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    • (2019)新外研版高中英语选择性必修第一册高三一轮复习Unit 1 Laugh out loud语言知识词汇复习学案.doc--点击预览
    • (2019)新外研版高中英语选择性必修第一册高三一轮复习Unit 2 Onwards and upwards语言知识词汇复习学案.doc--点击预览
    • (2019)新外研版高中英语选择性必修第一册高三一轮复习Unit 3 Faster,higher,stronger语言知识词汇复习学案.doc--点击预览
    • (2019)新外研版高中英语选择性必修第一册高三一轮复习Unit 4 Meeting the muse语言知识词汇复习学案.doc--点击预览
    • (2019)新外研版高中英语选择性必修第一册高三一轮复习Unit 5 Revealing nature语言知识词汇复习学案.doc--点击预览
    • (2019)新外研版高中英语选择性必修第一册高三一轮复习Unit 6 Nurturling nature语言知识词汇复习学案.doc--点击预览
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2022 届高三英语一轮复习2019 版新外研社高中英语选择性必修一Unit 1 Laugh out loud!语言知识复习学案词汇学案简介:本材料为 2022 届高三英语一轮复习2019 版新外研社高中英语选择性必修一 Unit 1 Laugh out loud 语言知识复习学案词汇学案;分三个部分:基础词汇变形;基础短语;重点单词讲解(词汇变形巩固/高频短语/例句翻译/语法填空练习题)基础词汇变形1 mood n.心情;_adj.易怒的,闷闷不乐的2 amusement n.娱乐,消遣;_v.娱乐;_adj.娱乐的,有趣的3 entertain v.使快乐;_n.娱乐,乐趣4 examine v.检查(身体);_n.测试5 advertisement n.广告;_v.做广告6 employer n.雇用者,雇主;_n.雇员;_v.雇用;_n.雇用i7 impress v.使钦佩,使留下深刻印象;_n.印象;_adj.使印象深刻的8 fame n.名声,声誉;_adj.有名的,著名的9 cruel adj.残忍的;_n.残忍,冷酷10 gently adv. 温和地;轻柔地;_adj.温柔的11 illuminate v.照亮,照明;_n.照明,阐释,启发12 complicated adj.难处理的;难懂的;_n.复杂13 conclude v.结束,终止;_n.结论14 composer n.作曲家;_v.作曲答案:mood/amuse,amusing/entertainment/exam/advertise/employee,employ,employment/impression,impressive/famous/cruelty/gentle/illumination/complication/conclusion/compose基础短语汉英互译:1 游乐场2 医疗保健3 (使)高兴起来,(使)振作起来4 奏效,达到预期效果5 愁眉苦脸6 笑料,笑柄7 笑了起来8 恶作剧9 某种类型的幽默10(故意提出难以回答或尴尬的问题)使某人难堪11 斥责,责骂12 不能按时完成(工作)答案:amusement park/health care/cheer up/do the trick/long face/laughing stock/crack a smile/ practical joke/brand of humor/put sb on the spot/ tell off/fall behind重点单词详解:amusementan amusement park 游乐场用法详解(1)n. C, usually pl. 娱乐活动常见搭配 an amusement park 游乐场英汉翻译练习:Last weekend, we had great fun in the amusement park._Big cities have theatre, movies ,football games and many other amusements._(2)n. U娱乐,消遣;可笑,愉悦常见搭配with/ in amusement 愉快地to sb. s amusement 使某人感到好笑的是英汉翻译练习:The children were watching her doing magic tricks in amusement._To my amusement, he couldnt get the door open._归纳拓展相关词语积累:(1)amusement.逗笑,逗乐; (提供)消遣,(使)娱乐amuse sb. /oneself 逗某人笑/自娱自乐(2) amused adj.逗乐的,觉得好笑的(多用来形容人):年子 丝 isdh d be amused at/by. .逗乐,觉得.好笑(3)amusing adj 有乐趣的,好笑的,逗人笑的(多用来形容事物)语境串记The little boy was amused by the amusing book But to our great amusement, he held the book upside down._练习:用 amuse 的适当形式填空(2019.广东深圳实验学校期末)Yesterday,we went to an_ park where we were _by_ performances.At the party, his joke did make everyone present_.答案:amusement,amused,amusing,amusedspot 用法详解(1)vt. 看见,看出,注意到,发现常见搭配 spot sth./sb.doing sth.看到某物/某人正在做某事英汉翻译练习:I spotted the differences between the two pictures._I spotted her writing a letter in the library when I passed by._(2)vt.弄脏,使染上斑点,使沾上污点常见搭配 be spotted with. 满是.斑.点His shirt was spotted with oil. _(3)n. C斑点;污迹;地点,场所常见搭配 on the spot( = on the scene)当场;在现场英汉翻译练习:Sherlock Holmes found a few spots of coffee on the carpet. _This is a nice spot for a picnic. _We need to know about the views of the people on the spot so that we can make a final decision._语境串记I finally spotted my friend in the crowd, who wore a white dress with pink spots.语法填空练习:1. The young man, who was the only man_the spot was told to set down what he saw.2. As we climbed the mountain,snow was falling. The pines were soon spotted_snow.3. Tom took the police to the spot_the accident happened.答案:on/with/whereentertain 用法详解(1)vt. &vi.使快乐,娱乐常见搭配 entertain sb. with sth. 用某事物使某人快乐英汉翻译练习:He entertained us for hours with his stories and jokes._Most childrens television programmes aim to educate and entertain at the same time._(2)vt. & vi.招待,款待常见搭配entertain sb. to/ with sth. 用某物招待/款待某人Kevin entertained us to/ with dinner last Friday._Mark usually does the cooking when we entertain. _归纳拓展相关词语积累:entertaining adj. 使人愉快的,有趣的entertainment n. U,C娱乐片,文娱节目;U招待,款待;娱乐entertainer n.表演者,艺人语境串记Bob and Lisa entertained us to dinner last night, during which Bob told us many jokes for entertainment, making it an entertaining night._练习:1. When I arrived home, my husband was lying on the floor, entertaining the kids_toys.2. It was said that no one was ever bored with his performance; his excellent acting made everything _( entertain).Apart from providing_( entertain), the website also turns out to be a helpful learning tool.答案:with/entertaining/entertainmentcheer up 意为 (使)高兴起来,(使)振作起来 ,可用作及物动词短语,也可用作不及物动词短语。具体用法如下:(1)cheer sb. up 使某人振作起来,使某人高兴起来When Im feeling sad, my mother often tells me funny stories to cheer me up._(2)cheer up ( 单独使用)高兴起来,振作起来I cheered up immediately and floated weightlessly around in our spaceship cabin watching the earth become smaller and the moon larger. _Cheer up! The news isnt too bad._归纳拓展相关词语积累:Cheer vi.&vt.欢呼,喝彩;vt. 鼓舞 n. C欢呼声,喝彩声cheer sb. on (比赛中)为某人加油cheerful adj.快乐的,高兴的;令人愉快的语法填空He was feeling a bit low, so I did my best to cheer him_. Ill do everything I can to help you, she said with a_ ( cheer) grin.The game is about to start.I will go to cheer our team_.答案:up/cheerful/onessential用法详解(1)adj. 极其重要的,必不可少的be essential for/ to.对.来说是重要的常见搭配It is essential (for sb. ) to do sth. (对某人来说)做某事是极其必要的。It is essential that.是必要/至关重要的。( that 从句要用虚拟语气,即从句谓语用 should +动词原形的形式,should 可省略)英汉翻译练习:Advanced technology is essential to the advance of society._Its essential for citizens to know that the haze can do harm to peoples heath.It is essential that your diet ( should) be varied and balanced._(2)adj.本质的,基本的,根本的(只作前置定语)The essential difference between Sara and me is our attitude to money._(3)n. usually pl. 要素,要点,实质;必需品He agreed to teach me the essentials of web page design._Some people say that food, clothing and shelter are life essentials._归纳拓展相关词语 积累:essentially adv.本质上,根本上Essentially,what we are suggesting is that the firm needs to change. _语法填空练习:She added a few characters and changed some names,but_( essential) this is a true story.It is essential that students_( get) themselves prepared for the coming future.The charity provides homeless people with_(essential) like food andclothing.答案:essentially,(should)get,essentialsImpress用法详解(1)vt. 使钦佩;给.留下深刻的好印象impress sb.给某人留下深刻的好印象常见搭配impress sb. with. .给某人留下印象It impresses sb. that.令某人印象深刻的是What impresses sb. is that. 令某人印象深刻的是.英汉翻译练习:The deaf singer Mandy Harvey impressed all the judges and the audience with her amazing performance at Americas Got Talent. _It impressed me that she remembered my name._(2)vt.使意识到(重要性或严肃性等)常见搭配impress sth. on/ upon sb.使某人意识到某事(如果宾语过长,可调整为 impress on/upon sb. sth. )I impressed on Peter the importance of the meeting._归纳拓展相关词语积累:(1)impressed adj. (对.)钦佩,有深刻的好印象be impressed with/by. .对.印.象深刻He was impressed with Benjamins drawings._(2) impression n. C,U印象,感想make/ leave a deep impression on sb. 给某人留下深刻的印象give (sb. ) the impression of/ tht.给(某人.)以.的印象(3) impressive adj.令人敬佩的,令人赞叹的语境串记Bob is a boy of many talents. Last week, his impressive performance at the concert lefta deep impression on me. However, what impressed me most was his modest manner.语法填空1. China 一 a fast-developing country 一 has made a great_( impress) on the foreignguests.2 The foreigners here are greatly impressed_the fact that people from all walks of life are working hard for a new Tianjin.3. Its three months since I heard from you last time. Now I want to tell you an_(impress ) story in my first lesson.4. The city of Hangzhou is really an attractive place. The famous West Lake always leaves a deep_on visitors. I was strongly _by its beauty the first time I saw it. ( impress )答案 1. impression 2. with/by 3. impressive 4. impression; impresseddeserve用法详解deserve vt.应得,应受到。不用于进行时。deserve + n. /pron.值得.应得.常见搭配 deserve to do (sth. )应该做(某事)deserve doing/ to be done 值得被.No matter how ordinary a job is, it plays a part in society and therefore deserves our respect.One good turn deserves another._A business as poorly managed as that one doesnt deserve to succeed._His childrens books are classics that deserve knowing much better/to be much better known._特别提醒 deserve 有时可用作反语,表示罪有应得,活该,常用于 get what sb. deserves结构中。People who are sent to prison for drunk-driving get what they deserve. 语法填空1. The team deserved_(win) the game for they had practised hard for whole month.2. Its generally recognized that what she has done for children deserves_( praise).答案 1. to win 2.praise/ praising/to be praisedRemark用法详解(1) n. C言论,意见,评论。其后可接 that 引导的同位语从句。常见搭配 make a remark/ remarks on/ about.对. 发表评论Its rude to make a remark on/ about others appearance._(2)vi.&vt.评论,谈论常见搭配remark on/upon sth. /sb.评论某事/某人l remark that. 评论/谈论. 英汉翻译练习:A lot of customers remarked on/ upon the quality of our products on the Internet. _The editor remarked that the article was well written. _归纳拓展相关词语积累:remarkable adj.引人注目的,显著的,非凡的remarkably adv. 惊人地,不寻常地英汉翻译练习:He showed remarkable courage when he faced the danger_My life improved remarkably when I discovered art. The art world gave me a chance toexpress myself without words._ 语法填空1. (2019 上海虹口区校级月考)Having discovered his_( remark ) talent,Mikes parents changed their minds and agreed to his previous begging for piano lessons.2. When she is put in a situation where she has to make a remark_others,she usually changes the topic.3. My father remarked_I would be able to become a successful writer if I stuck with my dream.答案 1. remarkable2. on/about3 thatwhisper用法详解)(1)vt.&vi.小声说,低语whisper about sth.低声说某事常见搭配)whisper (sth.) in sb. s ear 在某人耳边低声说(某事)whisper (sth. ) to sb.对某人低声说(某事)英汉翻译练习:What are you two whispering about over there? James leaned over to whisper something in Toms ears._Mum whispered to us, “Be quiet! Your little sisters sleeping.”_(2)n. C低语,耳语常见搭配 in a whisper/ in whispers 低声地They talked with each other in a whisper /in whispers in the corner.tell off 意为斥责,责骂。该短语后接代词作宾语时须置于 tell 和 off 之间。英汉翻译练习:I told the boys off( = told off the boys) for making so much noise._If you are caught cheating in the exam, you will be told off by your parents and teachers._归纳拓展 tell 构成的其他短语:tell.apart 把.分开tell.from.把. 和.分开I cant tell her from her sister. They are much alike. = I cant tell her and her sister apart. They are much alike. conclude用法详解(1) vt.&vi. (使)结束,终止conclude (.) with. .结束 .常见搭配 conclude (.) by doing. 以做.结束( .)to conclude 最后(作结论用语)英汉翻译练习:Let me conclude my speech with a saying: Where there is a will, there is a way._He concluded by wishing everyone a safe trip home._To conclude, Id like to express my thanks to my family. _(2)vt.得出结论,断定常见搭配conclude.from.从 .中推断出.conclude (from sth. ) that. (从某事中)推断.英汉翻译练习:What can you conclude from these events?_After waiting for half an hour, I concluded that he wouldnt come.归纳拓展相关词语积累:conclusion n. C结论,推论;C,usually sing. 结束,结果,结尾,结局in conclusion 总之,最后bring.to a conclusion 结束draw reach come to a conclusion 得出结论语法填空When the group discussion is nearing its end, make sure to conclude it_some important points.I think a teachers job is to raise interesting questions and provide enough backgrounds so that students can draw a_( conclude) of their own.答案:with,conclusionfall behind with 意为没有及时做拖欠(付款) 英汉翻译练习:Hes fallen behind with his school work again._He faces losing his home after falling behind with the payments._归纳拓展 fall 构成的其他短语:fall apart 破裂;崩溃fall behind 落后,落.后面fall over 被.绊倒fall on 适逢(某日)fall off 跌落;数量减少,质量下降fall out 掉落,脱落英汉翻译练习:Diligence helps one to go forward ,whereas laziness makes one fall behind._Our sales have fallen off seriously during the past six months._The National Day falls on a Thursday this year. 用 fall 的相关短语完成句子1.I rushed for the door and _the cat in the hallway.2. The newly built bridge_because it was not strong enough to support heavy lorries.3.At the club, I had my first try at skateboarding and_the board a lot.4. His hair begins to _as a result of radiation treatment.5. The Mid-Autumn Festival, as the name suggests,_the 15th day of the 8th lunar month.6. Last term, I became ill and spent two months in hospital,thus_others.7. Last year,after losing his job, he_his mortgage(按揭贷款) repayments.答案 1. fell over 2. fell apart 3. fell off 4. fall out 5. falls on 6. falling behind 7. fell behind with2022届高三英语一轮复习2019版新外研社高中英语选择性必修一Unit 2 Onwards and upwards语言知识复习学案词汇学案简介:本材料为2022届高三英语一轮复习2019版新外研社高中英语选择性必修一Unit 2 Onwards and upwards语言知识复习学案词汇学案;分三个部分:基础词汇变形;基础短语;重点单词讲解(词汇变形巩固/高频短语/例句翻译/语法填空练习题)基础词汇变形1 inform v.通知,告知;_n.通知2 rarely adv.很少,难得;_adj.稀少的3 rejection n.拒绝,否决;_v.拒绝4 persevere v.锲而不舍,坚持不懈;_n.毅力,坚持不懈5 criticism n.批评,职责;_v.批评6 classic n.名著,经典作品;_adj.古典的,经典的7 endurance n.(忍)耐力;_v.忍耐8 delighted adj.愉快的,高兴的;_n.使人高兴的事;_adj.令人愉快的,讨人喜欢的9 enthusiastic adj.热心的,热衷的;_n.热情,热心10 elect v.选举,推选;_n.选举11 blessing n.幸事,幸运;_v.祝福12 appreciative adj.感激的;_v.感谢,感激;_n.感谢,感激13 worthy adj.值得尊敬的;值得赞赏的;_n.价值14 mere adj.仅仅,只不过;_adv.仅仅15 gentleness n.和蔼,温和;_adj.温和的;_adv.温和地16 literary adj.文学的;_n.文学17 embarrassed adj.难堪的,尴尬的;_adj.使人难堪/尴尬的;_n.尴尬 答案:information;rare;reject;perseverance;criticise;classical;endure;delight,delightful;enthusiasm;election;bless;appreciate,appreciation;worth;merely;gentle,gently;literature;embarrassing,embarrassment基础短语: 18 _值得的19_(历史事件的)缤纷场景20 _音乐的曲调或旋律答案:worthy of; the pageant of ;strains of 重点单词详解:inform vt.通知,告知常见搭配inform sb. of/ about sth.告知某人某事inform sb. that/wh-从句告知某.英汉翻译练习:They would inform him of/ about any progress they had made._Hes been informed that he doesnt qualify for the scholarship because of his academic background.归纳拓展相关词语积累:(1)information n. U消息,情报(2) informed adj. 见多识广的keep sb. informed (of.) 不断给某人提供( .的)最新消息Reading is an excellent way to learn new things and stay informed.语法填空1. Thanks for informing us _the change in the schedule so that we can make necessary adjustments.2.I hope you will keep us_( inform) of how you are getting on with your work.3.They have also bought some gardening tool. Besides, they often get some useful_(inform)from the Internet.答案:of/about;informed;informationRarely用法详解rarely adv. 很少,难得。频度副词,常在句中作状语。I often deal with customers on the phone and rarely meet them face-to-tace.特别提醒rarely是具有否定意义的副词,位于句首时,句子往往要部分倒装,,即把句中的助动词、系动词等移至主语之前,有类似用法的词还有never, little, seldom,hardly ,nor等。英汉翻译练习:Rarely have we seen such a beautiful sunset. _Hardly does it snow here in winter._归纳拓展 相关词语积累:rare adj.稀少的,稀罕的;珍贵的(可用作定语或表语)it is rare (for sb. ) to do sth. (某人)难得做某事,(某人)很少做某事I often remind myself how rare it is for me to have such an opportunity._语法填空Irs apparently rare for anyone_( have) two legs the same length.Tom is an honest boy._( rare)does he fail to keep his promise.答案:to have;Rarelyguarantee用法详解(1)vt. 保证,担保;使必然发生guarantee sb. sth.向某人保证某事guarantee to do sth.保证做某事常见搭配I be guaranteed to do sth.肯定/必定会做某事guarantee that. 保证.guarantee sth. against. 保证.免遭.英汉翻译练习:European Airlines guarantees its customers top-quality service._Just looking at a picture of the sea is guaranteed to make me feel sick._The makers guarantee this special glass against breakage._(2)n. C保证;保用证书;起保证作用的事物provide a guarantee提供担保常见搭配under guarantee在保修期内guarantee of. .的保障/保证英汉翻译练习:He gave me a guarantee that it would never happen again._Dont worry. We provide a 5-year guarantee against rust._The shop said they would replace the television since it was still under guarantee. _Wealth is not always a guarantee of happiness.delighted adj.愉快的,高兴的be delighted at/by/ with sth.因某事而高兴常见搭配be delighted to do sth.愿意/乐意高兴做某事 be delighted + (that)从句.而高兴英汉翻译练习:The audience was clearly delighted with the performance. _We are greatly delighted to have a native as our guide._Were delighted ( that) youre coming to work with us._B归纳拓展相关词语积累:(1)delight vt.使快乐n. U快乐;C令人高兴的事,乐趣take delight in (doing) sth. 以(做)某事为乐(尤指做不该做的事)to sb. s delight令某人高兴的是with/in delight高兴地(2)delightful adj.令人愉快的语境串记Today, a piece of good news d
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