Unit 5 what an adventure P3Reflection & assessment ppt课件(含学案) -(2019)新外研版高中英语必修第三册.rar


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Book3Unit5whatanadventureP3Reflection&AssessmentLearningaims:1.GraspthewordsinU5andbeabletocompletethetranslation;2.Masterthelanguagepointsandbeabletocompletefilling in the blanks;3.Masterthekeyphrasesandbeabletomakenewsentences.Preparation:Textbook;DictationBook;AccumulationbookStep1ReadallthetextsinU5togooverallthenewwordsandphrases.(15mins)Step2Recitetheimportantsentencesintheleadingpapertograsptheusageofthekeyphrases.(10mins)Step3Completethetestsintheleadingpaper.(15mins)Step4Checkanswersandmakeaconclusionoftheclass.(5mins)Reviewingprocess重点短语原句汉语-自行进行汉译英检测背诵1.明知道会是一次拥挤拥挤 、不舒适而又危险险的体验验,去年仍有数百人愿意为为此花费费大价钱钱。2.我们们吃饭饭和赚钱赚钱 是为为了能够够享受生活。这这才是生活的意义义和目标标。3.他的遗遗体在多年后才被发现发现 。至今人们们也不知道他生前是否成功登顶顶了珠峰。4.登山让让你聚焦于对对你而言重要的事5.当你想放弃的时时候,它会迫使你深入审视审视 自己的内心,并思考自己的身体和心灵是否足够坚够坚 强继续继续 向前。6.最近的研究表明,冒险险可能是人类类天性中的一部分,而一些人比其他人更愿意去冒险险。7.他把这这些人的人格特征称为为“T型人格”,“T”代表“刺激”。8.现现在,我该该如何追述在水下漫步给给我留下的印象呢?9.这这种炫人眼目的地毯简简直是一个反射器,把太阳光强烈地反射出去,光线线所经经之处处的每个水分子都因此而振动动。Answers:词汇词汇 短语&原文填空:一、1.oxygen2.crowd3.port4.ahead5.surround6.broad7.beneath8.chapter9.attempt10.guideline二、1.failure2.wouldconfirm3.unaware4.Permit5.depth6.gradually7.relate8.injury9.astonishing10.psychologist三、1.referto2.figureout3.accountfor4.inchargeof5.bring.intofocus课文填空1.making2.what3.what4.It5.reaching6.to7.werespoken8.who9.added10.to11.out12.toughness13.attempts14.resulting15.scientific16.morelikely17.who18.as19.for20.speaking21.totake22.beconnected23.from24.with25.totally26.toAnswers:Part3句子翻译1.ItisstillnotknownifhesucceededinreachingthetopofQomolangmabeforeittookhislife.2.Itbringsintofocuswhatsimportanttoyou.”3.Hereferstothepersonalitiesofthesepeopleas“TypeT”,withthe“T”standingfor“thrill”.4.Thepoorweathermayhaveaccountedforthesmallcrowd.整理巩固Unit3知识点Conclusion:1Book 3 Unit5 What an adventure复习检测导学案复习检测导学案Learning Aims:1.Grasp the words in U5 and be able to complete the translation;2.Master the language points and be able to complete filling in the blanks;3.Master the key phrases and be able to make new sentences.Step 1 Read all the texts in U3 to go over all the new words and phrases.Step 2 Recite the important sentences in the leading paper to grasp the usage of the key phrases.Step 3 Complete the following tests in the leading paper. Step 4 Check answers and make a conclusion of the class.课本重点短语原文重现课本重点短语原文重现1. Last year, hundreds of people spent good money on an experience that they knew would include crowds, discomfort and danger.明知道会是一次拥挤、不舒适而又危险的体验,去年仍有数百人愿意为此花费大价钱。2. We eat and make money to be able to enjoy life. That is what life means and what life is for.我们吃饭和赚钱是为了能够享受生活。这才是生活的意义和目标。3. It is still not known if he succeeded in reaching the top of Qomolangma before it took his life.他的遗体在多年后才被发现。至今人们也不知道他生前是否成功登顶了珠峰。4. It brings into focus whats important to you.”登山让你聚焦于对你而言重要的事5. It forces you to look deep inside yourself and figure out if you really have the physical, as well as mental, toughness to push when you want to stop.当你想放弃的时候,它会迫使你深入审视自己的内心,并思考自己的身体和心灵是否足够坚强继续向前。6. Recent studies indicate that risk-taking may be part of human nature, with some of us more likely to take risks than others.最近的研究表明,冒险可能是人类天性中的一部分,而一些人比其他人更愿意去冒险。7. He refers to the personalities of these people as “Type T”, with the “T” standing for “thrill”.他把这些人的人格特征称为“T 型人格”,“T”代表“刺激”。8. And now, how can I look back upon the impression left upon me by that walk under the waters?现在,我该如何追述在水下漫步给我留下的印象呢?9. This dazzling carpet, really a reflector, drove away the rays of the sun with wonderful intensity, which accounted for the vibration which passed through every atom of liquid. 这种炫人眼目的地毯简直是一个反射器,把太阳光强烈地反射出去,光线所经之处的每个水分子都因此而振动。Book 3 Unit5 What an adventure复习检测导学案复习检测导学案Learning Aims:1.Grasp the words in U5 and be able to complete the translation;2.Master the language points and be able to complete filling in the blanks;3.Master the key phrases and be able to make new sentences.Step 1 Read all the texts in U3 to go over all the new words and phrases.2Step 2 Recite the important sentences in the leading paper to grasp the usage of the key phrases.Step 3 Complete the following tests in the leading paper. Step 4 Check answers and make a conclusion of the class.课本重点短语原文重现课本重点短语原文重现1. Last year, hundreds of people spent good money on an experience that they knew would include crowds, discomfort and danger.明知道会是一次拥挤、不舒适而又危险的体验,去年仍有数百人愿意为此花费大价钱。2. We eat and make money to be able to enjoy life. That is what life means and what life is for.我们吃饭和赚钱是为了能够享受生活。这才是生活的意义和目标。3.It is still not known if he succeeded in reaching the top of Qomolangma before it took his life.他的遗体在多年后才被发现。至今人们也不知道他生前是否成功登顶了珠峰。4.It brings into focus whats important to you.”登山让你聚焦于对你而言重要的事5.It forces you to look deep inside yourself and figure out if you really have the physical, as well as mental, toughness to push when you want to stop.当你想放弃的时候,它会迫使你深入审视自己的内心,并思考自己的身体和心灵是否足够坚强继续向前。6.Recent studies indicate that risk-taking may be part of human nature, with some of us more likely to take risks than others.最近的研究表明,冒险可能是人类天性中的一部分,而一些人比其他人更愿意去冒险。7.He refers to the personalities of these people as “Type T”, with the “T” standing for “thrill”.他把这些人的人格特征称为“T 型人格”,“T”代表“刺激”。8.And now, how can I look back upon the impression left upon me by that walk under the waters?现在,我该如何追述在水下漫步给我留下的印象呢?9.This dazzling carpet, really a reflector, drove away the rays of the sun with wonderful intensity, which accounted for the vibration which passed through every atom of liquid. 这种炫人眼目的地毯简直是一个反射器,把太阳光强烈地反射出去,光线所经之处的每个水分子都因此而振动。Book 3 Unit5 What an adventure复习检测复习检测Part 1 一、根据汉语提示写出正确的单词(每小题一、根据汉语提示写出正确的单词(每小题 1 分,共分,共 10 分)分)1.The brain requires a constant supply of _ (氧气氧气). 2.I saw a small _ (人群人群) gathering outside the church.3.This is just an attractive little fishing _ (港口港口), but I enjoy living here.4. The election was held six months _ (在前面在前面) of schedule. 5. A lot of trees_ (环绕,围绕环绕,围绕) the village where we live.6. We all have the option of taking the path that is _ (宽的宽的) or taking the path that is narrow. 7. She found pleasure in sitting _ (在在之下之下) the big tree in the backyard.8. A new _ (章节章节) will be included in the second edition according to the author. 9. He made the_ (努力,尝试努力,尝试) again and again without success, but he refused to give up.10. We can only experience true success and happiness by making character the _ (指导方指导方针,指导原则针,指导原则) of our lives.二、用所给单词的正确形式填空(每小题二、用所给单词的正确形式填空(每小题 1 分,共分,共 10 分)分)31. The _ (fail) of the project is the result of our lack of foresight. 2. The CEO said yesterday that they _ (confirm) the exact date of the new product launch as soon as possible.3. She was _ (aware) that she was being filmed until a friend told her about it.4. _ (permission) me to give you some advice.5. Many dolphins can dive to a _ (deep) of 200 meters.6. Cool down very _ (gradual) after working up a sweat. 7. I found it difficult to _ (relation) the two ideas in my mind.8. Jack Brown is recovering from a knee _ (injure).9. I find life more charming and more _ (astonish) than Id ever dreamed.10. As the famous _ (psychology) Carl Jung said, every human being has their shadow. 三、选择合适的短语,并用其正确形式,完成句子(每小题三、选择合适的短语,并用其正确形式,完成句子(每小题 1 分,共分,共 5 分)分)in charge of., bring.into focus, figure out, refer to, account for 1.You can always _a dictionary when you meet a new word.2.Lisa Green was trying to _ what would happen next.3.Tom could not _ his absence from school.4.Miss Wang will be _Class 1 in the new semester. 5.This will _new ideas and opportunities _. Part 2 原文填空:(每小题原文填空:(每小题 1 分,共分,共 26 分)分)For these people, climbing Qomolangma is an experience like no other, _1_(make) some feel weak and others, powerful.British mountain climber George Mallory wrote of climbing Qomolangma, “_2_we get from this adventure is just sheer joy. We do not live to eat and make money. We eat and make money to be able to enjoy life. That is _3_ life means and what life is for.” _4_is still not known if he succeeded in _5_(reach) the top of Qomolangma before it took his life.In 2011, words similar _6_those of Mallory _7_(speak)by American mountain climber Alan Arnette, _8_ climbed Qomolangma in that year and was going to climb other high mountains around the world. “It brings into focus whats important to you.” He _9_(add), “There are a thousand reasons to turn around and only one to keep going. You really have to focus on the one reason thats most important and unique _10_you. It forces you to look deep inside yourself and figure _11_if you really have the physical, as well as mental, _12_(tough) to push when you want to stop.”With the majority of _13_(attempt) to climb Qomolangma _14_(result) either in total success or failure, is there also a_15_( scientice) reason behind this risk-taking? Recent studies indicate that risk-taking may be part of human nature, with some of us_16_( likely) to take risks than others. Psychologist Frank Farley has spent years studying people who jump out of planes and drive fast cars, as well as those _17_ climb Qomolangma. He refers to the personalities of these people _18_ “Type T”, with the “T” standing _19_ “thrill”._20_(speak) to the LA Times about the “Type T” personalities, Farley said, “Theyll say, Im not taking risks, Im an expert.Research also suggests that our desire _21_(take )risks can _22_(connect)to how much we expect to benefit _23_the result._24_ this in mind, are the benefits of climbing Qomolangma worth the risks? Its _25_(total) up _26_ you.Part 3 翻译句子(每题翻译句子(每题 1 分,共分,共 4 分)分)1. 他的遗体在多年后才被发现。至今人们也不知道他生前是否成功登顶了珠峰。他的遗体在多年后才被发现。至今人们也不知道他生前是否成功登顶了珠峰。_2. 登山让你聚焦于对你而言重要的事登山让你聚焦于对你而言重要的事in charge of., bring.into focus, figure out, refer to, account for in charge of., bring.into focus, figure out, refer to, account for 4_3. 他把这些人的人格特征称为他把这些人的人格特征称为“T 型人格型人格”,“T”代表代表“刺激刺激”。_4. 天气不好可能是来的人少的原因。天气不好可能是来的人少的原因。_5
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