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选一选一 unit4unit4 单元测试单元测试阅读模块阅读模块一、选择题。阅读下面的短文,从每题所给的一、选择题。阅读下面的短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出四个选项中,选出最佳选项。最佳选项。Louis Wains Cute CatsLouis Wain was one of the most popular illustrators (插画师) in the history of England. Born in 1860, Wain was well-known for his anthropomorphic (拟人化的) pictures of cats and his work helped to upraise the profile and popularity of our feline (猫科的) friends to extraordinary heights. Before Wain, cats in England were often thought of without respect but his work humanised them and helped to show them as something to be liked, admired and even loved. He made the cat his own, H.G. Wells once remarked. He invented a cat style, a cat society, a whole cat world.In his early years, Wain aimed at becoming a press artist. He specialised in drawing animals and country scenes and had work published in several journals including the popular Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News. It wasnt until 1884, when Wain was twenty-four, that he sold his first drawing of a cat to The Illustrated London News. Two years after this he got his first real taste of success when he was appointed to illustrate a childrens book. His illustrations seem a lot more traditional when compared to his later work. Yet even in these early examples, we can see signs of his ability to give a cat a personality and a playful nature. Despite the happiness seen throughout his work, the tale of Wains interest in cats is sadly a heartbreaking one. In 1883, Wain married Emily Richardson. Not long after the couple married, Emily became unwell. Over the course of her illness, Wain drew their cat as a way to keep her spirits up. There must have been even more reason for joy when a few months later Wain was appointed again by The Illustrated London News to draw more illustrations based on their cat. His work, A Kittens Christmas Party was hugely popular and a great success. It set Wain on the road to artistic greatness and wealth but sadly he was unable to enjoy this achievement as a few months later Emily passed away. The loss of his wife had a huge impact on Wain and he became increasingly more inward-looking. As his success went from strength to strength, he continued to struggle with anxiety and depression, and despite his professional accomplishments, his personal life was never quite the same again.1. What did people in England think of cats in early times?A. They thought cats were respectful.B. They saw cats as their great friends.C. They thought cats were like humans.D. They regarded cats as negative creatures.2. What can we learn about Wains early life?A. He created persons like cats.B. He achieved his first success at the age of 26.C. He had always dreamt of being a cat illustrator.D. He drew animals and country scenes for The Illustrated London News.3. Which of the following is true about Emily?A. She made Wain earn a lot of money.B. Her death changed Wains mental state.C. She married Wain because she liked his illustrations.D. She became unwell after A Kittens Christmas Party was released.4. According to the passage, art is the reflection of its creators _.A. abilityB. fortuneC. emotionD. personality二、选择题。阅读下面的短文,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选二、选择题。阅读下面的短文,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Monet and His Source of InspirationOscar-Claude Monet (18401926) was a French painter, internationally recognised as one of the creators of Impressionism; in fact, this art movement is named after the work of Monet Impression, Sunrise. (5) _ Monet, like many other Impressionists, took the environment around him as a reference, something he made clear with this famous quote: The richness I achieve comes from nature, the source of my inspiration. (6) _ Although he spent much of his time in Paris and travelled extensively in France and abroad, Monet preferred the countryside and lived for more than fifty years along the Seine River. His interest in gardening grew over the years, from flowerbeds that brightened his first home at Argenteuil to his magnificent gardens at Giverny, which became a pleasure for the eye, a peaceful place to think about nature and a source of inspiration.Monet was especially fond of drawing and painting his own gardens. (7) _ By directly observing nature, Monet captured the momentary effects of light and atmosphere on canvas. In 1883, Monet and his family moved to a former cider (苹果酒) farm in Giverny, a small town about thirty-five miles northwest of Paris. He lived there for the rest of his life. At his new home, Monet created an amazing garden that became the main source of inspiration for his later paintings. (8) _At Giverny, Monet adapted part of the farmhouse into a studio, and he transformed the vegetable garden and the disused two acres surrounding it into complex flowerbeds. He carefully planned out his garden to be beautiful and different as the seasons changed, planting a wide range of annuals, perennials (多年生的), bulbs, and vines (藤) so there were flowers from early spring through late fall. (9) _ He liked the flowerbeds to be intense and plentiful, overflowing with plants, and he built arbors (藤架) to carry the blossoming colour up to the sky. As an enthusiastic and skilled gardener, Monet read gardening publications, traded seed, and collected books on gardening. He even hired a team of gardeners to take care of the plants and inspected the garden daily.A. The garden was also a living work of art in its own right.B. With a painters eye, Monet thoughtfully arranged plants according to colour and height.C. Monet was a painter known for his pioneering role in the development of Impressionism.D. Claude Monet combined his love of nature and art by creating gardens wherever he lived.E. When Monet travelled to Paris to visit The Louvre, he found painters copying from the old masters.F. His artistic production is strongly influenced by nature, the protagonist (主角) in many of his paintings.G. Over and over again, he showed the ways light, weather, season, and time of day visually changed them.语言知识运用模块语言知识运用模块一、填空题。根据括号中的中文释义,用本单元出现的单词的正确形式完成句一、填空题。根据括号中的中文释义,用本单元出现的单词的正确形式完成句子。子。10. The introduction of the new technology is thought to be an incredible _ (革新).11. The talented musician has been _ (作曲) a new piece of song for the new year celebration.12. Newtons laws of _ (运动) is the basic regulation in physics.13. Its difficult to understand his _ (抽象的) painting without rich imagination.14. Lucy is always trying to keep up with the latest fashion _ (趋势).15. The light suddenly went off; he thought the _ (电线) must be broken.16. A school should encourage students to develop _ (创新的) mind.17. By _ (对比) what happened to what would have happened, you will know things better.18. Why did you cite this _ (引语) in your essay?19. Tiramisu can be _ (根据字面意思) translated as pick-me-up or lift-me-up.二、完形填空。阅读下面的短文,从每题所给的二、完形填空。阅读下面的短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出四个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。能填入空白处的最佳选项。Tang Yin, better known by his other name Tang Bohu, was a Chinese scholar, painter, calligrapher, and poet of the Ming Dynasty (20) _ life has become a popular legend. Tang Yin is one of the most famous painters in the history of Chinese (21) _. In 1498, he came first in the provincial examinations in Nanjing. The following year he went to the capital to attend the national examinations. (22) _, he was accused, perhaps unfairly, of bribing (贿赂) the servant of one of the chief examiners to give them the examination questions in (23) _, which deprived (剥夺) him of a government job.Denied further official progress, he (24) _ a life of pleasure and (25) _ a living by selling his paintings. That (26) _ of living brought him into disrepute with a later generation of artist-critics who felt that financial (27) _ was important to enable an artist to (28) _ his own style and inspiration. While Tang is associated (29) _ paintings of female beauty, his paintings (especially landscapes) also exhibit the same variety and expression of his peers and show a man of (30) _ artistic skill and profound insight.Tang Yin perfected an admirable hand in the running script (行书). His poems (31) _ on themes (32) _ people like Wen Zhengming or the older Shen Zhou would have never taken up. Sometimes he was (33) _ by tragic sorrow for the loss of childlike innocence; other times even love was concerned with ruin and unhappiness. Those poems which do manage to begin on an optimistic note and often (34) _ on a note of regret.20. A. whichB. whoseC. whomD. who21. A. artB. musicC. literatureD. calligraphy22. A. FinallyB. IndeedC. HoweverD. Therefore23. A. mindB. handC. additionD. advance24. A. gainedB. pursuedC. assignedD. refused25. A. ledB. ranC. madeD. achieved26. A. costB. modeC. caseD. process27. A. issueB. outcomeC. situationD. independence28. A. makeB. carryC. changeD. follow29. A. toB. onC. forD. with30. A. sameB. onlyC. bothD. either31. A. putB. gotC. tookD. touched32. A. whatB. howC. whereD. which33. A. changedB. annoyedC. inspiredD. overwhelmed34. A. endB. moveC. baseD. work写作模块写作模块一、书面表达。一、书面表达。35. 假定你是李华,你们学校将在暑假举办艺术节,恰好你的美国笔友 Sam 那时会来中国度假。请给 Sam 写一封信,邀请他参加本次活动,要点如下:(1)艺术节的时间和地点;(2)艺术节活动的主要内容;(3)询问 Sam 的艺术才艺,并邀请他进行表演。注意:(1)词数不少于 100;(2)可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。二、翻译题。使用括号中所给的单词或短语将下列句子翻译成英文。二、翻译题。使用括号中所给的单词或短语将下列句子翻译成英文。36. 一旦计划开始实施,她就没有回头路可走了。(set in motion)37. 你必须早起才能赶上早上 8 点的火车。(so as to)38. 他在艺术上取得了令人惊叹的成就。(awe-inspiring)39. 史密斯一家上周刚刚搬到镇上,所以他们对邻里还不熟悉。(unfamiliar with)40. 这次表演展现出了他自信的一面。(bring out)答案:答案:阅读模块阅读模块一、1. D2. B3. B4. C二、5. F6. D7. G8. A9. B语言知识运用模块语言知识运用模块一、10. innovation11. composing12. motion13. abstract14. trend15. wire / wires16. innovative17. contrasting18. quote19. literally二、20. B21. A22. C23. D24. B25. C26. B27. D28. D29. D30. C31. D32. D33. D34. A写作模块写作模块一、35. Dear Sam,How are you recently? Im so happy that you will spend your summer vacation in China. As you know, there is an interesting Art Festival in our high school every summer, and I am writing to invite you to join the wonderful event this time when you visit China!The Art Festival will be held on our school playground on 1 August. There will be several main activities, including the magic show, singing contest, dancing, and painting, and we will even invite a band to perform, which is the most exciting part.By the way, have you got any particular interest or talent in art? If you have, you can perform on that day, and Im sure you will make a lot of Chinese friends.Looking forward to your reply!YoursLi Hua二、36. Once her plan is set in motion, there is no turning back.37. You must get up early so as to catch the train at 8 am.38. He has made an awe-inspiring achievement in art.39. The Smith family just moved to the town last week, so they were unfamiliar with the neighbourhood.40. This performance has brought out the confident side of him.高中英语配套阶段测试答题卡高中英语配套阶段测试答题卡选必一选必一 unit1unit1 小测小测笔试部分笔试部分姓名_ 班级_ 学号_ 得分_ 阅读模块阅读模块一、选择题。阅读下面的短文,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选一、选择题。阅读下面的短文,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。项。选项中有两项为多余选项。1. A B C D E F G2. A B C D E F G3. A B C D E F G4. A B C D E F G5. A B C D E F G二、简答题。阅读下面的短文,回答问题。二、简答题。阅读下面的短文,回答问题。6.6. _7.7. _8.8. _9.9. _语言知识运用模块语言知识运用模块一、改写题。请用非限制性定语从句将下列句子中的两个单句合并为一个整句。一、改写题。请用非限制性定语从句将下列句子中的两个单句合并为一个整句。10.10. _11.11. _12.12. _13.13. _14.14. _15.15. _16.16. _17.17. _18.18. _19.19. _二、填空题。根据括号中的中文释义,用本单元出现的单词或短语的正确形式二、填空题。根据括号中的中文释义,用本单元出现的单词或短语的正确形式完成句子。完成句子。20. _ 21. _ 22. _ 23. _ 24. _ 25. _ 26. _ 27. _ 28. _ 29. _ 写作模块写作模块一、翻译题。使用括号中所给的提示将下列句子翻译成英文。一、翻译题。使用括号中所给的提示将下列句子翻译成英文。30.30. _31.31. _32.32. _33.33. _34.34. _二、书面表达。二、书面表达。35.35._选必一选必一 unit1unit1 小测小测阅读模块阅读模块一、选择题。阅读下面的短文,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选一、选择题。阅读下面的短文,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。项。选项中有两项为多余选项。How to Master Anxiety with Humour and LaughterAnxious people very often take themselves and their difficulties too seriously. Having a good laugh is a great way to lighten up. (1) _ It gets your heart and lungs functioning fast and relaxes your diaphragmthe layer of muscle between your lungs and stomach, which, when youre anxious, spends a lot of time being hard and tense. Besides getting you to laugh for a moment, good jokes also help break through black-and-white thinking and open you up to different expectations. When you hear or read a funny story or joke, you are already expecting the unexpected. (2) _ Momentarily, at least, you have changed your mindset.(3) _ Note them down so that you can look at them to help break you out of anxious thinking at a later day. Remembering funny experiences from the past is especially helpful because, very often, they werent the least bit funny at the time. Maybe you locked yourself out of your home with no money or clothes on. It is a good reminder that even disasters arent as extreme as they seem at the timethey can be laughed about when we view them in another way. On average, happy children laugh over 300 times a day but adults less than 20. (4) _ If you have been sad or unhappy, try watching a comedy or reading a book that makes you laugh. Or go for a walk and keep an eye out for something that will at least make you smilethe actions of dogs playing in the park, for instance, or something a young child says. (5) _A. It is also a good way to have fun.B. You can get much more fun than usual from a joke book.C. So, set yourself the pleasant task of laughing at least five times a day.D. It can either be a development you cant predict or a clever punch line.E. Remind yourself of the 10 funniest things that have ever happened to you.F. More than that, it is an excellent way of reducing the stress your body goes through.G. After all, looking out for the funnier side of life will offer you benefits more than just amusement.二、简答题。阅读下面的短文,回答问题。二、简答题。阅读下面的短文,回答问题。For College Student Comedians, Laughter Coming with LearningAt a comedy night at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, members of the schools Stand-up Comedy Club bring lots of laughter to their classmates. They give funny speeches, tell jokes and make humorous body movements. These college student comedians may feel unsure of themselves at first, but the experience is highly enjoyable. Their humor entertains and helps relieve the stress of their young, busy audience.Ariella Shua joined the club last year. She says she has become a better observer of what is going on around her. She says she does not go anywhere without bringing something on which she can take notes.Whenever I just have a thought in my head that seems like, Oh, this is strange, or when I see something or overhear someone saying something in the library, I just write it down, Shua explained. Later, when Im trying to write my own set, I look through it to see if there is anything that I can use.Every school wants its students to perform as best as they can in their studies, but some colleges and universities also urge their students to explore their abilities and develop interests beyond their field of study. Joining an on-campus club is a good way to do that.Nicholas Scandura, the president of the comedy club, finds that writing is one of the many skill
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