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    • (2019)新外研版高中英语高三必修第二册一轮复习 U6 Earth first阅读理解复习学案.doc--点击预览
    • (2019)新外研版高中英语高三必修第二册一轮复习U1 Food for thought阅读理解复习学案.doc--点击预览
    • (2019)新外研版高中英语高三必修第二册一轮复习U2 Let‘s celebrate阅读理解复习学案.doc--点击预览
    • (2019)新外研版高中英语高三必修第二册一轮复习U3 On the move阅读理解复习学案.doc--点击预览
    • (2019)新外研版高中英语高三必修第二册一轮复习U4 Stage and screen阅读理解复习学案.doc--点击预览
    • (2019)新外研版高中英语高三必修第二册一轮复习U5 On the road阅读理解复习学案.doc--点击预览
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2022 届高三英语一轮复习2019 版新外研社高中英语必修二Unit 6 Earth first阅读理解复习学案简介:本材料为 2022 届高三英语一轮复习2019 版新外研社高中英语必修二 Unit 6 Earth first 阅读理解复习学案;分三个部分:课文原文阅读理解练习;根据课文原文改编(缩写)的语法填空练习题及详解答案。SHARKS: DANGEROUS OR ENDANGERED?1 We see a woman swimming at night in a dark sea. Suddenly, she is pulled underwater. She surfaces, cries in fear, then disappears forever. This is the opening scene from the 1975 film Jaws, showing a shark attack. It tells the story of a great white shark that attacks and kills swimmers. Jaws was a great success, attracting huge audiences and winning many awards. It strengthened peoples long-held idea of the great white shark as a dangerous animal.2 People have always been scared of sharks, but Jaws made things worse. It made people frightened of sharks, especially of the great white shark. Many people who saw the film started to believe that sharks were bad animals that ate humans. Some people stopped swimming in the sea, afraid of the horrible creature from the film. Other people started fishing for sharks, killing as many as they could. At that time, nobody cared if sharks were killed, or how many were killed. People just wanted them killed.3 After 1975, the number of large sharks around America fell quickly, and soon fell around the world. This was not only due to fear of sharks, but also finning. Finning is a type of fishing where sharks are caught and their fins cut off. The sharks are thrown back into the sea where they die slowly and painfully. The fins are used in shark fin soup. Finning kills millions of sharks a year.4 Finning would have an unexpected effect upon Peter Benchley, the man who wrote the book the film Jaws was based on. In 1980, Benchley was diving when he came across an awful sight. It was an area where fishermen were finning, and the sea floor was covered with dead sharks. Benchley saw sharks being killed and this caused a deep change in him. He came to see people as a danger to sharks, rather than the other way round. From that day on, he fought to protect sharks. He admitted that his book was wrong about sharks behaviour. “Sharks dont target humans,” he said. Experts have proved that sharks do not see people as food, and they attack us by mistake. Only around six people are killed by sharks every year.5 Fortunately, not everyone who watched the film Jaws became afraid of sharkssome became interested in understanding them. Today, as we learn more about sharks, more people than ever want to protect them from extinction.根据课文内容选择正确答案1. What do we know about the 1975 film Jaws?A. Its a film based on a real story.B. It made people more scared of sharks.C. It raised peoples awareness of protecting sharks.D. It made the great sharks world-famous overnight.2. Whats most peoples attitude towards sharks after watching the 1975 film Jaws?A. Wanting them killed.B. Getting their fins.C. Making delicious food with them.D. Avoiding watching them in the sea.3. How did Peter Benchley feel after diving in 1980?A. Sharks shouldnt see people as food.B. Sharks ate too many people each year.C. People were in fact a danger to sharks.D. Laws should be made to stop people swimming in the sea.4. What should we do with sharks?A. Make friends with them.B. Learn more knowledge about sharks.C. Keep the previous attitude towards them.D. Take action to protect them from extinction.答案解析1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D课文语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填人 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。The 1975 film Jaws described a scene where a woman swimming in a dark sea .1_ ( attack) by a great white shark and finally was eaten by it, which made people consider the great white shark as_ 2_ dangerous animal.Some people were afraid of swimming in the sea. To make things 3_ ( bad ),other people started fishing for sharks, 4_( kill) as many as they could. As a result, the number of large sharks around America fell quickly.5_(fin) is a type of fishing where sharks are caught and their fins cut off. The sharks are thrown back into the sea where they die slowly and 6_ ( painful). Finning kills millions of sharks a year.In 1980,Benchley, the man7_wrote the book the film Jaws was based on, was diving when he came across an awful sight. The sea floor was covered with dead sharks because of finning. He came to see people as a danger to sharks, rather than the other way round. From that day on, he fought 一 8 _. ( protect)sharks.9_ ( expert) have proved that sharks do not see people as food ,and they attack us just by mistake. Only a few people are killed by sharks every year.Fortunately,some people began to protect sharks. Today,as we learn more about sharks ,more people than ever want to protect them10_ extinction.1.was attacked.考查动词的时态和语态。2. a。考查冠词。 animal 为可数名词,此处表示泛指, dangerous 的发音以辅音音素开头 ,故填 a。3. wise 考查形容词的比较级。 to make things wore 为固定搭配,表示 更糟糕的是。故填 worse。4. killing,考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,空处在句中作状语,people 与 kill 之间为逻辑上的主谓关系 ,故填 killing5. Finning.考查非谓语动词。空处在句中作主语,应用v-ing 形式,故填Finning。6. painfully。考查副词。空处与 slowly 并列作状语,修饰 die ,应用副词,故填 painfully。7. who/that。考查定语从句的关系词。分析句子结构可知,空处引导定语从句,修饰先行词 the man(指人);且空处在从句中作主语 ,故填 who/ that。8. to protect。考查非谓语动词。空处作目的状语,应用动词不定式,故填to protect。9.Experts。考查名词的数。空处在句中作主语,且根据谓语动词have10.from课文语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填人 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Its well known that its important to protect the environment, and the majority of people try their best 1_ (save) energy and reduce waste and pollution. However, some green_ 2_ 一( truth) have been shown to be only half true, or even3 _ ( complete) false.? Paper shopping bags are better than plastic ones.It seems like common sense that plastic bags are hard to break down and do harm to the environment but paper bags are just the opposite (完金相反). However, making a paper bag uses_ 4_ ( much) energy and water than making a plastic bag. The process also produces more greenhouse gases. So, next time, when_ 5_ ( go) shopping, youd better take a reusable bag with you.? When you turn off a device, it stops using power.When a device 6 _(turn) off, such as television, itstill uses power. This is because electricity continues to leak from the device. To make sure your appliance is in fact off, remove the plug7_ its power supply.? Eating local food is good for the environment.Mary people believe that eating local food should he better for the environment, because it does not need to be transported long distances. As 8_ matter of fact, it is the production of food, not its transport, 9 _uses most of the energy.? Its better to take a shower than a bath.It depends om how long you spend in the shower and how large your bath is Therefore, the key is to keep 10_ (you)shower time as short as possible.课文语法填空课文语法填空1. to save。考查非谓语动词。考查非谓语动词。try ones best to do sth.尽某人最大努力做某事。尽某人最大努力做某事。2. truths 考查名词的数。由空前的限定词考查名词的数。由空前的限定词 some 和空后的助动词和空后的助动词 have可知,应用名词的复数形式。可知,应用名词的复数形式。3. completely.考查副词。空处修饰形容词考查副词。空处修饰形容词 false ,应用副词。应用副词。4. more。考查比较级。由空后的。考查比较级。由空后的 than 可知,此处应用可知,此处应用 much 的比较级的比较级;由空前由空前的的 However 可知,此处表示制造个纸袋比制造一个塑料袋耗费的能量和水多。可知,此处表示制造个纸袋比制造一个塑料袋耗费的能量和水多。5. going.考查非谓语动词。此处是考查非谓语动词。此处是 when 引导的时间状语从句的省略。引导的时间状语从句的省略。go 与其与其逻辑主语逻辑主语 you 之间是主谓关系,故用现在分词。之间是主谓关系,故用现在分词。6. is turned。考查时态和语态。考查时态和语态。device 与与 tur 之间是动宾关系之间是动宾关系,故用被动语态。故用被动语态。由文章语境可知由文章语境可知,应用般现在时,故填应用般现在时,故填 is turned。7. from。考查固定搭配。考查固定搭配。8.a。考查固定搭配。考查固定搭配。as a matter of fact 事实上。事实上。9.that。考查强调句型。分析句子结构可知,此处是强调句型,强调的是主语。考查强调句型。分析句子结构可知,此处是强调句型,强调的是主语the production of food,故用故用 that。10.your。考查代词。空处位于名词前,应用形容词性物主代词。考查代词。空处位于名词前,应用形容词性物主代词 your.2022 届高三英语一轮复习2019 版新外研社高中英语必修二Unit 1 Food for thought阅读理解复习学案简介:本材料为 2022 届高三英语一轮复习2019 版新外研社高中英语必修二 Unit 1 Food for thought 阅读理解复习学案;分三个部分:课文原文阅读理解练习;根据课文原文改编(缩写)的语法填空练习题及详解答案。A child of Two Cuisines1 Growing up in England with a British father and a Chinese mother, Ive enjoyed food from both countries ever since I was able to hold a knife and forkand chopsticks!2 Mum has sweet memories of the food from her home town in Sichuan, and often cooks spicy dishes. Thanks to this, Dad has come to love hot pot! But there are still some dishes that Dad dare not try even after many years of marriage to my mother. He once told me he was surprised by what he saw on the table when he first visited my mothers parents in China. He was even shocked at their wedding when he saw how the Chinese ate almost every part of an animal. Even today, he still does not easily take to eating things like chicken feet.3 But I enjoy that sort of food myself. Last week, I went to the butchers and asked, “Do you have pigs ears?” “No,” the butcher said, pulling at his own ears, “just these ordinary ones.” He must have thought I was joking.4 Dad can cook a super “full English breakfast” of bacon, eggs, beans, sausages and toast with butterMum and I just have to find a way to get him into the kitchen! He also does a typical Sunday roast. We all love roast beef and vegetables, but Mum says wed better not eat too much roast food as it may make us suffer from heat inside our bodies, according to traditional Chinese medicine.5 Ill never forget my first visit to China. Mum encouraged me to try different kinds of food, and I did! I loved everything. But just when I thought I could deal with all Chinese food, I came across stinky tofu, a horrible grey thing that looked and smelt like a burnt sports shoe. “You neednt try it if you dont want to,”Mum said, but I gathered all my courage to take a bite and was amazed to find it wasnt so bad. It reminded me of blue cheese, a similarly strong smelling type of food you either love or hate. Maybe Ill fall in love with stinky tofusomeday.6 People say that one mans meat is another mans poison, but I feel at home with food from both my cultures. To me, theres nothing better than a cross-cultural afternoon tea of English biscuits and a cup of Chinese oolong tea in a fine china cup!根据课文内容选择正确答案1. What surprised the authors father at his wedding?A. The guests were served full English breakfast.B. A typical Chinese dinner included stinky tofu.C. People served him hot pot filled with spicy food.D. People in China ate almost all parts of an animal.2. How does the authors mother comment on roast food?A. Much of it is considered rubbish.B. Too much of it will make one suffer.C. Its part of traditional Chinese cuisine.D. Its beneficial to building up ones body.3. How did the author feel the first time he tasted stinky tofu?A. He liked it the moment he tasted it.B. It tasted terrible and made him suffer a lot.C. It reminded him of a familiar strong food.D. It reminded him of his burnt sports shoes.4. What does the author like best about his afternoon tea?A. Its an English tradition with a long history.B. Its considered poisonous in some cultures.C. Its a mixture of Chinese and British cultures.D. Its less inviting compared with Chinese tea.答案解析答案解析 1.D 2.B 3.C 4.C课文语法填空课文语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。I_ ( grow) up in England with a British father and a Chinese mother, I_ 2_ ( enjoy) food from both countries since I was born. Mum has sweet 3 _( memory) of the food from her home town in Sichuan, and Dad can cook a super full English breakfast . He also does a typical Sunday roast. We all love roast beef and vegetables. Ill never forget my first visit 4 _ China. Mum encouraged me to try different kinds of food, and I did. But when I came across 5_ ( stink) tofu, 6_ looked and smelt like a burnt sports shoe, I gathered all my courage to take a bite and was amazed 7_ (find) it wasnt so bad. Maybe Ill fall in love with stinky tofu someday.As for Dad, there are still some dishes that he dare not try even after many years of marriage to my mother. He once told me he was surprised when he saw that the Chinese ate almost everypart of an animal. Even today, he still doesnt 8_ ( easy) take to eating things like chicken feet.People say that one mans meat is another mans poison, 9_ I feel at home with food from both my cultures. To me, theres nothing better than a cross-cultural afternoon tea of English biscuits and a cup of Chinese oolong tea in 10_ fine china cup!课文语法填空课文语法填空1. Growing。考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知。考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,grow 和和 I 之间为逻辑上的主谓关系之间为逻辑上的主谓关系,故用现故用现在分词形式作状语。在分词形式作状语。2. have enjoyed。考查时态。根据。考查时态。根据 since I was born 可知,本空谓语动词应用现在完成时。可知,本空谓语动词应用现在完成时。3. memories。考查名词的数。考查名词的数。memory 是可数名词,由句意可知应是有许多甜蜜的回忆是可数名词,由句意可知应是有许多甜蜜的回忆,故填故填复数形式。复数形式。4.to 考查介词。考查介词。a visit to 为固定短语,故填为固定短语,故填 too5. stinky。考查形容词。空处修饰名词。考查形容词。空处修饰名词 tofu,应用形容词形式应用形容词形式,故填故填 stinky。6. which。考查非限制性定语从句。空处引导非限制性定语从句,先行。考查非限制性定语从句。空处引导非限制性定语从句,先行 词词 stinky tofu 为物且为物且空处在从句中作主语,故用空处在从句中作主语,故用 which。7. to find。考查非谓语动词。考查非谓语动词。be amazed to do sth.表示表示很惊讶地做某事很惊讶地做某事”,为固定用法。为固定用法。8. easily。考查副词。空处修饰动词短语。考查副词。空处修饰动词短语 take to, 故填故填 easy 的副词形式的副词形式 easily。9.but。考查连词。根据上下文可知,此处表示转折含义,故用连词。考查连词。根据上下文可知,此处表示转折含义,故用连词 but。10.a。考查冠词。考查冠词。cup 为可数名词,此处泛指一为可数名词,此处泛指一- 个精致的瓷杯,故用不定冠词。个精致的瓷杯,故用不定冠词。课文语法填空课文语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Is it true that “You are what you eat”? We have asked several people to talk about their lifestyle to test 1t.I dont cook often, and my fridge is_ 1_ ( usual) half empty. Im often too tired 2_ ( eat) much, often ending 3_ (save) part of my meal for the next day. Some evening, Ill just have something quick, like a yoghurt with honey. Although I know I had better 4 _ ( make) a change, I just dont have the time or the energy at present.- EllieMy husband and I avoid all animal products, 5_ means we have dairy-free milk or cheese and dont eat meat. We like making our meals from fresh, seasonable fruit and vegetables at home. Cooking together_ 6_ ( give ) us a chance to relax.一 Jenny Each day is tiring! Nothing is more satisfying 7_ a big meat dinner when I go back home. I guess I am a big meat eater and a familymeal without meat is not complete in my house. And nothing can beat my mums homemade sausages. - TedWe have five 8_ ( child). Both my wife and I have a full-time job. I dont do much cooking at home. We do 9_ big shop once a week and buy much frozen food. Ready meals are so convenient.一 MikeWe five live in the shared student house. Mum tells me to have three 10_ ( health) meals a day but Im too busy with study and meeting friends. We dont really buy fresh food.课文语法填空课文语法填空1.usually。考查副词。此处表示冰箱常常是半空的,。考查副词。此处表示冰箱常常是半空的,usually 作频率副词修饰作频率副词修饰 half empty。2. to eat。考查非谓语动词。此处是。考查非谓语动词。此处是 too.to do. 结构,表示结构,表示 .不能做不能做.3. saving。考查非谓语动词。考查非谓语动词。end up doing sth. 表示表示以做某事结束以做某事结束。4.make。考查固定搭配。考查固定搭配。Had better 后跟动词原形,表示后跟动词原形,表示最好做某事最好做某事。5. which。考查非限制性定语从句。分析句子结构可知,空处引导的是非限制性定语从句,指。考查非限制性定语从句。分析句子结构可知,空处引导的是非限制性定语从句,指代整个主句,故用关系代词代整个主句,故用关系代词 which。6. gives。考查主谓一致。考查主谓一致。v-ing 短语短语 Cooking together 作主语,谓语动词应用单数形式,故作主语,谓语动词应用单数形式,故填填 gives。7. than。考查介词。由。考查介词。由 more satisfying 可知,此处表示比较关系,故填介词可知,此处表示比较关系,故填介词 than。8.children。考查名词的数。由。考查名词的数。由 five 可知,此处应用名词的复数形式可知,此处应用名词的复数形式,child 的复数形式是的复数形式是children。9.a。考查冠词。考查冠词。doa big shop 意为意为进行一一次大采购进行一一次大采购。10.healthy。考查形容词。空处作定语修饰名词。考查形容词。空处作定语修饰名词 meals,应用形容词。,应用形容词。2022 届高三英语一轮复习2019 版新外研社高中英语必修二Unit 2 Lets celebrate阅读理解复习学案简介:本材料为 2022 届高三英语一轮复习2019 版新外研社高中英语必修二 Unit 2 L
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