(2020)新北师大版高中英语选择性必修第一册Unit3 Lesson2-讲义(教师版+学生版).rar


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    • (2020)新北师大版高中英语选择性必修第一册Unit3 Lesson2-讲义(教师版+学生版)
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1选择性必修一选择性必修一 Unit3 Lesson21packet n小包,小盒 pack v.收拾(行李);装(箱);包装;包裹 n.一捆,一包(尤指适于携带的东西)packaging n包装盒(瓶、袋),包装材料2consumer n消费者consume vt.消费;吃;消耗,耗费consumption n消费;消耗3wasteful adj浪费的;挥霍的waste vt.浪费 n浪费;废物;垃圾 adj荒芜的;废弃的4transportation n交通运输系统,运输方式transport v运输 n运输工具5dirt n灰尘,尘土 dirty adj脏的6 realistic adj现实的;实际的reality n现实;真实 real adj. 真实的;真的 really adv. 事实上;真实地;的确realise v. 意识到;实现;了解7innovative adj新颖的,创新的,革新的innovate v.革新,创新 innovation n革新,创新8refillable adj可再填充的 refill v再填充;再装满9aware adj意识到的,明白的unaware adj不知道,未察觉 awareness n意识10collection n收集;收藏品;专辑collect v收集;收藏collector n收藏家,收集者collective adj集体的,共同的;总体的11reusable adj.可再使用的,可重复使用的reuse v再使用,重复使用12anxious adj.焦虑的,不安的anxiety n焦虑重点单词与短语精析重点单词与短语精析课标词课标词 高频词高频词1. awareadj. 有意识的;知道,意识到;发觉2【用法归纳用法归纳】be/ become aware of. 意识到/发觉. make sb. aware of. 使某人知道/意识到.be/ become aware that. 知道/意识到.as far as Im aware (= as far as I know) 据我所知We should promote environmentally aware and responsible science.我们应该推动有环保意识和对环境负责的科学。When her friend was badly hurt, Marry became aware of her habit of finding fault. 当她的朋友被深深伤害时,玛丽意识到了她找荏儿的习惯。I was not aware that she had already spoken to you. 我不知道她已经和你谈过了。As far as I am aware, he doesnt know the truth. 据我所知,他不知道真相。【拓展】相关词语积累:(1) unaware adj.不知道,未察觉be/ become unaware of.不知道,没意识到(2) awareness n.U,sing.意识,知道raise/increase (ones) awareness of. 加强/增强(某人)对的意识语境串记 In order to increase peoples awareness of environmental protection, we must make the people around us aware of its importance first.为了增强人们的环保意识,我们必须首先让我们周围的人意识到它的重要性。【练习】1.语法填空High school students will be better aware of what the real world is like by participating in community service.(2020天津和平区期末) The fact that so many people still smoke in public places suggests that we may need nationwide campaign(运动) to raise awareness (aware) of the risks of smoking.32.结合 aware 的用法完成句子 As far as Im aware (据我所知),we will have a test next Monday.As soon as I saw a large crowd at the street corner, I was/became aware that (意识到) something unusual had happened.2. collection n. C,U取走,拿走,聚集;收集,采集;C收藏品;一批物品,一群人【用法归纳用法归纳】have a collection of. (= collect)收集;收藏a collection of.一批,一群The collection of these stamps took him ten years.收集这些邮票花了他十年时间。She selected a diamond ring from the collections.她从收藏品中挑选了一枚钻石戒指。He has a good collection of ancient coins.他收藏了相当多的古代硬币。【拓展】相关词语积累:collect vt.收集;收藏collector n.C收藏家,收集者collective adj.集体的,共同的;总体的【练习】用 collect 的适当形式填空The old collector has a large collection of ancient vases dating back to the Ming Dynasty.We bear collective responsibility for this decision.43. anxious adj.焦虑的,担心的;渴望的【用法归纳用法归纳】be anxious for sb. / about sth.为担心/担忧be anxious for sth.(= be eager for sth.) 渴望某事物be anxious to do sth.渴望做某事be anxious that. (should) do sth. 渴望做某事Are you anxious and restless if you are separated from your mobile phone? 不带手机你是否会感到焦虑不安?She is anxious about travelling on her own.她对独自旅行感到担心。People all over the world are anxious for peace. 全世界的人都渴望和平。She was anxious to know what had happened.她急于知道出了什么事。(2019天津)She was anxious that her son should get rid of the bad habit.她渴望儿子改掉那个坏习惯。语境串记The competition is over, but he is very anxious about the result, because he is anxious to win first prize.比赛结束了,但他很担心结果,因为他渴望获得一等奖。【拓展】相关词语积累:【练习】1.语法填空5(2020江苏淮安检测) People who are anxious to improve (improve) their circumstances(境况) have to improve themselves first.It has been pointed out that what plays a vital role in driving away ones anxiety (anxious) is ones sweet childhood memories.(江苏高考单项填空改编)Jack still cant help being anxious about his job interview.Lack of self-confidence is his Achilles heel(致命弱点). I am afraid.2.完成句子我进入房间时,她正在电话旁焦急地等待着。When I entered the room, she was waiting with anxiety by the phone (anxiety).你父母真的很担心你。你本不应该不说一声就离开家的。Your parents are really anxious for you. You shouldnt have left home without a word.基础练知识巩固建议时间:基础练知识巩固建议时间:10 分钟分钟一、单词拼写一、单词拼写(用本部分所学单词用本部分所学单词)1.(2020上海交大附中期中) The living virus on the outer packaging of imported frozen fish in Qingdao was to blame for the infection(感染).2.(2020上海交大附中期中) Students were asked to design a recyclable electronic product that was simple for consumers (消费者).3.(2020山东济南检测) Its important to plan out goals that are within realistic (实际的) capabilities.4. Ill take these two skirts. Please wrap (包裹) them up for me.5. With time going by, the transportation (交通) is getting more and more convenient in our country.66. These chairs are covered with too much dirt (灰尘).7.(2020天津一中月考) Most of us are aware (意识到) that we must take care of the environment, and the majority of us have taken steps to save energy and reduce waste and pollution.8. Today, her paintings are in the top museum collections (收藏品) in the world.9. Many foreigners are used to using chopsticks (筷子)when they are in China.10. Shopping is fun, but buying things you dont need is wasteful (浪费的) and even bad for the Earth.二、语法填空。在空白处填入二、语法填空。在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。1. Rachel Carsons popular book Silent Spring raised awareness (aware) of the dangers of pollution and the harmful effects of chemicals on humans.2. When visiting another country, you should be aware of those differences and respect them.3. Get in touch with them as soon as possible, for they are anxious for the news of your arrival.4.(2020黑龙江哈工大附中期中) The national park has a large collection of wildlife, ranging from butterflies to elephants.5. Cloth bags are reusable (reuse), so they are environmentally friendly.综合练能力提升建议时间:综合练能力提升建议时间:12 分钟分钟一、阅读理解一、阅读理解What makes one a great person? The legendary volleyball coach Lang Ping gave the answer in the recent documentary The Iron Hammer, titled after her nickname for her powerful strikes.The documentary features Lang s inspiring journey from her gold medal victory as a volleyball player in the 1984 Olympics to her unparalleled(无可比拟的) career as a successful coach for both Team USA from 2005 to 2008 and China since 2013. She led the US to a silver medal finish and China to a gold medal triumph in the 2008 and 2016 Olympic 7Games, making her the first person to win Olympic volleyball gold as a player and coach.Lang Ping revealed the secret to such remarkable achievements in the documentary. “I believe volleyball was my destiny,” she said.But glory and challenges go hand in hand. Troubled by severe injuries to her cervical vertebra(颈椎), back, waist and knees, caused by intense exercise and hard work, the 60-year-old has undergone more than 10 surgeries. “No parts of my body function well,” she joked.But illness is certainly not the only difficulty Lang has faced throughout her career. In 2005, she struggled with balancing raising her daughter Lydia Bai Lang, who lived in the US, and her coaching career, according to China Sports Daily. She eventually decided to work for USA Volleyball that year and this decision aroused a lot of negative comments back in China.“Im proud of being Chinese.” Lang responded in an interview. Later, she returned to head the Chinese womens volleyball team in 2013, leading the team successfully defending its World Cup crown with a perfect record of 11 straight wins last year.There is no doubt that Lang is one of the greatest players and coaches in history. As an athlete commented in the documentary, “Lang Ping is like Michael Jordan in our minds.”1. What does this passage mainly talk about?A. Ways to become a great person.B. Reasons for Lang Pings success.C. Lang Ping and her successful career.D. Great athletes and their achievements.2. Why did Lang Ping go to work for USA Volleyball in 2005?A. To make a big fortune.B. To take care of her family. C. To avoid negative comments. D. To establish her reputation abroad. 3. What does the underlined sentence in paragraph 4 probably mean?A. Success comes at a price. B. Challenges are as important as glory. C. Athletes are likely to get their hands injured. D. Lang Ping has trouble in achieving her goals. 4. Why is Michael Jordan mentioned at the end of the passage?A. To honor the legendary pop star. B. To draw the attention of readers to another field. C. To illustrate there are lots of great people in the world. D. To acknowledge Lang Pings status and achievements.【答案】CBAD8二、语法填空二、语法填空Climate change has caused a rise in sea levels. This has increased the amount of salt in fresh water 1. used (use) on coastal farms. As a result, farmers are 2. gradually (gradual) unable to use fields close to the sea.However, Mare Van Rijsselberghe, a farmer in the Netherlands is now using a 3. mixture (mix) of sea and fresh water 4. to grow (grow) healthy and tasty vegetables.He teamed up with scientists from the Free University of Amsterdam and divided a farm 5. into eight irrigated areas. Separate pipes pumped fresh and sea water, and 6. a computer programme created water with eight levels of salinity(含盐度).The water levels and the levels of salinity were controlled by computerised measuring devices called“sensors”. Mr Van Rijsselberghe said he was able to harvest vegetables from most of the eight test areas. He said the vegetables were smaller than 7. those grown in fresh water. But he said they also had more sugar and salt, so they tasted much 8. better (good).He found that potatoes grew better than the other vegetables in the combination of sea and fresh water. Mr Van Rijsselberghe said four kinds of these potatoes would be sent to Pakistan 9. where thousands of hectares of land 10. was damaged (damage) by salinisation(盐化作用) last year.91选择性必修一选择性必修一 Unit3 Lesson21packet n小包,小盒 pack v.收拾(行李);装(箱);包装;包裹 n.一捆,一包(尤指适于携带的东西)packaging n包装盒(瓶、袋),包装材料2consumer n消费者consume vt.消费;吃;消耗,耗费consumption n消费;消耗3wasteful adj浪费的;挥霍的waste vt.浪费 n浪费;废物;垃圾 adj荒芜的;废弃的4transportation n交通运输系统,运输方式transport v运输 n运输工具5dirt n灰尘,尘土 dirty adj脏的6 realistic adj现实的;实际的reality n现实;真实 real adj. 真实的;真的 really adv. 事实上;真实地;的确realise v. 意识到;实现;了解7innovative adj新颖的,创新的,革新的innovate v.革新,创新 innovation n革新,创新8refillable adj可再填充的 refill v再填充;再装满9aware adj意识到的,明白的unaware adj不知道,未察觉 awareness n意识10collection n收集;收藏品;专辑collect v收集;收藏collector n收藏家,收集者collective adj集体的,共同的;总体的11reusable adj.可再使用的,可重复使用的reuse v再使用,重复使用12anxious adj.焦虑的,不安的anxiety n焦虑重点单词与短语精析重点单词与短语精析课标词课标词 高频词高频词1. awareadj. 有意识的;知道,意识到;发觉2【用法归纳用法归纳】be/ become aware of. 意识到/发觉. make sb. aware of. 使某人知道/意识到.be/ become aware that. 知道/意识到.as far as Im aware (= as far as I know) 据我所知We should promote environmentally aware and responsible science.我们应该推动有环保意识和对环境负责的科学。When her friend was badly hurt, Marry became aware of her habit of finding fault. 当她的朋友被深深伤害时,玛丽意识到了她找荏儿的习惯。I was not aware that she had already spoken to you. 我不知道她已经和你谈过了。As far as I am aware, he doesnt know the truth. 据我所知,他不知道真相。【拓展】相关词语积累:(1) unaware adj.不知道,未察觉be/ become unaware of.不知道,没意识到(2) awareness n.U,sing.意识,知道raise/increase (ones) awareness of. 加强/增强(某人)对的意识语境串记 In order to increase peoples awareness of environmental protection, we must make the people around us aware of its importance first.为了增强人们的环保意识,我们必须首先让我们周围的人意识到它的重要性。【练习】1.语法填空High school students will be better aware of what the real world is like by participating in community service.(2020天津和平区期末) The fact that so many people still smoke in public places suggests that we may need nationwide campaign(运动) to raise awareness (aware) of the risks of smoking.32.结合 aware 的用法完成句子 As far as Im aware (据我所知),we will have a test next Monday.As soon as I saw a large crowd at the street corner, I was/became aware that (意识到) something unusual had happened.2. collection n. C,U取走,拿走,聚集;收集,采集;C收藏品;一批物品,一群人【用法归纳用法归纳】have a collection of. (= collect)收集;收藏a collection of.一批,一群The collection of these stamps took him ten years.收集这些邮票花了他十年时间。She selected a diamond ring from the collections.她从收藏品中挑选了一枚钻石戒指。He has a good collection of ancient coins.他收藏了相当多的古代硬币。【拓展】相关词语积累:collect vt.收集;收藏collector n.C收藏家,收集者collective adj.集体的,共同的;总体的【练习】用 collect 的适当形式填空The old collector has a large collection of ancient vases dating back to the Ming Dynasty.We bear collective responsibility for this decision.43. anxious adj.焦虑的,担心的;渴望的【用法归纳用法归纳】be anxious for sb. / about sth.为担心/担忧be anxious for sth.(= be eager for sth.) 渴望某事物be anxious to do sth.渴望做某事be anxious that. (should) do sth. 渴望做某事Are you anxious and restless if you are separated from your mobile phone? 不带手机你是否会感到焦虑不安?She is anxious about travelling on her own.她对独自旅行感到担心。People all over the world are anxious for peace. 全世界的人都渴望和平。She was anxious to know what had happened.她急于知道出了什么事。(2019天津)She was anxious that her son should get rid of the bad habit.她渴望儿子改掉那个坏习惯。语境串记The competition is over, but he is very anxious about the result, because he is anxious to win first prize.比赛结束了,但他很担心结果,因为他渴望获得一等奖。【拓展】相关词语积累:【练习】1.语法填空5(2020江苏淮安检测) People who are anxious to improve (improve) their circumstances(境况) have to improve themselves first.It has been pointed out that what plays a vital role in driving away ones anxiety (anxious) is ones sweet childhood memories.(江苏高考单项填空改编)Jack still cant help being anxious about his job interview.Lack of self-confidence is his Achilles heel(致命弱点). I am afraid.2.完成句子我进入房间时,她正在电话旁焦急地等待着。When I entered the room, she was waiting with anxiety by the phone (anxiety).你父母真的很担心你。你本不应该不说一声就离开家的。Your parents are really anxious for you. You shouldnt have left home without a word.基础练知识巩固建议时间:基础练知识巩固建议时间:10 分钟分钟一、单词拼写一、单词拼写(用本部分所学单词用本部分所学单词)1.(2020上海交大附中期中) The living virus on the outer packaging of imported frozen fish in Qingdao was to blame for the infection(感染).2.(2020上海交大附中期中) Students were asked to design a recyclable electronic product that was simple for consumers (消费者).3.(2020山东济南检测) Its important to plan out goals that are within realistic (实际的) capabilities.4. Ill take these two skirts. Please wrap (包裹) them up for me.5. With time going by, the transportation (交通) is getting more and more convenient in our country.66. These chairs are covered with too much dirt (灰尘).7.(2020天津一中月考) Most of us are aware (意识到) that we must take care of the environment, and the majority of us have taken steps to save energy and reduce waste and pollution.8. Today, her paintings are in the top museum collections (收藏品) in the world.9. Many foreigners are used to using chopsticks (筷子)when they are in China.10. Shopping is fun, but buying things you dont need is wasteful (浪费的) and even bad for the Earth.二、语法填空。在空白处填入二、语法填空。在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。1. Rachel Carsons popular book Silent Spring raised awareness (aware) of the dangers of pollution and the harmful effects of chemicals on humans.2. When visiting another country, you should be aware of those differences and respect them.3. Get in touch with them as soon as possible, for they are anxious for the news of your arrival.4.(2020黑龙江哈工大附中期中) The national park has a large collection of wildlife, ranging from butterflies to elephants.5. Cloth bags are reusable (reuse), so they are environmentally friendly.综合练能力提升建议时间:综合练能力提升建议时间:12 分钟分钟一、阅读理解一、阅读理解What makes one a great person? The legendary volleyball coach Lang Ping gave the answer in the recent documentary The Iron Hammer,
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