secondaryschool where children usually live as well as study.在英国,公立学校实际上是一所私立付费中学,孩子们通常在那里生活和学习。女子学院Cheltenham Ladies

    40、 College, founded in 1853, was the first girls publicschool.Cheltenham 女子学院创建于 1853 年,是第一所女子公立学校。核心学科In a school, children have to study such core subjects as English,mathematics, and science.在学校里,孩子们必须学习如英语、数学和科学等核心学科。高等教育Education in a university or college is called tertiary education or highered

    41、ucation.大学或学院的教育被称为高等教育。常青藤联盟In the United States, a group of eight old private northeastern universities iscommonly known as the Ivy League”.在美国,最著名的是东北部八所老牌私立大学,俗称“常青藤联盟”开放大学The Open University is a university in Britain that runs degree courses onthe radio and television for students who do not h

    42、ave the properqualifications and want to study part-time or mainly at home.开放大学是英国的一所大学,在电台和电视方面开设学位课程,面向那些没有合适的资格、想要兼职或主要在家学习的学生。LessonLesson FifteenFifteenMassMass MediaMedia知识点名称内容大众传媒Mass media are carriers of information, which traditionally includetelevision, radio and newspapers.大众传媒是信息的载体,传统

    43、上包括电视、广播和报纸。英国广播公司In Britain, there are two main radio and television broadcasting companies.7 7They are the BBC and ITC.在英国,有两家主要的广播和电视广播公司,他们是英国广播公司和独立电视委员会。The British Broadcasting Corporation does not allow advertising on its radioor television channels.英国广播公司不允许在其广播或电视频道上打广告。美国的电视台In the United

    44、 States, there is no government-owned television network.Public television stations and commercial television stations coexist.在美国,没有政府所有的电视网。公共电视台和商业电视台共存。In the U.S., public television stations offer a wide variety of high-qualityentertainment and information without the annoying interruptions ofc

    45、ommercials.公共电视台提供各种高质量的娱乐和信息,而不受广告干扰。报纸A newspaper is a Publication consist of a number of large sheets of foldedpaper, on which news, articles, advertisements, and other information isprinted.报纸是一种由许多大的折叠纸组成的出版物,上面印刷新闻、文章、广告和其他信息。互联网The Internet is among the most far-reaching of recent development

    46、s inelectronic communications.互联网是电子通信领域最具影响力的最新发展之一。LessonLesson SeventeenSeventeenReligionReligion知识点名称内容神话学The study or science of these myths is mythology.研究神话中的科学是神话学。神学The study or science of the nature of God and of the foundations andformations of religious beliefs is theology.神学研究或科学研究上帝的本质

    47、、宗教信仰的基础和构成的是神学。有神论Theism is the belief in the existence of a god or gods.有神论是对一个或多个神存在的信仰。无神论Atheism is the belief that no god exists.无神论则是对没有神存在的信仰。泛神论Pantheism is the belief that God is everything in nature and the universeand that everything in nature and the universe is God.泛神论认为上帝是自然界和宇宙中的一切,自

    48、然界和宇宙中的一切都是上帝。多神论Polytheism is the belief in and worship of more than one god.多神论是对不止一个神的信仰和崇拜。一神论Monotheism is the belief that there is only one God.一神论是相信只有一个神。宗教起源In the world there are three geographical areas where religions wereoriginated. They are India, China and Japan, and the Middle East.世

    49、界上有三个宗教起源的地理区域。他们是印度、中国、日本和中东。世界三大宗教The three great religions of the world include Buddhism, Islam andChristianity.世界三大宗教包括佛教、伊斯兰教和基督教。儒家和道家In China, Confucianism and Taoism were originated. Confucianism wasfounded by Confucius.儒家和道家都是起源于中国。孔子创立了儒家。8 8可兰经The sacred book of the Muslims is the Koran,

    50、which is written in Arabic,containing the Prophet Muhammads revelations.穆斯林的圣书是古兰经 ,它是用阿拉伯语写的,包含先知穆罕默德的启示。基督教The English-speaking countries are generally considered as Christiancountries where many people believe in Christianity.英语国家通常被认为是基督教国家,那里有很多人信仰基督教。圣经The holy book of Christianity is the Bibl

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