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必修一必修一 unit 1序号单词&词组中文1.高中2.对.好奇3.处于好奇4.第一印象5.对.印象深刻6.校园7.传统8.设施9.令人钦佩的/印象深刻的10.惊慌地11.挑战12.处于压力之下13.保持平静14.难以描述15.时刻16.作者17.渴望18.探索19.自信的20.一个接一个21. 引擎22. 昆虫23. 收藏品24. 组织25. 轻推某人26. 情绪紧张27. 吸入/呼出28. 深呼吸29. 海报30. 打羽毛球31. 戏剧32. 乐队33. 辩论34. 体育馆35. 舞台必修一 unit 1序号单词&词组中文1.高中2.对.好奇3.处于好奇4.第一印象5.对.印象深刻6.校园7.传统8.设施9.令人钦佩的/印象深刻的10.惊慌地11.挑战12.处于压力之下13.保持平静14.难以描述15.时刻16.作者17.渴望18.探索19.自信的20.一个接一个21. 引擎22. 昆虫23. 收藏品24. 组织25. 轻推某人26. 情绪紧张27. 吸入/呼出28. 深呼吸29. 海报30. 打羽毛球31. 戏剧32. 乐队33. 辩论34. 体育馆35. 舞台必修一 unit 1序号单词&词组中文1.摄影2.内心的3.争论4.话题5.敏锐的;聪明的6.恐龙7.聪明的8.各种各样的9.获得10.海豚11.申请12.调查13.志愿者14.计划表15.提及16.日记17.按时18.奖19.机会20.奋斗;挣扎21. 初中22. 记住23. 有益的建议24. 滑板运动25. 订阅26. 观看27. 以前的28. 向前29. 从.毕业30. 期待31. 迎新日32. 委员会33. 害怕的34. 看见35. 看不见必修一 unit 1序号单词&词组中文1.改善2.我认为.3.弄明白4.全力以赴5.特别6.对.挑剔7.v. 评价8.挑选9.彩虹10.好的;令人愉快的11.表现12.具体的13.交换,交流14. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 必修一 unit 1 课文知识点积累序号单词&词组中文1.一个令人尴尬的时刻2.你的情绪3.想象4.从.冲出去/ 渴望地5.转身6.走进7.be +adj+to do sth8.把自己介绍给.9.打开10.组织语言11.昆虫收藏品12.轮到你了13.干得好14.面对挑战15.做好准备16.全都取决于你做了什么17.使你处于压力之下18.充分利用19.好的开始,成功的一半20.和最聪明的人讨论最热门的话题21. 参加各种各样的课后活动22. 获得更多的技能23. 组织他们繁忙的计划表24. 提供关于时间管理的课程25. 占据很多时间26. 即将上大学27. 我感觉高中好像就在昨天28. 这是一个极好的机会对新生来说去做某事。29. 保持开明的态度30. 那当然是极好的建议31. 处理新的挑战32. 我一看见测试卷纸就感到害怕33. 我认为我最好全力以赴,然后拭目以待34. 抬起头来35. 如果这样的话必修一 unit 1 课文知识点积累序号单词&词组中文1.起初2.在训练中支持我的队友们3.这也是成为你所爱的事物一部分的方法4.我十分统一5.回顾6.帮助你的朋友们7.做别人乌云中的彩虹8.结束9.即将来临10.做笔记11.写下;记下12.撞上13.你们班委成员之一14.评价我的表现15.交换想法16.建立自信17. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 必修一必修一 unit 1序号单词&词组中文1.senior high高中2.be curious about对.好奇3.out of curiosity处于好奇4.first impression第一印象5.be impressed with/ by对.印象深刻6.campus校园7.tradition传统8.facility设施9.impressive令人钦佩的/印象深刻的10.in panic惊慌地11.challenge挑战12.under pressure处于压力之下13.keep calm保持平静14.beyond description难以描述15.moment时刻16.author作者17.in eagerness渴望18.explore探索19.confident自信的20.one by one一个接一个21. engine引擎22. insect昆虫23. collection收藏品24. organize组织25. give sb a nudge轻推某人26. butterflies in ones stomach情绪紧张27. breathe in/ out吸入/呼出28. take a deep breath深呼吸29. poster海报30. play badminton打羽毛球31. drama戏剧32. band乐队33. debate辩论34. gym体育馆35. stage舞台必修一 unit 1序号单词&词组中文1.senior high高中2.be curious about对.好奇3.out of curiosity处于好奇4.first impression第一印象5.be impressed with/ by对.印象深刻6.campus校园7.tradition传统8.facility设施9.impressive令人钦佩的/印象深刻的10.in panic惊慌地11.challenge挑战12.under pressure处于压力之下13.keep calm保持平静14.beyond description难以描述15.moment时刻16.author作者17.in eagerness渴望18.explore探索19.confident自信的20.one by one一个接一个21. engine引擎22. insect昆虫23. collection收藏品24. organize组织25. give sb a nudge轻推某人26. butterflies in ones stomach情绪紧张27. breathe in/ out吸入/呼出28. take a deep breath深呼吸29. poster海报30. play badminton打羽毛球31. drama戏剧32. band乐队33. debate辩论34. gym体育馆35. stage舞台必修一 unit 1序号单词&词组中文1.photography摄影2.inner内心的3.argue争论4.topic话题5.sharp敏锐的;聪明的6.dinosaur恐龙7.intelligent聪明的8.various各种各样的9.gain获得10.dolphin海豚11.apply for申请12.investigate调查13.volunteer志愿者14.schedule计划表15.refer to提及16.journal日记17.on schedule按时18.award奖19.opportunity机会20.struggle奋斗;挣扎21. junior school初中22. memorize记住23. hint有益的建议24. skateboarding滑板运动25. subscribe to订阅26. view 观看27. former以前的28. forward向前29. graduate from从.毕业30. look forward to期待31. Orientation Day迎新日32. committee委员会33. frightened害怕的34. sight看见35. out of sight看不见必修一 unit 1序号单词&词组中文1.improve改善2.I figure that.我认为.3.figure out弄明白4.go all out全力以赴5.in particular特别6.be particular about对.挑剔7.ratev. 评价8.select挑选9.rainbow彩虹10.neat好的;令人愉快的11.performance表现12.specific具体的13.exchange交换,交流14. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 必修一 unit 1 课文知识点积累序号单词&词组中文1.an embarrassing moment一个令人尴尬的时刻2.your feelings你的情绪3.picture it over and over again in my mind想象4.rush out of the door in my eagerness从.冲出去/ 渴望地5.turn around转身6.step into the classroom走进7.I was surprised to see the same manbe +adj+to do sth8.introduce yourself to the class把自己介绍给.9.turn on my brain打开10.organize my words组织语言11.insect collection昆虫收藏品12.its your turn轮到你了13.well done干得好14.face the challenges面对挑战15.be prepared做好准备16.it all depends on what you do全都取决于你做了什么17.put you under pressure使你处于压力之下18.youll make the most of your time充分利用19.well begun, half done好的开始,成功的一半20.argue about the hottest topics with the sharpest minds和最聪明的人讨论最热门的话题21. take part in various after-school activities参加各种各样的课后活动22. gain more skills获得更多的技能23. organize their busy schedules组织他们繁忙的计划表24. offer courses in time management提供关于时间管理的课程25. take up a lot of time占据很多时间26. is about to go to college即将上大学27. I feel as if high school was only yesterday!我感觉高中好像就在昨天28. Its a fantastic opportunity for new students to do sth.这是一个极好的机会对新生来说去做某事。29. keep an open mind保持开明的态度30. thats sound advice for sure.那当然是极好的建议31. deal with new challenges处理新的挑战32. I was frightened at the first sight of the test paper.我一看见测试卷纸就感到害怕33. I figured Id better just go all out and see what happens我认为我最好全力以赴,然后拭目以待34. hold your head up抬起头来35. if so如果这样的话必修一 unit 1 课文知识点积累序号单词&词组中文1.at first起初2.support my teammates during our training在训练中支持我的队友们3.its a way to be part of something you love这也是成为你所爱的事物一部分的方法4.I totally agree.我十分统一5.look back on my high school life回顾6.give your friends a hand帮助你的朋友们7.be a rainbow in somebody elses cloud做别人乌云中的彩虹8.I cant believe the first week is coming to an end结束9.something new is just around the corner即将来临10.I took lots of notes during class做笔记11.the teacher spoke so fast that I couldnt take everything down.写下;记下12.bump into a girl撞上13.a member of your class committee你们班委成员之一14.rate my performance评价我的表现15.exchange ideas交换想法16.build self-confidence建立自信17. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 必修一必修一 unit 1序号单词&词组中文1.senior high2.be curious about3.out of curiosity4.first impression5.be impressed with/ by6.campus7.tradition8.facility9.impressive10.in panic11.challenge12.under pressure13.keep calm14.beyond description15.moment16.author17.in eagerness18.explore19.confident20.one by one21. engine22. insect23. collection24. organize25. give sb a nudge26. butterflies in ones stomach27. breathe in/ out28. take a deep breath29. poster30. play badminton31. drama32. band33. debate34. gym35. stage必修一 unit 1序号单词&词组中文1.senior high2.be curious about3.out of curiosity4.first impression5.be impressed with/ by6.campus7.tradition8.facility9.impressive10.in panic11.challenge12.under pressure13.keep calm14.beyond description15.moment16.author17.in eagerness18.explore19.confident20.one by one21. engine22. insect23. collection24. organize25. give sb a nudge26. butterflies in ones stomach27. breathe in/ out28. take a deep breath29. poster30. play badminton31. drama32. band33. debate34. gym35. stage必修一 unit 1序号单词&词组中文1.photography2.inner3.argue4.topic5.sharp6.dinosaur7.intelligent8.various9.gain10.dolphin11.apply for12.investigate13.volunteer14.schedule15.refer to16.journal17.on schedule18.award19.opportunity20.struggle21. junior school22. memorize23. hint24. skateboarding25. subscribe to26. view 27. former28. forward29. graduate from30. look forward to31. Orientation Day32. committee33. frightened34. sight35. out of sight必修一 unit 1序号单词&词组中文1.improve2.I figure that.3.figure out4.go all out5.in particular6.be particular about7.rate8.select9.rainbow10.neat11.performance12.specific13.exchange14. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 必修一 unit 1 课文知识点积累序号单词&词组中文1.an embarrassing moment2.your feelings3.picture it over and over again in my mind4.rush out of the door in my eagerness5.turn around6.step into the classroom7.I was surprised to see the same man8.introduce yourself to the class9.turn on my brain10.organize my words11.insect collection12.its your turn13.well done14.face the challenges15.be prepared16.it all depends on what you do17.put you under pressure18.youll make the most of your time19.well begun, half done20.argue about the hottest topics with the sharpest minds21. take part in various after-school activities22. gain more skills23. organize their busy schedules24. offer courses in time management25. take up a lot of time26. is about to go to college27. I feel as if high school was only yesterday!28. Its a fantastic opportunity for new students to do sth.29. keep an open mind30. thats sound advice for sure.31. deal with new challenges32. I was frightened at the first sight of the test paper.33. I figured Id better just go all out and see what happens34. hold your head up35. if so必修一 unit 1 课文知识点积累序号单词&词组中文1.at first2.support my teammates during our training3.its a way to be part of something you love4.I totally agree.5.look back on my high school life6.give your friends a hand7.be a rainbow in somebody elses cloud8.I cant believe the first week is coming to an end9.something new is just around the corner10.I took lots of notes during class11.the teacher spoke so fast that I couldnt take everything down.12.bump into a girl13.a member of your class committee14.rate my performance15.exchange ideas16.build self-confidence17. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35.
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(2019)新外研版高中英语必修第一册高三一轮复习Unit 词汇默写学案 新外研版 高中英语 必修 一册 高三 一轮 复习 温习 unit 词汇 辞汇 默写
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