Unit 1 A New Start 配套调研优选试卷专练-(2019)新外研版高中英语必修第一册.zip


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    • 2022新高考高中英语外研版必修一 Unit 1 A New Start 配套调研优选试卷专练(解析版).docx--点击预览
展开 Unit1ANewStart配套调研优选试卷专练-2019新外研版高中英语必修第一册.zipUnit1ANewStart配套调研优选试卷专练-2019新外研版高中英语必修第一册.zip
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1试卷类型A 2022 新高考高中英语外研版必修一 Unit 1 A New Start 配套调研优选小题专练配套调研优选小题专练注意事项注意事项1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的条形码粘贴在答题卡相应的位置。2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。3. 考试结束后,将答题卡交回。 第一节第一节 阅读理解阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A Anne woke up at 6: 00 am this morning because it was the first day of school. She went into the bathroom, looked in the mirror and she started to scream. Her little sister woke up and went to see what was wrong. Anne started to cry, “Its the first day of school and my hair is a mess!” Her little sister Emily shook her head, “Oh! Anne you woke me up for that. Id m going back to bed.” “THANKS FOR THE HELP. NOT!” Anne screamed to her sister. Anne was really sad about her hair. She started to search through everything trying to find something to fix her hair. Finally she found some hair spray. It helped a little but not much so she went to pick out her clothes. She had no idea what to wear. It was either her new dress with little pink bows all over it or her favorite white but now brown T-shirt and ripped jeans since they were in style. She put on her T-shirt and jeans. After she was finally done with that she went to the kitchen to find something to eat. After she ate she went back into the bathroom. Afraid to look in the mirror she started to brush her teeth. She tuned on her radio and started to dance. Forgetting about the slippery(滑的)floor she slipped and hurt her head but trying to be brave she got back up and continued to brush her teeth. She rinsed out her mouth and went back in the living room. She glanced at the clock. It was 7:00. She hurried to get on the bus. She waited and waited, but the bus never came. So she went inside to see what time it was. It was 8: 00 She got scared. She was running through the house screaming, “Mom! Mom! The bus forgot me!” Her mom woke up and sat up. She started to laugh. “School doesnt start till tomorrow, silly,” 2her mom chuckled. Anne stood there a minute. “What! I got up for nothing. I have to do this all again tomorrow,” she thought.1Why did Anne choose her T-shirt and jeans?ABecause she expected to wear casual clothes.BBecause she likes to wear new clothes for school.CBecause she found them comfortable to wearDBecause they are fashionable then2What did Anne do while brushing her teeth?AShe danced to the music.BShe looked in the mirror c arc fully.CShe listened to the news on the radio.DShe planned to change her hairstyle.3What does the phrase “rinsed out” in Para. 5 mean?AClosed BWashedCCovered. DOpened4Which could be the main idea for the text?AA busy day BAn active girlCA big morning DThe first day of schoolBFor those wanting to learn cooking skills, there are a number of general online cooking classes available to choose from. We have selected our favorite online cooking classes for you to get started.VeecocoRecipes are covered for more than 17 different courses taught by experienced chefs who guide viewers step by step. Lessons can be accessed from anywhere through the mobile app, and course materials are all downloadable. Single class is also available for purchase at $127 each. As a bonus, Veecoco partners with a local NGO to provide meals for children in need:for every class purchased, one meal is donated.Wicked HealthyWicked Healthy is a platform founded by chefs and Brothers Derek and Chad Serno who are on a mission to inspire others to cook and eat more plants. The service offers a large database of recipes on its site and a selection of video-based cooking classes on its YouTube Channel.RouxbeRouxbe is recognized as a leading online culinary school (烹饪培训学校) and approved by 3the American Culinary Federation Education Foundation. All classes offered through Rouxbe have specific start dates but are self-paced and can be taken at any time after enrollment. All our members have the chance to receive the guidance from our teachers in person.The Tiny Green ChefFounded by a professional chef, The Tiny Green Chef is an online kids cooking class with lessons, demos, food experiments, and interactive activities that teach you and your child how to prepare meals at home. Upon purchasing the program you will get lifetime access to the course and contents, as well as an invitation to the companys private tour in which you can be taught by our teaching staff. If you are not satisfied with the program, there is a 30-day money-back guarantee.5Which of the following cooking classes suits a vegetarian?AVeecoco. BWicked Healthy.CRouxbe. DThe Tiny Green Chef.6How much money is needed to cover a local childs one-days meals in Veecoco?A$127. B$254. C$381. D$421.7What do Rouxbe and The Tiny Green Chef have in common?AThey both support the refundable payment.BThey both provide flexible teaching schedule.CThey both are supported by official organizations.DThey both offer members the instruction face-to-face.第二节第二节 七选五七选五根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Going from middle school to freshman year of high school is a big change. 8 Be open to new friendships.High school is all about experiencing new things, including new friendships. Getting to know people you havent met before is a great way to learn. 9 Simply sitting with a new person at lunch can be enough to get the ball rolling.Explore the campus (校园).For most people, going off to the senior high school means heading off to a completely new campus. 10 They might be able to show you around the campus, which will make you a bit more confident as you go on with your freshman year.Get organized.Academically (学业上) speaking, the senior high school and the junior middle school are 4very different. 11 You can buy a planner and spend a few minutes each night going over the notes you took in class that day. Staying on top of your studies will make the transition (过渡) from middle to high school much easier. 12 While theres no need to plan every day for the next three years, it cant hurt to make a note of classes you want to take or activities youd like to try. Believe it or not, the three years go by really fast. Having a plan in place will help you make the most of your high school experience.A. Be open to new experiences.B. Create a three-year plan.C. That way, youll have a better idea of some of the things you can expect.D. If youre nervous, start small.E. Try to get as organized as possible so you can stay on top of your work.F. If you worry about the unknown, reach out to the school and see if someone can help.G. Here are some ways to help you deal with anxious feelings and prepare for the first year.第三节第三节 完形填空完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 In the first part of my freshman year, I was fine and earned good grades at senior high. Then I became too 13 with my work. I had so many activities that I hardly had time to relax myself. Then my 14 began dropping. My friends left me because I no longer enjoyed being with them.When I went to my doctor, he seemed very 15 , even though everything physical appeared all right. When he was done, he told me that we had to talk about my 16 , and how my behavior had changed. When I told him I was all right, he said that I didnt show my real feelings. By then my hair was falling out in large clumps, which made me more 17 . I felt as if I could not even leave my house.Finally, I met with a therapist (治疗专家). She diagnosed me with an anxiety disorder. I was relieved to know what was wrong, and that thing would 18 . I wore hats to cover my bald head. I realized that it doesnt matter what I look like on the outside; it is my character that counts.Things began to look up. I 19 worrying as much. My hair slowly grew back, so did my 20 . I began to leave the house and interact with others. That year, I again tried hard in school, but I made sure I didnt overload myself. I became one of the top students in my class, a goal I had never 21 before. Its funny how something bad had to happen to make me realize how 22 life really is.13AbusyBcarefulCpleasedDcontent14AmoneyBluckCgradesDskills15AdisappointedBworriedCexcitedDmoved516AattitudeBschoolCfriendsDfeelings17AdisappointedBanxiousCsatisfiedDrelaxed18AimproveBworsenCendDhappen19AdislikedBmindedCstoppedDenjoyed20AdesireBambitionCloveDconfidence21AachievedBmadeCmissedDpredicted22AbadBgoodCmagicalDdifficult第四节第四节 用单词的适当形式完成短文用单词的适当形式完成短文阅读下面材料,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Adam is a freshman at senior high school. 23 (go) from junior high school to senior high school is really 24 (challenge). So he felt a little 25 (confuse) at first.First, he had to choose the suitable 26 (course). Luckily, his adviser helped him and 27 (recommend) that he sign up for advanced literature.Second, he had to choose extra-curricular activities, too. To his 28 (disappoint), when he tried to join the school football team, the coach refused him. 29 , he didnt lose hope. Hell find a way to improve by himself so that he can join the team next year.Last, hell have to study 30 (hard) as a student and get used to 31 (be) responsible for a lot more. Hell be well prepared 32 university or whatever else comes in the future.671试卷类型A 2022 新高考高中英语外研版必修一 Unit 1 A New Start 配套调研优选小题专练配套调研优选小题专练注意事项注意事项1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的条形码粘贴在答题卡相应的位置。2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。3. 考试结束后,将答题卡交回。 第一节第一节 阅读理解阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A Anne woke up at 6: 00 am this morning because it was the first day of school. She went into the bathroom, looked in the mirror and she started to scream. Her little sister woke up and went to see what was wrong. Anne started to cry, “Its the first day of school and my hair is a mess!” Her little sister Emily shook her head, “Oh! Anne you woke me up for that. Id m going back to bed.” “THANKS FOR THE HELP. NOT!” Anne screamed to her sister. Anne was really sad about her hair. She started to search through everything trying to find something to fix her hair. Finally she found some hair spray. It helped a little but not much so she went to pick out her clothes. She had no idea what to wear. It was either her new dress with little pink bows all over it or her favorite white but now brown T-shirt and ripped jeans since they were in style. She put on her T-shirt and jeans. After she was finally done with that she went to the kitchen to find something to eat. After she ate she went back into the bathroom. Afraid to look in the mirror she started to brush her teeth. She tuned on her radio and started to dance. Forgetting about the slippery(滑的)floor she slipped and hurt her head but trying to be brave she got back up and continued to brush her teeth. She rinsed out her mouth and went back in the living room. She glanced at the clock. It was 7:00. She hurried to get on the bus. She waited and waited, but the bus never came. So she went inside to see what time it was. It was 8: 00 She got scared. She was running through the house screaming, “Mom! Mom! The bus forgot me!” Her mom woke up and sat up. She started to laugh. “School doesnt start till tomorrow, silly,” 2her mom chuckled. Anne stood there a minute. “What! I got up for nothing. I have to do this all again tomorrow,” she thought.1Why did Anne choose her T-shirt and jeans?ABecause she expected to wear casual clothes.BBecause she likes to wear new clothes for school.CBecause she found them comfortable to wearDBecause they are fashionable then2What did Anne do while brushing her teeth?AShe danced to the music.BShe looked in the mirror c arc fully.CShe listened to the news on the radio.DShe planned to change her hairstyle.3What does the phrase “rinsed out” in Para. 5 mean?AClosed BWashedCCovered. DOpened4Which could be the main idea for the text?AA busy day BAn active girlCA big morning DThe first day of schoolBFor those wanting to learn cooking skills, there are a number of general online cooking classes available to choose from. We have selected our favorite online cooking classes for you to get started.VeecocoRecipes are covered for more than 17 different courses taught by experienced chefs who guide viewers step by step. Lessons can be accessed from anywhere through the mobile app, and course materials are all downloadable. Single class is also available for purchase at $127 each. As a bonus, Veecoco partners with a local NGO to provide meals for children in need:for every class purchased, one meal is donated.Wicked HealthyWicked Healthy is a platform founded by chefs and Brothers Derek and Chad Serno who are on a mission to inspire others to cook and eat more plants. The service offers a large database of recipes on its site and a selection of video-based cooking classes on its YouTube Channel.RouxbeRouxbe is recognized as a leading online culinary school (烹饪培训学校) and approved by 3the American Culinary Federation Education Foundation. All classes offered through Rouxbe have specific start dates but are self-paced and can be taken at any time after enrollment. All our members have the chance to receive the guidance from our teachers in person.The Tiny Green ChefFounded by a professional chef, The Tiny Green Chef is an online kids cooking class with lessons, demos, food experiments, and interactive activities that teach you and your child how to prepare meals at home. Upon purchasing the program you will get lifetime access to the course and contents, as well as an invitation to the companys private tour in which you can be taught by our teaching staff. If you are not satisfied with the program, there is a 30-day money-back guarantee.5Which of the following cooking classes suits a vegetarian?AVeecoco. BWicked Healthy.CRouxbe. DThe Tiny Green Chef.6How much money is needed to cover a local childs one-days meals in Veecoco?A$127. B$254. C$381. D$421.7What do Rouxbe and The Tiny Green Chef have in common?AThey both support the refundable payment.BThey both provide flexible teaching schedule.CThey both are supported by official organizations.DThey both offer members the instruction face-to-face.第二节第二节 七选五七选五根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Going from middle school to freshman year of high school is a big change. 8 Be open to new friendships.High school is all about experiencing new things, including new friendships. Getting to know people you havent met before is a great way to learn. 9 Simply sitting with a new person at lunch can be enough to get the ball rolling.Explore the campus (校园).For most people, going off to the senior high school means heading off to a completely new campus. 10 They might be able to show you around the campus, which will make you a bit more confident as you go on with your freshman year.Get organized.Academically (学业上) speaking, the senior high school and the junior middle school are 4very different. 11 You can buy a planner and spend a few minutes each night going over the notes you took in class that day. Staying on top of your studies will make the transition (过渡) from middle to high school much easier. 12 While theres no need
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Unit New Start 配套调研优选试卷专练-(2019)新外研版高中英语必修第一册 配套 调研 优选 试卷 新外研版 高中英语 必修 一册
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本文标题:Unit 1 A New Start 配套调研优选试卷专练-(2019)新外研版高中英语必修第一册.zip

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