(2020)新北师大版高中英语选择性必修第一册Unit3 Lesson1-讲义(教师版+学生版).rar


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1选择性必修一选择性必修一 Unit3 Lesson11unusual adj异常的;不平常的usual adj寻常的,惯常的usually adv通常地,一般地unusually adj不寻常的;独特的2varied adj.各种各样的,形形色色的vary v变化various adj.各种各样的 variety n种类3affect vt影响effect n影响effective adj有效的;全效的effectively adv有效地4endangered adj濒危的endanger v使面临危险;危及;危害danger n危险dangerous adj危险的5restore vt.(使)恢复restoration n恢复;复原重点单词与短语精析重点单词与短语精析课标词课标词 高频词高频词高频短语1.die out 灭绝,消失灭绝,消失【用法归纳用法归纳】This species has nearly died out because its habitat is being destroyed. 因栖息地正受到破坏,这一物种已濒临灭绝。That style of music died out hundreds of years ago. 那种风格的音乐几百年前就消失了。【拓展】 die 构成的其他短语:die off 相继死去die from/of 死于be dying for sth. 渴望某物,极想要某物be dying to do sth.渴望做某事die down (to become gradually less strong, loud, noticeable, etc. )逐渐变弱,逐渐平息die away (to become gradually weaker or fainter and finally disappear)逐渐减弱,逐渐消失When the applause had died down, she began her speech. 掌声平息后她便开始演讲了。The sound of his footsteps died away. 他的脚步声渐渐消失了。【练习】用 die 的相关短语完成句子With more and more birds dying off , some day some species will die out . In addition, some of them have 2died from/of environmental pollution.Dont worry. The strong wind will die down/away soon and we can go out to have a baseball match as planned.Now Im thirsty and dying for a glass of water. I have walked for a long time.2.mass【用法归纳用法归纳】(1)adj. 大批的,数量极多的,广泛的。仅用于名词前。大批的,数量极多的,广泛的。仅用于名词前。 mass production 批量生产Their latest product is aimed at the mass market.他们的最新产品瞄准了大众市场。(2)n. C堆,团,块;堆,团,块;C,usually sing.大量,许多;大量,许多;pl.大量的东西大量的东西a mass of 一堆;大量的mass of 成堆的;大量的a land mass陆块,地块A mass of books and papers are on his desk.在他书桌上有一堆书和文件。Wherever the band went, masses of fans would welcome them at the airport.无论这支乐队去哪儿,都会有大量的歌迷在机场欢迎他们。【注意】a mass of/masses of 后可跟可数名词复数或不可数名词,当“a mass of/masses of名词”作主语时,其谓语动词的形式以 of 后名词所表达的意义而定。Masses of customers are entering the supermarket.大批顾客正进入超市。A mass of snow lies in the yard.院子里积了大量的雪。(3)n. U(物理学中的物理学中的)质量质量A liter of gasoline has less mass than a liter of water. 一升汽油的质量比一升水的质量小。(4) the masses pl.群众群众The TV programme brings science to the masses and enjoys great popularity.这个电视节目向群众普及了科学知识,很受欢迎。3【练习】1.判断下列句子中 mass 的词性及含义(2019全国卷语法填空改编)The polar bear is found in the Arctic Circle and some big land masses as far south as Newfoundland. n.块 (2018天津阅读理解改编)Recent development has made possible machines that print, cook, and serve foods on a mass scale. adj. 大批的 Pluto (冥王星) and Triton (海王卫一) have nearly the same size, mass, and density(密度). n.质量 The government cares much about the interests and well-being of the masses. n.群众 2.语法填空A mass of work has been done (do) to prevent the river from being polluted up to now.The young dancers looked so charming in their beautiful clothes that we took masses (mass)of pictures of them.3.wipe out【用法归纳用法归纳】(1) 彻底消灭,全部摧毁A volcanic eruption nearly wiped out the small island in 1997. 1997 年的一次火山喷发差点把这个小岛毁灭了。Nothing could wipe out his bitter memories of the past.什么也抹不掉他对过去的痛苦记忆。(2) 使(人)疲惫不堪All that travelling has wiped her out. 一路舟车劳顿让她疲惫不堪。【练习】单句写作地震把这个小村庄彻底毁灭了。The small village was wiped out by the earthquake. 4.unusual adj. 不寻常的,罕见的;独特的,与众不同的【用法归纳用法归纳】4It is unusual for sb. to do sth. 做某事对某人来说是不寻常的。Its not unusual for him to feel very angry in a situation like this.在像这样的情况下他觉得非常生气并不罕见。He was an unusual man with great business talents. 他是一个与众不同的人,很有商业天赋。【拓展】相关词语积累:usual adj.寻常的,惯常的 as usual 像往常一样,照例usually adv.通常地,一般地unusual adj.不寻常的;独特的unusually adj.不寻常的;独特的构词法“un-”是常见的否定前缀,常可加在形容词前表示相反的状态。常见的词有:unknown(未知的),unsafe(不安全的),unpleasant(令人不快的)等。语境串记It is unusual that the rain suddenly falls today, but he still goes running in the park as usual. He usually says,“Once you have got into the habit of exercising, you will stick to it.”不寻常的是,今天突然下起雨来,但是他仍然像往常一样在公园里跑步。他经常说,“你一旦养成了锻炼的习惯,就会把它坚持下去。”【练习】1.语法填空(2020天津 5 月阅读理解改编) Fear and hate for others is usually (usual) caused by ignorance (无知). Were scared of the things that we dont understand.(2018天津阅读理解改编) This time, we stayed together, in case anything else unusual (usual) happened.2.单句写作史密斯照例是第一个到达教室的。As usual, Smith was the first one to arrive at the classroom. 在英国找到一个这么大的湖泊是不寻常的。It is unusual to find a lake of this size in Britain.55.decrease【用法归纳用法归纳】(1)n. C,U减少,降低减少,降低a decrease in.在方面减少on the decrease在减少There has been a decrease in the number of young people out of work.失业青年人数已经有所下降。The demand for com is on the decrease each year in this country.这个国家对玉米的需求量在逐年减少。(2)vi.&vt. (使大小、数量等使大小、数量等)减少,减小,降低减少,减小,降低decrease by 减少了(表示减少的量)decrease(from)to.(从)减少到(表示减少后的量)decrease in.在方面减少People planted trees on the waste hills to decrease soil erosion.人们在荒丘上种植树木以减少水土流失。The number of the students in our school has decreased to 1,200. 我们学校的学生数量已减少到 1200 人。Compared with last year, the price of wheat has decreased by 15% this year.和去年相比,今年小麦的价格已降低了 15%。【拓展】相关词语积累:(1)/nkri:ts/ vt.& vi.(使)增长,增加increase to增加到increase by增加了increase fromto. 从增加到(2)/nkri:s/ n.C,U增长,增加an increase in 方面的增长be on the increase 在增加【练习】语法填空(2019全国 I 卷语法填空改编)In recent years some Inuit(因纽特人) people in Nunavut have reported increases in bear sightings around human settlements, leading to a belief that populations are increasing.6The accidents have decreased by 20% since the measures were taken.The crime rate in this area has decreased to the lowest level nowadays.Tea is still a large part of daily life in the UK today, but it seems to be on the decrease.Food prices increased by 10% in less than a year.6.blame【用法归纳用法归纳】(1)vt.责怪,指责,把责怪,指责,把归咎于归咎于blame.for (doing) sth. 因(做)某事责备blame sth. on sb./sth. 把某事归咎于某人/某事be to blame for (doing) sth.因(做)某事应受责备;对(做)某事负有责任(不定式用主动形式表示被动意义)Dont blame him for breaking that vase; after all, he is only a child.别怪他打碎了那个花瓶,他毕竟只是个孩子。They blamed the failure of the business on the economic downturn.他们把生意的失败归咎于经济衰退。The hot weather is partly to blame for the water shortage. 炎热的天气是缺水的部分原因。(2)n. U责任,责备责任,责备take/bear the blame for sth.承担某事的责任lay/put the blame(for sth.)on. 把(某事的)责任归咎于We were ready to take the blame for what had happened.我们准备好对所发生的事承担责任。Health officials put the blame for the disease on poor housing conditions. 卫生官员们将该疾病的暴发归咎于恶劣的居住条件。语境串记He is blamed for the big mistake, but he blamed it on others. In fact, it is he, not others, that is to blame for it.他因这次严重的错误受到了责备,但他把它归咎于别人。事实上,应该是他,而不是别人,应对此负责。7【高考考向】高考通常从以下几个角度设题对 blame 进行考查:(1)to blame 作表语或定语时要用主动形式表示被动意义;(2)通过非谓语动词结构对 blame 进行考查;(3)blame 后的介词既可以用 on 又可以用 for,on 表示责怪的对象,for 表示责怪的原因。【练习】1.语法填空Some people blame the smartphone for the tragedy, yet in fact peoples weakening self-control and self-discipline are to blame (blame). be to blame 应收责备,负有责任(全国卷阅读理解七选五改编) Lots of people find it hard to get up in the morning, and put the blame on the alarm clock.2.单句写作(2020广东惠州检测)不要总是把自己的失败归咎于他人。你自己应该对其负责。Dont always blame your own failure on others. You yourself should take/bear the blame for it.(2020广东揭阳期中)科学家认为该疾病的暴发应归咎于被污染的水。The scientist thought that the polluted water was to blame for the illness.7.rate【用法归纳用法归纳】(1)n. C速度;比率;价格,费用速度;比率;价格,费用at a(n)rate 以速度ones heart rate 某人的心率interest rate 利率birth/death rate 出生率/死亡率high success/failure rate 很高的成功率/失败率8Babies do not grow at a steady rate but in stops and starts.婴儿成长的速度并非一成不变,而是长长停停,停停长长。The new technique has a high success/failure rate.这种新技术的成功率/失败率很高。(2)vt.& vi.评价,评估;评价,评估;vt.划分等级划分等级How do you rate him as a football player?你怎么评价他作为一个足球运动员的表现?She is currently rated number two in the world. 她目前排名世界第二。构词法后缀-rate 表示“程度;水平(与 first、second 等词连用,表明你认为某物属于哪种程度或水平)”The school has educated many first-rate students. 这所学校培养出很多一流的学生。【拓展】(1)相关词语积累:rating n.C等级,级别credit rating (银行等作出的)信用等级评定(2)与 rate 相关的常见短语:at any rate(强调事情的真实性)无论如何,不管怎样at this/that rate 照此情形,如此下去I may be away on business next week but at any rate Ill be back by Friday. 我下周可能要出差,但无论如何,我最晚星期五回来。At this rate,we wont get home until midnight. 照这样下去,我们得半夜才能到家。【练习】1.判断下列句子中 rate 的词性及含义(2019全国卷阅读理解七选五改编) Hospital patients who see tree branches out their window are likely to recover at a faster rate than patients who see buildings or sky instead. n.速度 (2020山西大同一中月考) The exchange rate is in our favour for the time being. n.价格,费用 This year, our school has been rated as one of the most excellent schools in the local area. vt.评价,评估The golf is rated among the top ten sports in that country. vt.划分等级 92.语法填空The new car has been given an excellent safety rating (rate). At this rate, this species of animal could become extinct in less than 10years.高频短语8.at risk 有危险,冒风险【用法归纳用法归纳】教材语境 Of course, as we humans depend on so many species for our survival,we would also be at risk of dying out. 当然,由于人类的生存依赖很多种物种,我们也会有灭绝的危险。【拓展】risk 相关用法:【练习】结合 risk 的用法完成句子He got well prepared for the job interview, for he couldnt risk losing this good opportunity (冒险失去这次良好的机会).If you risk not wearing a seat belt (冒险不系安全带), you will be at risk (处于危险中).In spite of great danger, the soldier jumped into the river and risked his life to save the girl/took the risk of losing his life to save the girl (冒着生命危险救那个女孩).Though it is fun to play on the frozen river, it is risky (这有危险).9.quantity n.C,U数量,数额,数目;大量;U量quantity 和quantities 前面可以用 large, vast, huge 等词修饰。10【用法归纳用法归纳】a quantity of/quantities of 大量的,许多的(既可修饰可数名词,又可修饰不可数名词)in large quantities/in quantity 大量We consumed vast quantities of food and drink that night. 那天晚上我们大吃大喝了一顿。A large quantity of books are stored in the library near the playground.大量的书被保存在操场附近的图书馆里。Large quantities of water are needed to water the fields in this area.这个地区需要大量的水来灌溉田地。They are now developing ways to produce the vaccine cheaply in large quantities.目前他们正在研究大批量廉价生产这种疫苗的方法。【注意】“a quantity of +不可数名词”作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式;“a quantity of + 可数名词复数”作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式;“quantities of可数名词复数/不可数名词”作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。A large quantity of soil is washed away by rain every year.每年都有大量的土壤被雨水冲走。Large quantities of money have been spent on bringing up the three children. 抚养这三个孩子已经花费了许多钱。【练习】1.语法填空In the picture we can see that there are quantities of apples in the basket and there is a large quantity of milk in the bucket. (be)2.完成句子若是你大量订购的话,我认为有可能会打折。If you order it in quantity 或 in large quantities , I think a discount will be possible.重点句型分析重点句型分析1.There is a long list of reasons why so many species are dying out: air and water pollution, forests being destroyed, factory farming and overfishing.导致这么多物种正在消亡的原因有很多:空气和水污染、森林被毁、工厂化养殖和过度捕捞。【考点提炼】reason 后接定语从句的用法reason 作先行词,后接定语从句时:11(1)若关系词在从句中作状语,要用 why 或或 for which 引导定语从句。Theres a reason why/for which people dont read this stuff: its not funny.人们不读这种东西是有原因的:它并不逗趣。The reason why/for which he was late was that he got up late.他迟到的原因是他起床晚了。(2)若关系词在从句中作主语、宾语,要用 which 或或 that 引导定语从句,其中作宾语时关系词可省略。He gave us a reason that/which sounded reasonable.他给了我们一个理由,这个理由听起来合情合理。(关系词在从句中作主语)The reason (which/that) he has given sounds reasonable.他给出的理由听起来合情合理。(关系词在从句中作宾语,可省略)【拓展】reason 构成的常见搭配:a/the reason for (doing) sth.(做)某事的原因a/the reason to do sth.做某事的原因a/the reason why/for which.is that的原因是【练习】语法填空(2020广东揭阳期末) The reason why I admire him is that his positive attitude to life has a great influence on me.Is this the reason that/which he explained at the meeting for his carelessness in his work?(2018全国卷语法填空改编)Another reason for corns rise: The government encourages farmers to grow corn instead of rice to improve water quality.2.Without forests, we would have no air to breathe, and without clean water we would be unable to survive.没有森林,我们就不能呼吸空气;没有干净的水,我们将无法生存。【考点提炼】含蓄条件句虚拟条件句的条件有时不通过条件从句来表示,而是通过介词短语、上下文或其他方式表现出来,这种虚拟条件句叫作含蓄条件句。含蓄条件句的具体用法如下:(1)含蓄条件的常见表现方式12a.将条件隐含在介词短语中。常见的(短语)介词有 without, but for 等。b.将条件隐含在某些连词中。常见的此类连词有 or, but, but that 等。c.将条件隐含在某些副词中。常见的副词是 otherwise。d.将条件隐含在特定的上下文中。(2)谓语的形式would/might/could/should动词原形(与现在或将来事实相反的假设)would/might/could/should + have + 过去分词(与过去事实相反的假设)They wouldnt have reached the agreement so easily without that common ground.没有共同的立场,他们是不会那么容易达成协议的。But for your help, we couldnt have succeeded.要不是你帮忙,我们不可能成功。I got up very early yesterday morning, or I could not have caught the early bus.昨天早上我起床很早,否则就赶不上早班车了。I was too busy at that time. Otherwise, I would have called you. 我那时太忙了,否则我就给你打电话了。【练习】1.语法填空(2018北京单项填空改编)Without his support, we wouldnt be (be) where we are now.(天津高考单项填空改编)Do you have Bettys phone number?Yes. Otherwise, I wouldnt have been (be)able to reach her yesterday.2.完成句子飞机晚点一个多小时才起飞,否则我就不会让你等这么久了。There was a delay of over an hour before the plane took off; otherwise I would/could not have kept (keep)you waiting for such a long time.语法限制性定语从句与非限制性定语从句13【挖教材语法示例】用适当的关系词完成下面教材中的句子并体会它们的语法特征。1.Extinctions, where entire species are wiped out, are not unusual in our Earths history.2.In the last 500 million years, there have been five times when life on Earth has almost ended.3.These include the third mass extinction, known as the“Great Dying”, which killed 90% to 96% of all species.4.And the fifth event, which occurred 66 million years ago, caused the death of the dinosaurs.5.Although it is not unusual for species to die out naturally, the rate at which this is now happening is cause for concern.6.A 2015 study by scientists who/that were based at Brown University and Duke University in the US, looked at how quickly species die out due to natural causes, that is, the“background extinction rate”.7.There is a long list of reasons why so many species are dying out: air and water pollution, forests being destroyed, factory farming and overfishing.8.For example, we need to take steps to save endangered species, including setting up special areas where plants and animals can be protected.语法精讲限制性定语从句与非限制性定语从句在复合句中用来限制、描绘或说明主句中某一名词或代词而起定语作用的从句叫定语从句;定语从句所修饰的名词或代词叫作先行词;引导定语从句的词叫关系词。按照关系词在定语从句中所作的成分,可将关系词分为关系代词和关系副词。根据定语从句与先行词之间关系的密切程度,定语从句可以分为限制性定语从句与非限制性定语从句。【知识点 1】定语从句的关系词1.关系词在定语从句中的作用:连接主句和从句;指代先行词;在从句中充当一定的句子成分。2.关系词的分类:关系代词 that, which, who, whom, whose, as 等;关系副词 when, where, why 等。3.引导限制性定语从句的关系代词有 that, which, who, whom, whose, as 等;关系副词有 where, when, why 等。引导非限制性定语从句的关系代词有 which, who, whom, whose, as;关系副词有 where, when。【知识点 2】限制性定语从句与非限制性定语从句的区别1.作用不同作用不同限制性定语从句用于修饰先行词,具有限制作用,使先行词的含义更具体、更明确,因此不可缺少,否则主句的意思就不完整或将失去意义。非限制性定语从句与主句的关系不是十分密切,只是对先行词作附加或补充性的说明,即使去掉,主句的意思仍然完整、清楚。14People who take physical exercise regularly live longer.经常进行体育锻炼的人更长寿。(若把定语从句去掉,句子意义不完整) (限制性定语从句)His daughter, who is in Shenzhen now, is coming home next week. 他女儿现在在深圳,下星期回家。(若把定语从句去掉,句子意义仍然完整)(非限制性定语从句)2.形式不同形式不同限制性定语从句与主句之间不用逗号隔开;非限制性定语从句必须用逗号和主句隔开。The book that/which you borrowed last week is really moving.上周你借的那本书真令人感动。This is an important present, which I received yesterday.这是一件重要的礼物,我是昨天收到它的。3.先行词不同先行词不同限制性定语从句的先行词一般为单个的名词或代词,而非限制性定语从句的先行词既可为单个的名词或代词,也可为整个主句或其中一部分。This is the best novel that I have ever read.这是我看过的最好的小说。(限制性定语从句,先行词是 the best novel)He changed his mind, which made me very angry. 他改变了主意,这使我很生气。(非限制性定语从句,which 指整个主句)4.关系词的使用情况不同关系词的使用情况不同(1)that, why 不可用于引导非限制性定语从句不可用于引导非限制性定语从句,而要用 which 代替 that, for which 代替 why。他通过了考试,这使他的老师感到欣慰。【误】He passed the exam, that made his teacher relieved.【正】He passed the exam, which made his teacher relieved.I have told them the reason, for which I didnt attend the party.我已经告诉他们我没参加聚会的原因了。15(2)关系代词替代情况不同关系代词 wh
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